sweetlyneurotic · 6 years
High Level Homestuck Meta:
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Remember how Dirk and Jake have cute matching outfits?
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I do.
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sweetlyneurotic · 7 years
Hussie: I made a canon god tier aspect test
Everyone, already wearing the aspect sweatshirt they bought in 2013 with the aspect they thought they were: you did what.
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sweetlyneurotic · 7 years
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I had the pleasure of doing the cover for the 2018 Homestuck Calendar!
Snapshots of the Rosemary wedding, which is similar to my piece from last year, except this one has 37 characters in it o|-<
Included some close ups of the individual snapshots, because each are basically a full illustration on their own, and I put a ridiculous amount of detail just to cover it up sldkfm
thank you to @forfansbyfans for the opportunity ᕙ( * •̀ ᗜ •́ * )ᕗ
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sweetlyneurotic · 7 years
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what i WANT
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sweetlyneurotic · 7 years
Ardyn should not trust the Chocobro’s to watch his stuff.
Ardyn - @kaitail​
Prompto aka camera man - @starsncyanide
Ignis - @sweetlyneurotic
Noctis - @wheatleylaboratories
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sweetlyneurotic · 7 years
I have to say, listening to my friends talk about Final Fantasy XV is pretty wild when you know Latin but absolutely nothing about the game. Everyone’s name is literally a Latin word, and it’s beautiful.
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sweetlyneurotic · 7 years
I have to say, listening to my friends talk about Final Fantasy XV is pretty wild when you know Latin but absolutely nothing about the game. Everyone’s name is literally a Latin word, and it’s beautiful.
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sweetlyneurotic · 7 years
mccree impressions while dressed as mccree
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sweetlyneurotic · 7 years
I hope whoever made this has an awful day
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sweetlyneurotic · 7 years
je ne parle frAncais BITCH!!!!!!!Je ne comprend pas! Eat mon ass
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sweetlyneurotic · 7 years
WeddingCon was def my favorite con of last year. Hands down. I will always be so thankful I got to celebrate my wonderful friends and make it a lil more special for them. :’)
@cowbuttcrunchies got married!!!
yes, I JJ-logged the wedding.
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sweetlyneurotic · 7 years
As a florist, this is accurate and all true.
Sometimes people like to write things about florist’s shops.  Here are two things you need to know, the most egregiously wrong things.
1. It makes no fucking sense to sketch out a bouquet before you make it.  Every individual flower is different in a way that cannot really be adjusted the way other building materials can be adjusted, and each individual bouquet is unique.  Just put the fucking flowers together.
2. No one — in months and months of working at the flower shop — has ever cared what the flower/color of the flower means.  No one’s ever asked.  It’s just not something people tend to care about outside of fiction and it’s certainly not something most florists know.  You know what florists know?  What looks good and is thematically appropriate.
Here’s an actual list of the symbology of flowers, as professionals use it:
Yellow – for friends, hospitals Pink – girls, girlfriends, babies, bridesmaids Red – love Purple – queens White – marriage and death (DO NOT SEND TO HOSPITALS) Pink and purple – ur mum Red, orange, and yellow – ur mum if she’s stylish Red, yellow, blue – dudes and small children Blue and white – rare, probably a wedding Red and white – love for fancy bitches
Here are what the flowers actually mean to a florist:
The Fill It Out flowers:
Carnations – fuck u these are meaningless filler-flowers, not even your administrative assistant likes them, show some creativity Alstroemeria – by and large very similar to carnations but I like them better Tea roses – cute and lil and come several to a stalk, a classy filler flower Moluccella laevis – filler flower but CHOICE Delphinium – not as interesting as moluccella but purple so okay I guess Blue thistle – FUCK YEAH, some fucking textural variety at last!  you’re getting this for a dude, aren’t you? Chrysanthemums – barely better than carnations but better is still better Gladiolus – ooh, risky business, someone understands the use of the Y-axis, very good
Focal points:
Long-stem roses – yeah whatever Lilies – LBD, looks good with everything, get used as often as possible Hydrangeas – thirsty fuckers, divas of the flower world and rightly so, treat them right and they make you look good Gerbera daisies – the rose’s hippie cousin, hotter but no one admits it Peonies – CHA-CHING, everybody’s absolute favorite but you need guap Orchids – if this isn’t for a wedding you’re probably trying too hard but they’re expensive so keep ordering them
You know what matters?  THE CUSTOMER’S BUDGET.  THAT’S TELLING.
-$20 – if you’re not under 12, fuck off, get your sugar something else $30 – good for bouquets but an arrangement will be lame $40 – getting there, there’s something that can be done with that.  you can get some gerbs or roses with that and not have them look stupidly solo. $50 to $70 – tolerable $80 – FINALLY.  It sounds elitist but this really is the basic amount of money you should expect to spend on an arrangement that matters.  That’s your Mother’s Day arrangement.  You’re probably not going to spend $80 on a bouquet. $90 to $130 – THE GOOD SHIT, you’re likely to get some orchids $130+  – Weddings and death.  This amount of money gets you a memorial arrangement or a handmade bridal bouquet.  Don’t spend this on a Mother’s Day or a Babe I Love You arrangement, buy whosits a massage or something.
Everything needs greening and if you don’t think that you’re an idiot. 
As a new employee, when you start making arrangements, you can’t see the mistakes you’re making because you’re brand new and you’re learning an art form from the ground up.
With a few exceptions customers don’t have a clear plan in mind.  They want you to develop the bouquet for them.  They want something that will delight their little sweetbread but you’re lucky if they know that person’s favorite color, let alone flower.
Flower shops don’t typically have every kind of flower in every kind of color.  Customers generally aren’t assed about that.  Most people don’t care about the precise shade of the rose or having daffodils in July, because they’re not boning up on flower language before they buy.  That would imply that they’ve got a clear bouquet in mind and, again, they don’t.
Being a florist is essentially a lot like what I imagine being a mortician is about.  You’re basically keeping dead things looking good for as long as possible.  You keep the product in the fridge so it doesn’t rot and look horrible by the time the family gets a whack at it, and in the meanwhile you put it in a nice container.
Anyway that’s flowers.
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sweetlyneurotic · 7 years
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Hi, guys!!  We’re Cowbutt Crunchies Cosplay and we’re really excited to tell you about a project we’re launching called Cosplayers for Cats!  Most of you know that we write a lot of cosplay tutorials on all sorts of topics - from wigworking to ballgowns to worbla armor.  It’s something we love doing, and so this week we’re launching a Patreon whose rewards are EXCLUSIVELY geared toward helping you level up your cosplay!  By joining you can access more tutorials, wig walkthroughs, personalized one-on-one cosplay help, and even commission slots!
But the best part is that 100% of all funds will be donated to cat-related rescues and organizations!  Basically, donate to a great cause and receive some awesome cosplay tools in return!
We really think that the cosplay community can do great things  - it’s a big goal of ours for Cosplayers for Cats to succeed, and we’re really hoping that the idea catches on.  Please help spread the word if you can, and be sure to visit our sites below to get started!!
[ http://www.patreon.com/cowbuttcrunchies ]
[ http://www.cosplayersforcats.com ]
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sweetlyneurotic · 7 years
Do you have any tips for writing dirkjake? A lot of writers can't really capture their relationship as well as you do
ok I’m going to write like a million words about dirkjake get ready
I think firstly with DirkJake there’s just core differences in how different fans interpret the characters and relationship from the very foundation. The way fanon is so established for like 10 different versions of Dirk and Jake individually followed by at least 3 different common ways for their dynamic to be interpreted… it all leads to a shit ton of variance in what you get when any given writer decides to write a DirkJake fic. 
I guess for me, the main things to get “my” flavor of the relationship, what I try to focus on: 
1. Dirk as a complex character primarily defined by his overwhelming constant internal state of anxiety filtered through the fucking pinhole of his exterior facade. So like. Dirk is a character that wants and needs and feels so many things, but never wants to express any of it because he is terrified that expressing all the shit going on behind the mask will drive people away from him either in disgust or terror. Dirk is a person who is constantly afraid that he is becoming the worst version of himself and constantly unable to talk about that because if people understood what the worst version of himself was capable of they wouldn’t even want to be associated with the current version of him, who is trying so fucking hard not to be that. And because from Dirk’s perspective he’s “hiding” the reality of who he is from everyone he cares about (Dirk has a VERY FUCKING LOW opinion of himself) he’s in a sense manipulating them via lying by omission. Dirk thinks he is responsible for everything bad and other people are responsible for everything good and therefore other people have no sense associating with him at all. Dirk is trapped inside his own goddamn head 100% of the time when left to his own devices and WILL destroy himself if allowed to do so. 
His stuff is a mirror of Dave’s, with one huge difference: Dave hides everything because he’s afraid everyone will think less of him for being so soft – he’s afraid of the harm they might do to HIM, emotionally. His facade is protecting himself. Dirk hides everything because he’s afraid of the harm that DIRK might do to THEM. His facade is (from his perspective) protecting everyone else (from him.)
You’ll notice I didn’t mention anime, puppets, horses. Yeah. Moving on. 
2. Jake is ALSO a complex character primarily defined by his overwhelming need to avoid conflict and downplay his struggles with being hugely introverted in favor of projecting an idealized version of himself worthy of his own grand destiny. Jake is primarily concerned with JAKE’S own comfort, and this selfishness leaks in to the way he conducts all his relationships – Roxy is spot on when she says that Jake is an asshole, but he doesn’t MEAN to be an asshole, he’s just… Jake. Jake is simultaneously really easy to take advantage of (because he will always defer to the easiest route if possible – Jake calls himself a man of action but he would almost ALWAYS prefer to do nothing if he can get away with it) and also really good at manipulating people because everyone underestimates him. Jake is SMART. He just often downplays his own intelligence because he’s terrified of failure. He walks this line between being perceived as capable but not being perceived as TOO capable, because he wants to put out a specific persona without ever being called on to act in a way befitting of that persona. Like, wearing the costume is easy but walking the walk is hard, right?
Jake wants to be the hero and also wants to be the damsel but ONLY for the fun parts because the rest is hard and feels bad and is awful and sucks. He wants to skip from the Inciting Incident of a story to the Hero’s Triumph and then to the Happy Conclusion without experiencing ANY of the tumult or conflict or setbacks in between. He wants people to understand him without having to express himself because that’s hard. 
His stuff is a mirror Jane’s, one again a major difference: Jane bottles things up because she wants to appear effective and actively be relied upon to do great things – which she is confident in her ability to do and eager to inherit. Jake bottles things up and meticulously avoids difficult things because he wants to appear technically capable of effectiveness but doesn’t actually want people to call upon him or depend on him. He is NOT confident in himself or his own abilities and intelligence. Jane wants everyone to want and need her, she thrives on being the center of attention in a room. Jake thinks about being the center of attention in a room and wants to die. 
I would never ever ever use the words “cinnamon roll” to refer to Jake English. So yep. Moving on. 
3. the DirkJake relationship is a story about two boys who have been in love with each other basically their entire lives, except they grew into a pair of maladjusted unsocialized messes with zero emotional intelligence and oh, yeah, also one is a huge fucking introvert pretending to be an extrovert and the other is a desperate fucking extrovert pretending to be an introvert and WOW IS THAT A RECIPE FOR DISASTER. Especially when they immediately torch all their other relationships and have no one to ground them or pull them back or otherwise vent or express themselves to ON TOP OF all the other personal baggage each is working through throughout the alpha session. 
And I personally take an optimistic view of it, which is, these boys have loved each other their entire lives, they aren’t going to stop now, but they are going to have to learn to work through the myriad fucking issues I outlined above in healthy ways with the help of ALL their friends and family and it will be difficult but ultimately successful and rewarding and their eventual relationship with each other will be one where each feels respected and fulfilled and no longer afraid of horribly disappointing (best case) or utterly destroying (worst case) the other. 
I like to think toward and write them toward an eventuality where Jake is no longer afraid that he isn’t capable of loving Dirk as much as Dirk loves him just because he feels and expresses the emotion differently, and Dirk is no longer afraid that Jake is just humoring him or that Jake’s inability to be in full social mode 100% of the time means he’s getting or gotten over him in full, forever. Also, where Jake is no longer afraid that Dirk will judge him or feel full on disdain for the fact that Jake actually really doesn’t want to deal with the realities of a hero’s journey and just kinda wants to chill and have fun instead of being effective and heroic 100% of the time, and Dirk is no longer afraid that Jake will come apart like a wet paper towel at the merest hint of exposure to his actual innermost self and feelings. 
And that’s my big rant about the stuff I try to keep in mind when I write DirkJake even though like 70% of it is just smut like honestly what the fuck
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sweetlyneurotic · 7 years
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sweetlyneurotic · 7 years
Things only bullied kids will understand
-Beliving that none of your friends actually want to be your friend and they hate being near you -Hating normal things because they were used to mock you -Having to seek constant validation for your existance -Remembering particular insults you’ve been called for years and will probably never forget them -Beliving you’re too ugly for anyone to ever love -Not wanting to go to a new school/further education because you know the same thing will happen there -Having your parents tell you that you’re only being ‘teased’ -Having people wash their hands in disgust if they accidentally touch you.
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sweetlyneurotic · 7 years
Hey ! Do you think you're going to connecticon again this year?
Hullo! It's currently a possibility only. I may be sacrificing going to CTcon in order to go to Colossalcon, but I'll know for sure in the next coming months. :)
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