Voldy : My anaconda don't !
Bellatrix :oh no...
Voldy : My anaconda don't !
Bellatrix : please stop .
Voldy : My nagini don't want none unless you got buns hun.
Lucius : Omg ! look at his nose !
Bellatrix : ...
Voldy : ...
Voldy : Avada kedavra !
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Molly second mother :
Arthur : for who is this sweater ? with the H .
Molly : It's for Ron's best friend Harry , the poor boy doesn't have someone who sends him Christmas gifts . Ron told me in his last letter that his aunt and her husband never gave Harry a present .
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Molly second mother :
arthur : for who is this sweater ?
molly : It's for ron's best friend Harry , the poor boy ! he doesn't have someone to send him Christmas gifts .
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i'm in love , the actors are perfect !
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- Sirius having nightmares after leaving his " family " staying awake all the night . - James staying awake so his best friend won't feel lonely . - James and Sirius stealing sweets in the middle of the night , and preparing themselves to make snivellus' year worst than the year before .
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I just saw people who call themselves " potterheads" voting for Sirius Black as Least favorite character . Wth ? i'm really angry about this sh#t , how can they call themselves potterheads , siriusly (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) i mean , look at him , rejected by his own family ! the most brave wizard who was ready to sacrifice his life for his best friend or should i say his brother ! the wizard who went to azkaban even if he was innocent ! He saw his godson once and died one year later , and you trienna tell me he's your least favorit character ?? i can't explain how dumb those people are , shame on you .
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