moving this blog elsewhere I’ll be back with the new url sometime soon
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i find it so funny that for basically the first 6 years of her career, taylor was the victim of countless jokes about the number of boys she dated, people would speculate that she was a heartbreaker, or that she was a slut, or that she was a bad girlfriend and that all the breakdowns in her romantic relationships were her own doing, or that she only dated boys to write songs about them, etc etc 
and everybody collectively decided that this was unfair and pretended that they’d never engaged in this behaviour, and now she’s publicly had a steady boyfriend for most of this year, so instead everyone has been reduced to overanalysing and picking apart her friendship group, and the suggestions are that all of her friends are fake and bitchy, or that they bully each other and bully outsiders, or that her group is super exclusive and she has rules about who can join, or that she orders them around and uses them for her image, or that they’re all secretly scared of her and just using her to leech off her power 
so basically… everyone is uncomfortable with taylor swift having any interaction whatsoever with other humans??? everyone is uncomfortable with taylor swift being happy and engaging in normal twenty-something behaviour???? everyone is uncomfortable with taylor swift trying to live her fucking life???
should we set a limit on the number of people all female celebrities are allowed to interact with just to be safe??? should we suggest that she has LESS friends? should we ask that she keeps her friendships to herself, because it’s so abnormal for a 25-year-old to post about her friends on social media??? like what’s the deal here i’m just trying to understand how all of this works and why people are so fascinated by the people taylor swift keeps in her company and why it’s become a spectator sport to reach across the continential united states to find something wrong with it
and also i don’t find it funny i find it exhausting and ridiculous and childish but whatever
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What is the idea behind Acing History?
Simply put: to blog about asexuality in history. I’m passionate about history, and I am asexual. Clearly, I need to combine these two.
Aces are already researching and talking about asexuality in history. Whether that’s discussions on our community history (video), small tidbits which seem to describe something like asexual people in 17th century Versailles or Ancient Greece, or lists of possible “asexual” people in the past, there is an interest in this subject. So, the need to understand our historical context is clearly not just my own. However, the discussions of asexuality in history are few and far in between, and most do not rest on any theoretical framework on how to approach studying asexuality in the past. I want to change this by documenting my own travels through Ace history: my thoughts on theoretical issues as well as some hands-on historical work. In addition, I want to collect things I’ve found on the Ace-ternet and in the library and share it here through masterposts and book reviews. Hopefully, that will give others starting points and inspiration for their own reading journeys.
Some things you can expect from me and this blog:
1) I will always list my sources – both academic and relating to discourse in the asexual community. This way, readers can check where I got my information and decide for themselves whether or not they think those sources are credible.
2) This blog tries to be as accessible as possible for everyone. Which means:
A. I’m trying to keep the language simple and understandable for the lay reader, and explain the historical context as clearly as possible.
B. Making the blog searchable through a coherent categorization of the posts.
C. Making the lay-out of this blog readable for people with disabilities.
D. Provide trigger warnings when necessary.
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why appreciate a young biracial bisexual woman making great music and speaking up about serious social issues, talking and writing about her struggles with mental illness, being an intersectional feminist, calling other people out on their shit and being wonderful to her fans when you can just keep trying to find the most bullshit reasons to paint her as problematic, am i right
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i found my new favorite twitter
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everyone, this is so important!! if u didn’t know already, kotex is giving out free samples of pads and/or tampons! and i mean for absolute free, all you have to do is go to their website and punch in your address & name and a few other things, no credit card required. there’s five sample packages that you can chose from, and each has different types of pads/tampons. even if u rly don’t need this, it’d be awesome if u reblogged it. there may be many ppl out there who are struggling to afford these products and could rly use this help. thanks!
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((I made another rp blog b/c I hate myself and really like fallout… I’ll make one of those cool self promo things later but if you wanna check it out now 
==> 21ofspades))
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((*rolls all over this blog and the floor* uuuuggghhh i’m so sorry about being inactive over here, it’s just so hard to juggle school and how little motivation I have. I’m hoping that I’ll be on here more in a couple weeks.
Also I started to go to a therapist and she hooked me up with a doctor that can put me on depression meds so I get started on ones prescribed to me by a doctor whose job it is to do that instead of my normal doctor who just got me onto some generic stuff at the lowest dose until I could get to a specialist, so I’m hoping that helps more.))
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…and Cats…
Photo via Imgur
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This girl (07F) is going home with thishaileysays. I’ll grab better pics this weekend!
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Girl with Curves
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Do me a favor. Reblog this if you welcome the use of ask memes as icebreakers between characters that have never, or rarely, interacted before.
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New blogpost featuring rue107 !
Check it out!
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Man Documents His Life As The Third Wheel For 3 Years In Awkward Selfies
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It’s like this…
You’re fourteen and you’re reading Larry Niven’s “The Protector” because it’s your father’s favorite book and you like your father and you think he has good taste and the creature on the cover of the book looks interesting and you want to know what it’s about. And in it the female character does something better than the male character - because she’s been doing it her whole life and he’s only just learned - and he gets mad that she’s better at it than him. And you don’t understand why he would be mad about that, because, logically, she’d be better at it than him. She’s done it more. And he’s got a picture of a woman painted on the inside of his spacesuit, like a pinup girl, and it bothers you.
But you’re fourteen and you don’t know how to put this into words.
And then you’re fifteen and you’re reading “Orphans of the Sky” because it’s by a famous sci-fi author and it’s about a lost generation ship and how cool is that?!? but the women on the ship aren’t given a name until they’re married and you spend more time wondering what people call those women up until their marriage than you do focusing on the rest of the story. Even though this tidbit of information has nothing to do with the plot line of the story and is only brought up once in passing.
But it’s a random thing to get worked up about in an otherwise all right book.
Then you’re sixteen and you read “Dune” because your brother gave it to you for Christmas and it’s one of those books you have to read to earn your geek card. You spend an entire afternoon arguing over who is the main character - Paul or Jessica. And the more you contend Jessica, the more he says Paul, and you can’t make him see how the real hero is her. And you love Chani cause she’s tough and good with a knife, but at the end of the day, her killing Paul’s challengers is just a way to degrade them because those weenies lost to a girl.
Then you’re seventeen and you don’t want to read “Stranger in a Strange Land” after the first seventy pages because something about it just leaves a bad taste in your mouth. All of this talk of water-brothers. You can’t even pin it down.
And then you’re eighteen and you’ve given up on classic sci-fi, but that doesn’t stop your brother or your father from trying to get you to read more.
Even when you bring them the books and bring them the passages and show them how the authors didn’t treat women like people.
Your brother says, “Well, that was because of the time it was written in.”
You get all worked up because these men couldn’t imagine a world in which women were equal, in which women were empowered and intelligent and literate and capable. 
You tell him - this, this is science fiction. This is all about imagining the world that could be and they couldn’t stand back long enough and dare to imagine how, not only technology would grow in time, but society would grow. 
But he blows you off because he can’t understand how it feels to be fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen and desperately wanting to like the books your father likes, because your father has good taste, and being unable to, because most of those books tell you that you’re not a full person in ways that are too subtle to put into words. It’s all cognitive dissonance: a little like a song played a bit out of tempo - enough that you recognize it’s off, but not enough to pin down what exactly is wrong.
And then one day you’re twenty-two and studying sociology and some kind teacher finally gives you the words to explain all those little feelings that built and penned around inside of you for years.
It’s like the world clicking into place. 
And that’s something your brother never had to struggle with.
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