supportirancampaign · 6 months
Support our worldwide campgyn to free Iran
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supportirancampaign · 7 months
نگاهی به آثار هنرمند و آهنگساز برجسته میهن و مقاومت ،آندرانیک
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supportirancampaign · 9 months
دادگاه مردم ایران در کنار خیابان و جنب دادگاه دژخیم حمید نوری ـ ۲۸آذر۱۴۰۲ from SIMAY AZADI TV on Vimeo.
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supportirancampaign · 9 months
صدور حکم حبس ابد در دادگاه استیناف دژخیم حمید نوری یک پیروزی برای مردم ایران ـ ۲۸آذر۱۴۰۲ from SIMAY AZADI TV on Vimeo.
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supportirancampaign · 10 months
Support our worldwide campaign to free Iran
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Remember the history
Conspiracy with the anti-human mullahs who killed Mujahedeen
#Western Powers & #Biden shame on you
Stop appeasing & negotiate with #Terrorist Mullah of #Iran
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The On June 28, 1362, ten Baha'i women were executed in Shiraz. They were told that you have four sessions to become a Muslim and then be released. Most of them were less than 30 years old, and the youngest of them, 16-year-old Mena Mahmoudnejad, was executed while her father was also hanged three months ago. Before being arrested, Mena had written in an essay: Why are my co-religionists kidnapped from their homes in my country? Are they taken to mosques at night and in pajamas and are whipped? Why are their houses looted and set on fire? Because of the blessing of freedom that Islam has brought? Why am I not free to express my opinions in this society?
Akhtar Thabit (25 years old), Roya Eshraghi (23 years old), Simin Saberi (24 years old), Mahshid Niromand (28 years old), Zarin Moghimi (29 years old), Shirin Dalvand (27 years old), Tahereh Arjamand (30 years old), Nusrat Ghofrani (Yaldai) (56 years old), Ezzat Eshraghi (Janmi) (58 years old) are other Baha'is who were executed along with Mena. Each of them was forced to witness the hanging of their fellow prisoners until the last moment, so that they would return from their religion before it was their turn. Their bodies were never handed over to their families
FreeIran2023 #rising_to_overthrow #not_the_shah_not_the_sheikh
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I don't know if the fake opposition is more upset that they are being exposed or Khamenei's dog is the antichrist???!!! I put Mandela's interview in this video for you, so if someone talks about peace in the style of #Nelson_Mandela, hit him in the mouth so hard that his speech will be blinded forever… Jaksha made fun of people's blood
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Those who are pretending to be Non-violence ,sinecures &colonialist rule and. . . listen:
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Sky News Question: Ms. Rajavi, what is your plan for Iran tomorrow? Let's hear the answer from Mrs. Rajavi. #FreeIran2023 #FreeIran10PointPlan #Eri_to_a_democratic_republic #No_Shah_No_Sheikh
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All hypocrite liers, listen carefully to words of #Mandela, who falsely presented a model of non-violent struggle for lifetime who did not abandon weapons &violence against the regime until apartheid regime was overthrown! May the birthday of #Majidreza symbol of Iran, be blessed
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A large demonstration of freedom-loving Iranians in Paris for a democratic Iran on Saturday, July 10 - 1300 Paris time
Free Iran
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Jamshid Peyman: Do you accept the twelve Shia imams? I said: No! What about Ali &mohamad prophet? Qur'an,Allah No! He said: why are you with MEK? I said: This is a basic question! But your answer: "I am with the Mujahideen because they strive for freedom &human rights" "I am with the Mujahideen because they are fighting against the anti-freedom system of the Islamic Republic" "I am with the Mujahideen because they sacrifice their lives to restore the human rights of the Iranian people." "I am with the Mujahideen because they don't drive me away because I don't accept God, the Prophet, and their imams." "I am with the Mujahideen because in the fight against the mullahs' regime, they neither attack left nor right nor weaken" "I am with the Mujahideen because they are honest in their fight against the Islamic Republic, and I have seen nothing but honesty from them." "I am with the Mujahideen because they did not make their struggle conditional on the reward after victory" "I am with the Mujahideen because their Islam (the Islam they define) is in line with the standards of human rights." "I am with Mujahideen because they don't fight for their religion and they don't give themselves an advantage because of their religion" burden I am with the Mujahideen and I will stay with them as long as they are like this and I will stay strong and firm! I am with Mujahideen and I have no insistence and I do not invite you to join them. Umami say: Think about my words! September 9, 2022 · جمشید پیمان:‌ به گفته‌های من بیاندیش! گفت: دوازده امام شیعیان را قبول داری؟ گفتم: نه! گفت: علی وکردارش را چطور؟ قبول داری؟ گفتم: نه! گفت:اصحاب پیغمبر اسلام را قبول داری؟ گفتم : نه! گفت: خود محمد را چطور؟ او را هم قبول نداری؟ گفتم: او را هم قبول ندارم! گفت: قرآن چی؟ قرآن را که قبول داری؟ گفتم: قرآن را هم قبول ندارم و خیالت را راحت کنم؛ الله را هم قبول ندارم! گفت : با این حساب تو چرا همراه مجاهدینی؟ گفتم: این شد پرسش حسابی و اساسی ! امّا پاسخت : "همراهِ مجاهدینم زیرا برای آزادی و حقوق بشر می کوشند" " همراه مجاهدینم زیرا با نظام ضد آزادی جمهوری اسلامی پیکار می کنند" " همراهِ مجاهدینم زیرا برای اعاده حقوق انسانی مردم ایران ، از جانشان مایه می گذارند" "همراهِ مجاهدینم زیرا مرا از خودشان نمی رانند چون خدا و پیغمبر و امامانشان را قبول ندارم" " همراه مجاهدینم زیرا در مبارزه با رژیم آخوندی نه چپ و راست می زنند و نه سست می شوند" "همراه مجاهدینم زیرا در مبارزه شان با جمهوری اسلامی صادق‌اند و من جز صداقت از آنها ندیده‌ام" "همراهِ مجاهدینم زیرا مبارزه شان را مشروط به پاداش پس از پیروزی نکرده‌اند" " همراه مجاهدینم زیرا مسلمانی شان (اسلامی را که تعریف می کنند) با موازین حقوق بشری منطبق است" "همراه مجاهدینم زیرا برای دین‌شان نمی جنگند و به خودشان به اعتبار دینشان مزیتی نمی بخشند" باری؛ همراهِ مجاهدینم و تا هنگامی که چنین‌اند با آنها می مانم و محکم و استوار هم می مانم! همراه مجاهدینم و اصراری ندارم و اصلا تو را هم دعوت نمی کنم به آنها بپیوندی. امّامی‌گویم: به گفته های من بیاندیش!
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Jamshid Peyman: Do you accept the twelve Shia imams? I said: No! What about Ali &mohamad prophet? Qur'an,Allah No! He said: why are you with MEK? I said: This is a basic question! But your answer: "I am with the Mujahideen because they strive for freedom &human rights" "I am with the Mujahideen because they are fighting against the anti-freedom system of the Islamic Republic" "I am with the Mujahideen because they sacrifice their lives to restore the human rights of the Iranian people." "I am with the Mujahideen because they don't drive me away because I don't accept God, the Prophet, and their imams." "I am with the Mujahideen because in the fight against the mullahs' regime, they neither attack left nor right nor weaken" "I am with the Mujahideen because they are honest in their fight against the Islamic Republic, and I have seen nothing but honesty from them." "I am with the Mujahideen because they did not make their struggle conditional on the reward after victory" "I am with the Mujahideen because their Islam (the Islam they define) is in line with the standards of human rights." "I am with Mujahideen because they don't fight for their religion and they don't give themselves an advantage because of their religion" burden I am with the Mujahideen and I will stay with them as long as they are like this and I will stay strong and firm! I am with Mujahideen and I have no insistence and I do not invite you to join them. Umami say: Think about my words! September 9, 2022 · جمشید پیمان:‌ به گفته‌های من بیاندیش! گفت: دوازده امام شیعیان را قبول داری؟ گفتم: نه! گفت: علی وکردارش را چطور؟ قبول داری؟ گفتم: نه! گفت:اصحاب پیغمبر اسلام را قبول داری؟ گفتم : نه! گفت: خود محمد را چطور؟ او را هم قبول نداری؟ گفتم: او را هم قبول ندارم! گفت: قرآن چی؟ قرآن را که قبول داری؟ گفتم: قرآن را هم قبول ندارم و خیالت را راحت کنم؛ الله را هم قبول ندارم! گفت : با این حساب تو چرا همراه مجاهدینی؟ گفتم: این شد پرسش حسابی و اساسی ! امّا پاسخت : "همراهِ مجاهدینم زیرا برای آزادی و حقوق بشر می کوشند" " همراه مجاهدینم زیرا با نظام ضد آزادی جمهوری اسلامی پیکار می کنند" " همراهِ مجاهدینم زیرا برای اعاده حقوق انسانی مردم ایران ، از جانشان مایه می گذارند" "همراهِ مجاهدینم زیرا مرا از خودشان نمی رانند چون خدا و پیغمبر و امامانشان را قبول ندارم" " همراه مجاهدینم زیرا در مبارزه با رژیم آخوندی نه چپ و راست می زنند و نه سست می شوند" "همراه مجاهدینم زیرا در مبارزه شان با جمهوری اسلامی صادق‌اند و من جز صداقت از آنها ندیده‌ام" "همراهِ مجاهدینم زیرا مبارزه شان را مشروط به پاداش پس از پیروزی نکرده‌اند" " همراه مجاهدینم زیرا مسلمانی شان (اسلامی را که تعریف می کنند) با موازین حقوق بشری منطبق است" "همراه مجاهدینم زیرا برای دین‌شان نمی جنگند و به خودشان به اعتبار دینشان مزیتی نمی بخشند" باری؛ همراهِ مجاهدینم و تا هنگامی که چنین‌اند با آنها می مانم و محکم و استوار هم می مانم! همراه مجاهدینم و اصراری ندارم و اصلا تو را هم دعوت نمی کنم به آنها بپیوندی. امّامی‌گویم: به گفته های من بیاندیش!
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Western Powers & #Biden should stop appeasing #Terrorist Mullah of #Iran
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