surrow · 4 months
Support my girlfriend's dream of having bottom surgery!
My girlfriend is having bottom surgery next month and it would mean a lot to me if you could share this or even donate $5. Anything helps and is greatly appreciated
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surrow · 4 months
Support my girlfriend's dream of having bottom surgery!
My girlfriend is having bottom surgery next month and it would mean a lot to me if you could share this or even donate $5. Anything helps and is greatly appreciated
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surrow · 4 months
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illus. Tomokazu Komiya
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surrow · 4 months
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and i think to myself. what a wonderful world
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surrow · 4 months
everyone say in the tags what their current custom discord status is
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surrow · 4 months
honest to god we've got to start naming the elderly as a vulnerable group & calling their disabilities, disabilities. we sugarcoat and distance these things by only calling them "elderly," "old & frail," etc. most of them are disabled.
too many people completely separate disability from themselves in their mind. it's something that happens to other people. other sad people i don't want to think about. are they really even people, it's too much to bear thinking about that happening to a person... those background characters over there. it would never be me, i can't cope with thinking about that possibility.
this mass denialism of the fragility of the human body (YOUR human body) has created a whole category separate from the disabled - the "elderly." since anyone can join it if they live long enough.. no they can't be disabled. that's scary, and worse it's political. so they are just "old." so what they lost their hearing, their mobility, their heart function? that's just how it goes for old people. as if that's not a person as real as you. as if you wouldn't be devastated if that happened to you today (and it can btw). as if you won't be when it's your turn to be old, and disabled.
simultaneously the disabled are dehumanized as not people, and the elderly are dehumanized as not disabled. so the illusion of disability as separate can be upheld.
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surrow · 4 months
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probably not my best work but i've always been fascinated with this artwork so i made a version (edit,clean whatever is called) without the letters on the sky, of Majin Tensei 2 Spiral nemesis. I wanted it for a phone wallpaper but posting it in case anyone is interested
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surrow · 4 months
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illus. Kagemaru Himeno "Oddish" from Team Rocket
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surrow · 4 months
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surrow · 4 months
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Small update! The NCGOP is apparently pretty surprised at this outpouring of people who are rallying against the mask ban. Keep putting pressure on the governor and our representatives! Second tweet has a link to reps to contact and here is a Google doc with a script of what to say in your email or phone call!
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surrow · 4 months
(US) death row prisoners scheduled to be executed this year: and petitions for clemency
Jamie Mills - Alabama - May 30th
David Hosier - Missouri - June 11th
Ramiro Gonzales - Texas - June 26th
Ruben Gutierrez - Texas - July 16th
Keith Gavin - Alabama - July 18th
Alan Miller - Alabama - September 26th
click each person's name to sign their petition. if you only have time to sign a couple, start with Jamie Mills' since there are only two weeks until he is scheduled to be killed at the time of writing this post. full list that includes petitions against unscheduled and on-hold executions here.
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surrow · 4 months
[Start ID: A poem by Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish titled, "Think of Others." It reads,
"As you prepare your breakfast, think of others
(do not forget the pigeon's food).
As you wage your wars, think of others
(do not forget those who seek peace).
As you pay your water bill, think of others
(those who are nursed by clouds).
As you return home, to your home, think of others
(do not forget the people of the camps).
As you sleep and count the stars, think of others
(those who have nowhere to sleep).
As you express yourself in metaphor, think of others
(those who have lost the right to speak).
As you think of others far away, think of yourself
(say: if only I were a candle in the dark). /End ID]
Palestinian poet, Mahmoud Darwish
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surrow · 4 months
[Start ID: A photo of four orange and white cats laying together in a pile on lush, green grass. /End ID]
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orange kitty family
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surrow · 4 months
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day 1625
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surrow · 4 months
[Start ID: An illustration titled "Morning" by Walter King Stone. It pictures a large group of blue swallows resting on and flying about four power lines. Behind them, large white clouds and the outline of hills can be seen. /End ID]
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Walter King Stone
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surrow · 4 months
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Photographs of trans men and trans women marrying each other. Ishaan and Surya in Thiruvananthapuram India in 2018, Helen and Felix Fenlon in Hull England in 2013, and Tista Das and Dipan Chakraborty in Bengal India in 2019.
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surrow · 4 months
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if you have not had covid yet please help out science and complete this survey - https://covid-long.com/
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