sweetselkieboy-blog · 10 years
     Sorry for the inactivity guys. School’s started up, so it’s probably gonna be pretty slow going for me until I finish up with this last year. Thanks for being patient with me; I’m not gonna be dropping any of the threads that I have going at this point in time, but responses will definitely take longer for me to do. I have a much lighter load next semester though, so once I get through that i’ll hopefully be a little more active.
     Again, thanks for being patient and I’ll try to get to responding to stuff when I can. ;w;
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sweetselkieboy-blog · 10 years
     The list would be fairly short; Ronan had been fairly careful about hiding it, what with the fact that he was certain his father would steal it away again if he learned that his son had taken it. He didn't want to lose it again - the skin almost felt like a part of him, and to go without it... even now, if felt like something vital was missing.
     "O-Other than you, just... just my Dad, and a handful of faeries from the city - as far as I knew a-anyway. I don't think they would've followed me here though, and Dad would've... just taken it." Jeremy had no reason to play games like this with his son, and he certainly wasn't the type. It was more his parent's style to simply punish the boy for being so disobedient. As Stiles questions came, Ronan found himself once more sorting through each of them as he had the say before, when his classmate had taken a similar route for questioning.
     "Keep it i-if you want; I won't... I won't die, or anything, but... I-I'm pretty much mortal if it's taken away." He'd learned through experimentation of his own that the further he was away from his pelt, the less his faerie abilities came to him - and the distance that it it took for this to come into effect was quite small. So long as the thief kept Ronan's pelt away from him, he would be powerless. "O-Other than that, I'm not... I'm not clear on the details." There was so much that he still didn't know; it was frustrating.
     He'd been separated from his skin for sixteen years though, and didn't think it had done anything more than render him all but mortal. Surely that was all it did, right?
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In all fairness, Stiles might  never look like the kind of person who can handle this sort of thing, even when he’s running on all cylinders and actually handling it. He seems to think of tugging on the front of his hair as a means by which he can boot up his mind, so by the time they get to the actual locker room, he looks like no one has actually ever bothered to clue Stiles in to the invention of hair brushes.
He stations them near his locker by a matter of habit, leaning against it with his shoulders first. Stiles’ eyes narrow faintly when Ronan explains, his mouth tugging inwards on itself to a thoughtful purse. “Where were you keeping it? Who knew where it was, or that you even had one? We should start with a short list, right?”
When Ronan offers the paper, Stiles leans forward, taking it carefully between long fingers. His eyes skip over it a few times, jaw set faintly. “Well, that’s a trap.” He says, almost too-casually, head shaking. “Can I keep the note? What happens if you don’t get your skin back? What kind of time frame are we talking about? Can we afford to try and figure out what’s going on or would it be better to try and trigger the trap and overpower it? I’d rather—know what we were dealing with, with everything that’s gone down in this town lately.”
There’s a frustrated grunt and Stiles tugs at his hair again, staring at the paper like he might be able to divine its origin by sheer scrutiny.
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sweetselkieboy-blog · 10 years
     He wished that he wasn't so shy. Ronan was aware of how it put a lot of people off, and thus the Selkie made an effort to correct his behaviour - he could only do so much though. At this particular moment, the white-haired boy was keeping his eyes on the sand in front of him; it was only when the other boy responded that his eyes flicked up as he cleared his throat.
     "R-Ronan. It's... nice to meet you, Lucas." He tried to give the other boy a small smile.
Lucas looked down to the sand, pressing it between his palms as he tried to form a wall around the mound. The sound of the ocean and plush sand in his hands put his mind at ease. He had no idea why the selkie was being so nervous though. Maybe he made things weird? Oh god he made things weird. He glanced up to Ronan, keeping his voice quiet. “… Lucas. Yourself?”
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sweetselkieboy-blog · 10 years
     Stiles did not look like he was ready to deal with something like this so early in the morning - at least, not at first. Had he not been so nervous and jittery, he might've had time to be impressed by how quickly that changed. There was a mention of Adderall, and Ronan thought he recognized the name of the drug; ADHD medication, if he was correct. There was a long list of drugs that he was familiar with, and he had his father to thank for that one - his knowledge on that wasn't at the forefront of his mind though.
      He had other things to worry about. Stiles seemed to waste no time in accessing the situation, and soon, he was telling Ronan to come with him to the gym. The white-haired boy gave a jerky nod in agreement before scurrying after him. "T-Thanks." He shoved his hands into the pockets of his sweater to keep them from fidgeting ceaselessly. His eyes stayed on the floor the entire time, mind working at his attempt to calm himself; it wasn't really working. If anything, he was just getting himself all the more worked up.
     Though it only took a matter of minutes to reach the gym's locker room, everything felt as though it had taken an eternity to the anxious Selkie. As soon as they were inside with the door shut, Ronan wasted no time in setting his backpack down on one of the benches in the changing area, digging around for the note from earlier.
     "M-My skin's gone-" he revealed at last to his classmate as he fumbled through his belongings. "S-Someone took it - I-I thought I knew who it was, b-but he would've just taken it, he wouldn't have l-left a note-" He didn't bother to reveal the identity of who 'he' was; it didn't matter right now. He quickly pulled the piece of paper out as his fingers found the note, unfolding it before holding it out for Stiles to read for himself.
     "I-It's telling me to m-meet them somewhere, b-but..." Following the instructions seemed like a poor idea. That would just corner him, it seemed like, but what else could he do... ?
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Stiles Stilinski does not, at first or second or even fifth glance, look like the kind of soul that enjoys mornings. His eyes are hardly open, his hair clearly having been gelled but gelled in every conceivable direction, far from anything that could be called organization or even style. When Ronan first comes rocking up to him, Stiles turns on the selkie boy like he still isn’t quite awake, blinking profusely and then squinting to try and focus his attention on Ronan’s words.
Still, as the poor boy is stuttering and talking, Stiles is starting to pull himself together, standing a little straighter. His eyes flick over the other’s face, his hands, his whole bodily demeanour, and then Stiles’ expression snaps into focus, starting to become far more concerned. “Hey, sure, uh. Sorry, the Adderall’s still kicking in, but…”
He takes a deep breath in, looks around, does some quick mental math, and then Stiles is jerking his head in one direction to indicate Ronan should follow him. “C’mon, nobody uses the gym this early in the morning. We can talk in the locker room and if I miss first period, it sure as hell won’t be the first time. Okay?”
Stiles gives a nod that he hopes is encouraging, and then he starts to lead the way, his whole body seeming to take a little bit of time to remember how to work in concert with itself.
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sweetselkieboy-blog · 10 years
Writers, bold all of your character’s regular truths.
1. Smoking: the action or habit of inhaling and exhaling the smoke of tobacco or a drug. 2. Binge drinking: the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time.  3. Drug abuse: the habitual taking of illegal drugs. 4. Nail biting: a common body language sign of anxiety/tension. 5. Lip biting: a common body language sign of anxiety/tension. 6. Night Owl: a person who is habitually active or wakeful at night. 7. Early bird: a person who rises, arrives, or acts before the usual or expected time. 8. Negative attitudes: a philosophy of approaching life with criticism and pessimism. 9. Positive attitudes: a philosophy of approaching life with optimism and confidence. 10. Swearing: the use of offensive language. 11. Superstitious: an irrational belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome. 12. Inspecting fingernails: a common body language sign of boredom. 13. Scratching your neck: a common body language sign of uncertainty. 14. Foot and finger tapping: a common body language sign of stress/impatience. 15. Nose touch: a subtle body language sign of deceit. 16. Flipping hair: a common body language sign of craving attention. 17. Twirling hair: a common body language sign of flirtation. 18. Cracking knuckles: a common body language sign of readiness. 19. Hands behind back: a common body language sign of confidence. 20. Finger pointing: a common body language sign of authority. 21. Hands on hips: a common body language sign of readiness. 22: Hands in pockets: a common body language sign of mistrust/reluctance. 23. Frequent touch: a common body language sign of warmth/familiarity.  24. Throat-clearing: a common body language sign of rejection/doubt. 25: Jaw-clenching: a common body language sign of hostility. 26: Eye-rolling: a common body language sign of irritation. 27: Head-tilt: a common body language sign of interest. 28. Whistling: to emit high-pitched sound by forcing breaththrough a small hole between one’s lips or teeth; usually to a tune. 29. Humming: make a low, steady continuous sound like that of a bee; usually to a tune. 30. Perfectionism: refusal to accept any standard short of perfection. 31. Photographic memory: the ability to remember information or visual images in great detail. 32. Paranoia: a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically worked into an organized system. (mild) 33. Exaggeration: a statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is. 34: Intuitive: using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive. 35: Quick-witted: showing or characterized by an ability to think or respond quickly and effectively. 36: Interrupting: breaking the continuity of a conversation with one’s own statements. 37: Doodling: to scribble or make rough drawings, absent-mindedly. 38: Irritable: having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed. 39: Gambling: to play games of chance for money; bet. 40: Travel-sick: suffering from nausea caused by the motion of a moving vehicle, boat, or aircraft. 41: Sensitive: having or displaying a quick and delicate appreciation of others’ feelings. 42: Melancholy: a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause.  43: Chewing gum: the exercise of chewing flavoured gum which is not intended for swallowing. 44: Fidgeting: to make small movements, especially of the hands and feet, through nervousness or impatience. 45: Skeptical: not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations. 46: Neat-freak: compulsively obsessed with cleanliness. 47: Gossiping: divulging personal information about others. 48: Prim: feeling or showing disapproval of anything regarded as improper; stiffly correct. 49: Abbreviating: Giving others nicknames/shortening names/giving pet names. 50: Having a catchphrase: having a sentence or phrase typically associated with a specific person.
[all] quirks my muse habitually has.
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sweetselkieboy-blog · 10 years
My character looks into the Mirror of Erised, what do you think they see in it?
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sweetselkieboy-blog · 10 years
The poison leaves bit by bit, not all at once. Be patient. You are healing.
Yasmin Mogahed (via beautifulsabr)
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sweetselkieboy-blog · 10 years
"This belongs to you." Natalie said, her tone unimpressed, holding a rather unimpressed looking goat by the scruff of the neck. "I meant to turn him into a fish, but the horns wouldn't go away, and it just looked pathetic. Maybe, buy a leash."
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     For a moment, Ronan stared, taking a moment to realize who the identity of the goat was. When he had, the Selkie's eyes widened with shock - Yarrow, the large and intimidating troll that he'd grown so used to seeing was now... a goat. He hadn't thought that Natalie had that kind of ability.
     "A-Ah..." Reaching out, the white-haired faerie took the irritated animal from Natalie, looking quite unsure of what to do. "Y-You turned him into- will he change back?!" Well, on the plus side, perhaps he would lose interest in following the witch around.
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sweetselkieboy-blog · 10 years
Learn to be quiet about your misery And keep your sadness in the dark.
 Because, my dear…                                     Nobody cares about your broken fragile heart.
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sweetselkieboy-blog · 10 years
     "R-Right; I won't forget..." Hopefully. The last thing he wanted was to freak Scott out by approaching him with no explanation. He'd already managed to startle Stiles with an appearance, and that didn't need to happen again with someone else. "I'll make sure to mention you."
     It was then that Ronan realized how late it was getting. Despite the fact that he didn't particularly want to head back, it would probably be best to go home. He didn't want to get in trouble with his family, least of all his father. The sun was starting to make a slow descent, and the sky had already begun changing to the colours of sunset. He shouldn't dawdle much longer. "Sorry, but I should get going - I-I'll see you in class tomorrow, okay? H-Have a good night, Stiles, and... thanks again."
     He'd have a few things to contemplate tonight, but at least they were good ones for the most part. It had been some time since he'd had anything to look forward to.
     Unfortunately, his good mood wouldn't last through to the next day. In fact, it was going to plummet drastically and turn into a panic. That was because somewhere between his return to his room that night and his morning routine the next day, something precious to him went missing - an item that he'd made sure to always keep close and hidden since he'd found it, taking great care to ensure that it wasn't found.
     His skin was gone - vanished from where he'd nestled it beneath his mattress. How someone had managed to get it without him noticing, he had no idea, but upon checking beneath his bedding that morning before school, he'd found it gone. He'd searched frantically, checking his backpack first to make sure he hadn't simply left it there - no such luck. From there, he'd nearly torn his room apart, only stopping when he heard the angry shout of his grandfather as the elder man demanded why he hadn't left yet. The Selkie had been forced to abandon his search, but he already knew that his pelt wasn't in his room.
     Where was it then? How could someone have taken it straight from his room without him even realizing it? There was a certain level of anxiousness coursing through him, and he didn't know what to do. It remained with him as he arrived at school, stopping at his locker to sort through his textbooks and notes for first period - and that was when he found it, tucked neatly between the pages of his math book.
     A note that he'd missed. He was quick to unfold it, and dread filled him as maroon eyes scanned the page. He needed help. His mind worked for a moment, struggling to work through his panic, until a thought came to mind. The Selkie quickly slammed his locker shut and hurried down the hall, hoping to catch who he was looking for before the first bell rang - a small amount of relief filled him when he spotted the boy he was looking for.
     "S-Stiles-" He hurried over, stopping next to his classmate. Hands gripped at the straps of his backpack with enough force to leave his knuckles white, and he glanced around nervously, eyes darting between the other teenager and their surroundings. "C-Could I talk to you about s-something? N-Not here, but... when there's a minute, i-it's important-"
     He didn't think it would be a good idea to discuss the specifics at school, but he could at least ask the other boy to meet him somewhere. His distress was quite apparent if his demeanour was anything to go by, and Ronan hoped that Stiles would recognize that something was very wrong.
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Somehow, despite how much he must be aware that he is always seen with Scott, Stiles seems pleased that Ronan has observed that they’re frequently together. He gives a casual little shrug, clearly trying to downplay his own helpfulness before the feeling of being a good person starts to get too uncomfortable. “Hey, it’s no problem, I’ll talk to him about it. But he’s kind of busy trying not to get killed or let anyone else get killed so don’t be shy to approach him yourself. Just, you know. Make sure you say I told you to so he doesn’t freak out. Don’t worry about catching me practice, I should have known better than to do it there.”
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sweetselkieboy-blog · 10 years
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Mythological creatures around the world | Merfolk
Selkies appear in Scottish and Irish myth and are said to be seals who can cast off their skin and become human on land. If someone should find their seal skin they can hide it, forcing the selkie to remain human and often forcing them into marriage as well. If the selkie should ever find their skin again, they will immediately transform back into a seal and return to their beloved ocean.
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sweetselkieboy-blog · 10 years
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The 50th icon/gif in your folder is your muse's reaction to finding out their life has been a lie.
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sweetselkieboy-blog · 10 years
"You like me too much."
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     He smiled softly at her words - it was true. She was the first real friend he could say that he'd ever had, and he was surprised that she put up with him so much. He enjoyed her company, honestly, and sincerely hoped that the feeling that mutual.
     "Yeah, you're right." he admitted with a small chuckle. "I do. ... thank you for taking me out here. It... it was fun, and it's been a while since I went anywhere outside the Unseelie court..."
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sweetselkieboy-blog · 10 years
Yarrow// "It’s the second time I’ve caught you talking to him."
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     A look of confusion came to Ronan's eyes, and the Selkie blinked. There was a certain tone in Yarrow's voice, and the teenager wasn't sure of what to make of it. He sounded... displeased? Why?
     "Should I not... ?" he asked after a moment, reaching up to push some of his white hair behind his ears. "He seemed friendly... I-I don't see any harm. I thought you wanted me to be less... timid."
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sweetselkieboy-blog · 10 years
the beatles lyrics pt. 1 [1962 - 1965] roleplay prompt/meme
"How could I dance with another?"
"I’ve lost her now for sure."
"I’ll remember all the little things we’ve done."
"You say he loves you more than me."
"I want you to know that I still love you so."
"You give back your ring to me and I’ll set you free, go with him."
"You’re the only love that I’ve ever had."
"Ask me why, I’ll say I love you."
"You don’t need me to show the way, love."
"I do all the pleasing with you."
"Remember that I’ll always be in love with you."
"You’ll never know how much I really love you."
"You’ll never know how much I really care."
"Do you promise not to tell?"
"It won’t be long ‘til I belong to you."
"You’re coming home."
"Close your eyes and I’ll kiss you."
"While I’m away, I’ll write home everyday."
"Whenever you want me at all, I’ll be here whenever you call."
"Go away, leave me alone."
"Don’t bother me."
"I’ve got no time for you right now."
"I’ll take my chances for romance is important to me."
"Now you’ve changed your mind, I see no reason to change mine."
"You hurt me then, you’re back again."
"You’re giving me the same old line."
"I’ve been working like a dog."
"I work all day to get you money to buy you things."
"When I’m home, everything seems to be right."
"I should’ve known better with a girl like you."
"If I fell in love with you, would you promise to be true?"
"If I give my heart to you, I must be sure from the very start that you would love me more than her."
"If I trust in you, please don’t run and hide."
"I would love to love you."
"I just wanna dance with you all night."
"I’ve discovered I’m in love with you."
"It’s the second time I’ve caught you talking to him."
"I may not have a lot to give, but what I’ve got, I’ll give to you."
"I’m a loser."
"I’m not what I appear to be."
"Help! I need somebody."
"Help me if you can, I’m feeling down."
"Treat me like you did the night before."
"You’ve got to hide your love away."
"How could she say to me ‘love will find a way’?"
"You don’t realize how much I need you."
"Please remember how I feel about you."
"You’re going to lose that girl."
"I’ll make a point of taking her away from you."
"I think I’m gonna be sad."
"You’ll never leave me and you know it’s true."
"You like me too much."
"I’ll admit that I was wrong."
"I can show you a better time."
"I have had enough so act your age."
"Think for yourself ‘cause I won’t be there with you."
"Isn’t he a bit like you and me?"
"I will say the only words I know that you’ll understand."
"Is there anybody going to listen to my story all about the girl who came to stay?"
"I’m looking through you."
"You don’t look different, but you have changed."
"You’re not the same."
"Love has a nasty habit of disappearing over night."
"Of all these friends and lovers, there’s no one that compares with you."
"In my life, I love you more."
"It’s been a long time, now I’m coming back home."
"Carve your number on my wall."
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sweetselkieboy-blog · 10 years
All of the questions. ALL OF THEM (tgwtc)
Send me a number 1-60 and i'll answer the questions with one of my OCs.
10:What is your OCs favorite outfit?
     Ronan often wears a baggy t-shirt with a hoodie pulled over top of it; both of these articles of clothing are a little bit big on him, and thus tend to hang off of his form noticeably. His jeans are a little on the large side as well, and he often uses an old belt to hold them up. He has an old hat that he's rather fond of wearing, and a pair of sneakers that are truthfully too small for him - he's currently saving up to get some new ones.
20:What's your OCs favorite kind of pizza?
     Ronan's favourite pizza is meat lover's.
30:What does your OC choose to do about the, er, hair down there?
     Truthfully, Ronan doesn't really think much about it; if he had a partner who disliked it, he'd probably trim it or something. At this point in time though, it's not really something that comes to mind for him.
40:What is the craziest thing your OC has done?
     Probably snuck into the basement to steal his skin while his father was out - it was also the first time he got up the courage to do something that his father strictly told him not to.
50:Does your OC cry easily?
     Surprisingly no; Ronan has a fairly good handle on his emotions. He's good at hiding it when something's upset him, and can usually fake a smile and hold it at least until he finds himself alone.
60:Does your OC enjoy nature?
     Ronan finds himself very drawn to the ocean. He's fairly neutral when he comes to forested areas, but being close to the water calms him. He especially enjoys swimming out into open water in his seal form if he can manage it, and feels quite at home in the ocean.
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sweetselkieboy-blog · 10 years
     //Sorry for the lack of tags tonight; gonna try to get on it tomorrow, when I'm not quite so dead. ;w; Thanks to those who're being patient~
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