sweetonthesurface · 1 month
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yayyyy monster kid :) i didn't really have to do much here especially since i was doing it from scratch. just grabbed an image of tiramisu and was like sure. that'll work. not much to say other than the little tied off sleeves thing is just something i like to do when drawing them :) i've been a bit burnt out which is why i didn't drawn them sooner but it was like a quick and easy thing to do when i did so it was nice :)
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sweetonthesurface · 2 months
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First original concept for this take whoooo!! Mettaton is mostly just designed to be colorful. what's more hot and sexy than an obscene amount of colors, yknow? From what I remember his design was not at all like this and a lot closer to the original mettaton. but i don't have proof to back this up, so... His box form has sorbet or gelato on his head (hard to mix that in with the rest of the design) and originally was not going to have sprinkles but it looked a bit bland without them. I would also like to mention that it was a sincere BITCH trying to copy mettaton's box form sprite. do you know how fucking long he is jesus fucking christ there wasn't even a good reference for it. His EX form has jawbreakers in his hair and a lot of sprinkled colors on his body to make him partially resemble one and add more interest. There's a remnant of his box form behind his hair :) NOW: onto the original canon, his body parts are thrown off during his boss fight and eaten by the audience, who then comes up and starts to eat him in general. You can tell I was shocked seeing this if it's my only screenshot to go off of for him. Because of this, I designed the inside of his arm as well and it's a jawbreaker :) Adds to the horror of the scene, probably. I thought about making the pattern on the inside of the jawbreaker be on his chest but decided against that. sounded like a pain in the ass tbh. Also the dial on his chest is a sugar cookie with a candy corn on it. Why? Why not. Anyway that's mettaton ! Not doing NEO no sirree I already have to draw that man once this year and once per year is enough NEO for me!
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sweetonthesurface · 2 months
ough i have entered the "i don't wanna fucking work on things" season of my creative ventures and while i did just finish mettaton's design i am just Not in the mood to be recreating undertale sprites pixel by pixel because it is a pain in the ass sometimes and i am a busywork lover and enjoyer but not anymore not right now lmao maybe i'll do it later or tmr who knows i don't i was going to work on homework today and did i do that? only a little
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sweetonthesurface · 2 months
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really wish i could do more with these designs but oh well decided to render him nicely to make up for it :) after this will be original designs which sounds like hell😔wish me luck lmao
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sweetonthesurface · 2 months
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yayyyy i did toriel. i ddin't change too much about her. and honestly the original sprite looks nicer but hey. i thought she was lacking a bit of pie motif so i gave her crust around the edges of her dress and sleeves and added some more sprinkles. and i added pies ofc :) it was a bit hard to think of stuff to add so that it'd be a bit less of a redraw but hey!! i figured something out lmao dunno how i'll change flowey though he's like i can't do more than what was done lmao
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sweetonthesurface · 2 months
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one of my few screenshots of the original post type was of alphys, because the auto-translate turned it into "alpis" and i thoguht that was funny. but this also means i have NO fucking clue what she's meant to be. i managed to get into a mental argument with myself about whether she was a donut, sundae, or eclair, and i'm still not sure but donut felt most fitting. Though eclair was also in mind. it was originally going to be an eclair coat so that's where the flair is mainly from BUT it's fine. sometimes you just need multiple sources. Her glasses, however, are very much donut. it's a bit hard to see, but i gave her of all characters spiral cheeks to call back to trickster mode. i just remember something about her and john egbert glasses idk. anyway i got a bit carried away with the freckles but i found them important. teeth are candy cause she got she got a sweet tooth :) i feel like she'd have a lot of time to think with that anxiety and all so she's probably the most transparent about her inner panic at everything. maybe tries worshiping the player/frisk at some point idk i think that'd be in character
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sweetonthesurface · 2 months
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i got distracted by autism tests while drawing this but here's napstablook! (Credits to Downup on YouTube for the reference image. specifically from this video) i don't know what they were originally but i decided on froyo because i have mew mew written down as snail ice cream in my personal add on notes. it was fun designing the hat and headphones :) also made em a lil drippy guy. why? why not. enjoy them
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sweetonthesurface · 2 months
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yaaaaaayyy papyrus!! from what i recall, he didn't have a specific candy attached to him, just "nutcracker". and to be fair he does indeed look like nutcracker. so i gave him gumdrops <3 i looked a bunch of nutcrackers and none of them really had the closed coat design, but i decided to keep it long for funsies. made his bones orange to compliment sans and pastelled the yellow to fit better with the rest of it. his sprite was a pain in the ass to make like i'm just not used to recreating papyrus and the sprite was very different with the outfit. he's just jazzed up a bit due to him already having looked like a nutcracker but i think it's fun and nice regardless :) i think the red mouth is meant to be like that because nutcrackers often have their gums showing for whatever reason and they're always like bright red but tbh it just looks like he has gingivitis to me. i mean i kept it but still.
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sweetonthesurface · 2 months
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i decided to start of by drawing sans, of course (original sans sprite included for reference). i went off a previous redesign for the main drawing then did a sprite mockup. From what I remember, his sweet treat to eat was meant to be chocolate! hence why i added chocolate bars to his clothing. i gave him a bluer tone to his bones due to the au being inspired by homestuck's trickster mode. idk i just felt like it added to that general vibe. His shoes are cookie dough themed just for funsies. just to add a bit to it all. Same with his hoodie strings being cotton candy. the little headshot doodle i did with reimagined dialogue is based off how the characters spoke in the one comic installment (the original korean pages were taken down at some point in the 2020s but there's a 2016 upload of the english translation on imgur).
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sweetonthesurface · 2 months
Hi! I'm Deedjre (or Jester). A while back I remember finding the original posttype for Candytale by ValenSealover and about a year or so ago it was deleted and i didn't screenshot all of it sadly, but I do have a few key things screenshotted from it. From that, I can build up a rough approximation, using my own ideas in the mix, as to the original idea surrounding it. I don't know why pretty much everything surrounding the AU was taken down as I did not follow ValenSealover for any period of time BUT i do know that i love the au and it is also incredibly fucked in the best way possible. sadly they've completely disappeared from the internet or died, i'm not sure which but i can tell you that they vanished slowly and it's kind of a shame that everything got deleted,, but i want to like preserve the au and make it a bit of something knew as well to show my love for it :) This will be a place to showcase concept ideas as well as make note of the bit of the original au that i found/have from screenshots (or memory) when appropriate. Basically, half an AU take and half me wanting to restore this bit of now pretty much lost media.
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