survivor-palawan · 2 years
Final Individual Immunity: Steeplechase
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Today, you will be participating in a scavenger hunt. You will be given a list of items in your own individual spreadsheet . You must take pictures with each of the items and upload them to an image sharing website (i.e. Imgur, Google Drive, Tumblr) and submit the link in the spreadsheet next to the item it represents. The picture must contain your face, or a piece of paper with your name and the tribe’s name written on it. The items are worth different points values, and the person with the most points at the end wins.
You have until 10 PM EST tomorrow to complete this challenge, at which point the documents will be locked and you must leave them immediately. If there is a tie, we will hold a tiebreaker question.
At 11 pm EST, we will hold Tribal Council, where one of you will become the final member of the jury.
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survivor-palawan · 2 years
Tribal Council 13
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For the first time since season 2, we haven’t gone to fire at final 4!
By a vote of 3-1, Orion has become the 5th member of the jury. Megan received 1 vote.
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survivor-palawan · 2 years
Individual Immunity 7 Results
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Here are the results of the puzzle palooza smackdown!
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Vicky won the Word Search, Megan won the Jigsaw and the Nonogram, and Trevor won the Slide and the Logic! This means there was a tie between Trevor and Megan.
To break the tie in this challenge, the win goes to the player that did the best in the puzzle that neither of them won - the Word Search.
And with a faster time, Trevor has won immunity and a guaranteed spot in the final 3.
Tribal Council tomorrow night, 7/22, at 11 pm EST.
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survivor-palawan · 2 years
Tribal Council 12
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Wo-o-ow! After a much shorter tribal than last round, Vicky played her shot in the dark successfully! Megan then played an idol, and Trevor played his third idol in two rounds-- meaning that Fabi is the only player who can receive a vote, and so he is out automatically.
Y’all certainly keep us entertained.
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survivor-palawan · 2 years
Individual Immunity #9: Puzzle Palooza
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It’s time to have a Puzzle Palooza! Today, you will be completing five puzzles: word search, jigsaw, slide, logic puzzle, and nonogram. You can separate these up and complete them in different parts of the day, and request puzzles when you would like to do them. For each puzzle you complete the fastest, you will receive a point. The person with the most points at the end wins.
To submit a puzzle, the time must be visible. Your score will be determined by the time it lists on the puzzle website of how long you took to complete it. Submission will consist of a screenshot where the date and time are visible. If you take a much longer time to submit your screenshot than it took for you to complete the puzzle, you will receive the time it took for you to submit as your score. Your submissions are due tomorrow night by 10 PM EST. Good luck!
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survivor-palawan · 2 years
Individual Immunity 6 Results
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We love Wheel of Fortune
Here are the scores:
Megan: 18
Vicky: 20
Trevor: 25
Fabi: 27
Orion: 29
This means that Orion, you have won immunity and a guaranteed spot in the final 4!
Tribal tomorrow night, 10 pm EST.
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survivor-palawan · 2 years
Individual Immunity #6: Spin Cycle
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This challenge comes in two parts: game knowledge and luck. For the first section, you will answer 15 questions about the game thus far. The amount of questions you get correct will follow you into the second part of the challenge, in which you will face the wheel. The wheel has wedges with point amounts ranging from 1-5. For however many questions in part 1 you answered correctly, you will spin the wheel that many times. You will collect points as the wheel lands on specific point amounts. The person with the most points at the end of the challenge wins. If there is a tie, there will be a tiebreaker (to be disclosed if necessary). Please schedule a time to do this with a member of production. It must be started by at least 11 PM EST tomorrow.
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survivor-palawan · 2 years
Tribal Council 12
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That sure was a lot of talking for not a very interesting vote! After 30 minutes of talking about opinions, feelings, white men in glasses, and the game hierarchy, Trevor used his drunk idol on himself, Fabi, and Megan, where it landed on Fabi. Trevor then played an immunity idol on himself. In the end, Andrew was sent to the jury by a vote of 5 - 1 (Megan).
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survivor-palawan · 2 years
Individual Immunity 5/Castaway Cove Return Challenge
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Tomorrow night at 11 PM EST, we are having a live secret immunity challenge with a TWIST.
Mac, Andrew, and Madison will be competing alongside the 5 remaining players, and whichever one of them lasts the longest in the challenge will return to the game. If one of them wins the challenge, not only will they return, but they will also have immunity at the next Tribal Council.
See y'all tomorrow night!
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survivor-palawan · 2 years
Tribal Council 10
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In a Tribal where everyone said they are going home, nobody played their Shot in the Dark.
By a vote of 5-1, Madison was sent to Castaway Cove. Fabi received 1 vote.
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survivor-palawan · 2 years
Individual Immunity 4 Results
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C’mon ubiquitous.
After a lot of spelling, Megan has out-grammared everyone and won immunity, guaranteeing her a spot in the actual final 6.
Tribal Council tomorrow night, 7/16, where someone will become the 3rd and final member of Castaway Cove.
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survivor-palawan · 2 years
Tribal Council 9
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After a very chaotic day, the vote was fairly simple. Madison played her safety without power, allowing her to leave the tribal and not vote. In the end, it was 4-2, with Vicky receiving 2 votes and Andrew receiving 4. Andrew is headed to Castaway Cove where he will be with Mac until one more person joins them.
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survivor-palawan · 2 years
Individual Immunity #7: 1st Annual Palawan Island Spelling Bee
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Today you will be participating in our first ever spelling bee! It will proceed much like a normal spelling bee: you will be given a word aloud, and must spell it correctly the first time. You may ask for the word origin and a definition for each word, but can receive no help from any other player or outside sources: this challenge will be hands up. If you spell the word incorrectly, you will be out of the challenge and have no shot at immunity. When there are two players left in the challenge, if the first person in the round spells their word incorrectly, the second person has to spell theirs correctly in order to win. If the second person spells their word incorrectly, the person who went first wins without having to spell another word, in accordance with Scripps national spelling bee rules.
This challenge will be LIVE tomorrow at 10 PM EST. See you then!
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survivor-palawan · 2 years
Immunity Challenge 3 Results
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Well then!
After a lively game of solo with insults slung aplenty, Megan has come out on top! Fabi also received an idol clue for winning the first hand.
We will see you tomorrow night at 10 PM EST for tribal council where you cannot vote for Megan. See you there.
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survivor-palawan · 2 years
Immunity Challenge 3: Third Party Uno
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Here is the link to the game’s page: https://boardgamearena.com/gamepanel?game=solo
This game is one of our personal favorites as hosts, and we’re excited to share it with you. It’s an Uno knockoff created by Board Game Arena called Solo! The general rules are similar to uno, which you can refresh up on here: https://www.ultraboardgames.com/uno/game-rules.php
However, it is considerably different from Uno in a number of ways. Firstly, it contains card-swapping hands that allow you to either switch hands with another player, or rotate the hands of the entire table.
Secondly, the game takes place over 4 rounds, and the winner in the end is determined by how many points you have left out of 500. You lose points based on the cards you have left in your hand when the round ends (which is determined by someone playing their final card). Number cards are worth less points than special cards like a Draw Four. Based on this system, you could never win a round and still win the game.
Thirdly, you must click the button that says ‘call “Solo”’ when it is your turn and you have two  cards left in your hand. This button is below the game window. If you fail to press this button before you play your second to last card, the game will force you to draw two additional cards. Don’t forget!
Lastly, you can play identical cards directly after each other without it being your turn. For example if the order was John - Linden - Zoe - Caryn, and John played a yellow three, I could play a yellow three on top of that even though it’s not my turn. This card works on literally any card in the game.
You will need an account on the website https://boardgamearena.com/ to play. It is free to have an account. We encourage you to practice the game before we play official tomorrow night at 10 PM EST.
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survivor-palawan · 2 years
Tribal Council 8
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Merge vote....at final 8.....yeah.
By a vote of 7-1, Mac has become the 1st person to join Castaway Cove. Vicky received 1 vote
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survivor-palawan · 2 years
Individual Immunity 2 Results
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This challenge reminded us all how much fun this game is.
In a very close game, Andrew has won immunity and is safe at tomorrow night’s Tribal Council.
For winning the most rounds, Fabi has won an idol clue!
Tribal tomorrow night at 11 pm EST.
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