suqarshaxx · 4 years
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suqarshaxx · 4 years
three am fics let’s gooooo
red text = shaxx talking
blue text = guardian(s) talking
— movements
six o’ clock. he’s late. again.
yeah i’ll see you there! *read 4:37 pm*
Today 6:15 pm
where are you?😠 *delivered*
just let me know when you get here i guess *delivered*
he always does this! he always says ‘sure we’ll go out drinking!’ and never follows through! i have to stop inviting him. well now you have no clue what to do. you could still go to the bar, but really...? by yourself? who wants to do that!? so you decided to call up a friend this time. “hey, i was thinking about heading over to the bar for a bit do you wanna come with me? what do you mean you’re hanging out with your boyfriend? screw him! come drink with me!” you tried your best to sound sad and even pouted, hoping your friend hear over the phone..they definitely heard right through it though. “fiiine lame asses go hang out. i’ll talk to you later. be safe” sadly, the conversation was short and your friend just simply laughed and gave you a no. i guess it’s time to head to the bar alone. you grabbed your wallet and keys and were off.
shaxx and a bunch of other guardians were crowding the bar. the place was extremely loud from all the guardians singing celebratory songs. must’ve meant a new group of guardians were ranking up in the competitive crucible. but that wasn’t gonna stop you from having a good night, it just meant your drinks would be longer. you made your way over to the bar while you ordered the Angels Aura. a mix of pink lemonade, blue raspberry syrup, vodka and club soda with this cool little sparkly powder they mix in. it’s not a popular drink for some reason but it’s delicious. while you were waiting for the drink, you figured you’d sneak up behind shaxx to congratulate him and the guardians. skill definitely plays a part in crucible but newer guardians don’t realize how much shaxx contributes to it too. so normally a lot of older crucible players like to congratulate shaxx as well because we’ve realized later on how much he helped.
you lightly tapped him on the shoulder to which he turned around. “Guardian!” his voice was incredibly happy and he seemed very energetic. you chuckled, “i just wanted to come over and congratulate you and another successful go around of guardians. i can’t wait to see how well they preform out there.” you gave a heartfelt smile. “thank you y/n, that truly means a lot to me. but it would mean more if you came and had a drink with us!” oh yeah, he had definitely had a few drinks before you got here. “shaxx i couldn’t, it’s not my celebration. plus i have my drink being made i gotta get to that.” “ohhh but it’s only one drink y/n! come on?” you just smiled and shook your head. “i simply can’t, thank you for the offer shaxx.” you ran your hand along his shoulder and arm and proceeded to walk away...that is until you heard a loud “HEY!” you didn’t think much of it until the voice spoke again and instead said “THE ONE WALKING AWAY” so you decided to turn around and walk towards the man shouting. “can i help you guardian?” “yeah you can. no one denies shaxx in my presence.” oh my god...he’s joking right? “i’m sorry? and you are?” “i am Fabled II Amir Wyante and this my group’s celebration party. if you’re not here for us then you can get out.” this guy HAS to be wasted. you just looked over at shaxx with a ‘is this guy really fucking serious?’ look on your face. you shook your head and laughed. “get lost rookie.” you walked away once again to go check up on your drink. the guy called for you again and you simply ignored it.
you got to the bar to where your drink was handed to you. as you thanked the bartender the same guy shouting his ‘title’ came up to you. “didn’t i tell you to get lost?” “i wanna challenge you to a arm wrestling competition. like the good old days of crucible.” he said with the stupidest smirk on his face. this guardian is trying to tell you about the “old days” like you weren’t apart of it. you sighed, “fine. under one condition. if you win, i’ll celebrate your amazing title. but if i win, you pay for my tab tonight.” you say as you sipped your drink. “it’s a deal.” poor guy doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into. “ok put your arm up” “wait..right here?” “yes right here now put your arm up on the counter” you both got into position. “on three we go.” “yeah ok let’s go i want my drink.” “3....2....1....GO!” you instantly dropped his hand and just looked at the bartender and said “my tabs on him for tonight.” and proceeded to walk away. you walked back over to shaxx where you continued to sip on your drink.
“shaxx! what the hell are they?!” the guardian came back all bratty and pissy. “what rank even are you?” “legend rookie. now piss off.” he just gave you a disgusted look and walked off. “you could’ve been easier on him. it is his celebratory night.” “yet here i thought arrogance wasn’t tolerated in the crucible?” you smiled over to shaxx. “it’s not but only your group ever listened.” you two watched as all the guardians shouted and danced. you lightly placed your head to the side of shaxx’s chest. “your group will be the only crucible group to go down as the one true crucible masters.” now you couldn’t help but blush. “thank you shaxx, and congratulations, to another unique crucible group.” you clinked your drinks together and drank.
that’s the great thing about shaxx and how he runs the crucible. every group of guardians is never the same, meaning they shall all go down in history.
hi hi a/n: i felt like doing a cute little crucible story but i just quickly want to say if you’re new to crucible or in the fabled rank this isn’t a callout post to u at all 🥺🥺🥺 it was a simple rank i chose that i feel most standard players reside at (if u aren’t there dw ur all good don’t stress) i don’t think all new crucible guardians are arrogant asses or that the older/more experienced guardians are better! it’s more of a little message that every group will be completely different so no one can truly be better because it’d be unfair to compare guardians one by one with different play styles. i hope u enjoy this reading and tysm for the support on my last one 🥺🥺🥺
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suqarshaxx · 4 years
a shaxx mini story cause i’m love h*rny
red text = shaxx talking :>
— exhaustion
“i understand zavala, and i’ll follow your orders but i seriously think we need to think of taking a stealthier approach. send me and two other highly skilled stealth guardians and we’ll get it done.” zavala looked at you like you were stupid. “i’m not sending only three guardians in with no true insight of the ship layout. i’ll bring up your idea with the vanguard but that could take more weeks. we have no idea what we’re up against and i want to know before i go sending three of my most skilled guardians into a blind zone.” *sigh* you’re too tired for this. “you have a point sir. i’ll let you get back to your work.” you left zavala’s office with your head up...until you heard the office doors close. “finally” you sigh, letting your head fall. see, life has gotten a lot more frustrating and exhausting. since cayde died you’ve been incredibly lonely. it was hard accepting he was really gone.
you picked up other activities to get away from it. crucible was the one to take up most of your time, and, it was a positive. you were becoming closer to shaxx and it had probably been the first week in awhile you hadn’t felt completely lonely. he was great at distracting you from what happened. as you were making your way up the stairs you stopped by banshee’s setup to talk for a bit. unluckily, a lot of guardians were also there so that meant no banshee time. but, its not the end of the world. you kept walking and gave master rahool a polite greeting as you past by. you start making your way towards shaxx when you see he was talking to another guardian. by the looks of shaxx’s body language, he seemed to be trying to explain something to the young one. you respect shaxx and his students so you just stood off to the side waiting.
he notices you and quickly dismisses the other guardian. you start walking over towards him while shaking your head and smiling. “shaxx you didn’t have to send that guardian off i was fine wai-“ shaxx cut you off swiftly. “guardian? what are you doing here?” his voice sounding concerned. “what are you talking about?” i wanted to see you, and what bounties you’re offering.” your look went from happy to puzzled very quickly. “y/n...” shaxx lightly grabs your arm to pull you off to the side. “how long has it been?” this is starting to get odd. “shaxx what are you talking about?” what’s his deal? “have you seen your eyes y/n? they’re hollow black. you can tell you haven’t been sleeping. so, how long has it been since you actually slept?” you sigh. someone had to say something. someone always, has to say something. “shaxx, im alright. ikora asked me to help out with some extra paperwork a few days ago and it was a lot so i just stayed up for a couple of days and haven’t had the option to rest yet. it’s only my third day and trust me i plan on sleeping tonight.” you said with a faint smile. “you haven’t spoken to her in weeks. you even told me that.” now it’s awkward. shaxx crossed his arms, “you can’t lie to me about this. now please, let me take you home so you can rest.” his voice was so sad and soft. “the last thing i’d need is for you to get hurt in crucible fights because you cant stand up right.” he lightly said under his breath. as much as you hated it, he was right. what good are you to anyone if you can barely function? “okay, i promise i’ll rest but don’t feel the need to walk me home. i know i’m a bit wobbly but if you have work to do, i’m not gonna keep you from it. i can still walk myself home.” “not a chance, i wanna make sure you actually fall asleep.” you could tell he really cared about you. “just give me a few moments to gather my things.”
the walk was very silent but wasn’t ever awkward. the exhaustion was always with you but knowing you grew closer and closer to a bed made that tired feeling way worse. as you and shaxx were walking you held hands. sorta-ish? you held onto two of his fingers. the index and middle one. shaxx didn’t seem to mind it and neither did you so no one said anything about it.
as the two of you approached your home you started getting tense. sure everyone could tell you weren’t sleeping but no one knew you weren’t even staying in your own home. those damn memories of cayde flood your head every time you’re inside. truthfully, it was scary. never knowing if it’s going to be a happy memory or him taking his final breaths terrifies you. obviously to the point where you can’t even sleep in your own home. shaxx could tell you were tense considering once you got closer and closer, you didn’t realize but you were tightly gripping his fingers now. “guardian? are you alright?” you couldn’t shift your gaze from the home but still replied. “yes i’m alright, thank you for bringing me home.” a minute of silence passed before you broke it and looked over at shaxx. “if you’d like you can come in, grab a drink rest for a few minutes and then get back to the crucible.” “ah i finally get to see how one of my best players lives?” you know he said that with a smirk across his face. you couldn’t help but chuckle a bit.
you two entered your house and you offered to make some tea, which shaxx politely declined. he wanted the tea but you could tell he wanted you to rest more. “is there anything i can do to make you more comfortable? you’ve seemed very tense since we’ve got here.” should you tell him? should you not tell him? you’ve always kept to yourself but it’s like be makes it impossible for you not to share. he feels like the only one you don’t have to lie to. “shaxx, i have to be honest. the last time i slept was here, and the last time i’ve been here was almost a month ago.” you couldn’t directly look him in the eyes but could feel him looking down at you. “why didn’t you say anything sooner?” pride i guess... “i’m not sure, i thought maybe i could handle myself but i just ended up running away from it.” a singular sigh left shaxx’s mouth. “alright then, come on.” you were confused. “what do you mean? come where?” “your mattress y/n. you obviously are having trouble sleeping because of your nightmares, and i’m sure not having someone here either to comfort you isn’t helpful. so i’ll stay with you for the rest of the day that way if you do have a nightmare, you have someone to help you.” wow.. “shaxx, that’s incredibly nice and i truly appreciate it but i couldn’t ask you to do that. you still have the crucible to run and bounties to sell and guardians to teach and-“ shaxx cut you off before you continued to ramble on. “it’s alright, ive already worked things out to take the rest of the day off. the crucible can wait guardian, you can’t.” “are you sure?” “i’m positive, now! you must go rest!” he said in his “crucible” voice. you couldn’t help but giggle. as different as it was, shaxx did make you feel less lonely. maybe it’s time to accept that while cayde might be gone physically, it doesn’t mean you have to stop cherishing him through memories. maybe it’s a new path forward. “thank you shaxx, i greatly appreciate it.” you gave him a hug and asked if he needed anything else before going to bed. he simply shook his head and made a resting gesture. you smiled and went to your bedroom. you couldn’t deny that you felt very nervous but you just trusted your gut that if anything happened shaxx would be there, and hopefully, he’d still be there when you awoke.
ok hi so uhh a/n i did NOT expect to write this long and much so yeah! i hope you enjoy and this is my first time *publicly* writing and posting a fic so i hope you enjoy :>
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