support-unit-blog · 7 years
🎖- Does your muse enjoy praise?
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    Absolutely.  It is imperative for growth purposes, given that Androids wield a superior complexity to machines.  Praise will not only boost his fidelity to the cause of Yorha, it will also boost his parameters & morale all alike.  In other words, feed his ego and you are not only supporting his status, but also building a very quick rapport (friendship) with the robot boy.  
     Throughout the game, 9S is very receptive when being acknowledged or praised, partially boosting his sense of value.  So yes, praise 9S — save a life.
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support-unit-blog · 7 years
🐰- Does your muse prefer soft, plush textures or smooth and glossy textures?
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    I’d vouch for plushies, soft textures, anything tingling for the skin.  There is quite a good explanation for the preference, mostly variating due to the android’s birthplace.  The bunker’s materials consist primarily of materials which are either smooth, rough or glossy — nothing soft.  Bed sheets aren’t precisely soft like plushies, or the pillows — they can’t afford the use of feathers from avians.  Majority of the lifeforms on Earth have already come to either extinction or slowly paced re-population
    So yes, give 9S a plushie, and you’ll find him entranced with it. But between you and I, with his complexity?  Those plushies would be held and touched when no one is looking, after all, he was made as an image of someone who is of the best quality. Plushies would just ruin his style and all, make others not take him seriously and mostly as a child.  
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support-unit-blog · 7 years
🔖- Is your muse a daydreamer? What do they tend to think about? Have they ever caught themselves while lost in thought?
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Does it come as a surprise? Yes, 9S is a dreamer --- whenever he believes it or not.  Frequency of it happening isn’t high, itactually occurs when a new discovery has been made.  New objects or text files, it jogs hisdatabase quite harshly, causing him to have similar symptoms to those of humanswho day-dream.  
Archaeology & new bugs provoke his curiosity to keep himawake during the night, spite automatons not needing rest.  Some question as to why he escapes somemaintenance sessions, they aren’t purposely made but only because curiosity gets thebetter of him.  Due to being a high-endmodel, those in charge of monitoring every android cannot pierce into hisinformation --- because they’d get a great surprise at that.
In conclusion, new buildings, new bugs, new lifeforms.  Anything that causes him to get stunned inawe, he will daydream about it for a while.
PS:  Don’t tellanyone, but he day-dreams about the well being of 2B very often too.
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support-unit-blog · 7 years
Unusual questions for your muse
🛌- Does your muse prefer to sleep under many layers of blankets or only under a few? 🎀- Does your muse like to accessorize? What are their favorite pieces of accessories? 🎐- Does your muse like to collect/hoard anything? 🛋- Does your muse like to have company over? 📱- Is your muse the “oversharing” type? 🐰- Does your muse prefer soft, plush textures or smooth and glossy textures? 💎- Is your muse drawn to things that sparkle? 🔖- Is your muse a daydreamer? What do they tend to think about? Have they ever caught themselves while lost in thought? 📰- Does your muse like to read the news? 📇- Is your muse a gossiper? 🕹- What does your muse do to occupy themselves when bored? 🏚- Does your muse like to explore dangerous places? 🌋- Has your muse done something stupid and not regret it? ⛪️- Does your muse enjoy attending churches they don’t belong to? 🛣- Is your muse considered a wanderer? 🐺- Would your muse consider themselves a lone wolf or a social butterfly? 🤝- Does your muse forgive others easily? 🖖- What “Fandoms” would your muse belong to? 🎖- Does your muse enjoy praise? 🎟- Do they like “so bad it’s good” movies? 🎠- Does your muse like amusement parks/carnivals/festivals? 🏝- Could your muse survive on an uninhabited island all by themselves?
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support-unit-blog · 7 years
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◤⁜◢ Glimmering without equal rivalry, high above where no hand could blemish their light; stars.  Surreal was their appearance, constellations so carefully planted on a distance too far to reach, our automaton was lost in awe.  From Earth’s crusty skin, he peered ceaselessly into the endless scroll of darkness, counting & theoretically creating constellations with his mind.  
        The formations were endless, and thus at the top of a roof he’d remained the same; seated. If only the rest of reality could be as beautifully interesting as this,  at least it beat hacking robots and making them pit fight . . . or maybe not. 9S’s fabricated lips curled at their tails, a sincere simper filled with false hope and grand hopeful dreams.
                    He waited, patiently, for a miracle to make it all change for the better.
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support-unit-blog · 7 years
throws rocket at u
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◤⁜◢Hacks it and sends it back to whomever sent it, knowing it would explode right on target.
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support-unit-blog · 7 years
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◤⁜◢ It’s almost as if God spilled a carrier with orange juice, you know? Mixed amidst a sea of lavender, filled with streaks of fuchsia; that heavenly sky was beautiful.  Thankfully for him, our automaton had lounged for approximately an hour inside the comfort of an archaic carousel seat.  
        Machine lifeforms stuck beneath the hovering spacecraft granted him peace, a luxury not permitted for those in charge of saving mankind.  Well, it’s not like mankind was going to leave the moon any time soon, just an hour more sitting there to admire a dying solar ball wouldn’t hurt.  ‘’ Wow, pity I can’t record it.  The commander is such a pain, at least I can see it and maybe stash away in a secure database. ‘’
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support-unit-blog · 7 years
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◤⁜◢   Climate temperature had been declining as of late, unstable; simply unpredictable.  Long walk on desert hills weren’t aiding him either, side-effects were surfacing.  Our automaton subconsciously sighed, the sight of error screens brought imminent dread.  The filter was clogged up, how on Earth would he acquire one in a short span of time?  Outlines of his vanished upon entering a rundown building, at least strong winds wouldn’t pester him as much.           ‘’  Ah man, can this get any worse?  Wish 2B were here, she probably would know what to do. ‘’   And just at the utterance of a name so sacred, his personal assistant hovered above his head line.  A quick suggestion was made, alternating a means of salvaging a filter which could temporarily act as a substitute. ‘’  Why the hell didn’t you mention it before?  So all I got to do is dig on that site . . . man, what a pain. ‘
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support-unit-blog · 7 years
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◤⁜◢  Alien inscriptions carved on debris, situated deep inside ruins; archaic human relics.  Faded sentences spiraled continuously in a strange circle, but with sufficient patience and thorough scanning --- it spoke of the value of families.  Our automaton heard a certain someone giving him an ear full, explaining how mankind remained in packs, cooped up in cubes of cement.  Arms crossed, he was lost in time whilst deciphering the remaining segments of the message, perhaps the bunker would find a means of using this.   
                                         Humans . . . they sure were strange.
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support-unit-blog · 7 years
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◤⁜◢  No doubt, our robot boy was thrilled at the sight of mutated lady bugs.  Their ink spots were shining with a tint of emerald, and strong shine at that.  Another discovery going into his index and database, and no one was going to stop it.
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support-unit-blog · 7 years
Take a step back, breathe in and out. Do you feel any different?
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◤⁜◢ Odd, wheredid such command originate from? An ulterior voice, branching from an unknownsource.  Compelled to execute such order,our automaton retraced a step backwards, whilst the rib cage of steel expanded& contracted all the same.  Did thismake it better?  No, not at all.  Nothing had changed, problems existing were relativelythe same —- what was the purpose of this pointless exercise?  Our droid scratched the posterior of hisscalp, almost at a loss for words to be frank. 
     ‘’  Eh, okay? Why did I follow those orders? Even more interesting, who said that? Strange … I can’t figure out any traces of it.  Wait … a ghost? !  Mankind spoke of them in their articles. ‘’  Oh boy, he could now feel that syntheticjolt, an equivalent to adrenaline pumping him up.  
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support-unit-blog · 7 years
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◤⁜◢ A day alike any other, filled with nothingness, and that nothingness was filled by him.  Our automaton took ease to drop from a rooftop’s ledge, landing on a patch of crispy laser sharp grass.  It took decades for nature to flourish, guess the planet already had its hands full, instead of looking after a teen such as himself.  
         He’d like to believe that his kind was more than bolts and screws, silly circuitry and commands followed by hashtags.  Initiative steps formed a locomotion, a short-lived march until his outlines stood aside a bizarre branch.  It protruded from a shattered edifice, its robust skin shimmering as if lighten by fireflies.  Man, this was amazingly pretty --- he couldn’t stop gawking at it like a moron.  
        ‘’ Guess it’s just me and you today, yeah, I guessed as much. I wonder what makes you shine like that though, huh, what’s my wish?  Pfft, I’d plant a mouth on you so we could talk for awhile. ‘’  He laughed, yet, who heard that laughter in the prolonged eco?
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support-unit-blog · 7 years
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--- “ Unit 9S, I am Leah Faryn, we’ll be working together for a bit here. “
◤⁜◢ Those words were spoken in a docile temperament, sweetly coated in an alienating context that he couldn’t wholly comprehend.  Eyes akin to a tempest swiveled beneath the embrace of cloth, scrutinizing ceaselessly every outlines and orifice on her existence; she was smiling.  Milliseconds transpired and already his database discovered relevant articles & information pools, her action carried no animosity and that alone? It was surprising, much more surprising than the white coats which serviced his anatomy into existence. Pain was a superficial tool and our automaton had already suffered sufficiently in silence, therefore this action was welcomed with open arms.
        Synthetic gloss glimmered above the surface of his lips, whose tails curled into a smile.  Mankind’s requirements and codes were vast, endless almost and 9S desired to unravel all the mysteries that fueled their bodies to behave as they did. ‘’ Leah huh, so we are working together.  Yeah, I figured since they instructed for me to wait here --- but pretty cool name. Sounds almost like a heroine from the articles I’ve read. ‘’ A sheepish response, whilst an anchoring arm elevated to grant a mutual greeting of palm shaking.  Her skin was soft, unblemished as if fresh marble --- beautiful too to a certain degree, but beauty was a fleeting sentiment that his circuitry couldn’t truly decipher.  Retrieving the palm whose extremities had intertwined with her own, our automaton stuck both of them inside the pockets of his shorts . . . imitating a teen’s youthful stance.
      ‘’ I’m not really allowed to say trivial stuff, but it’s kind of exciting. I’ve lived inside four walls for a dozen years, so going on a scouting mission with some --- ‘’   Abruptly cut, silence soon sunk in as if waiting for her to continue this journey.  There was no reason to display friendship or any signs of caring after all his purpose was to assure that no danger would befall her;  one mission together . . . how ‘ great ‘ before being stuck behind four walls again.  
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support-unit-blog · 7 years
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◤⁜◢ Bizarre, ‘’Boop’’ ? Was that a means of communication? Our automaton gazed in astonishment, baffled like a child peering intoan alien toy.  Perhaps, just perhaps heshould attempt to reciprocate ?  ‘’  Ehm … beep? ‘’  Blast it, he just had to make myself looklike an absolute idiot in this stranger’s eyes.
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support-unit-blog · 7 years
Can I.... give you a big hug?
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◤⁜◢  “  Sorry, but no thanks.  I mean, do I even know you?  No offence. “ 
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support-unit-blog · 7 years
9S? You're alive?
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◤⁜◢ “ Uh… Yes?  Do I look like I’m not functioning to you? ‘’
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support-unit-blog · 7 years
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ooc :  Funny as it may sound, I can see 9S as a rebellious child if he had parents.  That thirst for knowledge would have him go on small journeys, up the hills and nature.  A backpack filled with all the essentials, plus a small friend lying to his parents by saying they would have a sleep over. 
Funny enough, he’d go as far as sneaking out at night time. Open the window, go unto the roof under the window ledge, prop down and make a quiet run for it.  
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