sweetprincing-blog · 5 years
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the halls were nearly deserted as doyeon made his way through, skateboard clutched in one hand and a backpack haphazardly slung over his shoulder. man, he sure hoped he looked at least kind of badass. truth be told, college was the last place doyeon thought he would find himself. but heck, he needed some excuse to get out of the house and away from his overbearing family. he was definitely planning on taking some obscure major, one that would definitely make his parents scowl. so far, either philosophy or art were taking the cake. he’s so lost in his thoughts, meddling over his options that he’s a bit surprised when somebody approaches him. 
“to be honest, i don’t even know myself.” he responds, his bewildered expression easily swapped with a sheepish shrug. “but i’ll tell you what, it’s a nice day out. you should go out and enjoy it instead of staying cooped up in this hot, stuffy dump. we all should, while we still can.” 
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whilst claude could appreciate the sentiment, he did really need to find the library. he wondered if he had bothered the other male, considering the sort of detached and cool air he seemed to move with. he himself had never been especially cool, and so people who were always tended to throw him off a little -- he didn’t really know how to move his body in a way that read as comfortable, so he was really trying his best to just seem... not stressed. at least, not as stressed.
“you know the general direction?” he asked, trying again. he needed to study, and the young man was used to doing so indoors. sure, he could do it outside -- it was a lovely day, after all -- and maybe that actually wasn’t such a bad idea. curiously, the little prince couldn’t help but ask, “i don’t think i would call it a dump. why do you think so?”
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sweetprincing-blog · 5 years
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sweetprincing-blog · 5 years
        ❝         can the world buy such a jewel         ?         ❞
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( joshua castille, cis male, he/him ) ❝ hey that’s CLAUDIO FLORIAN from auradon, they’re the THIRD child of BELLE & ADAM FLORIAN. they’re TWENTY FOUR years old and always seem to remind me of FRESH SHEETS, STRAY GLITTER ON THE SKIN, BALLET SCORES, HONEYSUCKLES, AND A FULL BOOKSHELF. you’ll notice that they’re CHILDISH but also pretty SUPPORTIVE too. with all that’s going on, i heard they DON’T think the villain kids are responsible.
hello !! i’m holly, 21, from australia. more importantly, this is my soft garbage boy, claudio !! come love us, pls n ty
tw: depression, anxiety
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sweetprincing-blog · 5 years
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auradon university was not at all what claudio was used to. he’d had private tutors and attended deaf schools his whole life, and so a university full of hearing people was wildly daunting to him. but, he knew he couldn’t just read to children and dance ballet forever, and his parents’ insistence was compelling enough. still, at least law would be interesting.
approaching somebody a little awkwardly, all too aware of the way his body was moving and the expression on his face. signing as he spoke, claude said, “hi. sorry to bother you, but where’s the library? i’m lost.”
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sweetprincing-blog · 5 years
        ❝         can the world buy such a jewel         ?         ❞
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( joshua castille, cis male, he/him ) ❝ hey that's CLAUDIO FLORIAN from auradon, they’re the THIRD child of BELLE & ADAM FLORIAN. they're TWENTY FOUR years old and always seem to remind me of FRESH SHEETS, STRAY GLITTER ON THE SKIN, BALLET SCORES, HONEYSUCKLES, AND A FULL BOOKSHELF. you’ll notice that they're CHILDISH but also pretty SUPPORTIVE too. with all that’s going on, i heard they DON'T think the villain kids are responsible.
hello !! i’m holly, 21, from australia. more importantly, this is my soft garbage boy, claudio !! come love us, pls n ty
tw: depression, anxiety
NAME / claudio pierre florian NICKNAMES / claude D.O.B. / june 23 STAR SIGN / cancer ORIENTATION / homosexual, homoromantic HABITS / wringing hands, blushing, downcast eyes, standing on toes POSITIVE TRAITS / supportive, intelligent, forgiving, romantic, proactive NEGATIVE TRAITS / childish, blunt, whiny, foolish, reclusive BUILD / thin; about five foot two. SCARS & BIRTHMARKS / a smattering of faded freckles across shoulders
cowardly     ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○      brave energetic    ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○     lethargic forgiving    ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○      vengeful charitable    ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○     selfish authentic     ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○      deceitful chaste     ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○      lustful humble   ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○     boastful naive     ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○      experienced cautious     ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○       daring restrained     ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○      bold trusting     ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○      suspicious
1 / he is born number three of four children and the world around him is exceptionally quiet. it’s not as if he notices, however. what he does notice is getting in trouble far more than his siblings, finding himself yelled at more than them, sent to bed without supper more than them, but he can’t work out why. in fact, he only starts to notice something is wrong when he’s taken to a doctor at four years old. there’s too many tests and his little ears hurt afterwards but they realise he’s deaf. he’s not a rude little boy at all -- he just can’t hear them.
2 / as a little prince growing up, claudio lives a relatively peaceful life. he’s a big lover of stories, just like his mother, which leads him to books. loving to tell stories leads him to a life of dance. he’s an excellent little ballet dancer, actually, which takes his whole family by surprise. terribly ungraceful in his real life, claudio is effortless whilst dancing, even when he’s little. it’s a gift that transfers into other areas -- movement is a skill that allows him to speak. he picks up signing and invests his time in the deaf community.
3 / he has a special teacher to tutor him on deaf culture on top of his regular education, he dances six times a week, he fences, he reads, he tells stories to children at deaf schools. despite the pressure on him from his parents and the kingdom and himself, he is doing his part as a good and noble prince. he is doing good and it feels good. unfortunately for claudio, sweet as he is, he is incredibly naive and easily wrapped up -- he loves to tell romance stories, love stories, sickly sweet disgusting stories, and so when a slightly older man comes into the picture, claudio cannot help but get swept up in the rush of it all.
4 / when it ends, as inevitably it does, he completely breaks claude’s heart. his entire world falls apart, really, and it takes him a long time to put himself back together. he loses all interest in dance and books and speaking ( relying purely on sign, with no interest in speaking english at all ), and instead spends all his time curled up in his room suffering. he’s a big romantic and so a broken heart really hurts him. as time passes, he slowly emerges out of his room and back into the world, still naive but much more wary about love this time.
5 / now twenty four, claude is trying his best to keep his life together and to stop himself from falling apart. his mental health is trying to get the better of him, but here he is, studying law, getting back into dance, returning to telling stories to deaf schools and pushing for more accessibility. princely things. good things. and god, god -- he wants to be good. he needs to be good, because being passable isn’t enough. being okay isn’t enough. he is the son of belle and adam and he is a prince and he has to be good. he just hopes the pressure isn’t becoming too much.
EX BOYFRIEND, 26-29. ANY MALE OR MALE-ALIGNED NB FC. this guy was claudio’s whole world. may or may not be able to sign. where claude was completely and utterly in love, this guy was in it for the clout, wealth, and material gifts. he completely and utterly broke claude’s heart. they dated for four years ( claude was 18-22 ) and it ended two years ago. 
( suggested fcs: rahul kohli, sean teale*, austin p. mckenzie, andy mientus*, kiowa gordon, bob morley, henry golding* )
CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND, 23-27. ANY FC. this person has been claude’s rock for their entire lives, as he’s been theirs. the two of them are seldom seen apart, even now, and are able to communicate by just looking at each other. it’s that kind of friendship. basically claude’s sibling outside of his siblings. likely a child of royalty. 
( fionn whitehead*, geraldine viswanathan*, jordan fisher, lana condor, luke newberry, reina hardesty*, daniel durant, lauren ridloff*, shamir bailey*, ali stroker )
CURRENT LOVE INTEREST, 25-29. ANY MALE OR MALE-ALIGNED NB FC. this guy wasn’t in claude’s life during his last relationship, and so is mostly unaware of what has gone on, aside from gossip they might have heard. i would,,, love him to be the bad boy type to contrast claude’s preppiness. it would be cool if they were a villain’s child! 
( suggested fcs: charles melton*, tommy martinez, rome flynn, dacre montgomery, avan jogia, diego tinoco*, alex aiono* )
BAD INFLUENCE, 26-28. ANY FEMALE OR FEMALE-ALIGNED NB. a bad influence friend. claude’s way too uptight for his own good and needs a little loosening -- also, considering his quietly growing interest in feminine clothes and things, he needs someone to help him explore his femininity as well as break the rules. could be villain or hero child. 
( suggested fcs: elizabeth gillies, jessica vu, kelly gale*, lyrica okano, emma mackey, hayley kiyoko, emeraude toubia, maddison brown* )
EX FRIENDS, 22-27. ANY FC. people who claude was friends with before and during his relationship that his ex drew him away from. they didn’t know much about the ex boyfriend, but they knew he was bad news. claude desperately wants to reconnect with them. likely to be children of royalty. can be any number of muses! 
( suggested fcs: naomi scott, chella man*, anthony ramos, nico tortorella, iman meskini*, maddie baillio*, maxence danet-fauvel, maia cotton, marlon langeland*, shannon purser, herman tommeraas, ingrid nilson*, cengiz al*, courtney eaton*  )
BRAND NEW FRIENDS, 22-29. ANY FCS. literally just give this boy some friends. we can discuss how and where and why they met and what their dynamics are, he just needs some pals, honestly. could be villain or hero child.
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sweetprincing-blog · 5 years
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sweetprincing-blog · 5 years
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sweetprincing-blog · 5 years
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sweetprincing-blog · 5 years
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sweetprincing-blog · 5 years
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i can’t deal
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sweetprincing-blog · 5 years
what do other people have against subtitles? like bitch,.. my ears are Not Friends with my brain, let me have my captions
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sweetprincing-blog · 5 years
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sweetprincing-blog · 5 years
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sweetprincing-blog · 5 years
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sweetprincing-blog · 5 years
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sweetprincing-blog · 5 years
back in freshman year of high school we had this teacher who was really fucking annoying and HATED cell phones with a fucking passion. at the beginning of the school year he had us sign this goddamned “contract” that we wouldn’t have it in class or he would confiscate it.
so this annoying douchebag kid was on his phone and the teacher went “you have to give it to me now you signed the contract” and the kid didn’t even look up and said “contracts signed by a minor are not legally binding” and continued to text. and i hated that kid but…..dare i say iconic
anyway he got detention for it but i just found out he got into law school this year
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sweetprincing-blog · 5 years
castillejoshua via instagram stories 07 / 11 / 2018
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