Finale: “Insane to me” - Keaton
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Ok, so Zach won immunity. Yeah yeah predictable. So, we go into tribal and I know Zach and Keaton are voting me. I even told Liam that. He didn’t believe me, but I knew it in my gut. So, the vote goes 3-3 and even though Keaton played a Dark Tribal advantage, because of the revote being only between two people, it had to be revealed anyway so yeah. Zach stole Jessie’s vote which is what made it 3-3 instead of 4-2 and basically RTP repayed the favor for going to rocks for him and went to rocks for me. Once again, the rocks ended up going the way Liam and I wanted it to. Obviously we wanted either Keaton or Zach but that wasn’t possible due to both ending up being immune, but Jessie was the next best thing because she always seemed afraid to pick a side or speak up in any game talk the alliance had. And I obviously didn’t want Liam to go because he is my closest ally, and I didn’t want Ryan to go because he just went to rocks for me. It sucks that it had to be Jessie, but of the 3 eligible people, I’m glad it was her. Now we focus on getting Zach out next followed by Keaton at F4 and I should have a good shot to win. Apparently though when I talk to people, I rub some of them the wrong way, but Keaton and Zach can say and do whatever they want, and it’s ok. So obviously I probably have made some Jurors mad idk. Maybe just Zach and Keaton, but either way it’s just to the point where I can’t beat Zach, and I probably can’t beat Liam, but going to the F3 with Ryan and Keaton can only happen if I don’t actually vote out Liam because I don’t think I could.
Well, Zach won another immunity. 😒 It looks like it would be an easy decision for Ryan, Liam, and myself, but after Zach and I had a conversation about the game, he basically wants me to go to Exile and cause a 2-2 vote between Ryan and Keaton to where Liam gets eliminated by default. Zach basically thinks that Liam has the beta shot win this game which I don’t necessarily think is true, but I do think he could potentially beat me. I just don’t know. However, me going to Exile knowing the plan would basically be like me voting out my closest ally in the game. And looking forward to the F4 if Liam is gone I don’t have my safety net in case Ryan decides to flip. Whereas if he’s there with me, we at least force a Fire Making Challenge. I genuinely don’t know what to do. It makes sense to possibly take out someone who would beat me, but I don’t  want to do it in a dirty manner. Liam has been there for me throughout this game and has been the only person I’ve trusted 100%. Going to Exile and leaving him to the dogs just doesn’t seem right. 
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Well guys you got me .
The chaotic Jessie has finally been eliminated .
Through out this game I was messy.
I’ve been trying to collect my thoughts and they are still pretty scattered.
I don’t regret what I did though 
Everything happens for a reason .
Each moment 
Each vote out 
Each chaotic move 
I wasn’t afraid 
I know if I’m boring I couldn’t of won
That’s why i did It
The killer got me gals.
With the machete clutched close to be chest I went down swinging .
I’m dead
But that doesn’t mean you’ve seen the last of me
My ghost shall haunt you all 
Jessie ♥️
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Exit Confessional: This was definitely a blindside. I did not expect to be the one sitting here tonight. I 100% never thought Liam would vote for me. I have a lot of regrets about not saying “fuck you, Liam” and just going to Exile Island for them to give him 5th. But obviously they didn’t really see him as the bigger threat or they would have given him 5th anyway.  Well, one of them did actually vote him. Idk who was the one vote. I just think voting me out was a mistake on Liam part. I was 100% loyal to him, and he didn’t reciprocate the loyalty, so a huge part of me does not want to see him win since the main reason he flipped on me was because apparently I was going to win. So, yeah karma would be a real bitch if he turned on me to have a better shot at winning and then still lost. Coming up short is just the worst feeling, but I think that a few of the F4 are in for a surprise when they get voted out. This is my last confessional of the season, but I hope you enjoyed them all. Daulton out! ✌🏻
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Episode 14: I wanna be the one calling the shots - Liam
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Omg, omg, omg. Tonight was so good for me. The beginning of the night was rocky, not gonna lie, but the outcome of the vote wasn’t like worse case scenario. Grace leaving was fine, but I wish I could’ve been told the vote. But I once again was left out. 😒 BUT the live night vote? Oh, that was just wonderful. Top of the notch. I won another Immunity competition which I was not expecting at all. And not only that, but the vote went to rocks. I was safe and had nothing to lose personally, but I was worried about losing Liam, but it’s what needed to happen to make sure the group of four consisting of Jessie, Liam, Ryan, and myself made it to the final 6 together. Thankfully Livingston left instead of Jessie or Liam. Now, next round we literally have the ability to 2-2-2 and make sure that Keaton or Zach leaves if neither are immune. I really have a good shot at winning this game after tonight as it was a turning point in my game, and I’m worried it will catch up with me, but I also think Keaton and Zach have a better chance at beating me, so I hope that at least buys me a F4 spot at which point I just have to win immunity and pray it’s a final 3. If it’s a F2, I’m really going to have to hope and pray Liam is there too and he wins it and takes me if I don’t win it myself. I really don’t know if I can beat him, but after tonight, I think the live night definitely helped my game. But he is my closest ally and truly the only person I trust 100%. I don’t know the best move moving forward, but hopefully neither Keaton nor Zach win immunity this next round so that the 2-2-2 split can actually happen. If not, Liam and I might need to still split to save our asses. Who knows. 😉🤷🏼‍♂️
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Ok, so this round has played a lot on my mind. To the point where it’s actually affecting my other game I’m in with Jessie. Basically, I need her so much in this game that the other game I’m in with her in which I’m HOH is literally coming into play. I cannot nominate her in that game because I’m genuinely afraid it will affect the relationship in this game which I need in order to get Keaton and Zach out. So, basically I have to maintain her trust in both games, and if she fucks me over I’m either one especially this one, I will not forgive her. Period. I’m literally throwing away one game in order to actually win this one because I care more about this one that the other one. Now back to my thoughts in Forest of Horrors. The immunity this week is Casanova which I’ve never been really good at because it’s a flash game, and I suck at flash games. But this comp looks like it’s right up Keaton and Zach’s alley. Basically, it’s 4 against 2 as far as I know with Zach and Keaton being on the outs. If neither wins Immunity, I think splitting our 4 votes 2-2 is the smartest to able to avoid an idol play. Jessie does have an idol nullifier, which is good, but I think a 2-2-2 is the move if one of us 4 wins immunity. If Zach/Keaton wins however, Jessie playing her nullifier only makes sense because she can just play it on the non-immune one and then we just vote them anyway and they leave no matter what. That’s what I’m going to try to push this round.
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So live night happened, after Grace went Livingston got rocked out, which is not amazing for me but it has its ups. In all honesty I don’t want to be at the end with Keaton and Livingston, because if I’m there by myself I can take the moves us 3 made and sell it as my own. I won final 6 immunity, which is great since I was probably going home this round. I think my only way to make it to the end is to win out, but so be it. These people are so tiring to talk to and I just want to either hit jury or get second runner up already. This final 6 on a game level? I hate them all: it’s gross. Other than Keaton, I honestly don’t want to vote for any of them to win. On a personal level? All great people, great final 6. On a game level? We have Daulton (arrogant, cocky, rude), Liam (ruined his jury management in two sentences in my opinion: “I don’t need your respect”, “if you don’t vote with us you lose 3 jury votes”), Ryan (who?), and Jessie (Okay with voting depending on how this round goes. Will she make a move and save Keaton, or be forever subject to sheepdom?) Find out soon, at Final 6 tribal in forest of horrors. Also I’m pissed that Keegan wouldn’t let me go Tommy Jarvis on the lake monster, not cool dude.
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Hi so I’ve come to the conclusion my odds of winning are slim,
You know what that means ?
This tribal is gonna be cracked 
Yay doesn’t that sound exciting ?
I can’t wait to act like I don’t know what’s going on when I know what the plan is .
 Is this gonna make people mad?
Oh absolutely but sometimes you need to take chaotic risks so I’m just gonna go for it 
Is it really survivor if you don’t take risks ? Besides I went to rocks last time .
Either the plan shall succeed or it shall not
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Episode 13: Until last night I didn’t know the difference, and I got one of them to go to rocks - Ryan
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Omg, I was finally on the right side of a vote again! And tbh, I’m happy that Maynor is gone, but I’m also sad. I really liked him, and him and I have gotten along in the past, but this move was for the best. It split up the Ryan, Maynor, and Jessie trio, and therefore allows a crack for Liam and I to work with Ryan and Jessie to form a pretty solid 4. This could be crucial for the next couple tribals, and honestly it’s just smart for us to try to split up Zach and Keaton. One of them definitely stands the best chance at winning, and therefore is getting in my way of winning, and I didn’t come to lose. No ma’am. I came to slay the faves and be the Sole Survivor. Duh!
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Cracked Zach here! So, last round I won immunity, despite having Safety without power cause I wanted to be that extra level of cracked. After I won immunity, I put this in the tribe chat: "Anyone who wants to be put on the wheel for Sw/op needs to DM me a name of another player. If any player gets more than one vote, they will be removed from the wheel. If someone doesn't dm me a name, they will be removed from the wheel." For some reason, these fools decided to go along with my plan.
In my three person alliance of Livingston and Keaton, I tried to find a way to make it as beneficial to us as possible. We ended up coming up with nothing, but Livingston got wheeled the safety without power under Daulton's supervision. Daulton and Liam were pushing for us 3 to vote Maynor all round, and we were all okay with that. That was until MAYNOR'S cracked ass decided to spread shit about me and try to tank my game, and in my house that's a big nono. I confronted him in dms and gave him a "toodaloo" on his way out the door. The entire jury probably hates me now, and I'm fine with that fact. What are they gonna do, vote me out? I'm trying to win immunity this round but it's slide puzzles and Keaton is really good at these, but I think I'm getting the hang of them. Welp, that's all for now, these people are boring af to play with (so predictable), so please let me get them out!!! Why is it both merges I've played I've had a dominant group? Who knows, maybe it's the charm of a 15 year old ally. Give me an idol, Bachael Both.
I won immunity
[Insert Hannah Montana transition music here]
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WELL The blindside on Maynor happened so its like OWO but i am shocked it actually went off without a hitch. I think Maynor thought i was with him the whole time but i was secretly undermining him with Zach and Livingston and while my game hasnt been the strongest i think i can still win, and ill do anything to make those two believe im throwing my game away but in reality i WANT this win because UwU
Just throwing grace out there because i want a simple round when no one talks
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Episode 12: when you said cracked, I didn’t know you meant shattered - Daulton
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Last night’s tribal was both bittersweet and frustrating all at the same time. I didn’t go home despite people leading me on the whole round saying I was the one leaving. In fact, I didn’t get a single vote. So, sweet that I stayed, bitter that I wasn’t in on the plan for the second round in a row. 🙃 Then of course that’s where the frustration comes in. There was no need to lie to me especially about voting Brandan, as I would’ve done it. But no, they had this huge plan to blindside Grace which Liam and I stuck to, and I basically voted Grace out for nothing. So, I’m not really sure what position I’m in in this game, but I don’t think it’s a very good one. I’m not going to give up though. I’ve got a lot of fight in me, and I know how to turn on my social charm when I need to. So, that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to build new secret relationships with a few people that are in the majority and hope that it works in my favor. I’ve already got one with Keaton (shockingly). Whether I can trust him or not is a different story, but I have nothing to lose at this point. And I’m also trying to build one with Maynor. We’ll see how that goes. 
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Episode 11: Get to stepping - Zach
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AHS Madison: Surprise B... 
Maybe like talk to people who arent in your alliance. Like dont ignore people.
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Tonight is the beginning of the end for my game. First off, Duolingo left, and I didn’t know about the plan. Then after the vote, Keaton thought was a good idea to attack me in front of everyone with information that wasn’t even accurate. All I know is that I need this immunity, but I know someone else is going to bid everything on that. Maybe I’ll bid on the Bid Blocker and use it against Keaton so he can’t win anything. But that would mean I don’t get immunity either. I just don’t know. I’m at a loss for words at this point in the game.
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Okay so HOLD THE FUCK UP FOR JUST A DAMN SECOND. THAT ACTUALLY W O R K E D? Josh might of become the recent king of the org space, but the god reigns supreme. Honestly I think it's a knowledge thing, I've been around longer and I know how he plays better then he knows how I play, so I dont fault him for the reserve play, that's what was supposed to happen, he was supposed to feel comfortable and there was two names going around. I still thought he would play it and knowing maynor was the other name was the reason I was so happy with it, either way a threat goes I ain't complainin. But in this game I'm a loudmouth POS so of course I gotta yell, so when Josh leaves I decide to rip Daulton a new one and expose him for what I believe for him to have done, not because I have hard evidence of it, but to keep a target that isnt me. I HAVE to keep making targets bigger than me because the second I dont, I'm the one up and out. And I don't expect Zach to use his idol on me, so I have to do whatever i can. If i can get daulton and then Grace out i feel like I'd be in a fantastic spot to at least see the end of the game, but I can also see myself leaving this round, I've cheated death once, how much more lucky can one man get?
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Got to say "Get to stepping" and that was pretty fun
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So, the auction was kind of a bust for me. I bid all $500 on the extra vote (which would have come in handy for me this round), but another person tied me for it, and they won it. Idk who it is, all I know is it wasn’t me, and I’m disappointed. The hardest part of me leaving the auction with nothing is that my name is going around. Mine and Maynor’s names actually. But from what I’ve gathered, both through myself and others, is that Maynor wants to vote Grace and that a few others don’t want to vote me or Maynor. That’s great for me tbh. I’m not ready to leave. I’ve built my game too strong to just leave in double digits. So, I went to Keaton and told him that Grace’s name is a possibility too to which he seemed keen on after all the shit he threw at me after the last tribal. So, I’m feeling nervous but more confident than I was feeling last night immediately after the auction. I could still leave tonight for sure, but I think with this plan in motion, it definitely gives me a lifeline in this game that I need. And if can manage to mend and build a relationship with Keaton in this game, I feel like him and I could do wonders in this game together. And it wouldn’t be bad for my game either as he’s one of the only people that has had beef with me thus far. So, I want to squash that and possibly form a genuine allegiance with him.
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As I wake up in one of the cabins I hear someone saying they found an empty truck with survival items.
With Spicy Noodles the ant and Thor the spider I decide to go check out the truck myself.
I head out of the cabin quite sleepy.
As I approach the truck I see a sign that says we have to auction for the items.
I quickly determine that I want to go for the covered items that seems a lot more fun then just going for safety.
I see Maynor and I tell him not to go for items three or seven.
I quickly split  my money between those items and head back to camp.
A few hours later we hear an announcement.
"The winners of the auction will be announced shortly."
Heading to the main hall I see all the items plus the covered items.
The automatic voice starts saying who won each item.
Honestly, I didn't really care what the others got.
"Jessie, Items 3 and 7."
I snatch the basket up quickly.
I immediately make my way to the exit so I can take a quick glance at my items.
Item 3 was a basic first aid kit. I guess I can patch myself up if the killer tries to come for me??
Item seven was way more interesting.
A idol nullifier.
I am only telling one person about this.
I look around and notice the others are getting ready to leave so I shove my items in my knapsack.
Leaving the main hall I decide its time to do my daily search for survival items.
I am going back to that cabin to see what's in that other jar.
I see someone over in the distance searching as well.
But I can't let that bother me right now.
The jar I smashed the other day has literal rotting teeth. 
That's honestly gross.
Why would you just have a jar of teeth?
It was probably the killer ripping peoples teeth out honestly.
Nothing would surprise me at this point.
As I walk into the cabin I take a quick glance around I either wanna open the other jar or check out the pot on the stove.
Only one of them today though because I don't want to stay here long.
There is power in numbers.
I take a step towards the jar on the shelf and notice the rotten teeth have disappeared.
I shrug.
Maybe someone has some weird obsession with teeth?
I grab the other jar trying to see what's inside.
"You know what, you only live once." I say smashing the jar into the ground.
The glass shatters open and I sense the same rotted smell.
Fingers scatter across the floor. All in different decaying stages.
"Ripperoni, The killer really chopped the fingers off huh." 
I leave the shack a look of disgust on my face.
I need to find a way to make it out of here alive.
"You won't be in the sequel." A voice whispered from the bushes.
Oh if only they knew that there demise was coming soon.
I feel it in my gut.
Remember fellow campers I am not afraid to shed your blood if need be.
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Episode 10: Both good and bad. - Daulton
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Spill the tea in a confessional they said .
So I said okay .
I voted in minority but honestly I don’t think I’m fucked yet.
I’m not really a target there’s bigger targets out there .
Anyways I’m gonna try and do these from now on whenever I have a game related thoughT.
Gavin just got flung which sucks for him but didn’t vote him out so yeah .
I was just trying to get a confessional done :) so we shall share more thoughts probably later tbh.
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Hi My name is Liam from Forest of Horrors and you're watching Disney Channel! at the final 13 tribal council was a shit show! I made sure Tim would play the idol and Keaton would go but Keaton the sneaky sneaky boy played a nullifier and I metaphorically shat myself. After that tribal I knew I had to get to work! Daulton & I agreed on keeping Josh and targeting someone like Zach who is incredibly intelligent but someone can't keep their lips SHUT Zach found out BUT on a positive note Zach & Josh decided to squash the beef and blindside Gavin! It moved so fast and BAM we got numbers on him and he's OUT
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So I finish the challenge and as I get up from writing my touchy subjects answers I decide this is as good a time as any to do my search .
I sneak out quietly because I don’t want the others to realize I’m searching . 
I never want them to realize what I’m doing oops.
I’ve explored many paths in this game but I want to try and cover everything .
Yesterday I had found the dead rotting corpse of fellow camper Billy. 
But the backpack near his body has a pretty cool pair of shades but yeah I digressed a little.
This camp hasn’t been like normal summer camps.
People have been dying left and right .
It’s easy to get distracted when a rampaging killer is after you.
I grip my machete and my other items tightly.
These items really do mean the difference between life and death. 
After a few people have been murdered I noticed two new paths formed .
I had already covered the left completely the bloody trail had lead to Billy’s body.
The bloody footprints showed me who I could only assume was the murderer behind all this chaos .
Today we wander towards the right .
I push through some bushes.
I see two buildings in front of me.
The tall building with wire looks dangerous I decide that would be better to tackle when I’m more prepared .
I don’t need to accidentally kill myself .
Wouldn’t that be ironic?
The shack looks far less threatening in this moment .
I open the door realizing this would probably be a good time for an ambush .
But no that’s not what happened.
I see a door on the far end of the shack but I’m not stupid .
I want to see what I can find in this main room.
My hands shake slightly as I look around.
If I’m dying I’m going out fighting not in some stupid creepy shack.
Maybe I should of told someone where I was going but it’s to late for that .
Someone like Maynor or Ryan maybe ?
I shake the thought from my head .
No not putting others in danger. 
I find a box . It’s a fuse box.
The fuse I already have would be helpful.
I grab it and shove it in roughly.
It takes a second but the light flickers. I hear a click and then I see a painting in the room.
I didn’t notice that before .
Walking over I see it open but it’s empty .
Someone was here before me.
Someone had found the survival item before me.
I cross my arms slightly annoyed .
Seeing the dead spider I pull him out.
“Well I need friends , let’s call you Thor.”
Shoving the spider in my pocket I need to get back to the main building before someone grows suspicious .
Last night I had heard Gavin scream.
I assume he had died.
I feel like someone’s watching from the shadows as I arrive back at the main cabin.
Little did they know I’m not going down without a fight .
You better watch out murderer.
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Ok, so another quiet round. These are both good and bad. Good is when you have a decision made and you hear no new developments in regards to it. But it’s also bad because people can be ignoring you because you’re the vote. But this morning, Liam told me that Maynor told him that he wanted to vote Brandan. Why? I’m not sure. But it’s not my name. 🤷🏼‍♂️ The 7 of Spades alliance is supposed to all vote Maynor this round and as long as no idols are played, Maynor should be leaving.
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I walk back into camp and I see  the corkboard has the  winner of the challenge. 
I look at the second place person and I am surprised,
How in the world did I manage that?
Now the killer is probably going to see me as a target.
I may as well have painted a bullseye symbol on my forehead.
"Second. Huh not bad." A voice to my left whispered.
I think Liam is being a sneaky this game.
I survived the Salem witch trials with him  but I am worried this time something is off.
I see Maynor off in the distance,
 I know I can trust him.
We start discussing who we think will die next.
He mentions the name Josh,
I realize that we should take our shot while we can.
"I think the killer is after me."
"We are going to be the final girls, whatever it takes."
I have come to the conclusion that this game is about to get murderous.
I am ready.
Nobody is going to mess with this final girl and get away with it.
With the mighty dead spider Thor, I can conquer the world.
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Episode 9: I’ll stop borin’ y’all - Livingston
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Too bad I sucked so bad at the challenge today lmfao. I had such a great tiebreaker guess. But all well. Ryan won immunity which is fine. Like I don’t think he was really leaving this round anyway. Duolingo is 100% the target this week however I don’t want that. I think he’s good for my game, and he’s literally a free agent. So, I went to Liam and told him that I didn’t want Duolingo to leave to which he replied that he also doesn’t want him to leave. So, him and I are trying to blindside Zach if we can get the numbers. Basically, we want us two, Ryan, Jessie, Gavin, and Maynor as well as Duolingo to vote out Zach and that’s 7. I’ve worked on Jessie to get her on board and I ran it by Ryan. Just waiting on a reply. Liam is supposed to be getting Gavin on board, so that just leaves Maynor. I think we can pull this off if we’re really serious about it. 
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i fucking hate these people
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Developments have been made since my last Confessional. Duolingo is still staying from what I understand which is good, but the target now shifted to Gavin instead of Zach. I’m honestly happier with that vote anyway since I’m closer to Zach than Gavin. This vote is so messy you’d think it was the merge vote, but I think we should be fine. I think our side has 7 votes which is Liam, myself, Zach, Brandan, Livingston, Duolingo, and Grace. I did tell Gavin that the vote was still on Zach and that his name hasn’t gained a lot of traction. Whether he believes me and votes Zach still or not, I don’t know. But it’s worth a try if I can get him to throw his vote. 🤷🏼‍♂️
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Episode 8: murdered in cold blood - Zach
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I made merge, which means my merge boot placement is entirely feasible. Let me order up that prejury merge placement please!
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Ok first off, I need to get something off my chest. Who the FUCK thought it would be cute to throw a stray vote at me? Huh? Was it you Tim? How about you, Keaton? Or was it Mr. Livingston? I don’t know. It literally could have been anybody.  I’m about 99% sure that Austin didn’t do it as he almost certainly voted for Livingston which means someone on my tribe was trying to be cute and failed. But anyway, moving on to bigger matters at hand. We MERGED! 🎊 I feel pretty good about this merge. Only two people on the merge tribe have never been on a tribe with me yet. Gavin and I did however connect during the first round where we had the unnecessarily large Tribal Council. Ryan and I however have not even spoken. I did reach out to him last night when we finally did merge, but he hasn’t gotten back to me yet. I’m really just going to focus on maintaining the strong relationships I have with the people I already have connected with while strengthening the bonds that might not be as strong yet, or in Gavin and Ryan’s cases just building. I feel really connected to Livingston, Grace, and Keaton, and I have gelled well with Josh and kind of also Tim. I’m close to Liam as well. If the pre-merge Samhain 7 wanted to ride that all the way to the final 7, I’d be down for that. I don’t know how likely that is, but wouldn’t it be smart to try at least? My game is all about making connections with people and being social and likable. I know I can’t be loyal to everyone, but you can always be loyal to someone, and I’m still trying to find that someone. But I have 12 people to choose from, so we’ll see. 🤷🏼‍♂️
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I was sent the confessional link so I took it as a sign I need to do one of these things.
So we merged after voting out Austin. I threw a hinky vote on Daulton and he went crazy and it was really funny because as far as I know, nobody thinks it was me. They thought it was Livingston or Tim. The only person I told was Keaton because we've been working together so far. 
We got a new idol search with a bunch of new paths, and we found a place where we need rope, so I'm looking for that now.
I was murdered in cold blood in the immunity, and Daulton got it. He probably thinks someone is coming after him and that he needed it LMAO. I'm here for a good time, not a long time. My only goal? Raise as much hell as possible and end up on the jury. If I make it to the end somehow? Cool.
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Yesssssss! I won the first Individual Immunity of the merge! Of course, it WAS a luck comp. They’re the only comps I can actually win. 😂 But regardless, I’m immune. Bite me, bitches. I had a long talk last night with Liam about what should happen this week. He wants to work with Tim and Duolingo and I guess Zach? He mentioned starting with either Keaton or Livingston for the vote. That’s not really good for my game because I have an alliance with them (even though I’m on to you, Keaton). Vote me again, bitch. 👀 Also, I realize how strong of a duo Duolingo and Tim are. I mean, Tim literally told me I was number 2 BEHIND Duolingo. He apparently also said that to Liam, so I can only imagine how many other people he said it to. But that’s Tim’s game in a nutshell. 😒 This is why I never trust him in games. He isn’t something that SHOULD be trusted. Duolingo, on the other hand, could be a decent ally if Tim were to be voted out soon. But I heard also from Liam that Tim has an idol that can be played on two people?, so that will be fun trying to flush. 🙃 It rubs me the wrong way also that they were telling all this to Liam but not me when I’m “second behind Duolingo.” They didn’t realize that Liam was telling me everything they were telling him, but I’m glad he did because I know who my real friends/allies are. That’s all I’m going to say about that. We’ll see what happens at tribal. I’m just happy to be safe because merge tribals can get a little messy. 
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I no longer have a brain. I am SHOOK at how messy this is. I still need to play both sides covertly. I’m giving josh & Tim information because I need conflict in the game and they’re perfect at being the targets and I’ll slide through. Idk who’s going tbh! I’d prefer Keaton but at the end of the day I’ll vote anyone
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o I don’t know what round this is but prod keeps sending the confessional link so I shall confess my sins okay no just kidding that was a bad joke . 
I shall confess on how I’m finessing this game ? Yeah no that doesn’t sound right either .
I have a machete still I like my machete .
Stabby stabby .
I’m sad I didn’t get immunity I wanted that immunity so bad .
Maynor just had to check under the docks and find me .
So apparently Tim is the vote for this round .
I swear he better not pull out that idol-
Speaking of idol searches I’ve been having fun .
I’d have more fun if I found the idol because powers are so fun to have but haven’t had luck yet .
I found some heavy rope today glad I didn’t yell out to the murderous figure because then my head would probably be on a pike like the walking dead .
Honestly I’m just vibing with my people at this point .
Maynor Rtp Liam and myself have a group called final girls which was lowkey my idea so you know I hope it works out .
It’s time for this game to really get started though.
Beware nobody is safe .
The real killer
Jessie ♥️
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Episode 7: Odd Man Out - Daulton
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Needless to say, Tribal didn’t go the way I wanted it to. I really hated that tribal as it was, and then on top of that, Austin plays an advantage given to him by Chips of all people called the Last Girl Left which nullified three of his votes. Since Livingston, Dan, and I all voted him, he nullified all 3 of us. Then Austin voted Livingston and I guess Liam voted Dan causing a 1-1 between my two closest allies. 😭 I then had to choose between the two and that was BY FAR the most difficult decision thus far for me to have to make. I ultimately decided to vote out Dan as I felt for one, he was a bigger threat, and two, I trust Livingston a little more. Either way, it was a hit to my game, and we’re anticipating another swap which could work out in my favor or against me. Hopefully it works in my favor because I’m here to win. 
My beloved Macneil tribe is no more, and as a result I had to be on either Samhain or Morgan. I ended up on Samhain which isn’t a terrible placement for me. It’s coincidental that the “What’s This Called?” group which consists of Livingston, Keaton, Grace, and myself was reunited which is majority for our tribe and that puts me in a more secure spot on the tribe. Two things worry me though: the fact that Austin is here, and I just voted him, and the fact that Tim is here and really don’t trust him. I messaged him after the swap and told him I wanted to be loyal to him and that he better not fuck me over because he’s notorious for that. He said he has nobody and gave his first tribal as an example, but I know Tim. He’s amazing at this game. I do want him on my side for now rather than against me, and if I position myself well enough to get to the merge, I really stand a good chance to win. I’m pretty good at making connections with people, and I’m hoping the connections I’ve made thus far carry me to the end. 
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The First Swap was an awful situation especially since I liked everyone on the OG tribe! I couldn't let Zac go so I voted for Dan :( The 2nd tribal I NEEDED Dan gone! I was certain it was gonna be Austin or myself and when Austin told me he had that advantage I SCREAMED DOWN THE FKN BUILDING!!!! We decided to split our votes and Dan left which was PERFECT! He is a very good player and he had to be cut unfortunately BUT I'm in a swap with people I know! I don't know Maynor all the well but I lowkey wanna get to know him and I kinda wanna vote him or Duolingo out OOP! I'm so happy to be back with Brandan & Gavin and finally meet up with Jessie again!!! I'm just so happy with this tribe!
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My plan to get Savannah out worked. It was going to be 5-1. But Gavin was exiled. But being able to get Jessie, Keaton, and RTP on board wasnt too hard. I trust Jessie and RTP a lot. Keaton is a little more 50/50 because he could turn on you like a light switch. Gavin is a little effy now because apparently Jessie said that Savannah heard Jessie’s name from Gavin. So i need to keep my eyes on him.
Glad Duoligo took that thing and gave us immunity tho. Love being safe.
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So, this “new” tribe isn’t really new to me at all. Tim and Duolingo are the only ones I haven’t been on a tribe with yet, and I’ve been able to form a bond with them as well. I’m just trying to set myself up in the best position for when merge comes. I have decent relationships with everyone on the tribe. Austin is pretty much the target going into this tribal basically because he was the odd man out at the last tribal we went to and overall the least connected. It sucks because he’s trying to rally votes for Livingston to leave, and as much as it is a good move on paper, it’s not for my personal game. I’m in an alliance with Livingston, Keaton, and Grace, and I’m not about to piss off 3 people to save one. Plus, Livingston and I have been together since the start.  Voting him out just doesn’t spell well for me especially if we don’t merge after tonight. People will be mad at me and not trust me moving forward. I have to maintain the better relationships I’ve made at the sacrifice of some weaker ones. I’ve already voted Austin once, so why not just vote him again?
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Episode 6: a good stabbing tool - Jessie
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Josh leaving was total shit tbh. He was one of the people I trusted in this game. I had a feeling he would be screwed over though just realizing he was in minority. Tim is probably running things over there like he always does, and I don’t know why people never want to take him out. Like he really needs to go. He’s just going to find another idol and play it the next time someone targets him. 🤦🏼‍♂️
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Okay so its round 6 and NOT round 4. I have not done a whole hell of a lot this game tbh, but lets recap. So where i am is i fell asleep round 1 and failed to vote in the 21 person mess,  but i would of genuinley voted billy so its okay. Then my swap tribe i got into a small mess and thought i was at risk but got a 3 with dan and Liv and then a 4 with daulton, grace and Liv
so basically liv is my ride or die in this game and he is a FANTASTIC ally, i just have to get back to him. Weary of zach but knowing damn well he is a fallback ally if needed because of TS and my F2 with him. I know basically everyone in this game so i have a major advantage with connections and dont need to start learning about people as some people already have a great idea of me. Anyways the Chips vote i was at a friends house so i just made sure i was good and dipped but that vote was really simple.  Swapping after that round i got dead last pick....which is very concerning for my life in this game, but i got savannah and gavin, two allies who i am very happy to have here, gavin is another close ally who i worked well with in the past so im picking that up, and i hosted and enjoyed Savannah so im using that line to help me here to gain at least a 3-3, maybe a 4-2. I know my path aint gonna be easy here but i just gotta start talkin and get myself any advantage i can
like knowing RTP and i are both knife holders now. got a lot of work ahead of me but now this is my focus. time to watch me shine
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lmao at this rate with one person posting an hour we’re getting dead last
yo we did bad bad lmao. I kinda figured we were going to lose, but damn, that sucked haha. I am very tempted to search for the idol, but also, I don't really think I will need one? In my fantasy me, Daulton, and Livingston vote together seamlessly to stay in the game. Ideally, I would like Liam to go bc he turned out to be a little shady and was willing to put a second vote on me last round. I just think that he has the potential to do it again. The other thing in the back of my mind too is that Austin told me about his power to get rid of two votes.... which is spicy and definitely something I want to keep close to my chest. I feel like I could in theory use it as leverage against him, but if he senses danger, he could easily use it and him and Liam could vote for me this round. So that's a no go. I also kinda have a soft spot for Austin, so I don't want to do that to him ahah. I think that this round is going to be really telling as far as where allegiances actually lie. I almost feel less worried knowing that I have no way of saving myself (unless I can convince Austin to use his power to save me) this round. It's rather peaceful knowing that I don't have shit to save myself, so I can play a little more loyal and not get too cracked about idols and shit.
The plot motherfuckin thickens!!!! Austin has a HUGE power haha I think it's a little bit over powered but akfjalksj. He now has a power that cancels 3 votes of his choosing... This could get really spicy for me. Austin wants to target Livingston, which... is interesting. He told me that Livingston and Savanna know one another in real life, which is no bueno for me. I want to be Livingston's #1 not someone he knows in real life. BUT I just can't vote him out. He has been really good to me. So I could force a tie between Livingston and Austin if Austin uses his power and then just vote Austin out on the revote? Ugh I have no fucking idea.
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I HATE that we lost. 😭 I genuinely love everyone on the Macneil Tribe, and now I have to vote one of them out. I have made a group that consists of a Macneil majority with Livingston, Dan, and myself, and the plan is to vote out Austin which does suck because I love him. But I do love Liam more, and if I can get my way in any decision that is made, it’s a good tribal. I’m just hoping no funny business is going to happen tonight lmao.
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Woot woot. 
- wise words from someone i know
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So I’m a little late hoping on the confessional train probably because I’ve been high key safe for a good chunk of this game . 
About probably ten minutes before I started writing the “Merps.” Alliance was former .
It’s Me, Maynor and Keaton.
I trust Maynor a lot and  I don’t plan on voting him out.
Gavin got thrown out of the tribe chat.
Rip him. 
He’s probably gonna be back after tribal unless we merge or switch tribes again. 
This games actually been pretty laid back but I won’t complain I enjoy it a lot .
I have a machete from my daily searches which is super cool.
Who doesn’t love a good stabbing tool that I could gut the killer open with ?
I’m currently trying to figure out what exactly the plan for tribal is .
I mean there’s only five of us on the tribe since Gavin got yeeted to wherever .
I wonder what path would grant me random safety o.o
I also have a flashlight so that’s cool to I guess .
Anyways I just wanted to get some sort of thought out there in case it is me that goes tonight .
Like it’s round six so if could I want to have a confessional.
If the killer does kill me tonight you bet I fought them .
Forever vibing and hopefully not dying in this game tonight ?
Jessie 🪓
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I feel like I’m unnecessarily nervous about the vote tonight ugh. I feel like things have fallen into place easier than they should.... austin is using his power, which makes me nervous about voting for him because then it’s super obvious that I’m the one who did him in. But also, I feel like I need to stay true to the people I’ve been with since basically the start (Livingston and Daulton) so I’m just really sad. I would really prefer Liam to go over Austin, but at the same time it’s just not gonna happen. I don’t want to risk losing people I have that strong of a bond with. I’m fairly certain if it’s a tie vote between Austin and Livingston, that Liam and Daulton will vote for Austin to go. It’s all so scary because this could be a shot at me, but if it is, it’s a good shot to take and I won’t even be mad about it. 
Well, they got me gals! It has been such a PLEASURE playing this game. I feel like as of late I’ve taken games sooooo seriously. This game reminded me of the old days when things were simple haha. The hosting was INCREDIBLE! Keegan, Rachael, and Abri are the most incredible, warm human beings I’ve ever encountered and I will so dearly miss their spirit. To the rest of my cast members, I just want to say a big thank you. I’m thanking you all for being so warm and receptive to me in this game and for making me believe in this stupid community again. This is now a Daulton, Livingston, Liam, and Austin stan account.
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Episode 5: my cosmic energy was OFF - Dan
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We won immunity again. Yay. Im like liking not going to tribal.
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YAS A WIN!!!! I really dont know what would of happened if we lost.  I need another tribe swap bc I only fully trust dan and liam .....but they are kinda gunning for each other lol. I got the final girl advantage willed to me (thanks chips ) so I'm hoping I can hold on that for a bit and use it around merge.  Idk what's gonna happen next but I'm ready 😘
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Um, hell yeah we did that! After last tribal, we needed it. Last tribal sucked. It was so hard to say bye to anyone on this tribe because we truly love each other. So I’m just glad we don’t have to do it again. Speaking of tribal, it did go the way I planned it even though Dan played an idol that he found. I would have kept it if I were him. I understand why he used it like just to get rid of it because he felt most responsible for us losing, but he could’ve used that later on when he really needed it. But I guess that’s the difference between him and myself. But thank god we avoided tribal this round. However, it sucks that Samhain is going to tribal because I really like the people on that tribe. I’ve had a chance to play with Grace and Josh so far from original Macneil, so I really don’t either of them to leave even though they are outnumbered. If I’m being honest, Tim needs to go because I don’t trust him come the time where we end up on a tribe together, and I need that threat out of here before it has a chance to affect me. Let’s hope they make that move since the first time they tried it he had an idol.
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Whew it’s been a minute since I did one of these. I literally burned my idol to make people think I am honest and whatever. I don’t think it worked LMAO but whatever that shit was cursed and my cosmic energy was OFF. So ya know, whatever. I don’t need a stupid idol to win this game henny. 
But seeing the 4-2 vote really made me feel secure in this group. Liam did come to me and tell me he gave his word to Zac night one that he wouldn’t vote for him and I have to respect that. It’s shady! But I have to respect it. I think that it’s bad for his game overall bc that means he was the only one who votes against the remaining 4 but! Whatever! Not my game, not my problem. 
I am just so happy we got to dodge tribal this round. I’m PRAYING our luck continues, but I’m almost positive it’ll be a double tribal round next.
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Episode 4: what's the harm in a lil flirting - Liam
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Me @ this swap when I’m in such a GREAT position on this Cat tribe. Literally for one, my name was never out considering everyone asked me for what names I’ve heard. Then two, I literally have two alliances which none of them have the same people. And they weren’t groups I made, people came to me wanting me in them lmao. The first one is me, Daulton, Livingston, and Keaton. Then the second one is me, Jesse, and Maynor. I also have a pretty good relationship with Dan and me and Josh have gotten along well so far. If Zach wasn’t exiled, I definitely could have been close with him too. It’s whatever, at least I have people who have trust in me moving into this swap which is all I need. And I got some peeps on this other tribe who I worked with at the first tribal so this could be good.
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So, just when the cat lovers were really starting to feel like a family, we end up getting swapped. Apparently the people that did the best in each puzzle category last round became team captains, and Dan chose me thank GOD. I trust Dan a lot, and I’m glad he sees me as an asset to his game and wants me on his tribe. I also have Livingston from OG Macneil, so that’s good because him and I had the alliance with Grace and Keaton. Hopefully they are good over their tribes, and we make it back together again. The new tribe, the Morgan Tribe, is the tribe I care the least about just based on who’s on it. I obviously want Keaton to make it through, and I like Jessie a lot, but the other 4 are a little less important to my game. The new Samhain tribe is honestly iconic too, and I want Macneil and Samhain to win immunity. Which speaking of immunity, it’s a fucking creative challenge which I do not excel in at all. I just hope the other people on this tribe are good at creative challenges or we’re screwed.
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a tribe swap!!!! spicy. I really was not expecting that one, so good on you hosts for shaking things up.  So my strategy for the swap was to pick everyone I was close with originally lmao. very complex strategy, I know. I will accept player of the season now.  But seriously, I wanted to pick people that I felt would want to work with me and that would not target me specifically if there were to be someone to flip.  
I picked Liam because I feel like we connected pretty well on the original 21 person shit show. I had said to him that I wanted to work with him and Nik had told me he was someone to really have on my side.  I then picked Livingston because I'm really trying this story arc redemption moment with him from trinity. I also... genuinely like him. I feel like we vibe really well and are upfront with one another about game stuff. I hope he doesn't let the past cloud anything going forward, but for now he's definitely my #1.  I then picked Zac because I really got along with him early on as well. A great byproduct of this is that he told me he's super close with Austin, which means thats either information I can exploit, or use to my advantage. If we go to tribal, I could easily target them as a pair, OR join forces with them against someone else. We love accidental connections coming through. Then I picked Daulton because I feel like if I hadn't, he would have been mad. I know what y'all are thinking, why not pick your alliance member Keaton? Well, here's the thing, I don't want to be stuck with the same people all game and really feel like I need to branch out. I also feel like Keaton will understand this better than Livingston, hence picking Livingston over Keaton. Anyway, back to Daulton. Daulton cracks me the fuck up with his blunt delivery. I just have really enjoyed working with him and would love to work with him and livingston moving forward. And that brings us to Austin, who I didn't necessarily pick, but who I was fine with getting. We had some good convos pre swap and I am looking forward to seeing where his heads at in this game.
As far as the challenge is concerned, I think a lot of direction is gonna come from Livingston, which is fine by me. I really am not a creative soul, so I feel like I will be channeling my energy into Livingston's creative process and let him take the wheel. I think we have a good shot of being untouched into the next phase of the game but we'll see. Also, I feel like I basically found the key to all the advantages in the game tonight in my idol search, so trust and believe i'm about to fuck this game up ladies!
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I had high hopes from our first new tribes and the way I play is short, simple, and sweet. Tim made a 5 person alliance of people i liked, and i thought that it was good. Liam is extremely solid, brandan is good not great, and Nik is typically okay on a short term basis. But i had my reserves on Nik, and of course Nik saw the opportunity to break me and Tim up, even though we arent this duo who will flip flop, fuck people up, we are old school people, we find our people we roll with them, we get to the end. We're loyal, but we aren't stupid. 
The minute I saw Tim was getting a lot of the votes and that it got too quiet, i knew the fix was in. Liam has been our informant and I went out of my comfort zone right into the mainchat ala Nik style. I called them out, and I had the immunity idol. The GTO play (Game theory optimum) would be to let Tim go and play the game by myself and break that perception and have an idol. But I AM LOYAL. I do not let my ride or dies sink in the game. I have never voted tim out of a game nor will i ever let him go home if i have anything to say about it.
We manuevered the vote dynamics, made sure the votes were on him, and we made Nik get to steppin. Moving forward it would have been very tough but now a swap is among us.
So we just swapped, and Tim was tribe captain. Exactly what we needed. Nik was 100% right, all i need is one swap and just a few rounds to mobilize my army and build a coalition. Give me time, and i will break people. Not in a bad way. I need people who will be dedicated, and will never waver, never flip. My militia is called the L&J team. Me, Tim, Liam, thats 3, 3/18 = 1/6. Now we recruit Zach, and we pull in grace. 5/18. 27% of the cast. I begin to like these odds once the numbers dwindle and we keep our people in the game.
I may seem like this menace, but I am extremely calculated and people who give me their word I will return the favor. Me and Tim are loyal people. But if you are halfway with me, or are against me we will fucking murder you in cold blood. 
Josh V is the next to go, Brandan worst case if we lose again. We aren't going anywhere anytime soon, we found our people, now we show the game what we can do.
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You ever have those moments where you're hyped, but also not hyped at the same time? Well this is one of those times. I got a fucking idol!!!! but I also earned our tribe a disadvantage in the challenge in the process. So that basically means to me that you probably get a disadvantage any time you get an advantage. or are in the process of getting an advantage. So that means Tim probably got pretty close to getting something, or got something. I'm not sure if that means Zach got an advantage (exile) or if that was his disadvantage? Idk, I'm fucking nervous now, we're gonna have to pull out all the stops for the challenge. 
My worry about the challenge is that we don't really have a story line, we just have the slasher concept. I mean, realistically, I would love to have my idol for myself later in the game, but I would also rather get rid of it if we lose this comp because of my disadvantage... I'm very nervous now, and I think I fucked my game up with this whole idol search business. I hate everything lmao. Well played hosts, well played.
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I feel so fucking guilty. I know there’s probably a bunch of people in here laughing at me and saying I’m an idiot, but I literally didn’t mean to get a fucking disadvantage. I’m really considering just leaving zac or Livingston my idol and getting voted out. I’m so fucking mad at myself.
So I’m feeling more into the game today now that I’ve slept on it. My plan is to fucking stay by any means necessary. I spoke with Livingston just now and told him about my idol. Obviously I know that could come back and bite me in the ass, but frankly I’m playing the idol tonight if I’m in danger or not so fuck y’all. But anyway, I do trust Livingston more than anyone else here. We have a good rapport and I know he’s a loyal guy. So lettuce pray that everything works out and I can idol out a big threat hehehe
Tribal in two hours. It’s me or zac. I’m voting zac and I’m playing my idol so square up with your idol boo
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Well Well Well... I'm not having a good day! I heard it's Zac going... I REFUSE! He will not be going on my watch! Zac is an ICON who I love and adore! I was LITERALLY crying at the thought of voting him out so imma fight for him! I REALLY don't wanna lose anyone on this tribe but especially Zac!
In more positive news Daulton and I are the first Showmance of the season! I've always thought Daulton was cute so what's the harm in a lil flirting ☺️
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Meep merp beep. Ive been soo not into the game that i need to focus again. I want to do well in this game but ill end up just letting myself down as always. 
Soo im haply our trailer won immunity. Im safe. 😊
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Oh, poor Liam. :( He really doesn’t want Zac to be the vote tonight, but I think it’s pretty set in stone at this point unless and Idol is played. I don’t want to sound cocky though because I realize anything can happen, but I feel like Livingston, Austin, and I in addition to Dan are all on board to vote Zac. Liam feels like it’ll be a 3-3 vote which I’m not sure how that will play out unless Austin flips. I really don’t want to go to rocks this early in the game, but I told Dan I wouldn’t write his name, so if Livingston wants to flip, that’s on him, but I just don’t think I can do it. I just hope it is 4-2.
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So we won immunity for once with the videos! Really don’t appreciate the hating on my editing skills/lack of appearance in the video @judges. It was editing or being filmed and I choose editing haha. Anyway, I’m feeling pretty comfortable with this group. Really hoping we don’t lose again. Splitting into 3 tribes really helps give us a chance. I like everyone on my tribe but they’re also super super quiet and we only talk during challenges which is a bit awkward...
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Episode 3: I really am booboo the fool - Dan
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First off, I want to start off by saying, Nik you will missed. 😭❤️ So, we get our immunity challenge and of course, it’s fucking puzzles. I am AWFUL at puzzles, and I’m just afraid I’m going to let my tribe down. 😔 That’s the last thing I want to do. I don’t want to be the reason we lose, and I don’t want an easy target on my back in the event that we do have to go to tribal.
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Ya know what I just love? One of my closest allies going home over T*m and now we have to do a fucking puzzle comp against his ass. I hope and pray his tribe like throws so they can vote him out. Also I love that I have a fucking machete and then FORGOT to go straight and use my machete to hack through the jungle to probably get some sort of reward. I really am booboo the fool
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Well i did my puzzle. I hope we win immunity because this round there hasnt been much talk. So im nervous that I might be left out and can be an easy target. Im nervous amd kinda scared if we lose. I hope im not a target.
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I hate it here.
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Welp, we lost. But not by a lot. My score wasn’t terrible I guess. In this game, I trust Dan and Grace the most with Zach up there too. The fact that Zach is exiled is good I suppose because Dan hinted at possibly wanting to vote him since they never talk. I didn’t like that idea, so I’m glad he’s safe at Exile. I would definitely prefer Chips to be the vote since him and I haven’t spoken, but I’ll go with just about anyone at this point.
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Ok i didn't send this cuz i didnt know if i would be there. Nik should have kept his mouth shut and ryan or gavin would have left which would have looked a lot better for me. Those 2 are gonna gun for me and ill gun for them right back. I'm trying to get on a good side with austin or brandan. Glad we won so i can relax thank god zach is dumb and left lol
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y'all, I might be in a pickle! I feel like i've connected with pretty much everyone on my tribe???? This might be a first for me because I usually let socializing take a back seat to my strategic/physical game, but mama might be onto something here. My worry is that I will spread myself out too thin. the good news is, that people are openly talking game with me and saying names. 
Daulton has thrown out Chips, which is a decent option, but not one I really want to pursue at this precise moment. While I trust daulton and want to work with him, I think I need chips here. Chips and I don't always see eye to eye, but we're from the same stomping grounds. there's respect there. Obviously if he's the vote, I'll vote his ass out, but I think I need other options. Keaton seems like someone I want to work with, and also livingston.  They both have expressed interest in working with me, which I love bc I do enjoy talking to them about life and stuff. I am hoping to form a little thing with them. ALSO jessie wants to work with me kljfalksjfa I literally CANNOT yall. I feel like I'm making so many deals but what am I supposed to say to people? NO??? haha Grace seems interested in working with me but she also leaves me on read constantly so i'm not sure about that. I gave josh a heads up he was getting votes last time so I think i'm in good with him as well? not entirely sure. I certainly said his name a lot last round, but I didn't write his name down?? idk if he knows of my involvement haha. 
for the most part though, I feel pretty good about this tribal so far, but I'm sure in approximately 20 hours I will be spiraling out of control flkjasldkf
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I don’t want to toot my own horn or anything, but Livingston and I created a 4 person alliance with us two, Grace, and Keaton this round. We all decided that since Livingston’s name was being thrown out there that were should counter it with Chips since his name is also out there. Josh’s name is a choice too apparently and Dan heard his name but not Livingston’s, so maybe Livingston isn’t a target, but just to be sure, we’re voting Chips.  And I got Josh on board as well as Dan I think, so the numbers are there regardless of what Jessie, Maynor, and Chips do. I’ve been subtly pushing for Chips all day by just telling people that I haven’t talked to him as much but not really saying I wanted him gone, and it seems to have worked out somehow that the person I really wanted out is now leaving (or should be). Zach being on Exile sucks because I feel like he’d vote with our 4, but after he returns, we should be able to have him become a 5th for us. We’ll see how this tribal goes though. 🤞🏻
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ooooof. The person I would have liked to vote out this round is on exile, so I love that for me! It's not that I don't like Zach, I just know he's good and a big threat and likable. So if we could have figured something out to get him out that would have been awesome. I think when he comes back i'm gonna message him incessantly to build an ounce of a relationship with him lmao. 
But anyway, onto the vote, three names got floated to my knowledge. Those names being livingston (hard no from me), josh v (meh), and chips (pls god yes).  So I was rolling with the josh v vote because it was safe, until miss chips made me mad. I told chips I had heard Josh's name. I did this because chips said he wanted to work with me, which is cool. But when I told him that he said to me "I think I wanna message josh and see what he's being told about the vote" i'm not sure how that convo goes without chips telling him that his name is going around and that it's potentially coming from me. So obviously I went to my main squad alliance of keaton and livingston and filled them in on the tea. In the meantime, I messaged daulton and asked him if he had any updates because he had floated chips' name by me last night and I was hoping to fuel that fire again.  He told me the three names I said above and that he was leaning toward chips. I said cool, sounds good. I don't want to vote josh or livingston, pitched an alliance between myself, josh, and daulton, and now feel pretty secure with most of the people in the tribe, as long as people don't talk and spill too much about their allegiances flkajsdfklajs. 
I'm really not trying to play a messy game, I am just trying to be more socailly forward than any other games I've been in, and I really feel like it might be paying off.
I don’t fucking like this “please be around after tribal and don’t tell anyone you got this message” thing.... I’m just thinking I’m about to get fucked by a twist
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Episode 2: Puddle Thinking - Duolingo
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I have been excommunicated from everyone I had good connections with besides two people.....and I’m also on a tribe with Nik. Who I’m very nervous is trying to get revenge for what happened in our last game together. Yay....
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Everything went perfectly this tribal and it very much showed who I can and cannot trust. I’m hoping to pull off another big upset if our tribe loses by sending Duolingo home earlier than expected. I just don’t think I can trust tim whole heartedly with him in the game. Wish me luck! Xoxo
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ok so tribal went well..i know my name was an early option but a bunch of ppl told me about it and that they were trying to shut it down. I stan Dan and Liam for that. Also had some pretty good conversations, specifically with Chips, Nik, Duolingo, Josh V, and Savannah. And I have some good relationships from previous stuff with Dan, Jessie, Liam and Austin.
Now we are on new tribes and of course im with tim....hey tim if youre reading this....fuck off
but i do have savannah, liam, austin, nik, and duolingo so hopefully im in a good position here...hopefully i can be good at challenges so ppl think its a good idea to keep me around. im also sharing idol info with austin and liam because this is the kind of thing where having more info is helpful and they will hopefully share info with me too
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I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not gonna be a pussy this game. I’m here to be a final girl and do final girl shit.
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This tribe is so silent!!!! I hate when no one talks. I’m wondering if people feel really safe or if people are just busy. It just is annoying bc I’m trying to get this comp done and over with so I can actually enjoy my night!!
What did we mothafuckin do? THAT. Yaaasssss. I’m soooo relieved we came out on top in that challenge. Miss Daulton was sending me talking about how Grace fucked that up after the challenge lmao. He literally went for her NECK! But anyway, I’m really proud of us and I feel like 4 points is super high for a challenge like this, so let’s here it for the big brain energy!!! 
Also, while idol searching I found a machete, which leads me to believe I need to use it to get to something. I’m not sure if I should go another route or stick to the route I’m at. The last time I shared stuff I found in a game, it got spread around the whole tribe. I don’t feel especially close enough with anyone on this tribe at the moment to share anything with. My hope is that Ryan is able to survive on the other tribe and can take out Tim, or someone I really don’t intend on working with. So here I am, summoning a prayer circle. Please let it be Tim
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Ok, so the first round 21-person tribal went pretty well. The person I voted out left even if it was Billy. I do like Billy, but he just was not staying. Then we get split into tribes based on if we answered cats or dogs in our interview. I of course said cats as that is the ONLY answer, and I find myself on the best tribe. This is basically the tribe I would have hand picked with maybe one or two substitutions. Then Dan, Grace, Josh, and I all do this round’s competition which was a game of telephone, and we won! I’m excited that we are not going to tribal this round.
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well, we have a bit to catch up on from this round so far. for starters, when idol hunting, i found a disadvantage in the next challenge which is obviously NOT ideal... but i knew hiding that from the rest of my tribe would be detrimental to my game and cause a lot of distrust--which is not something i need among a cast full of people i do not know. so, i decided to share the route i took to get the disadvantage in hopes that no one would follow it--but if they did, i knew they didn't trust me and they make themselves an easy target in my eyes. funnily enough, tim took that and tested out the route i specifically told him NOT to take. along with not having a good presence in the tribe chat, or privately, i used this against him and have begun pushing his name as the person to leave this round. i absolutely do not feel bad seeing him go, because i guess word of me spreading the fact that he had a disadvantage in the next challenge despite me sharing my route. he was obviously not pleased and began threatening me to others saying things like "he is lucky RTP is here". GIRL BYE. he thinks he has so much authority over this game with his dull and useless personality and lack of contribution to the tribe. PLEASE. get the hell out of here. BUH-BYE.
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Sooooo the game is going okay for me so far happy to see two of my fav ppl here maynor and jessie. Sad we didn't end up on the same tribe but hopefully they stay safe. I did end up with like ryan , liam, zac, tim , savanna , and gavin which isn't bad but I have no harscore connections with these ppl. Me liam and ryan have a Salem alliance which I like and hope it can stay together at least for a lil bit. Its either tim or ryan going this vote I feel and to be honest I kinda hope its tim .sorry tim we just dont like connect on a personal level . Hopefully I can just keep surviving wish me luck!
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I don’t know why, but I have that bad bad feeling I usually get when I feel like I’m going home. I’m trying to remain calm and just prepare for it, but if it happens, it’s gonna sting really really bad. I’m hoping an idol wasn’t in the box and the idol is a lot harder to get to, but anything could happen. I just have to trust the people that gave me their word and try my hardest to keep my head held high
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Episode 1: My Own Personal Hell - Zach
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Can’t wait to get first boot
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Y’all. This cast has me SWEATING. I know like 80% of these players and you wanna know how I’m doing? Not well bitch! I feel like there’s so many tengaged people here that I had the unpleasant time of playing some celestial game or something like that. I know Nik and Livingston and tim from that. And according to Nik there’s a ton of people who have played together before with a ton of beef so I’m just scared! I’m hoping they all go after each other before me but knowing my luck I’ll be the hot one that does first.
I haven’t played a game in a few months and honestly messaging 20 people trying to have a good first impression has me FATIGUED! 
Also finding out from keaton that a 13 person friend group was all cast for this game is.... a mood
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When everyone is random.orging their lists but I went through and evaluated each individual conversation with a fine toothed comb in order to make my list 🤡
So I figured what better way to do my cast assessment but by going through each person based on my list that I made for the challenge. We love this big brain energy. 
1. Ryan - RTP is a legend. We have been in this community for such a long time. I think there's a common respect for one another and I would love to work closely with him this game. I think that we have a good rapport and all in all he's a great guy. 
2. Nik - I love Nik so much because he's 100% himself no matter the occasion. I played a trinity survivor game with him and we didn't always see eye to eye, but I really loved his spirit and getting to know him. I think we could do a lot of damage in this game together. 
3. Gavin - What a sweetie! He seems so kind and a gentle soul. In my mind we've hit it off and the messages haven't been just the normal get to know you messages. This might be too high of a ranking for now, but i'm just going with the vibes. 
4. Zac - Zac seems so cool! I think he's a pretty open book and is willing to talk game or about personal stuff. We both love food and honestly that's a connection I can work with. 
5. Savanna - We really hit it off talking about horror movies and life. I feel like her and I quickly started talking, but then the convo kinda dropped out. I am hopeful that her and I end up on a tribe together because I feel like she's someone I could trust long term. 
6. Livingston - Oh boy, I was a little nervous about seeing Livingston on this cast. I was like...wow 2020 really is doing me dirty.  BUT as we got talking, we really did have a good conversation about the past and how we will move forward from it. This is a hopeful placement for Livingston and I hope he sees it as an olive branch. 
7. Maynor - My boy Maynor is so nice and such a threat haha he's a good person to have on your side because he's very social and in most games i've seen him in, a late game threat. he's someone I want to work with but also watch out for. 
8. Keaton - Keaton, Keaton, Keaton. A mess. I love him so much, he has such a good spirit about him, but he's messy! He already spilled a 13 person friend group in the game, but then failed to give me any names... Sis, you were high on my list, but now! I dropped ya. 
9. Jessie - What a genuine nice person. I feel bad about lying and saying I've seen Silent Hill, but I'M JUST TRYING TO CONNECT WITH PEOPLE. 
10. Chips - Chips and I just don't vibe that well in games, so he's middle of the pack for me. 
11. Brandan - Brandan is a little chaotic and I know him from other games, I just want to keep an eye on him because he can be a little emotional. 
12. Daulton - He seems really nice, but we didn't really get past the get to know you questions and I kinda lead the convo
13. Liam - I wish I could have put him higher, but he only started talking to me now after 9 and I honestly love him, so rip. 
14. Zach - I'm afraid a bunch of people are gonna put zach high because of his popularity in the community and charisma, so i'm hoping this lowers him a little. 
15. Austin - He seems cool! Just didn't talk much. 
16. Grace - We really didn't talk, meh. 
17. Billy - I know he works at a gas station! 
18. Josh V. - Literally didn't talk
19. Duolingo - Hoping based on his name he can teach me Spanish. 
20. Tim - The only PERSONAL ranking on my list. I don't care for him. He's condescending and someone I was REALLY upset about being cast. He will 100% be my target if given the chance. He can go. 
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THIS SUCKS BEING AT THE BOTTOM...BUT IM SAFE BITCHESSS...I god hope this is just a one round thing. I hope fkn ryan or dan goes, i just hope its not josh...btw when i say josh i mean duolingo fk the other josh lol
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I think it's cool that I'm medium-liked even if a lot of the lists were randomed...
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PLS LET ME DIE! WHY WHY WHY!!! this tribal is TOXIC!!! I'm working on Getting Billy out with Nik but there's some obstacles I think we can get 10 people but we need 1 more. Billy & I are friendly but I wouldn't say we're close friends so it's a lil bit confusing me. I'm trying to get Brandan to think he's coaching me because It's my 2nd ORG so I think it's working a lil but I'm out here to play HARD! 10x Harder than I did in my last ORG! I can't play the same way everytime so this is a new way of playing for me! I'm ready to play HARD
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I have many thoughts but been busy so havemt been able to put stuff in confessionals. Ill try to do some after work. Right now i just hate the 21 person tribal but atleast (i hope) it isnt me to night.
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I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place with this stupid vote!!! 21 votes at a tribal can choke!!! 
So on one hand, I have Billy. Who I have no connection with. And on the other hand I have Josh V, who I also have no connection with ahha. The only difference is, billy is a part of the big premade alliance. Nik is pissing me off a little because it seems like he wants me to do the majority of the leg work to make a billy vote happen, but I’m not comfortable throwing my name into conversations so Nik can play both sides. It may be better for me just to go with the friend group and vote Josh V
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