sweet-rose-of-mine · 6 years
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I love the lithus as much as I love the original photo. Beautiful. 😍😍😍 #gnr #gunsnroses #axlrose #axlanderin #erineverly #sweetchildofmine #appetitefordestruction #lockednloaded
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sweet-rose-of-mine · 7 years
Check out @paradisecityfan’s Tweet:
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sweet-rose-of-mine · 7 years
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sweet-rose-of-mine · 7 years
My impressions about when Erin Everly OD’ed at Steven Adler’s house
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My take on what could have happened when Erin OD’ed at Steven Addler’s home, based on what I’ve read so far:
First of all, I read somewhere (really sorry, I don’t remember the source but if I ever come across it again I will include it here) that in the famous interview Erin gave to People’s Magazine there was a BIG misled when they stated that Erin ended up in hospital after a fight with Axl. Actually, People’s Magazine intentionally manipulated the story to make it juicier for readers, implying that Axl’s agression was so severe that Erin ended up hospitalized. There was indeed a fight and Erin ended up hospitalized but NOT because of Axl’s aggression (although, according to Erin in Andy Mccoy’s book, their fight did get physical that day) but she ended up hospitalized because of the OD she had following the fight.That doesn’t excuse Axl’s wrongdoings but I just hate media’s  efforts to make him look worse than he is!
Regarding the OD itself, I believe Andy Mccoys and Angela Nicolletti’s version more than Steven’s.
Addler’s version seems to not be really accurate and it might just be that, because of his drug habits, he’s a bit confused about what happened. I just find that Mccoys’s version makes more sense.
On his book, Steven says that Erin’s OD happened AFTER he was fired from GNR. Andy Mccoy says that his firing actually only happened in the days following Erin’s OD. This makes more sense with the interview that Axl gave to MTV in 1990 when he talks about why Steven was fired.
Also, apparently Angela Nicolletti wasn’t a drug user at all so it’d be weird she would have given heroin to Erin. Actually, Addler’s doesn’t even seem to remembers Angela’s name correctly because on his book he calls her Laura.
The part that disturb me the most is why Erin was found with her pants down. I really hope that Steven didn’t abuse her, although again, if he was indeed drugged up, anything could have happened. 
Finally, I think that Axl does believe it was Steven’s who did it (gave heroin to Erin) and it might explain why he’s so resistant to have any contact with Addler and to have him back in the band. We know that Axl is not the most forgiving person and it seems to be especially the case with people who messed up with Erin.
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sweet-rose-of-mine · 7 years
The Truth About Erin Everly
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Below is a extract of an article of Team Rock about how Tom Zutaut (the A&R who signed GNR to Geffen and helped to pull out their first album),was called in February 2001 to try to get the album Chinese Democracy out. 
At that time, Axl was not talking to Tom Zutaut, seems that because he believed Zutaut had tried on Erin when they were still together/married.
What’s interesting about it is that:
- 10 years after their ‘divorce’,  Axl still seems to care that Tom could have hit on Erin. Of course, it must also be an element of him feeling betrayed and that he couldn’t trust this guy.
- Beta says that she believes on Erin’s version. So, to me, it means that Erin and Beta had been in contact and they had talked about it.  
-It also gives more insights about Erin and Axl’s inflammable relationship. 
- That is my very personal opinion: I get completely the point that Erin was not completely helpless and that she did reacted and flamed their discussion. But why should she be helpless to be considered a victim? 
She was in an abusive relationship by all means and surely the right thing to do was to walk away. She had her own personal issues and they were living all the dynamics of an abusive relationship (which includes the ‘victim’ to feel that she’s guilty of the abuses she is suffering). 
I hate this view of Tom that she was provoking him! She could provoke him the whole day, it still doesn’t justify his behavior (as much as I love him) and he ALSO could walk away of the relationship.
Doesn’t matter what happens, I can never stand physical and psychological abuse and in my opinion, Axl was the perpetrator of abuse in their relationship and Erin was, not the helpless, but still the weaker link.
If follows the most interesting bits and the full link is at end:
“Things have changed, Zutaut tells Iovine. “I would do anything to help Axl,” he says, “but I’m not even sure he’ll speak to me. Plus my family are in New York and being on Guns N’ Roses watch is 24/7. When you’re working with Axl there’s no time schedule. It’s starting at 6am or 3am or 2am. It’ll probably rupture my marriage. I don’t know.”
The day after that, he gets a conference call from Iovine and Goldstein. “How about you just come out and have a meeting with Axl?” they ask.
“OK – just a meeting,” agrees Zoot. And so it was that Tom Zutaut found himself sucked back into the world of GN’R, sitting in a studio in LA a couple of days later for a meeting with Axl Rose.
“And the first thing he asked me,” remembers Tom, “He was sitting on a sofa in the studio and I was sitting in a chair and he looked at me and he said: ‘Before you and I can do anything, I have to know the truth about Erin Everly.’” 
The Truth About Erin Everly
As Guns N’ Roses’ A&R man, confidant and fixer, Tom Zutaut was often dragged into their domestic disputes. “I’d get a phone call from Axl basically saying, ‘I need your help, you’ve gotta come over here right now!’ So I would go over there and they’d be screaming at each other and I would take Erin back to my house with my pregnant wife and we would look after Erin, chill ‘em out, and a few hours later – or maybe the next day – Axl would ring and say ‘Okay, I’m good now: bring her back.’ Then I would take Erin back. This happened more times than you can imagine.”
In 1994, an anonymous friend of Axl Rose told People Magazine that “Erin portrays herself as a victim and him as the evil aggressor. From what I witnessed, she was the aggressor.” Zutaut certainly felt that sometimes Everly deliberately enraged Axl, and eventually confronted her about it.
“I said to her: ‘A lot of kids can’t help repeating what they grew up with. But we have to try and learn from our parents and do better. I’m not gonna sit here and have you blame everything on Axl anymore, because the truth is that if you wanted to get out of this cycle, you could. But it requires you to leave him or it requires you to stop blaming him. I mean, you guys need to go into therapy or something.’”
How did she take that advice? “She got really mad at me,” says Zutaut. “So her response was to go back to Axl and claim that I hit on her.”
Today, Everly has an unlikely ally in Beta Lebeis, Axl’s Personal Manager. Interviewed for this story, Beta says she believes Erin: “He did [make a pass at her],” she says. Whatever the truth, despite their antagonistic and abusive relationship, Axl believed Everly. “It put this personal distrust between Axl and I,” says Zutaut.
But when it came to finishing the records, Axl realised he couldn’t do everything by himself. “During the mixing of Use Your Illusions, I got a phone call from Axl,” says Zutaut. “I was in Hawaii on holiday and he actually apologised to me and said, ‘Look: in spite of this thing that happened with Erin – whether you did it or you didn’t – there’s no one I trust with the sound and the vibe of Guns N’ Roses more than you. Other than myself, no one gets it but you. I can’t finish this record without your help – I need you now.’”
Touched, Zutaut again tried to reassure Axl that he hadn’t propositioned his ex-wife. “And he was like, ‘I don’t know if I believe you – she’s a beautiful woman and I think you probably did hit on her. But,’ he goes, ‘I don’t care, I’m not with her anymore and I need your help.’”
Understanding Axl
Ten years on, in 2001, Axl once again needed Zutaut’s help to finish a project. But not until Zoot tried again to explain what had happened between him and Axl’s ex-wife. “After I told him, he said: ‘Can I really truly believe that – do you swear to God?’ And I said, ‘Axl, I swear to God.’ I said, ‘She was a beautiful woman, but I had no physical attraction to her whatsoever.’ I said, ‘The only reason that I took her into my home was because you asked me for my help. I had no interest in her. I was afraid that you would hurt her and she would call the cops and things would get fucked up for the band and for you. But I took her away when you called me because you were my friend. I never expected you and I to become friends. And it really tore me apart. We were inseparable for two years and I’m helping you,and then this woman bites me in the arse by lying to you and you still don’t believe the truth.’
“And he’s like, ‘I just can’t believe that fucking bitch lied to me’,” says Tom. “He finally looked at me and said, ‘Okay, we’ve got that out of the way – now we can move forward.’”
Source/Full article: http://teamrock.com/feature/2016-11-23/guns-n-roses-the-making-of-chinese-democracy
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sweet-rose-of-mine · 7 years
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This PS makes me sick so if someone knows what it refers too, I’d be curious to know.
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sweet-rose-of-mine · 7 years
Axl dedicates song to ' ex-wife’ during AC/DC show in Dusseldort - 15 Jun 2016
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sweet-rose-of-mine · 7 years
Erin Everly joins Slash and Meegan in NY (July / 2016)
Il est en ce moment à New York City où les Guns donneront 2 concerts au Metlife stadium. Ce séjour prend des allures de colonie de vacances car les filles de Meegan (compagne de Slash), Duff McKagan et Frank Ferrer (batteur actuel des Guns) s'entendent comme larrons en foire. Erin Everly (ex femme d'Axl), Jimmy Webb (ami de Slash du magasin New Yorkais Trash and Vaudeville) ont rejoint le groupe à NYC. Slash a assisté hier à une projection privée du film "Don't Breathe" de Fede Alvarez (sortie prévue le 5 Octobre 2016 en France, le 26 Aout aux USA - Voir le trailer ici). Voici ce qu'il dit sur ce film d'horreur: "Je viens de voir une projection privée de ce film.Tout ce que j'ai à dire c'est que vous devez voir ce film. C'est vraiment intense. Sérieusement, ça sort le 26 Aout !" Autre news, le nouvel album d'ALTER BRIDGE "The Last Hero" sortira bien le 7 Octobre en France. Le premier single "Show Me A Leader" sera disponible le 26 Juillet. Un court extrait est dispo sur Amazon. N'oubliez pas d'acheter vos places pour voir Myles Kennedy au Zénith avec Alter Bridge le 8 Novembre prochain.
Source: http://slash.gnrfrance.net/actualites-news-slash/happy-birthday-slash-projection-privee-de-don-t-breathe-a-new-york-avant-le-concert-des-guns-au-metlife-stadium-1182.htm
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sweet-rose-of-mine · 7 years
Interview with Julianna Sedbrook (the groupie who, allegedly , got pregnant by Axl Rose in ‘87)
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In the above picture: Lisa Reed, Adriana Smith and Juliana Sedbrook (GNR’s groupies). 
Exclusively for DailyBetter Group © she tells her days with GN'R, and Axl's son who never was. December 2009 Welcome to the Jungle is perfect introduction to one the greatest RN’R album ever, Appetite For Destruction, and the video introduce us to the classic line up, and with them one the luckiest person who was witness of the birth of GUNS N’ ROSES. Julianna Sedbrook is the girl that in 1987 had the honor to be in which is the first video of the band, video of the Welcome to the Jungle song, because of Steve’s call, which one she used to share not just her house with, but also a great friendship. Today a mother of two beautiful girls, she’s back in city that joined her to the so – called bad boys, California, and ready to be in touch with her past. She shares exclusively on his first and revealing interview the trunk of her most cherished memories. DailyBetter Group© was fortunate to be able to contact her and after several talks, she given one of the strongest interviews that we have done, not only by the importance of Juliana in the beginning of the legend of Guns N 'Roses, but also for the data cast that, for us, were absolutely unknown. A life history and deeply rooted feelings of Axl Rose, has broken the silence after more than 20 years and she has wanted to provide with the highest respect and affection. But by the time this interview was arming, a person posing as Rose and asked that gently unpublished photos she scanned for us and were published without her authorization, making everything work, confidence and effort see damaged. We strongly condemn this act that only serves to prevent persons of this type give better data. We try to tell a story that was never told, the history of a man who barely became one of the most loved and hated in the world of music, and history can only be told by him and those who I have surrounded and loved so much. Exit interview with you from the bottom, a silence broken, a strong affection and loyalty to the greatest character in this story, the story of Guns N 'Roses. DB: How and when did you meet the band? Julianna Sedbrook: I met them at clubs at 1st, then me and my best friend Lisa Abbate moved to LA and we moved across the street from one of GN’Rs hangouts. It was the NY (New York) boys house were Del James and West Arkeen (the co-writer for it’s so easy) and Axl’s side band “Smith&Wesson”) all lived, billy (who designed Axls cross tatoo and the 2nd cover to Appetite) lived there also with Reed, and a couple others, everyone used to get together and play under the name "The Drunk Fux", Slash would play, Duff, sometimes Axl, Del James, Todd Crew (RIP who was in Jet Boy), it was great mostly cover songs, all the girls would get on stage and dance and sing back up vocals. A lot of parties were held there, I have some funny photos from there! Steven was homeless, so we asked him if he wanted to move in a spare “washroom” we had it was big enough for his bed and TV had a private entrance and rent was only $100.00 a month, he moved in right away! Then I met Adriana, they were dating and all the band and friends of theirs were always there, we used to have their “band meetings” there as well. DB: How did you do to be the girl in WTTJ Video? Did it influence or made any difference in your personal life? JS: I was actually sick at the time and got a phone call from Steven saying, Axl didn’t like the girls Geffen had sent down to do the video and he wanted me to do it, so sick, I went down “for the band” lol and we filmed ALL night. After the video was done, Axl came back to my house and spent the night, it was our 1st time together and it was amazing. It has made a difference in my life in many ways, just being seen on tv is strange for me, I remember when they had their 1st tour to England, me and Lisa went too- I saw the welcome video on TV at the hotel, it was surreal! Then at the show, people wanted my autograph, it was a lot of fun, I had some great pics Robert John took of me and Axl before a The Cult show, I would love to get copies of, they were really nice just of me and him. The video connects me to them forever and he used it again in the “Patience” video, Axl’s sitting on the couch, looking like he’s thinking back on his life and he’s watching the “Welcome” video with the parts of me in it, it’s sweet. DB: What can you tell us about the recording of Appetite For Destruction and the recording of the WTTJ video? JS: I know it took awhile, Axl had about 4 different producers, he’s a perfectionist and wanted it just right, he sure did it too- that album is one of the best ever! I remember how excited Steven was, I have a picture of him and Ronnie the roadman in his “room” in our house holding the Original cover album in his hand, finally it was out and the rest was history! They just blew up world wide! The video was just like making any video although I can say that the scene where Axl is in the electric chair with the metal band around his head, he was shaking around so violently he cut up his forehead. DB: You have the luck to be in some tours, in shows, etc, How was the band backstage? Any story or tale that you remember? JS: Well the early shows were always fun, they were soooo crazy. But I think my favorite was when they went on tour w/ the cult we all went to the LA show, and I spent the night in Axls room with him, Adriana Smith called up and wanted to sleep with us, she seemed to be there in a lot of my sexual experiences hahahaha, not a part of it, just there : ) then the next night they played in San Diego and we drove down there and when we got there he said to me “you’re a sight for sore eyes” he gave me a rose ”which I still have“ and after the show, grabbed me by the hand and led me to the bus so we could have some “private time “. It was a sweet couple days. DB: What kind of relationship did you have with the members of the band or If you had one in particular with one of them? Any memory with each of them that can you share? JS: I had a great friendship with Steven, he’s such a sweet person with such a good heart!, his addiction started getting bad while he was living with me, it was sad, but it was nothing compared to how bad it ended up. Slash used to come over to mine and Adriana Smiths house when we lived together; we had some fun times there. Mostly, it was always Axl, my favorite time, and it was the last time I saw him. We met up at the coconut teazer I think ?? but drove back to his place in his “favorite” black BMW, we spent about 3 days together, just doing normal things ,watching movies, eating frozen pizzas, he would go to interviews I went to work, I was dancing then too, and would go back over to his house after work. We had a BEAUTIFUL time together. He was so romantic and gentle with me, he would wash me with a warm wash cloth, etc. just the really amazing Axl that I love. He played piano which will bring tears to your eyes and chills to your arms, it’s so pretty! He ended up having a depressive episode and I told him I would always love him (he had locked himself in the bathroom) and always be there for him no matter what and I left….. sad ending to one of my best memories, besides having my kids : ) but my love when I love someone is unconditional and it never ends… I miss him so much and it would mean so much to me to be able to be in contact with him or have him in my life, now that I’m back in LA, Cali again. DB: Why and when did you get away from the band? JS: Well I never have EVER revealed this to anyone before! After the 3 days me and Axl spent together, I turned up pregnant, I had a miscarriage as I was partying like a mad women, we all were, but it killed me losing our baby (he doesn’t even know this!) I know Axl has always wanted kids and the women he has dated that had them, he has always gotten very close to. I started dating another talented musician named Giovanni and we moved into together, I was still dancing, and I got pregnant with my GORGEOUS daughter Angelina, and dropped out of the “LA” scene. That’s what made it so hard for Marc Canter to find me for his book, or anyone else I was close to as well. I went through some serious downs in my life and have in the past 9 years made it great again, I have had another baby girl who is now 2 her name is Lilianna, and is Amazing and so beautiful! She’s made my life worth living when at times I thought it wasn’t worth it anymore. DB: When you found out about your pregnancy, did you try to contac Axl? JS: No, I told no-one, it broke my heart, even though I don’t think having a child with him at that time would have been good for either of us, I was devastated as I loved him so much but I never told anyone, until now, i figure enough time has passed, I have healed emotionally enough to make it public, and I am curious to know how he would feel about it, but I may never get an answer to that. I never told him, because I lost it before I had a chance to, so I never really got a chance to make a choice if I/we wanted to keep it, so I never said anything. DB: Are you still in touch with any of them? When and how was the last time did you see one of them? JS: Yes I’m in contact with Steven, and so happy to be talking with him again and know his life is on track and he’s happy has a great wife. He deserves the best!. I haven’t talked with the rest of them in a very long time and just in the past year started putting myself back out there to be able to be found and would love to get back in contact with them. DB: How was you relationship with Axl? Any fun, crazy or amazing memory that you still remember of him or private time that want to share? JS: As I said my relationship with Axl was special, amazing and strange all at the same time, fun, crazy, and sweet. I previously told my favorite story of him and me together, of all I miss him the most because what we shared in private was something special between just him and me. I also miss Steven, we had a great friendship, he’s so funny. DB: In the times that you spent with Axl, how was he at personal level with family and friends? JS: Very different then with the public, he was different with different people though, I have heard he threw girls out of his house naked and told them basically to F__K off.. but I never experienced that side of him, I have seen him cause a lot of throwing bottles etc. in clubs but he was crazy at times. He had a lot of issues with his family I really don’t want to get into though it is his personal deamons. DB: Did you meet Erin Everly? Do you remember how was the relationship between Axl and Erin? JS: Yes I met Erin several times, she didn’t like me for obvious reasons, I always thought she was his (Axl) true love, but they had a STRANGE relationship and volatile as well. Yet very loving too, they had many physical fights etc, but she was a lot younger than him (so was I), but I do know they loved each other. DB: What can you tell us about this triangles? Adriana, Steve and Axl? JS: The making of rocket queen with Adrianas background part did cause a lot of waves for all 3 of them. Adriana is a free spirit and did and I’m sure still does do what she wants at the moment, and lives for today, as I do now myself!! Barbi however gets very little credit for the song and it was written for her, Adrianna just did “backups” but it has given her a huge amount of attention. She is a sweetheart and we had some really great times together and I always wish her the best too! It is a great song and the end lyrics are so sweet. DB: Did you meet those people? And if you did what can you tell us about them? Vicky Hamilton I don’t recall meeting her, but of course heard a lot about her, I got my copy of the video and album from Geffen, I’m not sure if it was her personally, but she helped them get off the ground! Paul Tobias I never met that I re-call. It was a long time ago.LOL The girl in Axl’s tattoo The girl in Axl’s tattoo I have heard many stories around that and the one thing I do know, it’s a beautiful song!!!!! DB: Tell us about you, your life, your dauther and your family! How are you today? How has been your life since then? JS: Both my daughters are great my oldest Angelina is in college with a 4.0 average : ) I’m a proud mama .. my littlest Lilianna is amazing she’s ½ Dominican so at 2 she speaks both English and Spanish. And she’s so beautiful, both are!, my life is good now, I love animals, we have 2 dogs and a cat which is a small amount, I usually have a Zoo hahahaha.. They are my family, I don’t have contact with my other family, I have a brother in Seattle, who’s very kool! And my biological father died when I was 12 years old. DB: What did it make you come back to LA, California? JS: I came back to LA, Cali from NY because I grew up here and have family here, a better place to raise my baby DB: What do you feel when you see the video these days? What memories come up to your head? JS: So many, sometimes I cry, others I smile and laugh, I miss those days, but you can’t live in the past, you have to live for the day! So I try to do that and know I have had a life many would have loved to have had! DB: Looking back how do you remember those years? JS: The best in my life! They really were, I had more fun then, than anytime I can remember. DB: What do you think about CHINESE DEMOCRACY and Guns N’ Roses nowdays? JS:It’s very different then the old GN’R but I think Axl has what he wants – it his way, I actually haven’t even listened to to CD yet, I will but I’m just happy all of them continue to do what they love and what they are so good at~ making GREAT Rock n Roll!!!! Thank you so much for hearing my input in the making of GN’Rs beginning; there are so many people who were there. I feel privileged to have been apart of it. Thanks again and much love to all the members of GN’R… I love you always~ Julie “The Welcome To The Jungle Girl” Thanks Julie, DailyBetter Group © sends you our warmest greetings and we really appreciate your confidence and choice of providing this great interview, We're sorry about the pictures. Thanks to you we know a little more about the history of Guns N 'Roses, we hopefully that Axl give you a chance to see he someday. We communicate to Rose this interview and data have been provided with the deepest respect that we have him for the sole purpose of being able to help put together a nice history with a happy ending. Management: María Angélica Torre Alba-Staff DailyBetter Project © Preparation, translation and adaptation: Matias DailyBetter Group © Natalia Salaberry-DailyBetter Group © María Angélica Torrealba-Staff DailyBetter Project © DailyBetter Group © DailyBetter Project © You Are Fan, You are Daily! Source: www.dailybetter.com.ar Legal: All rights reserved to DailyBetter Group © and DailyBetter Project ©. DailyBetter Group © prohibit the reproduction in whole or part of this interview without appropriations credits that appear at the bottom of this note and the relevant link. Juliana Sedbrook only authorizes at DailyBetter Group © the publication of the photographs contained in this note with the credits previously agreed. Note and photos based in intellectual property rights and for the deposit required by law. Declarations: Juliana Sedbrook and DailyBetter Group © declare that the interview has been quite agreed in their structure and wording to avoid misinterpretation. Juliana Sedbrook states that the only persons authorized to publish the photographs in this interview is DailyBetter group©, also declares that it's under rights and intellectual property rights of DailyBetter Project ©
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sweet-rose-of-mine · 7 years
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In this extract of his autobiography, Andy Mccoy tells about the occasion when Erin Everly arrived distressed to talk to his wife, Angela Nicolletti (Izzy’s ex-girllfriend), after a huge fight with Axl ,and ended up OD’ing at Steven Addler’s home. 
There are two pages missing: the first is of Erin telling to Angela the fight she had had with Axl and how he ‘ tried to kill her and even ripped off her nipple ring’. Then, Andy adds his own impressions: that Erin is a rich spoiled young woman who likes calling people’s attention and who does tend to blow a bit out of proportion her accusations to Axl. However, he thinks there is some true to it. Finally, Angela says to Andy that she wouldn’t be surprised if Erin had done it to herself (rip off the nipple ring) just to accuse Axl (!!!). 
The 2nd missing page tells that Axl and Alan Niven, next day to the incident, arrived to Steven Adler’s house for him to sign off the papers to leave GNR.
Source: Andy Mccoy’s autobiography: ‘ Sheriff Mccoy: Outlaw Legend of Hanoi Rocks’ by himself
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sweet-rose-of-mine · 7 years
Steven Adler version on Erin Everly’s OD in 1990
On HANOI ROCKS guitarist Andy McCoy:
Steven Adler: "His wife — if she's still his wife — used to be Izzy's [Stradlin, ex-GUNS N' ROSES] girlfriend back in the day. She's the biggest cunt, slut, whore, loser, piece of shit I've ever met in my life! After they let me go from GN'R, Andy was living up the street from me. We started writing together. He would come down and I would say, 'Do not bring that goofy wife of yours!' I'd be in the front yard and I'd see him up the hill and I'd flip him off because he was bringing her. One afternoon we were playing and I had a locked gate. The wife and Erin Everly come over. Axl and Erin had got in a fight. That's what really did it. This girl gave her valium and some other stuff and kept telling me to give her heroin. There is now way in hell I would ever do anything to Erin, even sexually. The closest we ever got was eating sushi in Studio City once. Three guys came in with shotguns and robbed the place while we were there. They took everybody's shit but ours!
January, 2005
Extract from: http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/former-guns-n-roses-drummer-talks-about-adler-s-appetite/
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sweet-rose-of-mine · 7 years
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sweet-rose-of-mine · 7 years
Tracii Guns about working with Axl Rose
On whether Axl Rose was difficult to work with in the early days of GUNS N' ROSES:
Tracii: "No. I loved it. There came a point in time where I don't know exactly what was going on with him. I mean, I probably do, but it's not important. It became really less about the music toward the end of when I was in the band and more about this kind of statement, this lifestyle, this kind of shoutout mentality — negative and positive. And I mean, that was cool, and he really found his calling; GUNS N' ROSES became really Axl's voice, and we've seen that through the years. He can be really reclusive, but with GUNS N' ROSES, being on stage and writing songs, he's really able to express himself and really connect with millions and millions of people. And I've always been really supportive since I left, and I'm still supportive to this day. One of the happiest things I've ever seen in my life is seeing Axl singing for AC/DC. It's just, like, 'Wow, dude! You're singing for AC/DC.' It's, like, 'Wow!' I mean, we started some great shit. I'm very proud of everything I've done, the people I've worked with and the ability to affect a whole culture of music. And a lot of herpes got spread because of us. [Laughs]"
October, 2016
Read more at http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/l-a-guns-guitarist-tracii-guns-a-lot-of-herpes-got-spread-because-of-us.html#MVf9FYFeAjxmJgFL.99
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sweet-rose-of-mine · 7 years
Tracii Guns talks why he left GNR - a fight with Axl because of Michelle Young
Please tell me about your involvement with Guns N'Roses.
TG: Ok, I'll try to make it as direct as possible. In the beginning Izzy [Stradlin] lived at my house, years ago. And he had Hollywood Rose with Axl [Rose] - that was their band. I never played in Hollywood Rose. And I had my highschool band and I was really looking for a cool name and I loved Hollywood Rose. And I had a girlfriend that had been calling me Mr Guns. One day me and Izzy were sitting in the living room of my house and I said 'L.A. Guns' and I made this Cheap Trick looking logo on a blank album cover, and I show it to Izzy and go 'What do you think of this for a band name?'. And he goes, 'That's great.' So that's been my band name ever since. So anyways, we had a little manager guy at the time and he hated our singer Mike Jagosz, so we fired him. So then I asked Axl to join L.A. Guns and he was in the band for about six, seven months, and then the same manager ended up hating Axl and he wanted to fire him. We're all living together at this point and Axl and I sat down and went 'What are we going to do?' So we both said 'Fuck that', and came up with the name Guns N'Roses which was going to be just a record label that we'd put singles out on.
Sadly that idea only lasted for about 10 minutes and then we decided to keep L.A. Guns going, add Izzy and call it Guns N'Roses. And that's it, that's the whole story. And then I lasted for about seven or eight months in that, and then Axl and I got into an extraordinary fight - and we had never argued ever in the past few years before. [Then] I just kind of went my own way.
What did you argue about?
TG: That fight stemmed from a girl named Michelle Young [of 'My Michelle' fame] not being put on a guest list at three in the afternoon before even sound check, and we did two shows after that argument and then I left. It just wasn't fun anymore. I was probably 19 then and I thought Great band, and I love these guys, but they're not worth the headaches.' Even at that age I didn't want to deal with it.
So when you were still playing with those guys, was the material made up of a mixture of L.A. Guns tracks as well as early Guns N' Roses material?
TG: Exactly. It's funny, no one's ever asked me that question before, but that's exactly what we did. It was a mixture of these heavier L.A. Guns songs and I had helped working on some Hollywood Rose songs, which were really the tracks that became Guns N'Roses songs later. It was cool because Izzy and I were very systematic about how we would play in the band together. It was really fun structuring the L.A. Guns and Hollywood Rose songs for two guitars. We'd spend a lot more time making two really different guitar parts and two different guitar sounds. More than anything it was an incredible experience. That's when I really learned how to play with another guy. Izzy's so talented - not like a real master and he's definitely not a shredder - but he's just got a brilliant brain for music.
Is it true that you wrote some of the famous Guns N' Roses riffs but were never credited for them?
TG: No, the reality of that is that anything from Appetite For Destruction and Use Your Illusion I didn't write from scratch. Anything that I was involved with for those songs was a combination of me, Izzy and Axl. But they consciously didn't use anything that I'd brought in from scratch because they didn't want to pay out; plus the stuff maybe didn't stick with what they wanted to do at that time. So I lay no claim to like 'Hey, I wrote 'Welcome To The Jungle' man, where's my money?' It's not like that.
You don't seem to bear any grudges about not having stayed with Guns N' Roses who obviously went on to make millions of dollars.
TG: I think I'm more proud of it than anything. I had the good time that I did with the band, and then when I got fed up I think I made the right decision to leave so I could continue to do my own thing and take the education I got from playing with those guys. And you know, it's never really been about money for me until now, because now I have a little son. So now I have to make money, but up until this point I never thought 'Oh, those guys must have gazillions of dollars and I only have thousands of dollars'. But erm... I'd love to have that money! But no, it's never been part of my depression, I have my own reasons for depression [laughs].
Are you still in touch with those guys?
TG: No, not really. Oddly enough, the people I probably talk to the most are Gilby Clarke and Matt Sorum. Slash I talk to maybe every two or three years, Axl I haven't talked to since 1989, I'm very friendly with Duff (McKagan). But you know, everybody's kind of scattered.
Source: Tracii Guns Interview to Dr. Rocks in Jun 2010. Complete interview: 
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sweet-rose-of-mine · 7 years
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sweet-rose-of-mine · 7 years
Apparently, back in 82, at age of 16, Erin was already flirting with the idea of being a rockstar’s girlfriend. Reportedly, she dated Scott Hunter from a trio called The Rangers. Interesting to know something about Erin’s past.
‘During this period, Scott was dating a stunning young high school girl named Erin. On several occasions Scott would pick me up in his bombastic brown Jeep Wrangler with oversized knobby tiers and we would tear over to the valley in Encino just off Ventura Boulevard and visit Erin, at her mom’s house. This was Scott’s latest romantic interest which I think had double allure. Not only was Erin a knockout drop-dead gorgeous chick but she was also the daughter of Don Everly, of the famous Everly Brother “Wake up Little Suzy” duo of the late fifties and early sixties. ‘
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sweet-rose-of-mine · 7 years
When Axl called up Erin, completely high
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08.Feb.88 - Montezuma Hall, SDSU, San Diego, CA opening act: T.S.O.L.
Before 'My Michelle,' Axl asks, "San Diego...is this one of those so-called cocaine cities?! Well, oh yeah, this is crystal meth city, I'm sorry! Well I did some of that about a week and a half ago... did a little blast, was up for 4 fucking days! I was taking like 3 quaaludes and a bottle of Nightrain, I couldn't come down for shit! Called up my girlfriend, "Hey douchebag what's happening?" She didn't like that too well at all. She told me about it like a week later. Anyway, this is for the crystal meth and the cocaine heads, this is a song called 'My Michelle'"
Source: gnrontours.com
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