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Zombie Playground. Gunslinger and Heavy Guns Class Concepts, plus selection screen concept art.
Guys, the Zombie Playground Kickstarter has just under 14 days to go until completion, and the devs over at Massive Black need your help! The Project is only a little under 60% funded! If you want to see Zombie Playground come into fruition, which I know a lot of you do, then spread the word, as well as head over to the kickstarter page and chip-in!
Watch some pre-alpha gameplay to motivate your decision!
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The Triangle Rule
Are you with a fellow survivor but have found yourself face-to-face with a menacing monster/zombie? Want to cling to your partner where it's nice, warm, and safe? Well think again!
What you want to do is form a triangle between you, your friend, and the monster/zombie. This way, your enemy has to choose between three directions: Towards you, towards your friend, or towards the heck out of there. Example: Say you and your friend John encounter a zombie who is starving for some human flesh. You and John split apart, giving the zombie a choice of which direction to go. Say the zombie goes toward poor John, then you have a clear shot at the zombie's back or side. The main point of this tactic is to force the opponent into letting its guard down. 
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Winter (Wii) Cancelled This game was basically scrapped from the beginning but its gameplay was similar to what Silent Hill: Shattered Memories was. While this may not be the best looking game in the world... I mean... listen to that music. It's ripped straight from Lord of the Rings... It sure did look interesting! 
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I lost all my items around town—weapons and all! I’m so angry I’m going to break all the door locks I can find!
What the person who leaves items around Silent Hill must be like (via sweet-bitsy)
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   Dead men, dead men       swinging in a tree       How many dead men       do you see?       Tongue turned blue and       face gone grey       Watch them as they       twist and sway       The first one killed       the butcher man       Then cooked him in       the frying pan       Served him to his hungry guests       And gave them seconds on request       The next one with his smile       and sweets       Stole poor children off the streets       To men who dressed unsavory       He sold them into slavery       Breaking into home at night       The thief he had a nasty fright       Filled his foolish head with ale       Woke in the morn       in the county jail       The artist with his daunting skill       Tried his hand at painting bills       But caught in rain he was undone       When the ink he’d use did       start to run       With promises of great return       Taking gold he did not earn       Bundled it up out of sight       Quietly slipped off into night       Three houses into ashes burned       The sheriff with no place to turn       Did spy a stranger to his town       Locked him up and beat him down       Dead men, dead men       swinging in a tree       How many dead men       do you see?       Six feet long and       six men wide       Round their necks       the noose be tied
From Silent Hill
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Updates will be delayed for a while.
Busy schedule, stressful times, etc. Be back and active in a week at the latest!
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This game is so good!
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Silent Hill: Revelation Rumor
The twice OSCAR winning British actress, Maggie Smith, has reportedly announced she was sent a script for Silent Hill: Revelation. Who could she have been cast as? Claudia? Tool old? Well wasn’t Kit too young for Vincent yet we found out he would be playing Vincent. What do you guys think?
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We all have fun in Silent Hill
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From now (Mar 25) until Wednesday (Mar 30) I will be taking votes on your favorite PSOne and PS2 survival horror games!
The rules are relatively simple. Send me an ask telling me what your favorite survival horror game from the PSOne or PS2 era is! Only one game...
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Akira Yamaoka’s signature guitar used to compose the Silent Hill games up for bid on eBay
This auction is part of the Play For Japan campaign, a video game industry initiative to raise money for earthquake and tsunami relief in Japan. To find more info on this initiative, and to learn how to participate, visit us at http://www.playforjapan.org. Your gift to the American Red Cross will support our disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami throughout the Pacific. On those rare occasions when donations exceed American Red Cross expenses for a specific disaster, contributions are used to prepare for and serve victims of other disasters.********** Silent Hill Fans!  You’re bidding on an extremely special guitar.  This Yamaha APX-15FM acoustic electric guitar was purchased by Akira Yamaoka, producer and composer of the Silent Hill series of games, shortly before he began work on the first Silent Hill game.  Akira composed the first soundtrack on this guitar, and then used it to compose every Silent Hill soundtrack he worked on thereafter.  The SOUL of Silent Hill resides within this guitar.  There’s a high possibility that it’s haunted! The guitar also comes with two effects amps used while making the game soundtracks; a Line 6 FB4 and a Line 6 POD.  Akira says that using these amps you can recreate any sound from the Silent Hill series! This guitar was also used by Akira at the Video Games Live series of concerts! When we asked Akira if he was willing to put his Silent Hill ‘mojo’ up for auction, he replied that it was a small thing compared to the losses the people of Touhoku suffered due to the earthquakes and tsunamis. The winning bidder will also receive a personalized autograph on the guitar from Akira. Truly, this is a special, sentimental auction, and it would make a wonderful addition to any musician or Silent Hill fan’s collection.  Don’t miss out on a chance to own a piece of gaming history! Silent Hill Series:
Silent Hill
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill 4
Silent Hill: Origins
Silent Hill Homecoming
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
We will ship the guitar anywhere in the world!If you have any questions, please email [email protected]!  Good luck bidding!
Bidding was at $255 when I started writing this. At a refresh, it’s at $510. It’ll definitely be going up more. Any rich, die-hard Silent Hill fans- here’s the head’s up.
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