svtmafia · 3 years
𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻 ⤅ 𝗪𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗪𝗼𝗹𝗳 𝗔𝘂
A Werewolf AU reaction and Prefernaces book.
In an alternative universe, world Kpop sensations SEVENTEEN are a pack of werewolves. They reign over the city of Seoul and spark fear and terror into the hearts of other wolves that dare to cross their territory.
Although they are part canine, they are still human and want to find that missing voide in them that only their mate can fill. This is how they plan to spend the rest of their breathing days with their one and only.
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-Updated every Sunday-
-Werewolf!Seventeen x Gender Neutral Reader-
-Started: 06.01.2021 | Ended: ??.??.2021-
All stories are based off complete fiction and do not reflect the actual behaviours and mindsets of the group.
This work was inspired by @oddneocult ( @svtmafia on here) and @forever-still (both on Wattpad) with their mafia and punk series, if you haven’t read those works then I suggest you do because they’re amazing.
None of the gifs used by me are mine and credit goes to the rightful owners.
This work is also published on Wattpad, so if you do see the book again, it’s most likely me. 😁
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svtmafia · 4 years
hey guys i’ve gotten quite a few messages asking if i’m okay since i’ve been gone so long but i’m all good! i feel bad not answering if people are actually worried 😭 i’ve been going to college for the past year or so and i am still creating things but i’ve switched over from writing to doing more drawing and painting. art has always been my passion and writing was kind of a side thing but i appreciate everyone who supported this so much! sometimes i think of getting back into writing but my english skills have gone to shit lmao
i would feel bad promoting my other socials where i post now since you guys came for the writing so i’ll just leave it at that! I hope you’re all doing well and staying safe in these scary times, but still happy holidays! 💖
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svtmafia · 5 years
A beautiful, bubbly, lively kid full of innocent passion who grew up too fast in the harsh lights of the Korean pop industry.
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I still can recall her wide eyed, definitely nervous look during their debut stage. Her sweet live vocals coupled with powerful dancing and charming cheek whiskers whenever she smiles made her easily one of the most beloved maknae of her generation.
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Others will say she messed up as a grown woman while others will argue that she showed the conservative SK audience that women can do whatever they want and sexism doesn't have a place in society.
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Others will accuse her of being an attention wh*re while others will say the admire her for her strength, confidence and candor.
However you feel about her, let's remember her with respect and treat everyone who is mourning for her passing with care and civility.
May her soul rest in peace and may those who mourn for her find comfort with one another.
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svtmafia · 5 years
Treasure {Part 2}
Joshua x Reader (Part 1)
Words: 566
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"Hey, Channy!" You yelled out, waving at the tall man running your way.
"Where is he, [Y/N]?"
Fake confusion showed on your face, "Who?"
Chanyeol came to a halt as he reached where you were standing, "The guy you went outside with. Don't play dumb otherwise Baekhyun will be hearing about this."
He got as close as he could and looked down at you from his towering height. To any normal person, this would be a terrifying situation. But you've known this man ever since you were a child, does he really think he can scare you?
"Can't tell him if you don't know anything, can you?"
He rolled his eyes, "Tell me now, kid." The emphasis he put on kid caused you to jump slightly as he grabbed onto your arms.
"Let me go before I rip your big, stupid ears off!" You whined, flapping your arms around vigorously. Chanyeol smirked at your helpless state. He took the chance to pin you against a nearby wall, making you yell out in pain with the impact.
"Baekhyun will be hearing about this, you giant shit!" You spat out at him.
He sighed in defeat, "Whatever, I'll leave you for Sehun anyway," He let you go and began walking away, "Let's go, men, the search continues since this filthy traitor won't fess up!"
You sink to the ground, exhausted after the exchange. How you would be able to manage a relationship with Joshua was beyond you. And leave you for Sehun? No thanks. You'd rather cut off your own ear than be with him. Baekhyun would never allow you to date, anyone, anyway, and that was the reason you were in this situation.
Everyone found out Joshua was hiding somewhere within the gang recently. You knew right away who he was when he first came in because he was the only one who treated you like a human rather than Baekhyun's sister.
And that poor, sweet man was hiding in some dirty building, waiting for you. You know he wouldn't leave without knowing you were okay because he was stupidly in love with you. It was evident by the way he spoke to you earlier. You couldn't believe he was bold enough to finally break the tension like that. You had to find him.
As soon as Chanyeol and his gang were far enough, you rushed in the building you sent Joshua into. It looked empty and rusty besides the stairs leading up to a hidden balcony. A perfect place to hide.
You called out for him as you tip-toed up the old stairs.
"[Y/N]? Are you alone?" Joshua's voice rang out through the balcony room.
"If I wasn't, do you really think I'd be able to say no?" You snapped at him.
He chuckled, "I'll take that as a yes," His mood switched as he looked at your arms, "What happened to you?" You looked down to see bruises had formed where Chanyeol grabbed you. What perfect evidence to take him down.
You couldn't help but laugh, "That stupid giant screwed up. I'll have Sehun taken out too if they really think they can mess with me like this." Joshua looked slightly worried at the state you were in but it didn't matter how crazy you looked. You were finally going to get your revenge.
"Josh, tell your gang to start preparing. I'm taking EXO down."
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svtmafia · 5 years
to all ikonic
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svtmafia · 5 years
The Truth Untold
S. Coups x Reader
Words: 705
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24 months earlier; Someone moved in next door. They looked way too innocent to be living in this area. I thought about warning them but decided against it.
23 months; I bumped into them while they were taking their garbage out. They apologized for not coming to greet their neighbors sooner, I told them it was better that they didn't. They took this as a joke but said their name is [Y/N]. I revealed my real name to them. We parted ways.
20 months; We both arrived at our homes at the same time. They apologized that we never saw each other much. I said it was no big deal as we went into our respective homes.
15 months; I rushed out of my house to help [Y/N] bring suitcases into their house. It's been a while. They apologized since they were off traveling for a few months, offering to take me next time. I said we barely knew each other. They knew but expressed they wish that weren't true.
10 months; I visited them every week to keep them company in their lonely home. They never came to my house, I told them I lived with many other people and it could be too stressful. They understood. I gave them a necklace as an apology.
8 months; They invited me over for dinner nearly every day. I even introduced them to my housemates and they got along. [Y/N] is so sweet, it's no surprise that everyone loved them. Including me.
4 months; I accidentally began ignoring some of my duties. I just wanted to spend time with [Y/N].
1 month; A lot of suspicious activity started coming up around the area. I had to spend more time with them to keep them safe.
Today I arrived at [Y/N]'s house and the atmosphere was odd. The air felt heavy. Something was wrong.
"[Y/N]?" I yelled out for them, but there was no answer. They always expect me at this time. Would they just leave without telling me? It's possible but it just doesn't feel right at all. Plus, the door was unlocked. I always reminded them to lock the door, so they wouldn't just forget.
I prepared myself for whatever could be in this house and began to search for sweet [Y/N]. It didn't take long to uncover the scene that was occurring in their bedroom.
Park Jimin was sat on [Y/N]'s bed, holding the necklace I gave to them, as they were tied up next to him.
"Wow, Coups! This necklace looks pretty cheap for a man like you!" Jimin chuckled as he twirled the necklace on his finger.
I felt like I was going to explode, "You know I could break your small ass in half in a minute." I was trying to keep my composure but seeing [Y/N] in this state infuriated me.
He laughed again, "See the original plan was to get this one to fall for me and take them away to get all of your information..." He paused, "But they're useless!" Jimin threw his hands up in defeat but quickly switched to using them to open a window.
"But, don't worry! I'll find another way to take you down, lover boy!" He vaulted himself out the window before I could even reach out for him. Slippery fucking snake.
I hurriedly started untying [Y/N] so they could have a chance to breathe.
"Could you tell me what's going on?" They cried out as soon as they could speak, "This man suddenly bursts in, flirting with me, and tells me you're in the mafia? I mean I suspected something but-" They stopped themselves to sigh.
"I guess that is what I expected." [Y/N] continued to talk before I could get anything out. It was difficult hearing the disappointment in their voice, "Two years without telling me? Really? I'm sure you haven't lied to me but- I just don't know what to say!"
I grabbed onto their hand, "I know. It was wrong of me to keep something from you, but it's hard to talk about something like that. You just..." I sighed, "Made me forget about it. I felt safe around you and wanted you to feel safe around me." There was a glint of sympathy in their eyes.
"I could have found a way to help you! I understand these things don't always happen because we want them to, okay? I'm so furious with you right now," [Y/N]'s voice showed no sign of anger as they squeezed my hand, "But I still want you." My eyes widened at the sudden statement. The look of sympathy completely overtook them as I squeezed back.
I couldn't help but smile at them for a moment before submitting, "I want you too."
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svtmafia · 5 years
Could you do a part 2 to Liar Liar? where like they begin to torture you to get information from you and wonwoo takes part in it although he doesn’t enjoy it, lots of angst and maybe a fluff ending if thats even possible lol, thank you and I love your blog xo
there was an attempt at a fluff ending here
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svtmafia · 5 years
Liar Liar (Part 2)
Wonwoo x Reader
Part 1
Words: 772
Genre: Angst
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An immense wave of exhaustion poured over you as you sat in the dismal room that smelled like rust and mold. You won't be able to rest anytime soon though. Not while locked in this metal chair. Not with the image of Wonwoo's maniac smile burned into your head.
It's only been a few hours since you were trapped into this room but the impending doom loomed in the air. In your head, all you could think of is ways to be with Wonwoo again, without all the factors that kept you apart. It was easy to tell that he believed your relationship was real, so it shouldn't be hard to convince him that you actually love him now, right?
The door slammed open, sending dust particles flying around the room. Wonwoo stood in the doorway with the smile still stuck on his face. Behind him, was a smaller man holding a large bag. Most likely filled with tools to make you suffer.
"Wonwoo! Please listen to me I-" Before you could plea for your safety, he picked up the table that stood beside you and threw it into the wall- splintering it into a thousand pieces.
He glared at you with darkened eyes, "You have no right to speak," He hesitated for a minute, "You'll get permission to talk once you've lost a pint of blood." The short man finally came into the room as he rolled his eyes. He gave the bag to Wonwoo and then immediately left. It was like he didn't even want to be here to experience whatever was going to happen.
Wonwoo continued to stare into your eyes, but there seemed to be a glint of empathy. You didn't dare to speak again though. A pint of blood is worth his trust.
"So, nothing to say? You just want me to take your blood?" He sounded pissed off as he said this, "Cause I'll fucking do it!" He wouldn't stop pacing around the room at this point, anxious for an answer from you.
All you did was nod your head, as a sign of complying.
"What kind of bullshit are you pulling?" He was nearly yelling. His anger drove him to slam the door shut before things got gritty.
Wonwoo ripped the bag open, pulling out an IV that was connected to multiple sharp needles. It looked like it would take more than a pint of blood very quickly. He stared at the object, and then back at you. Every time he even glanced at you, you could tell he was getting angrier.
He let out a deep growl, "This is fucking annoying! I want to hurt you so damn bad but I can't." He tossed the IV on the floor. Then, he threw the entire bag of tools on the floor, watching as they all spilled out.
"NEW RULE. IF YOU DON'T SPEAK TO ME, I'LL CUT OFF FOUR OF YOUR FINGERS." One for every month you lied to him. He cleared his throat, "Now, what were you saying earlier?"
You were reluctant to speak but then it all came out, "I don't want to work for the government anymore please- the only thing I care about is you- please don't hurt me I love you and I want to be with you- screw the law this is so much more important- please I-"
"Too much," Wonwoo interrupted you, "Slow down. And say that one sentence again."
"Which one?"
"Say it."
"The only thing I care about is you?"
"Please don't hurt me?"
He rolled his eyes, "Don't be an idiot."
"I love you," I said without question.
He laughed, "Oh, God. I really love you too. So fucking stupid." You didn't know what to do after this. All he did was stand there and laugh to himself.
"You realize I can't let you leave this building even if I don't torture you, right? You realize I'll never be able to trust you again?" His words hurt as he said them but you knew he was right. He told you the truth about his mafia life so you had no reason to call him a liar. The only liar here was you.
"But you'll be here for me, yeah? I'm okay with it then. I deserve punishment." It was hard giving away your life like that but love makes you do crazy things. Even if you denied, you'd be killed by Wonwoo or the government. So the best option was the one where you lived with the love of your life. Even if he did end up crazy. It was your fault anyway.
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svtmafia · 5 years
Interesting part 2
here you go!
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svtmafia · 5 years
can i hav a scenario where vernon falls in love with a hostage, which is the reader?
here’s your chicken dinner that’s probably cold from the long wait :(
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svtmafia · 5 years
a woozi imagine where the reader is sent to assassinate him but ends up getting held hostage and ends up unintentionally falling for him , your works are amazing btw c;
thank you, I’m so sorry for the long wait but here it is!
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svtmafia · 5 years
Hii I wanted to ask if you could do a reaction where you found out their in a mafia and want to leave them but they don’t let you cause they can’t let you go because you might rat them and they try to make you “fall in love again” I know it’s kinda weird anyway I just wanted to say I really love your blog and love your writings ❤️
im so sorry for the super long wait, here it is!
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svtmafia · 5 years
Can you do a mafia au for svt? When they fall in love with someone who is shy💜
I already did this, here’s the link!
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svtmafia · 5 years
Can you do a Seventeen mafia!au reaction to where you're his girlfriend and you get captured by his rivals. Please and thanks you?
is this what you’re looking for?
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svtmafia · 5 years
Interesting {Part 2}
Hoshi x Reader (Part 1)
Words: 768
Genre: F l u f f
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You were waiting outside for Soonyoung next to his car. It was a nice and cloudy day, which would be perfect for your day out. Though you were getting slightly cold as you've been waiting for thirty minutes.
When Soonyoung came stumbling out of the house, you could tell he got no sleep last night. The bags under his eyes were visible from a mile away and his hair was sticking up twenty different ways. Plus, he was still in his pajamas.
He gave you a sleepy smile, "Ready to go?" Your eyebrows raised in confusion. Is he serious about driving in this condition?
"Did you get any sleep last night?"
"No, I've been having nightmares lately! And the excitement of today may have played a factor in it as well..." He sighed loudly as a mischievous smile grew onto his face, "Maybe a little kiss would wake me up?"
A laugh slipped out of your mouth, "Wow, I actually almost believed you for a minute there!"
"Oh, come on!" Soonyoung quickly flattened his hair and wiped whatever he used to make his bags from under his eyes, "Honestly, you should've known right away that I'd never miss a night of sleep on a day off. I work too much to skip out on the opportunity."
"Alright, so that's all we're going to hear about the mafia today- moving on! Now go get dressed, nerd." Right as you finished your insult, he tore off his pajamas to reveal a simple white dress shirt and black pants. You decided it's better to not ask why he does the things he does.
Soonyoung walked to the car and opened the passenger door for you. Before stepping in, you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as he did to you yesterday. You swiftly shut the door and looked out the window to see him mocking how you held your cheek before he dashed to the other side of the car to hop in.
As he started the car, he popped a CD into the radio. You assumed he filled it with songs you two have become attached to in the past few months as "I Think We're Alone Now" started blasting throughout the car. The two of you couldn't help jamming out to the 'mixtape' Soonyoung made along the whole four-hour drive.
It was around 5 pm when you two arrived at the restaurant Soonyoung had previously planned. He probably only found it because it was a Japanese buffet named "Hoshi Cuisine." It was cheesy, but cute how excited he was about being at a place that used his codename.
And like he said you would, you guys ate to your heart's content. Shoving sushi, handrolls, and everything else the restaurant had down your throats. You swear you'd never seen Soonyoung as happy as he is right there with you, so far away from all the bad things he experiences every day.
"What time is it?" You asked as you wiped your mouth.
Soonyoung checked his phone and his eyes suddenly widened, "Oh, shit- it's almost seven! We gotta leave otherwise everything will be ruined!" He quickly stuffed one last piece of salmon into his mouth and ran over to pay while you got ready to leave. Once everything was together, you guys rushed to the car as you began laughing.
"Seriously? You're laughing at my downfall?" He questioned as you both stepped into the car, "It's not my fault I only know how to be violent!" He actually sounded upset when he turned the car on and started speeding off to whatever "big ass hill" he mentioned yesterday.
"No, Soonyoung. I'm laughing because as long as I'm with you, my day will never be ruined."
"Wh-" He pulled off onto a side road so he could stop the car, "You say that and expect me to not kiss you?"
"But what about your plan of 'We go watch the sunset on a big ass hill. It all ends with a perfect-'" You mocked him but you were cut off right where he was as well.
His full lips were delicately pushed into yours as he brought his hands up to hold your face. Your eyes instinctively closed to deepen the affection, as it felt like a rose was blooming inside of you. Darkness was swallowing the car, only making the scene more intimate than before. Minutes flew by and you both had to pull away because of the heat forming sweat beads on your forehead.
"I don't need a hill to show you how much I love you."
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svtmafia · 5 years
Winner Winner
Vernon x Reader
Words: 733
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Every day I passed by Wonwoo's room and heard the horrid shrieks of whichever victim he was torturing that day. I can't handle much in the mafia, but I definitely would never be able to do his job. Slowly driving someone else to insanity would drive me insane as well.
So, why would he ask me to cover his stupid torture chamber today when he knows I can't handle it?
"The one I got in there is probably innocent. So if you wanna rip off a fingernail or something, that's really all I'd do." Wonwoo immediately left as I stood dumbfounded. What reason is there to keep them here if they're innocent?
I peeked into the room where the hostage was being held and saw the malnourished person sitting in a chair, chained up. Before going in, I checked to see if Wonwoo was completely gone. As soon as I figured he left, I dashed to my room where I kept my secret mini-fridge.
There wasn't much in it besides water and a few of my leftover meals. I grabbed a water and the chicken dinner I had yesterday to take back to the poor hostage.
Careful not to spook them, I slowly opened the door and walked in. "Um... hey there..." I dragged out my words due to the awkward situation, "I promise I won't be like that scary guy you usually see. I even brought you chicken!" My tone oddly became happy, making the person raise their head groggily.
"So, I'm not sure where I would find the keys to unlock you..." I realized I would have to feed them, that is if they can even keep anything down after what they've endured.
Figuring they weren't going to talk anytime soon, I started thinking out loud about what their name was as I set the chicken down on Wonwoo's torture table. "Wonwoo did say your name to me one time but... was it Sunmi?"
They shook their head to say no.
Another no.
Suddenly, it came to me. "Oh- [Y/N]!"
A small yes squeaked out of them. I could easily tell how dry their throat was, so I quickly opened the water and held it near their mouth.
"This is so awkward- I'm so sorry that you have to be here," Wonwoo's words of them being innocent resonated in my head, "If only I could save you somehow..."
Before I knew it, [Y/N] had finished the whole bottle of water and started a staring contest with the chicken. The whole situation was so dismal yet I couldn't help but chuckle at how cute their face was. But they looked at me in disgust that I could laugh during their time of misfortune.
I quickly apologized and started feeding the chicken to them. They ate surprisingly fast for someone who seemed to have a sore throat. Just how long were they starved to rather suffer through the pain of swallowing than wait to eat?
"Do you know how long you've been here?" I questioned. They shook their head no. It couldn't have been too long... I at least knew a little of Wonwoo's schedule to know how long he's been keeping someone. Except I may have forgotten the specifics with this case. And what a terrible one to forget too.
I put the last piece of chicken into their mouth, "Would this experience be a little more bearable if I came in every day and did this?" [Y/N]'s face lit up with strong emotions of happiness at my question. "I'll take that as a yes! I'll also work hard to try and get you out of here so you can hope for something better than food." All I have to do is figure out Wonwoo's schedule and where his keys are. Which shouldn't be hard considering everyone trusts me, as I've never pulled something like this before.
I know what I plan to do could get me into so much trouble and make [Y/N]'s time here worse, but it's worth seeing them and getting them back into a form of recovery. I know they're innocent and I wouldn't need weeks of torture to figure that out. I see the lovely purity in their eyes. I see my future in their eyes.
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svtmafia · 5 years
They Make You Fall in Love Again
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S. Coups; he gets what he wants no matter what, so even if you don't fall in love he's going to make you stay with him. the most he would really do is show you a lot of affection.
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Jeonghan; would make excuses such as he's not actually in the mafia, and he doesn't have to deal with anything unless he wants to. it's pretty easy to believe him due to his angelic looks.
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Joshua; the king of making people soft for him. he coolly persuades the toughest people in the industry, you'll be an easy target to fall for his gentleman gestures.
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Jun; it's always a 50/50 shot if his awkward pickup lines and advances get someone to fall for him (again). they usually always work for you so he had no problem getting you back.
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Hoshi; he'll be so honest with his feelings that it'd be shocking. he never spilled his feelings out like that so it'd be very convincing for you.
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Wonwoo; if hoshi was honest, this guy would be 10x more honest. he still loves you, but all he would remember to say is that you need to stay with him so you don't tell all of his secrets.
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Woozi; he would want to sit down and talk everything out, making sure that you understood what happened and that any questions you had were answered.
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The8; like woozi, he would just want to sit and talk, but he would mostly just listen to your concerns as he knew there were no excuses he could make.
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Mingyu; it felt like you heard his excuse ten thousand times. "I've already lost so much I can't lose you too."
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Dokyeom; he would sit you down, talk it out, and finish the talk off with a joke. "knock knock" "whos there?" "banana" "banana who?" "knock knock" "whos there?" "banana" "banana who?" "knock knock" "whos there?" "orange" "orange who?" "orange you glad you didn't leave me?"
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Seungkwan; he looked so stressed out that you couldn't help but listen to his explanation of the situation. it wasn't a sob story but his emotions still won you over.
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Vernon; he would be awkwardly honest with you like he was telling the full truth but he just regrets the truth so much that it was hard for him to get out.
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Dino; if you tried to leave him, he'd end up being everywhere you went. eventually, he would tell you about how he was forced into the life after showering you with unneeded affection for a week.
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