suuperdanielle · 6 years
I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at the world. Sit the fuck down, susan. Dont be such a diva.
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suuperdanielle · 8 years
i hate ppl who get personally offended when im in a bad mood like im not mad at u susan im mad at the world
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suuperdanielle · 8 years
the houses in danger
hufflepuff: come on guys! we can all beat this together!
ravenclaw: maybe i can research a way out of this!
gryffindor: i am going to punch it in the face, and then i will keep punching
slytherin: motherfucker, i am the danger
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suuperdanielle · 8 years
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Lee Jordan’s commentary appreciation post
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suuperdanielle · 8 years
let’s forget about pineapple for a minute
if you don’t eat pizza crust you’re a coward
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suuperdanielle · 8 years
Not all Sherlock fans believe in TJLC! Don’t forget it!
I would like to remind that TJLC-believers ARE NOT the Sherlock fandom! They are only a part of Sherlock fandom!
I would like to remind that a great number of Sherlock’ fans (millions of people!) are strongly believe and love an AMAZING FRIENDSHIP between Sherlock and John! And it’s disgusting when some journalists write smth like “Make Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson gay lovers, fans urge BBC” - NOT ALL FANS want it! Definetly NOT ALL!
Dear johnlockers and media workers, 
Please remember that there are a lot of Sherlock fans who believe in friendship between Sherlock and John without gay-subtext and who believe in another pairings in Sherlock series!
And we are also a part of Sherlock fandom!
So, let’s try to respect each other, to respect different ships and points of view. Whatever you ship and believe - it’s all fine!
Thank you. 
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suuperdanielle · 8 years
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                                 Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end,                                                     if not always in the way we expect.
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suuperdanielle · 8 years
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Hagrid pulled out the pink umbrella again, tapped it twice on the side of the boat, and they sped off towards land…
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suuperdanielle · 8 years
The Cursed Child: A Summary
Scorpius: Albus no
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suuperdanielle · 8 years
Harry Potter made me believe in magic when reality was getting too shitty. Thank you.
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suuperdanielle · 8 years
This may sound cheesy but wth Harry Potter has been my first love and it will always have a place in my heart. ALWAYS.
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suuperdanielle · 8 years
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Happy Birthday Harry Potter and J.K Rowling ❤️
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suuperdanielle · 8 years
knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit
wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad 
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suuperdanielle · 9 years
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suuperdanielle · 9 years
I really went through 4 years of high school and never got assigned a fake baby to watch and take care of
TV really lied to me
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suuperdanielle · 9 years
If my toaster burns EVERYTHING at setting 4, then why does setting 9 exist and what would it do??
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suuperdanielle · 9 years
teacher: alright, since no one is raising their hands i’m gonna pick people
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