svstermoon · 4 years
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svstermoon · 4 years
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I made a Meghan Markle icon pack for the awesome elenaishuman
[Download] [Hollow-Art]
Likes/reblogs appreciated.
these are mine, please do not steal them because it's very rude and I will be forced to set my enchanted wolves on you.
screencap credit to [x]
There are 300 icons in this pack
They are all from Suits (Season 3) 
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svstermoon · 4 years
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svstermoon · 4 years
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svstermoon · 4 years
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svstermoon · 4 years
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Meghan Markle - on location for Dater’s Handbook
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svstermoon · 4 years
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Meghan Markle, brand ambassador for Reitmans during a photoshoot for the brand.
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svstermoon · 4 years
Your writing is astounding and amazing
I have no idea who sent me this since I haven’t been on this blog in a while but THANK YOU SO MUCH THIS IS... ;-; WHOEVER YOU ARE YOU’RE SO NICE!!
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svstermoon · 5 years
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svstermoon · 5 years
The sound of Vee’s voice drew Alexios out of the deep, dreamless sleep that he had been drawn down into, and he jerked awake sharply, sitting up in a spray of sand as he looked wildly around. He spotted her then, sitting in the ocean a few feet away, and after another quick scan of the beach and a screech from Ikaros confirmed that there was no one else around, Alexios allowed himself to relax. That was, until he registered what Vee had said and the pain written on her face. He was up and on his feet in an instant, racing across the sand until he was splashing through the water towards her, kneeling beside her and reaching out to smooth her hair back out of her face. There was a sort of panic inside of him, an emotion that he wasn’t used to feeling, but he managed to push it away and keep focused. He was a warrior, and warriors do not fall apart in the heat of battle. “What do you need me to do?” he asked Vee, eyes bright and determined.
Despite being a goddess she was not immune to the pains of childbirth.  It wasn’t as bad as it was for mortal women but she was still in pain.  When he finally joined her in the water she looked up at him a pain filled smile on her face.  “Just sit here in the water with me for now?  The baby is coming soon... just not yet.”  Vee gripped his hand as she grunted out in pain as it shot through her.  It lasted a few moments before she relaxed, taking a deep breath before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to his lips.  She motioned him to sit in the water and she followed, leaning against him.  The brunette let out another groan of pain as her fingers dug into the muscle of his legs as she leaned over in pain, another contraction sending waves of pain through her.  Once it passed she leaned against him again panting softly as she leaned into him.  It continued on like that for what felt like days, but was really only hours.  She had watched the moon travel the sky, and could see the weak morning rays of the sun beginning to rise off in the distance of the horizon.  She had flipped flopped positions, using Alexios as a resting post and a since of comfort.  She could tell he was kind of tense, most likely wishing he could take some of the pain from her, and she couldn’t think of any better man to be having a child with if he were thinking thoughts like that.
Finally Vee could feel the baby actually coming and had begun to push.  She squatted in the water, her hands on Alexios shoulders to help steady her.  She leaned into the touch of his calloused fingers as he pushed her hair off of her face and placed his lips against her forehead.  Despite not having any children of his own he was very good about willing her on through the process, whispering soft words of encouragement in her ear whenever he could.  Holding her hand between them in the water as she pushed looking down to see the baby’s head come through under the water.  She took Alexios’ hand and guided it between them, under the baby’s head telling him to hold it up and be ready to catch the rest.  A few more moments of pushing and Vee felt the shoulders of their baby pass and he slid into the water a dull bluish green glow surrounding him.  She finally sat down taking a huge breath as she plucked the baby out of the water, tears filling her eyes.  Another little one, that she could love and cherish, with a man she already loved and cherished.  She leaned into Alexios’ side as she turned the baby on it’s back rubbing it’s back and shoulder vigorously and then flipping it over in her arms.  A few seconds later a loud cry surrounded them and she looked up at Alexios a teary smile on her face, as she cradled the now wailing and softly glowing bundle in her arms.  “We have a son... a beautiful little boy.  Welcome to the world, son of Kythera.  You will have to get your knife to cut him free of the cord that binds us together but for now... would you like to hold your son, my love?”
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svstermoon · 5 years
The warm breeze of the air of Kythera wafted through the air.  It lifted Vee’s hair , as she turned her face into it.  The smell of home was the most beautiful thing to her.  The shores were quiet except for the light huffs of Phobos as he slept.  Vee herself was sitting in the water, the light of the full moon illuminating her hair and skin.  She was humming softly, no song in particular but one that was beautiful to her nonetheless. Alexios wasn’t exactly far off.  If she turned her head she could see where he lay, his normal shift between sleeping and consciousness there as always.  Despite her being completely capable of handling herself he had made it his sole mission to protect her, even more since she had become pregnant.  Normally it would irritate her to the ends of the earth, but when it came to Alexios she really only thought it was cute.  She inhaled sharply as another pain shot through her belly.  She’d been having them for the last 2 or so months, and Alexios practically jumped at every one.  Though now she was closer to actually being ready to have the baby each one could mean exactly that.  She knew her body pretty well, having had plenty of children before, and even as she sat in the water she knew that tonight would be the night.  Though not needed her body confirmed it to her when she felt her water break.
“Alexios... Alexios, love I believe your child is ready to greet you!”
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svstermoon · 5 years
 @ohioslugger replied to your post: Does anyone in the fandom make icons?  ‘Cause I...
i can create them for you if you’d like. i’ll just need to know what kind of psds you’d like on them and stuff.
You can?  That would so fucking nice of you seriously this means the world to me.  Can I get this PSD for Naomi and this one for Charlotte? Please and thank you so so so much again.  You have no idea what this means to me seriously!
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svstermoon · 5 years
Does anyone in the fandom make icons?  ‘Cause I could really use some Charlotte Flair/Ashley Flierh and Naomi icons for RPing purposes.  I can’t exactly pay because I’m broke but maybe we can work something out... some kind of trade?  I just really need this ;-;
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svstermoon · 5 years
Ambrose is an Aesthetic
and also... a mood.
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svstermoon · 5 years
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svstermoon · 5 years
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svstermoon · 5 years
temp dash promo
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this is a temporary dash promo for a multimuse with muses from Disney, Fox’s Bones, If I Stay, fandomless OC’s and more! I’m temporarily dash only but you can find a muse list post here.  Most muses are of age and mun is 25+ so there may be N/SFW content of many kinds (not just smut) on this blog. Because of tumblr’s newest n/sfw policy each of my muses has their own n/sfw tag.  They and all triggers will be tagged accordingly!
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