swedishdishalex-blog · 7 years
This reminds me of Sweden, with the snow and the cold, so I feel right at home and I love it. You been skiing yet?
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swedishdishalex-blog · 7 years
Oh, trust me. I'm not thinking about anything that involves you in anything sexual. I'm not a masochist.
You think dad doesn't already know? He's no spring chicken.
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swedishdishalex-blog · 7 years
Knowing it and seeing it are two different things, little brother.
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swedishdishalex-blog · 7 years
Askars: My kid brother has admirers of the sexual kind. Didn't need to know that!
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swedishdishalex-blog · 7 years
Is there anything you wanted to say to my muse?
🎤 Go ahead and say it!
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swedishdishalex-blog · 7 years
As a big fan of chocolate, cheese and watches, this place might actually be heaven. Leaving is going to be tough. How you liking it so far?
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swedishdishalex-blog · 7 years
Valentine’s Day is a vastly overrated holiday but I must agree, the most-VD chocolate sale is the happiest day of the year. No wonder I never have abs in March. 
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swedishdishalex-blog · 7 years
đź‘€ + do you think your life would be different if you had followed some other passion you have?
I’m not really passionate or good at anything else. I tried figuring out if there was something else I wanted to do but didn’t come up with anything. I consciously didn’t want to pursue acting, because I knew how hard it’d be but it ended up being the only thing I was truly passionate about.
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swedishdishalex-blog · 7 years
đź‘€ + most embarrassing on set moment?
I got pranked on my last day shooting True Blood, so that probably. I was filming that nude scene on the mountain and suddenly, they called cut and left for lunch taking my robe with me, so I had to sit around buck naked for awhile before they returned my stuff. 
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swedishdishalex-blog · 7 years
đź‘€ What role was the most challenging to play?
Perry Wright. He was all charm on the outside but a truly despicable, broken man on the inside. It was tough balancing both sides of him, making him more than a mustache twirling villain but not glossing over how bad of a man he really was. It was very emotionally draining as well, to go to that dark place every day for weeks.
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swedishdishalex-blog · 7 years
đź‘€ + what's something you've done that you would never tell your mom about?
Everything I did as a teenager? Or after I started on True Blood and suddenly had female fans. Both are times in my life that my mother doesn’t need to know much about. 
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swedishdishalex-blog · 7 years
đź‘€ + if you could commit one crime legally, which would you pick?
Hmm. I’d want to pull a Robin Hood and steal from the rich to give to the poor. It’s been freezing in NYC lately and it breaks my heart to see people living on the streets. In a country as rich as America, there’s no excuse for the government not doing more to take care of it’s vulnerable and needy.
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swedishdishalex-blog · 7 years
đź‘€ + biggest guilty pleasure
Getting greasy Chinese and just sitting on my couch watching silly reality shows on TLC.
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swedishdishalex-blog · 7 years
đź‘€ + What places have you visited that exceeded your expectations?
Santa’s village in Finland. I thought it’d be very kitsch and silly but ended up having the best time. I highly recommend it. Watched the aurora Borealis, snowboarded, petted reindeers and went on a husky safari. 👌
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swedishdishalex-blog · 7 years
đź‘€ Least favourite thing about the entertainment industry?
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How big the pressure to look good and thin is. It’s twice as bad for women but it’s practically impossible to always stay in perfect shape and never eat a donut. It’s gradually getting better but the body shaming in Hollywood is massive problem still.
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swedishdishalex-blog · 7 years
đź‘€ Where do you fit on the Kinsey scale?
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Probably a 1. I’m open to everything but I’ve always considered myself mostly straight.
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swedishdishalex-blog · 7 years
Send me a “👀 + a question” and my muse has to answer honestly!
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