surrogacyegg-blog · 6 years
Blastocyst Transfer for Infertility Treatment | Fertility Centre
Blastocyst Transfer Generally, while doing embryos transfer, Day2 to Day3 embryos are placed in female partner uterus and this is a procedure followed by most of the fertility clinics.
However, blastocyst embryos transfer is a process in which embryo transfer is done on Day5 to Day6 after fertilization, by which time it has reached about 120-150 cells stage and known as blastocyst.
Although there is not much difference in success rate from Day2 transfers, however, a blastocyst can significantly reduce the chances of multiple births as only 1 or 2 good looking embryos, which have survived till Day5 in artificial condition are chosen and transferred. Nowadays most of the fertility clinics offer IVF with blastocyst transfer.
Our partner IVF Clinics have best of technology and success rate and are only prefer to do blastocyst transfer to optimize the success rate.  Are you looking for affordable yet highest success rate driven IVF treatment?  Contact us today and we will be happy to be part of your parenthood journey.
Know More...Blastocyst Transfer for Infertility Treatment | Fertility Centre
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surrogacyegg-blog · 6 years
                                            Frozen Embryos Transfer
Frozen embryo transfer (EFT) is a process in which frozen embryos are transferred to the uterus of the female partner, rather than fresh embryos.
This process can be useful when the couple is using donated embryos or if they have good quality frozen embryos left after an in vitro fertilization cycle with fresh embryos transfer. With the development of latest technology, it is possible to freeze and store good quality embryos at day 3 or blastocyst-stage with various freezing techniques.
Nowadays embryos are frozen using a vitrification technique, this process involves rapid freezing to prevent any ice crystals forming in the cells of the embryo. The faster the freezing process, the more likely it is that a frozen embryo transfer will result in a successful pregnancy.
Once embryos are frozen, it can be stored for many years. Although the chances of pregnancy are lower with frozen embryo transfer, the data is open to interpretation. When high-quality embryos are compared, there seems to be no difference in the likelihood of getting pregnancy whether you have fresh or frozen embryo transfer.
If you are looking for a frozen embryos transfer- donated one or your own, we will be happy to help you.  Please feel free if you have any questions.
Know More...Frozen Embryos Transfer - IVF Conceptions
Visit Web...Surrogacy Egg Donation Agency Georgia Ukraine Mexico USA Laos
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surrogacyegg-blog · 6 years
                    DONOR SURROGACY - IVF Conceptions
Egg Donation Surrogacy Egg donation is the process by which a woman (known as an egg donor) provides one or several (usually 10-15) eggs (oocytes) for purposes of assisted reproduction Technique. These embryos resulting from egg donation and semen sample from Intended Father are placed in surrogate mother uterus, in hope of implantation, is known as Egg Donor Surrogacy.
Egg donation is required in the situations, where a woman is unable to conceive due to poor egg reservoir, advanced age, and subsequent fall in egg numbers and fertility. Egg donation is also a good option for the couple who want to rule out any genetic defect or X-chromosome associated disorder.
Egg donation IVF is recommended to elderly women who had repeated failed IVF cycles due to age-related issues or unknown reasons. For gay couples, egg donation with surrogacy is the only option.
Wish to have an egg donor surrogacy program?  Feel free to contact us as we have very trusted and cost-effective options available and will be happy to discuss with you.
Know More about...DONOR SURROGACY - IVF Conceptions
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surrogacyegg-blog · 6 years
                                        SURROGACY SERVICES
Surrogacy Services Surrogacy is an arrangement between a woman to carry and deliver a baby/babies for another individual or couple who are unable to conceive due to missing or abnormal uterus, had multiple failed in-vitro fertilization, and had multiple pregnancy losses or due to unexplained medical conditions. There are different types of surrogacy arrangments.
Gestational Surrogacy In this case, a surrogate is only carrier of baby but has no genetic link with the baby.  Here, gametes of both biological parents are used for fertilization and resulting embryos are placed in the uterus of the surrogate mother. In this case, sperm or egg donors can be used at least for one partner. Gestational surrogacy is widely used and accepted among the Intended parent as they feel secure and more in control of the surrogacy and pregnancy. This is due to the fact that they are genetically link with the baby.
Traditional Surrogacy This is an arrangement where surrogate mother is genetically link with the baby, meaning, her gametes are used for fertilization.  This sort of arrangement is banned in most countries.  It can be a difficult enterprise for the surrogate mother as she is not only a carrier of the baby but genetically link as well.  It might make it difficult for her to give away the baby to another couple and can be emotionally difficult for her.
Altruistic Surrogacy In this surrogacy arrangement, the surrogate mother received no financial benefit for her pregnancy. Although, she is eligbile to get expenses related to pregnancy care medical expense, clothing allowance and work off allowance.
Commercial Surrogacy This is a form of agreement in which a gestational carrier is paid to carry the child full term in her womb. This kind of arrangement is legal in many countries.
We have served many Intended Parents all over the world and help them realize their dream of parenthood. Our years of experience in field of surrogacy and egg donation definitely help us to offer you very best in the industry.
Got any questions?  feel free to write to us and we will be happy to help!
Know More...SURROGACY SERVICES - IVF Conceptions
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surrogacyegg-blog · 6 years
                                    IVF / IVF-ICSI
IVF-In Vitro Fertilization Infertility is the inability of a couple to become pregnant even after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse using no birth control methods. IVF is a form of assisted reproductive technology (ART), which gives infertile couple chance to have a biological child of their own.  In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) involves mixing of woman’s eggs and male’s sperms under an artificial condition the in a laboratory and then transferring resulted embryos to woman’s uterus. Other associated technique like Assisted Hatching (AH) and Embryoscope are also used in conjugation with IVF to provide better outcome as per specific couple requirement. The patients with following conditions will be indicated for IVF.
Male Factor Infertility Absent or Damaged Fallopian Tubes Endometriosis Unexplained Infertility Recurrent Intrauterine Insemination Failure Tubal and Pelvic Adhesions Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) IVF-ICSI Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection, or ICSI, is a technique in which a single live sperm is injected into the center of a single human egg. This technique is developed to help achieve fertilization for couples with severe male factor infertility or couples who have had a failure to fertilize in a previous in vitro fertilization attempt. IVF-ICSI could be one of the best options for the couple struggling with male factor infertility, which includes low sperm count, low number of live sperms, or sperm motility and morphology issues. ICSI is also used to increase the success rate for unexplained infertility. Generally, the fertilization rates with ICSI are 75%, which is same as fertilization with a normal semen sample. The success rate of IVF and IVF with ICSI is same; however, the current medical community believes that with ICSI success rate is better, may be due to a higher number of fertilized embryos it yields, making it more popular among the fertility experts.
know more about...IVF / IVF-ICSI - IVF Conceptions
visit web...Surrogacy Egg Donation Agency Georgia Ukraine Mexico USA Laos
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surrogacyegg-blog · 6 years
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                                         Low Cost IVF - IVF Conceptions
IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) treatment is one of the most important discoveries in human history which unconditionally changed the way infertility treatment across the globe. As IVF is a relatively costly treatment with no 100% guarantee of the successful outcome in the first attempt. It is our aim to look out for cost effective and affordable IVF treatment for all the couples around the world.
To fulfill this aim, we are continuously striving to look out for low-cost IVF Clinic in India and internationally. We are glad to inform that doors of low-cost IVF Treatment are available now. We provide excellent opportunities to our infertile couples to still follow their dream of parenthood with our low-cost IVF treatment in New Delhi without compromising the quality and successful outcome. We offer one of the most exclusive IVF treatment in New Delhi with best of the medical team and international feel that has revolutionized the way infertility treatment is perceived.
The cost of IF Treatment in India is about 50% to 70% less in India as compare to western fertility clinics in the USA or European countries. This does not mean that quality of services is not good or success rate is not good. The reason for the lower fee is due to the availability of large good clinics with elite fertility experts and overall less cost for infrastructure and staff of the clinic.
The cost of IVF-in India varies from 2000 USD to 3000 USD and cost of stimulation injection is separate. The stimulation injections cost is around 1000 USD to 1500 USD. Please see below inclusion and exclusions for affordable IVF Package.
The package includes:
Consultation Fee, Operation theater, IVF/ICSI, Hormonal medications, blood tests, egg retrieval procedure and embryo transfer procedure. Follicular monitoring- Scans and blood tests to check hormones. Doctors, Surgeons, Anesthesiologists, Physiotherapists fees. Hormonal Medicines Injections for follicle stimulation Standard tests and diagnostics prior to the procedure. In case Intended Parents need egg donor- we will be providing you egg donor profiles as per your specific requirement. We can offer Asian, Indian, Caucasian, African-American egg donors profiles for further assisting the treatment. Please feel free to contact us for your specific case, we will be assisting with travel requirement, visa assistance, local accommodation and coordination with the fertility clinic.
We haves successfully partnered with hundreds of couples to realize their dream of parenthood with our IVF Center in New Delhi. Year on year we deliver specialized IVF treatment in our IVF center in New Delhi and abroad with affordability. The IVF Clinics has a lot of expertise with diligent staff catering the need of infertile couples over the years with compassion and personal care. Our IVF clinics offer world class reputation with state of art amenities for local Indian and international infertile couples with low cost of IVF treatment in Delhi.
The cost of IVF is as low as $3000, all-inclusive package. Our all-inclusive IVF Package includes- IVF / ICSI consultations, ultrasounds, egg pick up, embryo transfer, day care stays IVF Clinic IVF drugs (Hormonal Injections) Professional Fees of fertility expert Logistic and local support before and during your treatment Legal assistance in term of visa application and medical visa.
Know More...Low Cost IVF - IVF Conceptions
Visit Web...Surrogacy Egg Donation Agency Georgia Ukraine Mexico USA Laos
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surrogacyegg-blog · 6 years
                                     IVF TREATMENT IN INDIA
With many new IVF/Fertility clinics are mushrooming all around India, it’s it is challenging task to choose a genuine and experience IVF clinic for treatment of infertility. What is worse is that most of IVF Clinics do not provide the desired result and success rate as promised in their website. Most of time Intended Parents feel cheated and not informed of the outcomes more clearly. Thus, loosing hope and trust in doctors and IVF Clinics and most importantly starting giving hope of having their own baby one day.
IVF Conception plays a very important role in letting the intended Parents knows about all the good option they have. It takes years of experience and in-depth knowledge of sector to find infertility specialists who are genuine and with good technical advantage and consistently provide best services to parents. Our focus is not only making the treatment most affordable to you, but to make sure you work with doctors who are ethical and transparent in their dealing. Infertility is already challenging experience and when it comes to human emotion and lots of money, it is very important to guide and support prospective Intended Parents with correct information. That is why we choose fertility clinics with whom we have long-term working experience, who offer affordable yet high-quality services and always have that human touch in their practice.
IVF Conception is considered one of the best fertility/Surrogacy Consultancy in India, is established with the primary focus to bring joy and happiness to those childless couples who have been failed in their effort in the pursuit of conceiving a baby. Since the inception of our fertility clinics, we have worked with lots of devotion and conscientiousness to build trust and win hearts of countless patients who should achieve their dream. That is why, today we are considered among one of the best IVF treatment centers in Delhi.
We work with the fertility specialist who has years of experience and internally acclaimed in their studies and work experience so that they can utilize their mammoth and valuable experience to give the highest success rate for IVF treatment in our fertility clinics. Our IVF team comprises the leading reproductive and fertility specialists and consultants and diligent nurses, along with the geneticists, counselors and a friendly client’s managers who are ready to assist you around the clock. That’s why we offer guide, advice, support and counseling since the day you first contact us till the time baby is in your hands. We feel it our responsibility to welcome everyone and provide the expert’s advice and help who needs it the most. For this reason, we are most sought IVF Clinic in New Delhi, India.
Being the most professional and technical advantageous IVF clinics in New Delhi, we respect our patients with the honest opinions about their chances of conceiving birth. We understand the frustration and mental stress you have been through for not having a child yet, that is why even if parent have low chances of conceiving we do not deny them services and give our best to have the positive outcome to them with the suggestion to improve their success rate. It is our policy never to deny the patients for the treatment in our fertility clinic in Delhi. In India, we are one of the best IVF clinics in New Delhi with the advancement of medical sciences in the field of infertility treatment and to eliminate infertility related issues in couples. Infertility has become a common issue now days irrespective of the age of couples. But the good news is that there are enough infertility treatments available via IVF/third party reproductions services to rescue infertility couples. In case needed, we also cooperate with providing premium egg donor and surrogate mother to Intended Parents who has low AMH values or uterus issues with the female partner. It is the part of our routine schedule to find the clinics and doctors who have the best training with specialization in IVF treatment and best embryologist to achieve highest possible success rate and client satisfaction. That is why, our fertility specialist can handle and care for couples with the highest level of specialized treatment methods as well as latest new medical techniques. It is noteworthy that our entire team of dedicated IVF specialists and staffs are dedicated to treat and take care of the patients with the best of their ability, warmth, empathy, and compassion to make patients feel at home at the best IVF clinics in India.
We only recommend topmost IVF clinics in New Delhi and facilitate highest quality treatment with the patient friendly approach to ensure the smooth and transparent treatment process. Beside this, we believe in providing low-cost IVF treatment in our clinics with state of art embryology lab, equipped with world class technology. In short, we ensure the list of infertility treatment in our IVF center in New Delhi, such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Cryopreservation, Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, Blastocyst culture and third party reproduction technologies with premium egg donor and surrogacy assistance. In short, we are committed to providing all ART treatment under one roof to provide best success rate at one of the best IVF clinics in New Delhi.
Know More About---IVF Treatment in India - IVF Conceptions
Visit web---Surrogacy Egg Donation Agency Georgia Ukraine Mexico USA Laos
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surrogacyegg-blog · 6 years
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IVF Conceptions –Our mission is to help you to build families!
We are one of the leading Fertility Medical Tourism Consultancy providing healthcare services in fertility sphere, worldwide since 2010.
Since inception, we are playing an instrumental role in making families possible through IVF, Egg Donation, and Surrogacy services.
We are a network of IVF Clinics, Surrogacy agencies, and Egg Donor agencies in more than 8 countries and growing each day.  Our head office is in New Delhi, India.  Our approach is extensive and that is why we are the most preferred choice for cross-border fertility treatment seekers.  We are partnered with most experienced and internationally renowned clinics, and surrogacy, and egg donation agencies.
Why are we different?
Every health care provider is doing their best to make positive changes in the life of Intended Parents. But what makes us apart is our desire to go that extra mile to make your parenthood journey a rewarding experience.
We are knowledge powerhouse who will be discussing all your possible options and guide you through all the way.  We believe in educating our IPs, so we all can feel confident before embarking parenthood.
Financially, we believe in absolute transparency with all possible cost discussed in advance.  As most infertility treatments including egg donation and surrogacy are costly, we make effort to cater the need of all Intended Parents by designing affordable surrogacy options for them.
Cost should not be a factor stopping to stop anybody from the joy of parenthood.  That is why, if someone cannot afford costly US surrogacy arrangement, we can offer other affordable yet trusted international surrogacy arrangements.
Why you need us?
In 2010, a research by World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 48.5 million couples worldwide are unable to conceive a child.  The rate of infertility is continuously increasing due to changing lifestyle and professional commitments coming before family building.
Assisted Reproduction Technologies including egg donation and surrogacy are becoming a vital part of the family building for many couples.
Beside this, singles and gays, have no other option other than choosing IVF with egg donation and surrogacy to have a child. The Internet is filled with many options, many of them dodgy in operations.  Many options can be confusing and need thorough investigation in term of experience, cross referrals, the breakdown of the price list, hidden cost, and level of assistance provided.
When it comes to undergoing a treatment, which involves lots of emotional and financial enterprise, it is good to consult a reliable and trustworthy people.
Our Mission Our mission is to help and support family building for fertility seekers globally.
We strive to provide high quality yet affordable fertility services to all human being irrespective of their race, religion, marital status, economic, social background and geographical locations.
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surrogacyegg-blog · 6 years
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  Surrogacy Egg Donation Agency Georgia Ukraine Mexico USA Laos
IVF Conceptions is a healthcare consultant, not a medical facility. All information and data published on this website is for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitution or a priority before medical advice of your doctor. The website visitors are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with their professional healthcare providers/reproductive lawyers. IVF Conceptions will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, exemplary, or other damages arising from the violation or misinterpretation of such recommendations.
We provide surrogacy program in Ukraine, mexico, Georgia, USA, Australia at reasonable cost. Our surrogacy and egg donation agency has good success rates.
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