suzume-xiv · 6 years
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A few of the FFXIV RP blogs I follow have these reactions gif sets they use for answering prompts. Me being the snowflake that I am, decided I’d like to have those too of my character ( @ashenoath ). This is my attempt at it. I plan on doing more expressions and gestures in the future, but these will do for now.
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suzume-xiv · 6 years
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Hello! So I will not be able to keep up with this blog along with my main one, so I will be combining them! Please feel free to hop over and send Suzi asks at this blog! Thank you so much for following! 
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suzume-xiv · 6 years
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Grand Opening!! (pt 2: PST time zone)
Water Well is having their opening night of fighting, drinking and gambling!
This event is on Balmung, Ward 12, plot 31.
Thursday August 16th, 7pm PST| 9pm CST| 10pm EST
OOC: First I would like to make a note that for a short time, our event days may change as we adjust to what days fits more people. Sadly, due to availability and sheer volume of events on Balmung, we understand we will inevitably overlap with another event now and then. This is not on purpose, nor with ill intent, it’s simply the nature of being on such an active server!
We will also, regularly, host two events a month, one set at a time for people in the EST timezone, and one for those in PST. This event is set for the PST folks, another post has been made for our EST event grand opening! You can find that here.
Pre-Sign ups recommended but there is 30 mins before fights start for people to sign up at the time. Link here to pre-sign up. (Please note there are two different sign up forms. One for the EST event, one for the PST. They are linked on their respective posts.)
Betting on fights will be taken. This is a real gil sub-event, completely optional and gives a real gil pay out should your fighter win. Link here for the break down. Listing for character odds coming soon!**
Each new fighter will have no odds against him. Coming and fighting each event will increase your odds and in time, unlock the ability to add “buffs”. But more on that another time.
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“Hey, you lookin’ for a fight? Good, cause I got a spot for ya. In the Goblet, got this little place with some booze and a chance to earn some gil, if you’re lucky enough.
Come by in a couple weeks, see for yourself, it’s our grand opening, would be a real shame if ya missed it! And don’t worry about booze, got that covered.
Just got a few rules, so listen close:
Don’t be a whiny bitch if you lose. Take it like a man and get off the stage. We got a shower stall to wash off the blood if ya need and a healer’s table with some potions, use ‘em.
You gotta be the right age to gamble, sorry but I ain’t about to risk gettin’ into trouble just cause you wanna win some gil. Don’t we all?
Fights go for three (3) hits, but you better make ‘em count. Go big, or go home, Darlin’. Make those few hits really leave a mark!
NO magic or weapons, it just ain’t fair cause this is for fightin’ brawl style. Maybe we’ll do some weapon and magic fights in the future, but for now, just use your body as your weapon.
No killin’. Just don’t do it, it’s a mess… if you kill someone, we will detain you and hand ya off to the guards… after you’re properly shown the error of your ways by the rest of us.  That’s you’re only warning.”
No fights outside the ring permitted. Take that shit outside, cause you’re not breakin’ my furniture!
Think that about covers it… you got any questions? Ain’t no cover charge to get in or to fight. Booze cost ya but ain’t that bad. So gonna see you there?”
Additional OOC note: Booze and cigars and tobacco cost rp gil, you won’t be expected to fork over real gil for that. But again, the gambling IS real gil, so do be prepared for that.
Matches will be set up at random, if you have someone you want to fight, let me know before the fights start.
Fights are one at a time.
**At this time, the gambling will not be included in the grand opening event to allow us time to work out a few kinks! 
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suzume-xiv · 6 years
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Grand Opening!!
Water Well is having their opening night of fighting, drinking and gambling! 
This event is on Balmung, Ward 12, plot 31. 
Monday August 13th, 7pm EST|6pm CST|4pm PST
OOC: First I would like to make a note that for a short time, our event days may change as we adjust to what days fits more people. Sadly, due to availability and sheer volume of events on Balmung, we understand we will inevitably overlap with another event now and then. This is not on purpose, nor with ill intent, it’s simply the nature of being on such an active server! 
We will also, regularly, host two events a month, one set at a time for people in the EST timezone, and one for those in PST. This event is set for the EST folks, another post will be made very soon for our PST event grand opening! 
Pre-Sign ups recommended but there is 30 mins before fights start for people to sign up at the time. Link here to pre-sign up.
Betting on fights will be taken. This is a real gil sub-event, completely optional and gives a real gil pay out should your fighter win. Link here for the break down. Listing for character odds coming soon!
Each new fighter will have no odds against him. Coming and fighting each event will increase your odds and in time, unlock the ability to add “buffs”. But more on that another time. 
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“Hey, you lookin’ for a fight? Good, cause I got a spot for ya. In the Goblet, got this little place with some booze and a chance to earn some gil, if you’re lucky enough. 
Come by in a couple weeks, see for yourself, it’s our grand opening, would be a real shame if ya missed it! And don’t worry about booze, got that covered.
Just got a few rules, so listen close:
Don’t be a whiny bitch if you lose. Take it like a man and get off the stage. We got a shower stall to wash off the blood if ya need and a healer’s table with some potions, use ‘em.
You gotta be the right age to gamble, sorry but I ain’t about to risk gettin’ into trouble just cause you wanna win some gil. Don’t we all?
Fights go for three (3) hits, but you better make ‘em count. Go big, or go home, Darlin’. Make those few hits really leave a mark!
NO magic or weapons, it just ain’t fair cause this is for fightin’ brawl style. Maybe we’ll do some weapon and magic fights in the future, but for now, just use your body as your weapon.
No killin’. Just don’t do it, it’s a mess… if you kill someone, we will detain you and hand ya off to the guards… after you’re properly shown the error of your ways by the rest of us.  That’s you’re only warning.” 
No fights outside the ring permitted. Take that shit outside, cause you’re not breakin’ my furniture!
Think that about covers it… you got any questions? Ain’t no cover charge to get in or to fight. Booze cost ya but ain’t that bad. So gonna see you there?” 
Additional OOC note: Booze and cigars and tobacco cost rp gil, you won’t be expected to fork over real gil for that. But again, the gambling IS real gil, so do be prepared for that. 
Matches will be set up at random, if you have someone you want to fight, let me know before the fights start. 
Fights are one at a time.
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suzume-xiv · 6 years
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suzume-xiv · 6 years
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suzume-xiv · 6 years
FFXIV IC Class Knowledge
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D I S C I P L E S   O F   W A R
Rel is of course a very physical fighter. She has very very little “formal” training but she has dabbled in a few things enough to have a decent grasp on a portion of it. Other than her Monk training, which is a recent thing and she’s just starting out.
GLADIATOR || PALADIN: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
MARAUDER || WARRIOR: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
DARK KNIGHT: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
PUGILIST || MONK: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
LANCER || DRAGOON: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
ROGUE || NINJA: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
SAMURAI: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
ARCHER || BARD: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
MACHINIST: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
D I S C I P L E S   O F   M A G I C
Rel is completely hopeless when it comes to magic. Period.
CONJURER || WHITE MAGE: Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
ARCANIST || SCHOLAR || SUMMONER: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
ASTROLOGIAN:  Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
THAUMATURGE || BLACK MAGE: Unskilled |  Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
RED MAGE:  Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
D I S C I P L E S   O F   T H E   H A N D
Rel has actually dedicated some time to crafting things, specifically armor and weapons. Probably the most surprising thing Rel is good at, extremely good at, is weaving. It’s not exactly something she advertises but it was one of the few skills she was taught growing up. She recently also learned to actually cook! Thank the gods… cause she was likely to die before.
CARPENTER: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
BLACKSMITH: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
ARMORER: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
GOLDSMITH: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
LEATHERWORKER: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
WEAVER: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
ALCHEMIST: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
CULINARIAN: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
D I S C I P L E S   O F   T H E   L A N D
Another slightly surprising fact, Rel has quite the green thumb! She loves fishing, though rarely gets to do it these days and swinging a pick is a great work out, along the way, she picked up a few things on what good ore looks like.
MINER: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
BOTANIST: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
FISHER: Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master
It only took me a million years to get this done but I did it. Go me!
Tagged by: @asmaria-blackthorne
Tagging: @captaingiddyblack @actualkomodo @mveerah @leia-moshantu @dynamitecowboy @josiah-covey (sorry if you’ve already done it! Just ignore me lol)
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suzume-xiv · 6 years
Small additional note:
Since my time leaving Suzi behind and now, some things have changed oocly and icly but nothing that’ll effect anyone else. Just know that some posts containing a certain someone will be removed. Not all, but some. So you are not going crazy if you remembered seeing something and suddenly it’s gone. Thanks!
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suzume-xiv · 6 years
I’m back...
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Hello! So I am bringing Suzume back! That’s right! But with that, comes a few changes. I main on Balmung now, so there is a Suzume on Balmung (IG name: Kurogane Suzume) however, I am also still on Mateus! So while I am not over there often, the option is completely there and I will happily rp with folks on Matues! 
That being said, I am going to do something I never ever do and that is keep the two servers in their own Universe, of sorts. It will be the exact same Suzi, however, relationships will rarely, if ever, cross over. I’m not sure how that’ll work out but we’ll see! 
Final note, my main on Balmung is Relavel Outtlaw and she does have her own tumblr. I will not be deleting this one and will do my best to keep it up to date, however, if it appears I will not be able to do that, then I will merge the two on a single blog OR give Suzi her own side blog off my main. 
On Balmung, Suzume will soon be teaming up with Rel to help host fight nights at her soon to open Well Water Cigar Lounge and Fight Club. So feel free to come by when that opens! 
Thank you all so much for your time! I’m super happy to bring Stabby Lizard back! 
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suzume-xiv · 6 years
I totally fell off the face of the Earth but thank you for the tag! I love this!!! :D 
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Rinko Kikuchi for Jalouse China (December 2013), by Jumbo Tsui.
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suzume-xiv · 6 years
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suzume-xiv · 6 years
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Viktoriya Sasonkina by Yu Tsai
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suzume-xiv · 6 years
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suzume-xiv · 6 years
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suzume-xiv · 6 years
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suzume-xiv · 6 years
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suzume-xiv · 6 years
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DIMMU BORGIR - Progenies of The Great Apocalypse
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