swerrtz · 4 years
emo photo album volume 5
damn i made the 4th one in july?
it honestly doesn’t seem that long ago, but maybe that’s just because i haven’t really been taking any photos
...because i only have like 5 this time and they’re mainly from october, but one was taken in november
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i used to take photos all the time, now unless i’m 100% sure i’ll get a great batch of photos i just don’t even bother :/
oh shit!! how did i manage not to mention this until now??
cry of fear is getting a remake!!!!!!! what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the team is also working on the original game and they’re planning on making so much more, a road map and everything else is being posted in the official discord here: https://discord.gg/srbaNft
also while on the topic of cry of fear,,,
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i dressed up as simon for halloween :)
we were allowed to wear our costumes at work and i got called the unabomber 4 separate times
fuck lol
vvv favorite new songs from like uhhhh october novemberish vvv
ok thanks for reading :)
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swerrtz · 4 years
emo photo album volume 4
so. we’re halfway through the travesty that is 2020.
hell yeah.
this year has obviously sucked but june has been the hardest month for me to get through. lots of things happened to me and around me. as of now though, i’ve gotten over most of them. the world is still a mess but that doesn’t mean i have to be. positivity is number one priority for me right now and i can’t let things that i can’t change keep me down.
photos are all from june 2020. all 4 of them...
i skipped out on april and may because of a lack of motivation. and other things.
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five stages
who cares if one more light goes out? in a sky of a million stars it flickers, flickers who cares when someone's time runs out? if a moment is all we are we're quicker, quicker who cares if one more light goes out? well I do
how do you say goodbye when you've hardly said hello? how do you say goodbye when you've hardly said hello? oh
we're young and in love, heart attacks waiting to happen so come a little closer, tell me it's all in our heads
wash away my sin i'm trapped in this hole again it's sickening to see, you know this act isn't me i'm trapped in this hole again
eyes like a car crash i know i shouldn't look but i can't turn away body like a whiplash salt my wounds but i can't heal the way i feel about you
runaways at our own pace set to make some great escape but this is where we turn and walk away, away opened up the world and saw its hate the ways in which we can't relate but this is where we turn and walk away, away
running free these walls don't remember running free to find each other but we only found ourselves after all
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swerrtz · 4 years
emo photo album volume 3
wow. march sucked.
lets list the good things that happened:
* animal crossing
* the my hero academia movie. i watched it twice in theaters. that shit was fucking insane.
* ...
i don’t think its necessary to list the bad things that happened.
photos and videos are all from march 2020.
there aren’t a lot because of the pandemic.
not an epidemic, a pandemic. pots and pans.
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cryptid hunting timeeee
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this next video is just shitty filters i found on a free app
idk why i made it
my day to day life has been listening to these 3 songs on repeat and playing animal crossing because of the quarantine..................................
please be safe.
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swerrtz · 4 years
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swerrtz · 5 years
emo photo album volume 2
dang, march is already almost here
at least that means the new animal crossing is going to be out soon
photos are all from february 2020
the snow this month was incredible
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also i replayed one of my favorite games ever this month
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the game is cry of fear, forgot to mention that
if you’ve never heard of it you should totally play it or watch a playthrough
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swerrtz · 5 years
went to go see the sonic movie with some friends
it was actually pretty sick
also 。 。 。
this song is pretty sick, as well
i hope someone out there is having a nice valentine’s day lol
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swerrtz · 5 years
emo photo album volume 1
photos are from november 2019, december 2019, and january 2020
this might become a monthly thing idk
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thanks <3
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swerrtz · 5 years
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Love isn’t measured on a scale, or in its volume. The cool thing about it is that its not a physical substance, like blood or muscle. It’s not contained by the size and structure of your heart. Your capacity to love and be love… is limitless. And it’s not dictated by the rules you make up in your head. 
Human connection has been a mystery for a long time. You can’t predict or control the type of people you collide with. When you’re brought together with somebody, it’s an accident- Whether it’s a happy one or a sad one is determined by the actions of both parties. And because of that, your worth isn’t drawn by the way those people have interpreted you. Perception differs. It’s unique per individual. If you don’t have a close friend in your life, or you lost one, that doesn’t mean you’re beyond love. 
If you don’t love yourself, that doesn’t mean you don’t have anything worth loving. The mirrors lie. You can’t see yourself through someone else’s eyes. What you see… is a reflection. Neither of you can fully see the other, even if you’ve been together for a long time. And you certainly can’t see yourself. All you can know.. is what’s internal. You know your structure, but not what you emanate.
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What I’m saying is. You can’t determine whether or not you’re worthy of loved based off of your history with others, much less your own self image. Those things are maybe.. some of the most unreliable records of all. No one’s feelings are replicated, and you aren’t rendered totally unlovable just because you’ve had a bad experience with them. They can’t tell you it’s impossible. You can’t tell yourself that, either. Love is a matter of learning, and if you haven’t found it within yourself to see anything worth caring about, it just means you’re still learning. And learning takes time.
So keep studying. Look a little harder. Look a little longer. Keep running tests, keep asking questions. And one day? Two and two are gonna make four, and you’re gonna realize the only thing you needed to be loved was your own personal breakthrough.
You just needed to be found. And I promise, if you keep looking, you might catch a glimpse of what it is that shines bright inside of you. And it’ll all make a little more sense.
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swerrtz · 5 years
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swerrtz · 6 years
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had a sudden motivation to finally attempt to make some art with my drawing tablet that has been collecting dust for almost a month now
art is hard
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