swanqueen-fiction · 3 years
Chapter 1: Regina
I will write in povs From Chapter 16!!!
"but mom I don't want to go!" Emma who just came back from school was now begging to her mother.
"I can't take care of you any longer! Emma... Your always on Partys, drinking alcohol every night and sometimes even taking drugs." Mary Margaret now screamed at her daughter who was standing in the living room in front of her.
Emma shook her head "Mom I promise I will-" but she was cut off by her mother shaking her head and rolling her eyes "no! Emma do you know how many times you said that!? I gave you enough chances. Now go and pack your things we'll be driving to your father today!"
Emma just stared at her mother not daring to move "fuck you!" she screamed at MM and ran to her room slamming the door behind her.
Emma began to pack all the things she thought she might need, she knew she messed up and that it was all her fault but she really didn't want to live with her father.
Her parents divorced when she was 15, that was 2 years ago... It was hard for Emma to accept that they divorced but it was even harder for her to accept that her father had a new girlfriend after they were only 3 month divorced.
Emma and her mother are living in New York in a nice little loft/ apartment.
*at least no one will miss me here* she thought to herself
"are you ready?" Emma's mother called out while she was putting on her shoes and jacket.
Emma stayed quiet and walked to the bathroom, she needed to change her clothes.
She changed into a Blue T-Shirt with black pants and white air force, she looked into the mirror trying to figure out what was missing "oh of course my necklace" she grabbed her silver necklace and her watch before she headed out of the bathroom with her bag over her shoulder.
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*Emmas Outfit*
Emma and Mary Margaret got out of the apartment and into the yellow bug MM was driving, Emma hated this car, especially because of it's color *I mean... Who would chose yellow for a car* she thought with an eye roll.
"I called your father, he said he's happy to finally see you again." Emma leaned against the seat and looked out of the window while playing with the hem of her shirt nervously "great" she said with a sarcastic voice.
"Emma it's your fault. I told yo-"
"I know. I didn't say that it wasn't." MM looked at her daughter for a second until she looked back at the street.
She knew that Emma didn't want to go to her father, especially after she found out that he got a new girlfriend so fast, but she made a deal with her, as long as she would go to school every day and don't drink alcohol she could live with Mary Margaret... But it never really worked out.
Today was the 7th time that Emma came home after 2 days not showing up and drinking while partying somewhere with some people she called "friends".
MM knew that these people were a bad influence for her daughter, that these people are the reason Emma started with all this Drug and alcohol stuff, but she couldn't lock Emma up until she would be 100.
The rest of the drive was silent until they drived by a sign saying "Entering Storybrooke".
"Wow that sounds like action" Emma said while rolling her eyes.
"maybe it isn't that bad Emma." MM tried to reassure her but failed badly.
8 minutes later they arrived at a huge mension, Emma's eyes doubled in size as she saw all the cars outside and this big house.
"well I knew he had money but I didn't know that he had THIS much money"
MM stopped in the driveway and looked at Emma, maybe she shouldn't let Emma go... But maybe it's the best for her and her future.
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MM knew that David is more strict than her, so she knew that Emma would go to school and she really needed Emma to get new friends, ones that were "normal" and wouldn't take drugs or drink alcohol every day, that's the main reason why she brought her daughter here.
"Emma-" but before she could say anything Emma already had got out of the car and was about to close the door.
"Bye mom" was all she said.
Emma was angry. Not only at her mother but mainly at herself for not using all the chances her mother had given her
Now she's standing in front of this huge mension not knowing what to do.
She already hated it. This house, this City and she really didn't want to meet this Regina. *she'll be some gold digger bitch anyway* Emma thought while walking to the front door.
Her heart was beating faster with every step she took, as she arrived at the door she rung the bell.
She already wanted to ring the bell again until a beautiful brunette opened the door in front of Emma.
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Emma couldn't do anything other than stare at this beautiful woman in the doorway, she looked the brunette up and down.
She looked at her beautiful blood red painted lips, her dark brown almost black hair was laying on her shoulders and those gorgeous brown eyes are sparkling unbelievably gorgeous in the sunlight.
"Honey who is it?" she heard her father scream from the inside of the house *oh great, this is Regina* Emma mentally punched herself for checking her fathers girlfriend out.
Emma just stood there taken aback by the beauty in front of her until she finally realized what she was doing.
"Hi, I'm David's daughter Emma" she said while leaning against the wall trying to look cool.
"Regina, I assume you already heard about me?" the gorgeous brunette asked while pulling her hand out for the blonde to shake, but the blonde teenager who's still leaning against the wall just looked at the brunettes hand and then back up into Regina's face.
"mhhm" was all Emma could and wanted to say.
Even if this woman is drop dead gorgeous, she wouldn't like her at all because she knew that Regina is only with her dad for the money.
"Emma!" David's voice called out behind Regina.
Emma looked at him and faked a smile while her dad came close to her and hugged her.
"come in honey, you had a long drive. You already know Regina right?"
Emma who pulled back from the hug and started walking into the house just nodded.
"Regina honey could you show her all the rooms? This house can be quite big sometimes" David joked.
"of course, would you follow me?" Regina motioned for Emma to follow her upstairs to her room.
Emma just followed the brunette up the stairs trying to avoid the urge to stare at her perfectly shaped curves, but she couldn't resist one small glance at the brunettes ass.
"So this is your room for..." Regina trailed off, not knowing for how long the blonde would stay.
"forever I guess" Emma said while scratching her neck.
Regina quirked a perfectly shaped eyebrow while looking at Emma but stept aside for Emma to open the door.
The blonde opened the door to her room
*Emmas Room*
"Wow..." she said while looking around the room.
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"I hope this is ok? It also has a walk in closet" Regina said while walking to the other door in the room.
"of course, thank you" Emma said trying not to sound too enthusiastic.
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"if you're ready I'll show you the rest, just come down into the living room." Regina said while leaving the blonde alone in her new room.
Don't worry my writing will get better with every chapter xd
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swanqueen-fiction · 3 years
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So this is gonna be a story where Emma's parents are divorced and she's "forced" to live with David (her dad who is also rich) and his new girlfriend Regina (her "Stepmom") because Mary Margaret (her mom) can no longer take care of Emma.
What happens when Regina and Emma meet for the first time and the thick tension between them starts to grow?
Regina Mills is 38 years old and works as an teacher
David Nolan is 42 and is a lawyer
Emma Swan is 17 and is still in school
Mary Margaret (MM) Nolan (soon swan bc of the divorce)is 40 and is a Elementary school teacher
This story is written by me!
You don't have to watch OUAT to read this
Without Magic!
there will be a lot of smut
"adult" language
Also trigger warning for Selfharm and Suicide!
It's also on my Wattpad account: Lenawld68
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