sword-and-sorrow · 4 days
Bella grabbed an especially heavy box out of Beverly's trunk, assuring her for the millionth time that day that she could handle it. She tried again and again to explain her vampiric strength to her girlfriend and even though Beverly still protested Bella knew she understood better than most.
Bella carried the box in through the entryway, up the stairs, and down the hall to where the bedrooms were in the house. She had explained to Beverly the layout already but that didn’t make it any less confusing to actually be inside. The house was old and it was strangely built and organized but Bella's bedroom was homey.
It wasn't very cluttered, although that could change very soon. The only part of it that was full was the closet. Bella had moved all her own clothes to one side and had already finished unpacking Beverly's into the other. Now all that was left was to unpack the rest of her belongings and introduce her to the others.
"Remember," said Bella as she set down her box and took a step back, gingerly dodging Beverly's cat. "If you decide I snore too loud or squirm too much in my sleep you can always ask for your own room."
Beverly, shaking her head as she removed one of the numerous boxes from Isabella’s arms, didn’t have it in her to reassure her girlfriend with words again.
Knowing the six times she did so before didn’t stick, Beverly instead leaned over to kiss her girlfriend on the cheek with a warm, “I love you” and smile. Then, understanding that Isabella liked arranging things herself, she excused herself and Blossom from the room. Wandering back over to her car to shut the trunk, she leaned against the flood and looked up at the crumbling facade.
Biting her lip in the same way another member of the house did, Beverly then ran her fingers through her unruly hair before climbing the stairs again into the house and back to her new room.
“…this house looks like it hasn’t been cleaned in years, Bella! Come on, tell me you at least have some cleaning supplies laying around somewhere….do your roommates not clean?”
She didn’t even wait for an answer as she began working alongside Isabella,suddenly too nervous to remember how the other woman liked…no needed, to organise alone.
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sword-and-sorrow · 1 month
Alexander tilted his head at that, as if not sure whether Isabella was interested in what he had to say or if Alberto had pleaded with her to make amends. However, he wasn’t going to squander the opportunity to be himself, elbows on the table as he leaned forward.
Mischievous grin plastered on his face, he murmured back, “oh darling, my life couldn’t ever be a smidge boring.” Looking to make sure Alberto wouldn’t be too cross at him for whatever he said next, he continued.
“My song is beautiful, but the sound of sailors who think it’s fine to act superior than me begging for their lives is breathtaking.”
“I’d recommend it sometime, Captain, letting the lust for revenge get the best of you sometime. If not that, then at least permit your husband that-you keep him on a short leash, and the freedom of the ocean doesn’t welcome that.”
Alexander knew the costs of being a siren, needing to constantly be on the move without any place to call home. In fact, he’d tried regular life for a while, blending in with the town folk and ignoring questions about his eyes that glowed at night.
However, incapable of escaping his nature, he was soon enough running from pitchforks back into the water after depleting the cattle and then moving onto the farmers themselves.
That evening was no different, spotting a ship on the horizon and rushing towards it. Within minutes, he was catching sight of the people onboard, smiling with sharp teeth and an aim to seduce and kill.
When Isabella first heard the haunting melody of the siren's song she didn't realize what it was.
It was only after she saw a handful of the crew piling to one side, her own husband included, that she clued in.
Alberto, meanwhile, had been manning the helm when the song caught his ear. Thankfully, he had had enough sense to abandon the wheel and run to the edge.
Isabella seized Alberto by the collar of his shirt and thrust him away from the edge of the ship. She stared out over the inky black sea, lips pursed.
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sword-and-sorrow · 1 month
As the Uber arrived, Alexander only spoke to direct the driver and then tip her extra to keep Shuonun’s identity to herself. Furthermore, he didn’t even look at the star when they got out, a few blocks away from home just in case.
It was when they were drunkenly stumbling onto the lawn that the shorter man finally looked up at Shunonun with a mumbled, “about you being a sinking pier…I’ve always loved being underwater, I think the possibility of goin’ under keeps me alive.”
“Fuck…I really just want to lay down on the grass and fall asleep here. You know I did that once? It was like…I can’t remember now, some outdoor concert you did where I waited backstage for hours because you forgot to tell you you were going partyin’ afterwards.”
Shuonun traipsed off stage with a grin as big as his face plastered on. He was completely and utterly wiped out as he crashed into the arms of his agent.
"Alex, can't you hear them?" he gasped out. "They're still screaming out there. My name. Over and over. My name. Holy shit. I see spots. I need a drink."
Shuonun and Alex had been business partners for a couple of years. Shuonun was the face of the operation, and to his fans he was practically a god, but he was nothing without Alex to advocate for him, to sort out his contracts, to organize the tours where his fans could throw themselves at him in glorious fits of insane devotion.
He had never voiced it before, but the man was his own personal hero.
And he was easy on the eyes too.
Alexander didn’t say much, tensing up as Shuonun crashed into him. Even though he mourned the loss of the crispness of his suit now that the taller man had wrinkled it, he didn’t comment on it.
Shuonun at the moment was one of the biggest names not only in Hollywood but practically worldwide, and Alexander didn’t take jealousy in that. Instead, he simply did his job and tilted his head down whenever someone recognised him from a press conference or video that Alexander kept advising his client against.
Motioning for one of the stage hands to find Shuonun some water, the brand he liked to be exact, he then motioned to another to get the car. Although they weren’t in view of any fans, he still knew their ability to somehow sneak backstage.
It had happened countless times by now, usually a crazed individual claiming they’d name their child after the man if he’d sign an autograph. To everyone, Shuonun was a god, and his voice the answer to all.
Shaking the thought of Shuonun possibly being in danger, Alexander mumbled something before speaking up with a, “we were supposed to be on the road by now…you can’t do oncores every time, your next set of fans will be…upset that you’re late.”
Alexander wanted to use stronger words than that, rip into Shuonun, but he didn’t; he was paid handsomely to work for the star, and he’d known him before fame.
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sword-and-sorrow · 3 months
Alexander didn’t even notice Alberto, too desperate for an audience after days of going without. When she inquired about the end of his tale, he didn’t hesitate to respond with a casual, “I showed sailors that we are alike in at least one way; I became an animal as well, and it turns out my teeth and resolve are sharper than theirs.”
He looked almost wild when he gripped the table to tell her that, eyes flashing and lips cracked in a sharp smile. However, with the blink of an eye he was back to being a man, elbows off the table and sitting straight.
“Your husband tells me trade with your ship and others is going well-you simply must tell me how you’ve done so. Also…the dinner looks wonderful, my compliments to the chef.”
Secretly, he wanted to tell her that he didn’t give a shit about trading nor quality of food. However, he knew sailors found small talk interesting, and therefore should adapt to that.
Alexander knew the costs of being a siren, needing to constantly be on the move without any place to call home. In fact, he’d tried regular life for a while, blending in with the town folk and ignoring questions about his eyes that glowed at night.
However, incapable of escaping his nature, he was soon enough running from pitchforks back into the water after depleting the cattle and then moving onto the farmers themselves.
That evening was no different, spotting a ship on the horizon and rushing towards it. Within minutes, he was catching sight of the people onboard, smiling with sharp teeth and an aim to seduce and kill.
When Isabella first heard the haunting melody of the siren's song she didn't realize what it was.
It was only after she saw a handful of the crew piling to one side, her own husband included, that she clued in.
Alberto, meanwhile, had been manning the helm when the song caught his ear. Thankfully, he had had enough sense to abandon the wheel and run to the edge.
Isabella seized Alberto by the collar of his shirt and thrust him away from the edge of the ship. She stared out over the inky black sea, lips pursed.
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sword-and-sorrow · 3 months
It was then that he finally turned to Shuonun with a soft, “what are we doin’ here?…this isn’t…right. This isn’t a game anymore, is it.” As he spoke, he refused to look at the taller man, eyes falling to the warm street lamp as if at any moment it would turn into an angel with righteous advice.
However, when nothing came to save him, he realised for the countless time he’d have to make his own decision. Learning against the car, he rubbed at the ridge of his nose, swallowed hard, and dug his heels in.
“If I were to kiss you, I wouldn’t want it to be with the taste of fuckin’ Jack Daniels in your mouth. I think I deserve more than that, for puttin’ up with you over the years.”
Knowing that sounded harsh, he quickly added, “I knew you’d get cold eventually and then hungry, so I stuck an extra sweatshirt and granola bar in the backseat when we were leaving.”
“Also, I already called an Uber for the both of us, shouldn’t be drivin’.”
Shuonun traipsed off stage with a grin as big as his face plastered on. He was completely and utterly wiped out as he crashed into the arms of his agent.
"Alex, can't you hear them?" he gasped out. "They're still screaming out there. My name. Over and over. My name. Holy shit. I see spots. I need a drink."
Shuonun and Alex had been business partners for a couple of years. Shuonun was the face of the operation, and to his fans he was practically a god, but he was nothing without Alex to advocate for him, to sort out his contracts, to organize the tours where his fans could throw themselves at him in glorious fits of insane devotion.
He had never voiced it before, but the man was his own personal hero.
And he was easy on the eyes too.
Alexander didn’t say much, tensing up as Shuonun crashed into him. Even though he mourned the loss of the crispness of his suit now that the taller man had wrinkled it, he didn’t comment on it.
Shuonun at the moment was one of the biggest names not only in Hollywood but practically worldwide, and Alexander didn’t take jealousy in that. Instead, he simply did his job and tilted his head down whenever someone recognised him from a press conference or video that Alexander kept advising his client against.
Motioning for one of the stage hands to find Shuonun some water, the brand he liked to be exact, he then motioned to another to get the car. Although they weren’t in view of any fans, he still knew their ability to somehow sneak backstage.
It had happened countless times by now, usually a crazed individual claiming they’d name their child after the man if he’d sign an autograph. To everyone, Shuonun was a god, and his voice the answer to all.
Shaking the thought of Shuonun possibly being in danger, Alexander mumbled something before speaking up with a, “we were supposed to be on the road by now…you can’t do oncores every time, your next set of fans will be…upset that you’re late.”
Alexander wanted to use stronger words than that, rip into Shuonun, but he didn’t; he was paid handsomely to work for the star, and he’d known him before fame.
124 notes · View notes
sword-and-sorrow · 3 months
Alexander knew the costs of being a siren, needing to constantly be on the move without any place to call home. In fact, he’d tried regular life for a while, blending in with the town folk and ignoring questions about his eyes that glowed at night.
However, incapable of escaping his nature, he was soon enough running from pitchforks back into the water after depleting the cattle and then moving onto the farmers themselves.
That evening was no different, spotting a ship on the horizon and rushing towards it. Within minutes, he was catching sight of the people onboard, smiling with sharp teeth and an aim to seduce and kill.
When Isabella first heard the haunting melody of the siren's song she didn't realize what it was.
It was only after she saw a handful of the crew piling to one side, her own husband included, that she clued in.
Alberto, meanwhile, had been manning the helm when the song caught his ear. Thankfully, he had had enough sense to abandon the wheel and run to the edge.
Isabella seized Alberto by the collar of his shirt and thrust him away from the edge of the ship. She stared out over the inky black sea, lips pursed.
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sword-and-sorrow · 3 months
Beverly hadn’t been a captain for long, and frankly, it happened through a series of events chalked up to, ‘massive accident’ by those who knew her. She didn’t even want to sail the seas, thinking boat life too dirty and the warnings against it all the more real as each day passed.
However, she was also determined which is why she was still onboard and when not panicking by herself in a broom closet, ruling with a set of commandments and iron fist.
Her crew didn’t quite fear her, she was too generous, but understood that doing their jobs was important lest they face a perfectly timed and devastating, “I’m not mad, just disappointed…”
Isabella was also determined and ill-suited for the expectations set before her. As a siren her life's purpose was to catch and kill sailors but she hated everything about sailors. They were rough men with liquor on their breaths and calloused hands. When she sang to them they grabbed her in ways she didn't care for.
Technically she was supposed to use her thrall to reproduce but she always chickened out before she got there. Instead she simply robbed them and left them to drown.
Her undersea cave was littered with trinkets and cold, hard, gold.
She wanted more.
176 notes · View notes
sword-and-sorrow · 3 months
Alexander looked away for a moment as if trying to break away from Shuonun’s sudden spell on him. However, he was using all of his will to stay upright which is why he murmured back, “If you’re into climbing in the backseat of a car that doesn’t belong to me, you’re in luck.”
When he rose from his seat and straightened out out his shirt, Alexander did so with a glance at Shuonun. It wasn’t particularly long, staring out from under his eyelashes, but it had depth in it. He knew that they were both walking a fine line but that they were both performers at heart.
Shuonun traipsed off stage with a grin as big as his face plastered on. He was completely and utterly wiped out as he crashed into the arms of his agent.
"Alex, can't you hear them?" he gasped out. "They're still screaming out there. My name. Over and over. My name. Holy shit. I see spots. I need a drink."
Shuonun and Alex had been business partners for a couple of years. Shuonun was the face of the operation, and to his fans he was practically a god, but he was nothing without Alex to advocate for him, to sort out his contracts, to organize the tours where his fans could throw themselves at him in glorious fits of insane devotion.
He had never voiced it before, but the man was his own personal hero.
And he was easy on the eyes too.
Alexander didn’t say much, tensing up as Shuonun crashed into him. Even though he mourned the loss of the crispness of his suit now that the taller man had wrinkled it, he didn’t comment on it.
Shuonun at the moment was one of the biggest names not only in Hollywood but practically worldwide, and Alexander didn’t take jealousy in that. Instead, he simply did his job and tilted his head down whenever someone recognised him from a press conference or video that Alexander kept advising his client against.
Motioning for one of the stage hands to find Shuonun some water, the brand he liked to be exact, he then motioned to another to get the car. Although they weren’t in view of any fans, he still knew their ability to somehow sneak backstage.
It had happened countless times by now, usually a crazed individual claiming they’d name their child after the man if he’d sign an autograph. To everyone, Shuonun was a god, and his voice the answer to all.
Shaking the thought of Shuonun possibly being in danger, Alexander mumbled something before speaking up with a, “we were supposed to be on the road by now…you can’t do oncores every time, your next set of fans will be…upset that you’re late.”
Alexander wanted to use stronger words than that, rip into Shuonun, but he didn’t; he was paid handsomely to work for the star, and he’d known him before fame.
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sword-and-sorrow · 3 months
Alexander almost froze up when Shuonun grabbed his hand, about to shove the star off with an awkward, “the joke’s over, let’s go home.”
However, what instead happened was that he leaned in with a casual, “I like a man who’s easily impressed with the small touches, allows me to blow more than his mind quicker.”
There was no way to know if Alexander was still playing the game, a certain apathy behind his eyes but sympathy in his motions. Furthermore, when he leaned even closer to lightly brush Shuonun’s hair out of his face, it was more than he’d touched the star in months.
Shuonun traipsed off stage with a grin as big as his face plastered on. He was completely and utterly wiped out as he crashed into the arms of his agent.
"Alex, can't you hear them?" he gasped out. "They're still screaming out there. My name. Over and over. My name. Holy shit. I see spots. I need a drink."
Shuonun and Alex had been business partners for a couple of years. Shuonun was the face of the operation, and to his fans he was practically a god, but he was nothing without Alex to advocate for him, to sort out his contracts, to organize the tours where his fans could throw themselves at him in glorious fits of insane devotion.
He had never voiced it before, but the man was his own personal hero.
And he was easy on the eyes too.
Alexander didn’t say much, tensing up as Shuonun crashed into him. Even though he mourned the loss of the crispness of his suit now that the taller man had wrinkled it, he didn’t comment on it.
Shuonun at the moment was one of the biggest names not only in Hollywood but practically worldwide, and Alexander didn’t take jealousy in that. Instead, he simply did his job and tilted his head down whenever someone recognised him from a press conference or video that Alexander kept advising his client against.
Motioning for one of the stage hands to find Shuonun some water, the brand he liked to be exact, he then motioned to another to get the car. Although they weren’t in view of any fans, he still knew their ability to somehow sneak backstage.
It had happened countless times by now, usually a crazed individual claiming they’d name their child after the man if he’d sign an autograph. To everyone, Shuonun was a god, and his voice the answer to all.
Shaking the thought of Shuonun possibly being in danger, Alexander mumbled something before speaking up with a, “we were supposed to be on the road by now…you can’t do oncores every time, your next set of fans will be…upset that you’re late.”
Alexander wanted to use stronger words than that, rip into Shuonun, but he didn’t; he was paid handsomely to work for the star, and he’d known him before fame.
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sword-and-sorrow · 3 months
“Whatever gives me the courage to talk to you” he murmured back before clinking his glass against Shuonun’s and sipping from it.
Pretending it was a fine wine rather than flammable liquor, Alexander held it in his free hand while turning to Shuonun.
“Tell me about yourself, I want to know your story how you would tell it. I don’t care what others would say, you’re in front of me, not your mom or best friend.”
Shuonun traipsed off stage with a grin as big as his face plastered on. He was completely and utterly wiped out as he crashed into the arms of his agent.
"Alex, can't you hear them?" he gasped out. "They're still screaming out there. My name. Over and over. My name. Holy shit. I see spots. I need a drink."
Shuonun and Alex had been business partners for a couple of years. Shuonun was the face of the operation, and to his fans he was practically a god, but he was nothing without Alex to advocate for him, to sort out his contracts, to organize the tours where his fans could throw themselves at him in glorious fits of insane devotion.
He had never voiced it before, but the man was his own personal hero.
And he was easy on the eyes too.
Alexander didn’t say much, tensing up as Shuonun crashed into him. Even though he mourned the loss of the crispness of his suit now that the taller man had wrinkled it, he didn’t comment on it.
Shuonun at the moment was one of the biggest names not only in Hollywood but practically worldwide, and Alexander didn’t take jealousy in that. Instead, he simply did his job and tilted his head down whenever someone recognised him from a press conference or video that Alexander kept advising his client against.
Motioning for one of the stage hands to find Shuonun some water, the brand he liked to be exact, he then motioned to another to get the car. Although they weren’t in view of any fans, he still knew their ability to somehow sneak backstage.
It had happened countless times by now, usually a crazed individual claiming they’d name their child after the man if he’d sign an autograph. To everyone, Shuonun was a god, and his voice the answer to all.
Shaking the thought of Shuonun possibly being in danger, Alexander mumbled something before speaking up with a, “we were supposed to be on the road by now…you can’t do oncores every time, your next set of fans will be…upset that you’re late.”
Alexander wanted to use stronger words than that, rip into Shuonun, but he didn’t; he was paid handsomely to work for the star, and he’d known him before fame.
124 notes · View notes
sword-and-sorrow · 3 months
Alexander knew the costs of being a siren, needing to constantly be on the move without any place to call home. In fact, he’d tried regular life for a while, blending in with the town folk and ignoring questions about his eyes that glowed at night.
However, incapable of escaping his nature, he was soon enough running from pitchforks back into the water after depleting the cattle and then moving onto the farmers themselves.
That evening was no different, spotting a ship on the horizon and rushing towards it. Within minutes, he was catching sight of the people onboard, smiling with sharp teeth and an aim to seduce and kill.
When Isabella first heard the haunting melody of the siren's song she didn't realize what it was.
It was only after she saw a handful of the crew piling to one side, her own husband included, that she clued in.
Alberto, meanwhile, had been manning the helm when the song caught his ear. Thankfully, he had had enough sense to abandon the wheel and run to the edge.
Isabella seized Alberto by the collar of his shirt and thrust him away from the edge of the ship. She stared out over the inky black sea, lips pursed.
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sword-and-sorrow · 3 months
Beverly hadn’t been a captain for long, and frankly, it happened through a series of events chalked up to, ‘massive accident’ by those who knew her. She didn’t even want to sail the seas, thinking boat life too dirty and the warnings against it all the more real as each day passed.
However, she was also determined which is why she was still onboard and when not panicking by herself in a broom closet, ruling with a set of commandments and iron fist.
Her crew didn’t quite fear her, she was too generous, but understood that doing their jobs was important lest they face a perfectly timed and devastating, “I’m not mad, just disappointed…”
Isabella was also determined and ill-suited for the expectations set before her. As a siren her life's purpose was to catch and kill sailors but she hated everything about sailors. They were rough men with liquor on their breaths and calloused hands. When she sang to them they grabbed her in ways she didn't care for.
Technically she was supposed to use her thrall to reproduce but she always chickened out before she got there. Instead she simply robbed them and left them to drown.
Her undersea cave was littered with trinkets and cold, hard, gold.
She wanted more.
176 notes · View notes
sword-and-sorrow · 3 months
It had been known for many years that in the heart of the woods lay a treasure that could grant your deepest wish. Of course, most scholars thought it to be fake, something to keep the population in check because nobody ever really returned from an expedition.
However, those who were more hopeful…or desperate, often found themselves assembling parties and heading deep into the foliage in hopes of finding it. One of the more hopeful was Alexander Pine, who after being kicked out of his other adventuring parties-of course never his fault-decided to simply join another. Of course, that meant wandering through town and asking people he didn’t care to talk to for advice and leads, but such was the life of an adventurer. In the end, what finally piqued his interest was talk of an elf, who had never been seen in these parts, paying a high amount upfront for party members.
Another man had sought out this elf. His name was Teddy, and he thought himself to be quite the rogue. However, Teddy's stealth was greatly hindered by the fact that he had never learned to tiptoe on his goat hooves.
The satyr found himself drinking in a tavern, pondering how he was going to find this elf, when suddenly luck favoured Teddy. His eyes lit up as he noticed the tall, slender, almost ethereal man walking through the door.
"Let me buy you a drink!" he called, and if Piere did not see Teddy hurrying towards him perhaps it may have been difficult to realize the call was directed at him. Teddy stopped just in front of him and said, "I hear you're looking for an adventuring party? Teddy Marino, at your service."
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sword-and-sorrow · 3 months
Alexander looked up from his phone with a small smile, looking at Shunonun as if they’d just met instead of growing up together and working as one. However, behind that look was a sort of comfort, like the shorter man wouldn’t make fun of his friend if he failed at a task.
Sucking in air through his teeth, he then looked around with a light, “a lot of chairs nearby, but you probably know that.”
Shuonun traipsed off stage with a grin as big as his face plastered on. He was completely and utterly wiped out as he crashed into the arms of his agent.
"Alex, can't you hear them?" he gasped out. "They're still screaming out there. My name. Over and over. My name. Holy shit. I see spots. I need a drink."
Shuonun and Alex had been business partners for a couple of years. Shuonun was the face of the operation, and to his fans he was practically a god, but he was nothing without Alex to advocate for him, to sort out his contracts, to organize the tours where his fans could throw themselves at him in glorious fits of insane devotion.
He had never voiced it before, but the man was his own personal hero.
And he was easy on the eyes too.
Alexander didn’t say much, tensing up as Shuonun crashed into him. Even though he mourned the loss of the crispness of his suit now that the taller man had wrinkled it, he didn’t comment on it.
Shuonun at the moment was one of the biggest names not only in Hollywood but practically worldwide, and Alexander didn’t take jealousy in that. Instead, he simply did his job and tilted his head down whenever someone recognised him from a press conference or video that Alexander kept advising his client against.
Motioning for one of the stage hands to find Shuonun some water, the brand he liked to be exact, he then motioned to another to get the car. Although they weren’t in view of any fans, he still knew their ability to somehow sneak backstage.
It had happened countless times by now, usually a crazed individual claiming they’d name their child after the man if he’d sign an autograph. To everyone, Shuonun was a god, and his voice the answer to all.
Shaking the thought of Shuonun possibly being in danger, Alexander mumbled something before speaking up with a, “we were supposed to be on the road by now…you can’t do oncores every time, your next set of fans will be…upset that you’re late.”
Alexander wanted to use stronger words than that, rip into Shuonun, but he didn’t; he was paid handsomely to work for the star, and he’d known him before fame.
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sword-and-sorrow · 3 months
Alexander finally realised the pressure on his shoulder wasn’t his mind and well-kept sobriety running away from him. Looking over to see Shuonun’s hand on it right after he’d talked away yet another suitor, he couldn’t help but laugh.
Even with his senses altered, he wasn’t stupid. He’d seen enough celebrity party exchanges to know what was going on. However, rather than express his thoughts to Shuonun, he simply straightened up and brought up a conversation from weeks ago.
“Remember what we talked about in the hotel room?…I’m going to go get another drink at the bar, and I want you to uhm…try that move on me. Try and convince me to go home with you.”
He didn’t even give the other man time to think, the agent weaving his way through the crowds and to the bar. Normally, he would’ve stopped drinking by now, sunglasses on and tie straightened. However, he was at home, exhausted from shooing off Shuonun’s suitors, and numb.
Shuonun traipsed off stage with a grin as big as his face plastered on. He was completely and utterly wiped out as he crashed into the arms of his agent.
"Alex, can't you hear them?" he gasped out. "They're still screaming out there. My name. Over and over. My name. Holy shit. I see spots. I need a drink."
Shuonun and Alex had been business partners for a couple of years. Shuonun was the face of the operation, and to his fans he was practically a god, but he was nothing without Alex to advocate for him, to sort out his contracts, to organize the tours where his fans could throw themselves at him in glorious fits of insane devotion.
He had never voiced it before, but the man was his own personal hero.
And he was easy on the eyes too.
Alexander didn’t say much, tensing up as Shuonun crashed into him. Even though he mourned the loss of the crispness of his suit now that the taller man had wrinkled it, he didn’t comment on it.
Shuonun at the moment was one of the biggest names not only in Hollywood but practically worldwide, and Alexander didn’t take jealousy in that. Instead, he simply did his job and tilted his head down whenever someone recognised him from a press conference or video that Alexander kept advising his client against.
Motioning for one of the stage hands to find Shuonun some water, the brand he liked to be exact, he then motioned to another to get the car. Although they weren’t in view of any fans, he still knew their ability to somehow sneak backstage.
It had happened countless times by now, usually a crazed individual claiming they’d name their child after the man if he’d sign an autograph. To everyone, Shuonun was a god, and his voice the answer to all.
Shaking the thought of Shuonun possibly being in danger, Alexander mumbled something before speaking up with a, “we were supposed to be on the road by now…you can’t do oncores every time, your next set of fans will be…upset that you’re late.”
Alexander wanted to use stronger words than that, rip into Shuonun, but he didn’t; he was paid handsomely to work for the star, and he’d known him before fame.
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sword-and-sorrow · 3 months
Pierre was the last to follow as if proving that he moved of his own volition and not on others terms. Furthermore, when he sat down, it only so that was he at the same height as the others. To his credit, Alexander realised that Pierre wouldn’t budge and stopped trying to persuade him to drop the others.
However, stubborn as ever, he kept casting looks around the table and every so often would sigh loudly in Teddy’s direction. Turning to him eventually, he spoke.
“You’re famous, you know. Only mate in this tavern who managed to get caught in six traps in a row. That’s an interesting statistic for a self proclaimed rogue.”
Alexander himself was far from perfect, having been kicked out of multiple parties for refusing to do tasks. He was adamant in how much he thought he was worth rather than actual value. In truth, he was broke and everyone knew it.
It had been known for many years that in the heart of the woods lay a treasure that could grant your deepest wish. Of course, most scholars thought it to be fake, something to keep the population in check because nobody ever really returned from an expedition.
However, those who were more hopeful…or desperate, often found themselves assembling parties and heading deep into the foliage in hopes of finding it. One of the more hopeful was Alexander Pine, who after being kicked out of his other adventuring parties-of course never his fault-decided to simply join another. Of course, that meant wandering through town and asking people he didn’t care to talk to for advice and leads, but such was the life of an adventurer. In the end, what finally piqued his interest was talk of an elf, who had never been seen in these parts, paying a high amount upfront for party members.
Another man had sought out this elf. His name was Teddy, and he thought himself to be quite the rogue. However, Teddy's stealth was greatly hindered by the fact that he had never learned to tiptoe on his goat hooves.
The satyr found himself drinking in a tavern, pondering how he was going to find this elf, when suddenly luck favoured Teddy. His eyes lit up as he noticed the tall, slender, almost ethereal man walking through the door.
"Let me buy you a drink!" he called, and if Piere did not see Teddy hurrying towards him perhaps it may have been difficult to realize the call was directed at him. Teddy stopped just in front of him and said, "I hear you're looking for an adventuring party? Teddy Marino, at your service."
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sword-and-sorrow · 4 months
Normally, Alexander would be bold enough with a few drinks in his system and pool victories to mumble an excuse and leave whoever drew his attention. However, he was too focused on subtly motioning away Shuonun’s suitors to notice anybody.
He wasn’t even sure why he was doing it, knowing the star was in no danger here let alone needed his agent. Nevertheless, that didn’t stop countless, “he’s not interested” or “find another”’s from leaving his mouth.
It was only when he was starting to lose track of drinks that he became less subtle, leaning over to one of Shuonun’s suitors with a light, “he’s already with another, and I’m not into threesomes at the moment” and tight smile.
He wasn’t even sure if Shuonun had heard him, already turning back to win another game of pool. Raising his brows at the loser, he then laughed with a, “if you’re as bad at pool as relationships, you’ll never find anybody.”
Shuonun traipsed off stage with a grin as big as his face plastered on. He was completely and utterly wiped out as he crashed into the arms of his agent.
"Alex, can't you hear them?" he gasped out. "They're still screaming out there. My name. Over and over. My name. Holy shit. I see spots. I need a drink."
Shuonun and Alex had been business partners for a couple of years. Shuonun was the face of the operation, and to his fans he was practically a god, but he was nothing without Alex to advocate for him, to sort out his contracts, to organize the tours where his fans could throw themselves at him in glorious fits of insane devotion.
He had never voiced it before, but the man was his own personal hero.
And he was easy on the eyes too.
Alexander didn’t say much, tensing up as Shuonun crashed into him. Even though he mourned the loss of the crispness of his suit now that the taller man had wrinkled it, he didn’t comment on it.
Shuonun at the moment was one of the biggest names not only in Hollywood but practically worldwide, and Alexander didn’t take jealousy in that. Instead, he simply did his job and tilted his head down whenever someone recognised him from a press conference or video that Alexander kept advising his client against.
Motioning for one of the stage hands to find Shuonun some water, the brand he liked to be exact, he then motioned to another to get the car. Although they weren’t in view of any fans, he still knew their ability to somehow sneak backstage.
It had happened countless times by now, usually a crazed individual claiming they’d name their child after the man if he’d sign an autograph. To everyone, Shuonun was a god, and his voice the answer to all.
Shaking the thought of Shuonun possibly being in danger, Alexander mumbled something before speaking up with a, “we were supposed to be on the road by now…you can’t do oncores every time, your next set of fans will be…upset that you’re late.”
Alexander wanted to use stronger words than that, rip into Shuonun, but he didn’t; he was paid handsomely to work for the star, and he’d known him before fame.
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