swancode · 1 year
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❝ O-OH... erm... ❞
hardly the expected response, she's sure. despite her seeming frigidity, brynhildr is truly rather easy to fluster. or perhaps, rather... she's a little embarrassed. ❝ that was... ❞
a sense of disrepute comes over her.
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❝ i forcibly changed my spirit origin... so that i could spend a short summer vacation with sigurd. even if temporarily, i sought to suppress my instinct to attack him.❞
she knows how frivolous it sounds; how frivolous it is. what a terrible waste of such potent magecraft ⸺ several layers of runes to mold her very existence into a different shape, all to walk the beach with the wielder of gram. granted, the madness that defined the final moments of her life indubitably qualify brynhildr for the berserker class. what would she be like, she wonders.
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❝ ...that notwithstanding... may i ask how you came to the berserker class container ? some berserkers are that way by nature, others are simply defined by an outstanding instance. forgive me if i am being presumptuous ... but you do not seem 'mad' by nature to me. ❞
instinct demands a small bow of her head / fullness of her appreciation for the words lancer utters ( those she sees as a kindness ) made visible. there's a sense of soul-quieting which seems to stick to her -- it's not what the other woman has intended by any means; beneath the blanket of gentleness her statement rests upon her with, there is a feeling which stirs as though she'd been admonished when she has not.
to doubt any aspect of her life which etched her trials into the throne... to do so would be equivalent to forsaking her own existence.
to be the valkyrie of homura... to be deserving of such a title...
... it's as though lancer's words let her breathe acceptance / release the held breath of doubt she's cast upon the throne's choice for long enough.
"i wonder how it is the throne defines a 'moment'..." berserker straightens, and her eyes find a place upon the wall over brynhildr's shoulder. it is not out of disrespect, but instead an instinctive wandering during contemplation. "... you're able to alter your spirit origin, yeah? take this class of mine as your own?" a blink, and she looks at the valkyrie, proper.
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"is it the madness you felt in those aforementioned final moments that you embrace when you take a berserker's mantle...? or is it something else entirely?"
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swancode · 1 year
New official Sigurd and Bryn art!
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swancode · 2 years
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CHOOSER OF THE SLAIN ; words to be interpreted in one of two ways. brynhildr would understand it as referring to felled heroes she would guide to their promised valhalla. she wonders however if berserker is addressing the alternate side of the coin; she who chooses who will die.
perhaps both are correct.
❝ i speak earnestly when i say you are deserving of the name, berserker. ❞ she begins, ❝ rest assured that i do not believe in empty flattery. ❞
though she is being honest, the words double as a buffer as she considers the subject of the separate spirit origin to which the other refers. avenger is an almost anomalous class unto itself, possessing a strand of madness uniquely set apart from that of even berserkers.
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❝ perhaps avenger and i are not entirely dissimilar, although our lives are quite different. ❞ brynhildr confesses, ❝ i can't recall those events with perfect clarity ... but i do understand that my final moments were spent in the service of vengeance. and perhaps disproportionately so as well. ❞
it would seem some measure of descent into madness or tragedy was a common blot of ink on the pages of any heroic spirit's tale.
the words which flow like water so quiet a brook could not even be considered to babble are praise higher than she could have imagined one of her class to be worthy of…. or truly, ever believed herself to be worthy of in life. it shows in her gaze, softened, and lowered from where it had lifted to hold fast to brynhildr's. "…thank you. for saying as much," her own words have quieted some in their volume, yet the sense of pride which has ignited upon the lancer's praise keeps her tone strong. "that's perhaps the highest honor i've gotten sense of since this spirit origin manifested and i arrived here.
"i doubted how well such a title given in life fit me, now, within this class," certainly there's far more to those called 'berserker' than one may initially believe, but the fact remains their class is oft referred to as that of monsters. "…especially since avenger exists --" she refers to the woman of whom she is a reflection, younger, but a different spirit origin entirely. truly an anomaly, that caused even da vinci some level of puzzle. "because she… avenger… she reflects how i was in life after i began seeking disproportionate revenge, and actively claimed my own justice against the one who ruined my body."
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her gaze drops, and contemplation once more furrows her brow. "the greatest extent of my knowledge of what a valkyrie was when i lived was 'chooser of the slain'… if that was the only truth to it, i suppose avenger fits the description well." had she fallen, ultimately, from what brynhildr would consider to be one deserving of such a title? "…but her war was with the world, and the putrefying existence of horrible people upon it."
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swancode · 2 years
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❝ YES , I SUPPOSE SUCH THINGS ALSO COME WITH THE TERRITORY. ❞   brynhildr speaks in reference to the subject of intimidation. she can ascertain that the specifics and nuances differ, but she is aware of the respect be it born of reverence or of fear that the valkyrie commanded. even in life, if one were to posit that the valkyrie led heroes to victory, there could only follow the suggestion that those who stood opposite of them were predisposed to 'the losing side' ; hardly a boon to any warrior's morale.
❝ it would seem the concept of the valkyrie has become an epithet in the age of man. ❞ she makes the observation fondly, ❝ i am overjoyed to see that the core of us persists in individuals like yourself, berserker. ❞
overjoyed, she says, while her disposition and poise remain as calm as a still lake at nighttime, save for the small smile she wears.
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❝ ... i have a sister or few as well, as you're aware ; the valkyrie are all my sisters. had we been alive at the same time, i would have been honored to count you among them.  ❞  
there's contemplation which falls upon her brow with the lancer's explanation, though it does not properly arrive until after the pause that comes early on. is she reluctant, given that which she mentions? part of berserker feels hesitation, but it does not reach her tongue to apologize / dissuade further elaboration before the woman persists. the monster wonders if it is in any amount of hesitation.
she's silent all the while, waits for the greater elaboration to conclude before there's a shift in her posture. her head seems to bow slightly ( and so it does, thanks veiled in the contemplative stance ) while her eyes bear into the ground beneath their shoes. "…i see." the utterance is quiet, and all at once she feels as though she has more questions than she's approached with / all the same berserker doesn't think she'd be able to put even half of them into words sufficient to carry their weight.
the surprise which had come to her expression is yet to leave when her jaw lifts, and her eyes meet the valkyrie's -- information from the throne & the woman's acts compel takehiko to think of her as such -- evenly. "initially… it was a joke, sort of. but overtime, it became more serious and true to the title's origin." it is her turn to think to the past, feel its gentle presence like a wave which crawls up the shore with the tide. "… 'til the point it was a title those well beyond our boundaries, and our enemies, knew me as the howling flame's valkyrie."
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the inhale drawn is slow, but even as the breath leaves, her shoulders remain lifted & her back a bit straighter. "it was intimidating to those people, too --" the ones who heard of her title, "-- something that made them pale as much as if my king had been mentioned." an obvious difference in power, perhaps it was born of her brutality in comparison to the aforementioned girl's.
"but those that gave me the title…? yes…" she says it with certainty, and there's a part of her which feels the sting of regret still for leaving them so abruptly. "… they were my family: the man i'd come to think of as something like my father, my brothers, and of course... my sister, who became our king. she is the one who did not hesitate to call me such in spite of my sins, and the others followed suit."
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swancode · 2 years
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i know it’s technically not *~lore compliant~* because the brynhildr inscribed in the throne is as she was after killing sigurd, but also pre-sigurd, divine-era bryn would be a ruler. this is my ruler brynhildr agenda
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swancode · 2 years
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she's lingered long enough in spirit form, waited 'til the one she seeks parts with those she names "sisters" have left their presence (in physical and spiritual form alike), allowed them a certain level of privacy which one may deem hard to come by in a place such as chaldea, novum or otherwise. it's as the taller woman's demeanor appears to shift subtly that the girl materializes, a respect displayed in a certain distance kept between them. "sorry for the indirect approach, brynhildr -" she hopes the one of mythos does not regard her words / actions as disrespect, "- but i can't continue to sit on my question."
the one they share regard for as 'master' has encouraged her to ask.
"what does it mean to be called a 'valkyrie' ? i feel as though your perspective on the meaning of the word as it is to your existence, as well as simply its loose translation may be substantial to help me understand why i'd been referred to as such in life." / ɢʀᴀɴᴅ ᴏʀᴅᴇʀ; ʙᴇʀꜱᴇʀᴋᴇʀ
╰───────➤  ✶ ⋆。 from @valkyrrhic
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❝ BERSERKER. ❞   she greets the other by her class container out of habit, though it isn't that brynhildr intends to be rude. such cordiality seems to be innate to her; as if to be too familiar would go against her very nature.
she does not answer at first, but the way her expression hovers on the crux of empty and thoughtful testifies to the fact that she's considering her response. in some way she wonders if she's qualified to give one. ❝ i'm honored that you think me worthy to ask that question. my father stripped me of much of my authority as a valkyrie in life; one might argue that i am not the best to ask. ❞ 
when berserker seems undeterred, brynhildr can only sigh, in reminiscence, to herself and continue. 
❝ ... the valkyrie as created by my father were arbiters. we would watch over innumerable battles and wars, and guide their heroes to the halls of valhalla. at times, we would guide them in life. ❞  she clutches her spear a little tighter.  ❝ at least ... that is how i would describe our function. ❞    
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❝ i believe it is in the nature of a valkyrie, then, to be on the side of the victorious. i'm certain that those who gave you such a title thought highly of you. ❞ 
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swancode · 2 years
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swancode · 2 years
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why did i make gif icons. why have i done this to myself. why did i decide to subject myself to this whole process of making frame animations and having to do ~save for web~ so they save properly instead of just being able to ctrl+s quick and easily. what was this hubris of mine why why why wh
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swancode · 2 years
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ブリュンヒルデ | 竜崎いち ※Permission was granted by the artist to upload their works. Make sure to rate/retweet the original work!
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swancode · 2 years
every once in a while i remember brynhildr’s spear weighs like ~11k lb at its heaviest and she just swings it around :/ when is she going to clock me in the jaw
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swancode · 2 years
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brynzerker time babeeeyy
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swancode · 3 years
my love shrieks. / it throbs.
Salma Deera, from redistribution of matter (via derangedrhythms)
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swancode · 3 years
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What an absolute chad
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swancode · 3 years
@kxrei​: no there is no getting out of this you ARE going to play and i will teach you because i NEED to beat irisviel
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❝ YOU ARE TENACIOUS... almost admirably so. but i don’t understand how teaching me will help you defeat this rival of yours. i would still be a... ‘noob’, would i not ? ❞
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swancode · 3 years
play mario kart with irisviel and i :):)
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❝ MARIO KART...? ❞ she doesn't know what that is. ❝ erm, i get the feeling that i shouldn't contest this... 'irisviel'. but, best of luck to you.  ❞
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swancode · 3 years
headcanons i’d like to write up before i inevitably return to work:
1. bryn’s second noble phantasm, brynhildr komedia
2. sigurd, that stupid love potion, and The Forgotten Lore about it that fgo omitted 
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swancode · 3 years
✶ ⋆。 ortensiias / LUCRETIA​
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Brynhildr   ——   how    does   it    feel    to   be   in   love   ?
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❝ ...ALL-CONSUMING. VIOLENT.  it’s like being set ablaze. ❞  a beat of silence segues into a quiet sigh.  ❝     i apologize. i’m not the best person to ask.  ❞
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