sweetsugarwater 3 months
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"Strawberries" by Nikifor Yaskov (1950s)
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sweetsugarwater 3 months
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sweetsugarwater 3 months
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聽Andrea Gibson,聽You Better Be Lightning
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sweetsugarwater 3 months
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Orpheus. 19th.century. Henry Dasson French 1825-1896. marble.聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 http://hadrian6.tumblr.com
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sweetsugarwater 3 months
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by ToshiaSan
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sweetsugarwater 3 months
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sweetsugarwater 3 months
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sweetsugarwater 3 months
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sweetsugarwater 3 months
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sweetsugarwater 3 months
my sickness
has gotten worse
i'm afraid.
it is all
that consumes my thoughts,
both waking and in my dreams
and i fear that
it is well passed looking
for a cure.
i've always been told
that i am prone to
though i did not
believe this was the kind of
of sickness they spoke of.
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sweetsugarwater 3 months
i require
on so many things,
things that i feel
you are not willing to
give to me.
i am beside myself
with grief
for something
that has yet to begin.
i am embarrassed
to say
that i am ashamed oftentimes
of the things i feel,
because i'm not sure
you feel the same.
maybe that's where
some of my anger
towards you lies.
- in the unknown
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sweetsugarwater 3 months
i am nary a fool
when it comes to
anything but
leaving my heart open
i tear down the walls
and the locked up gates
allowing myself to
feel fully
knowing full well
if the consequences
it may carry along
with it.
my emotions
have been in turmoil
and i'm afraid i
have lost all control of them.
they may do as they please,
for i'm sure no say
that i may give
to persuade them
to grow otherwise
won't make way
to what little brain
they may have.
- l.r.r.
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sweetsugarwater 3 months
i believe
there is more cause
for concern
in regards to
than people
initially believe.
i pretty myself up
and wear a smile
in order to play
the role i've been given.
i am growing tired
of standing alone,
center stage,
with eyes on me at
all times
ready to tell me
i'm not prepared
for what's off stage.
- l.r.r.
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sweetsugarwater 3 months
ripping pages
covered in ink colored tears
that i have portrayed
as art
shall perhaps finally
mend the broken pieces
that i portray
as myself
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sweetsugarwater 3 months
as my thoughts,
consumed by the
scent of you,
try to clear
i am left
feeling a bit empty
waiting for the
feelings i have
to be seen.
little am i
known to be
in control of
my own feelings,
though i am
also thought of
being too in control
of them as well,
yet i wonder
if caring for you
is equally a choice,
a privilege,
and a curse
i cannot seem to break.
- l.r.r.
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sweetsugarwater 3 months
the blade
carefully held
between my teeth,
close enough to
cut me if i
try to use
sharp words
to cut someone else.
this blade
i've had for a long
long time,
long enough that
i don't remember
a time where
i didn't have it.
this blade doesn't just
prevent the sharp words
but the witty ones,
the confident ones,
the ones that i wish
to say.
instead, all i have
are careful words.
words that i slowly let out
through gritted teeth
holding that blade
ever so carefully
to prevent any blood
from spilling out
of my mouth
for i so hate
the taste of
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sweetsugarwater 3 months
the difficulty
i am forced
to live through
every single day
seems like nothing
to those looking in.
i'm sure those
who are ignorant
to everything but
their own mind
find it so easy
to judge and
determine other's
supposed qualities
as if they're
their own dolls
ready to be given
a story that's
not their own
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