swordsdanced · 5 years
Part of him was eagerly awaiting for what she would think of his gifts, while another part of him was worried if she would even like it even though he got her things he knows she would love. Despite his red cheeks, he was elated to see her beautiful excitement over his gifts... even if that means she gave her a gigantic hug. She might’ve not seen it, but there was a small smile on his lips, and his arms naturally wrapped around her as he wanted to enjoy the moment with her. He would’ve responded back to her thanks as well, but what she said right after the hug changed his tune. It was now him getting overcome with emotions, his cheeks starting to visibly redden.
And then.... she kissed him.
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He didn’t expect so much from her, but at this point he didn’t really know what to do with himself. Hell, part of him never felt worthy of such affection from anyone, so to get it from Selene from people was... too much. His hand instinctively moved up to his signature position, but it was wasn’t as firm as usual, barely covering his face. He could barely look at her either, ashamed to show how much that kiss forced him to lose his composure. 
Did she really want to be his valentine? He... wasn’t sure if he wanted to be, but the thought did make him feel a bit elated. Maybe... no, he wasn’t ready yet. He wasn’t even sure where his heart was!
Taking a moment to steel himself again, Gladion gave Selene a soft smile, before giving one more small gift. 
“Noʻu ka hauʻoli, Mahina.” 
His voice was a bit shaky, and his pronunciation wasn’t perfect, but he was doing his best at this moment.
@swordsdanced​ asked: “Selene
. I’m sorry I’m late, but
” The acting Aether president couldn’t help but show a light shade of pink in his cheeks, slightly embarrassed about how long it took him to find her and give her this. “
 Happy Valentines Day.” With that, Gladion presented three boxes. One was an assortment of different expensive chocolates, the second was a small silver ring laced with moonstone. The third? Well, and actual evolutionary moon stone.
BLUES FOCUSING INTENTLY ON THE OCEAN IMMEDIATELY FLICKER IN THE DIRECTION OF THE FAMILIAR VOICE, lips morphing an ‘o’ of surprise seeing the President of Aether himself–or simply her dear grumpy friend to her, approaching. And seeming a bit winded too. Like, he’d been out and about for a while, but
why at this time? It was very well near midnight, not that she wasn’t glad to see him.  “Gladion! What are you
” No sooner than she’d opened her mouth to get his answers, he’d begun to speak. 
The rare sight of blush on his cheeks, the “Happy Valentine’s Day”, gifts offered out to her

Two blinks from Alola’s Champion as everything finally started to click into place, eyes widening upon the realization of it all. Gladion had came all the way to find her just to wish her a happy Valentine’s Day. To give her Valentine’s gifts. And that’s when a soft smile begins to pull at the edges of her lips, faint heat settling in her cheeks and heart blossoming with warmth. “You ran all the way here, this late
to give me Valentine’s gifts?” A giggle bubbles from her lips, one hand raising to try and (fail to) stifle the whimsical noise.
“And you say you’re not sweet, Glad.” Not that he was ever convincing her before with his argument otherwise but after pulling this? Oh, he’d never be able to convince her otherwise. Edgy style? Sure. (It was cool though, to her.) Grumpy? Plenty. But deep down, he had one of the most giving hearts, whether he’d admit it or not. 
“Mahalo.” A genuine gratitude from Selene, the brunette beaming up at him as she accepts each of his gifts. Really, after getting showered in gifts from fans, she should be used to this! And yet gestures like this never failed to touch her heart. There was something even more special about receiving a gift from someone close to her.
Azure eyes sparkled in curiosity, gifts soon unveiled one after the other. An excited gasp at the sight of the chocolate–the super pricey chocolates! How much did he spend on these?! But oh no, then there’s the ring. Beautiful sterling silver and adorned with moonstones. It was so lovely, like
like something out of a fairytale
!  “Glad
” A whisper barely gotten out, the Champion peering between him and the jewelry several times as if she couldn’t believe he’d done this. And she couldn’t! But then there’s the cherry on top–a moonstone itself! Her favorite of all evolutionary stones. Appropriately. 
A long moment passes, the brunette quiet, setting the boxes down with the utmost care before slowly turning her attention back to Gladion. 

and then all but flinging her arms around him tightly. Maybe a little even too tightly. Lips in a wide grin, bits of laughter escaping. 
“You really went all out on this, didn’t you?” She’s grateful to Arceus above that he doesn’t know just how many Butterfree were fluttering about in her stomach. Arms still embracing him after a few seconds–albeit with a loosened grip now, she peers up at him. 
all this and you didn’t ask me to be your Valentine.” Punctuated with a wink. 
Maybe it’s serious. Probably a tease. 
Maybe both. 
All the same there’s a playfulness in her eyes amidst all the warmth. 
“But really, Gladion
I really appreciate this, all of this. I promise to cherish everything! There’s something I want to give you too though.”  
Without a second thought, she lifts onto the tips of her toes and brushes her lips to his cheek. 
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“Happy Valentine’s Day to you too.” 
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swordsdanced · 5 years
Hey. Hey Gladion. Being kissed by a girl who might as well be from the moon, eh? Guess you've been moon kissed ;)))))
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Even though he’s slightly dumbfounded at what seems to be a joke, he’s got no reference to the fourth wall so he doesn’t get it. Still...
“... well the moon was full that night....”
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swordsdanced · 5 years
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“Mmmhm! There’s nothing tastier in the world to me! ” She declares, grinning widely before tilting her head in curiosity. “Why’s that so hard to believe? What would you pick?
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If drinks were also an option, he would’ve gone with coffee, but this was comparison of foods, not drinks. Still, he was quick to respond with his own answer. “The best is obviously a sandwich. Simple yet versatile, and can be made with whatever ingredients you have on hand.” 
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swordsdanced · 5 years
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“Ramen? Out of all the delicacies in the world, you pick Ramen?” Not that it’s bad, just not the thing he would think of as the best.
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Clears her throat sweetly. “Ramen is the best food to eat.” That is all. 
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swordsdanced · 5 years
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“ACHOO!” That... was an unexpected sneeze. Was someone talking about him or was he just getting a cold?
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swordsdanced · 5 years
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“I’m taking a break from work.” He sighed, plopping his butt down next to her. “If I look at a bright screen for any longer I swear I’ll go blind.” It was too damn late for him, but he was used to late nights as the president. He decided to go someplace else for a break (and hope that he didn’t fall asleep), but couldn’t help notice Selene has he was flying by. Thankfully his Noivern was silent, meaning that he didn’t have to interrupt her stargazing too early.
“Mind if I join you?” He asked, though it seemed that he had already decided that he was going to sit next to her, meaning that his question was more or less just a formality at this point.
"Do you know what time it is?" (@swordsdanced)
“I can’t sleep” Starters|| Accepting!
“Mmhm, midnight! It’s so beautiful out here.” A surprisingly lively chirp from the brunette without turning to face the blond, feet lazily kicking back and forth in the ocean water as her eyes remained fixated on the inky night sky adorned with stars above. Many people by this time had been sleeping for quite a bit, but Selene? Oh, she couldn’t feel more ENERGIZED! “Bed time” would come in a couple more hours

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“Why do you ask?” Head tilting to the side, a quick glance at him, before turning her attention back upwards. “And why are you up so late? Don’t you have to get up early tomorrow?” 
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swordsdanced · 5 years
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Pokemon Sun and Moon | Ep 127 | Is this
 Zoroark’s illusion
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swordsdanced · 5 years
Does Gladion consider himself a strong person?
send me questions you have about my character! (Accepting!)
Outside of his skills in a pokemon battle, Gladion doesn’t really view himself as strong. Physically, of course, he’s kind of a twig, but that isn’t what he focuses on when he focuses on strength. Instead, he sees strong as strength of character, which he knows he is lacking in. After all, if he was strong, he wouldn’t have to run away from his mother. If he was strong, he wouldn’t have had to pursue strength to begin with. If he was strong, he would have been able to stand up to his mother. If he was strong, he would have been able to save his family. If he was strong, then he would be able to bear the burdens of the people he cared about and not crumble under the pressure.
Now that he is older, he still holds onto these things, even though he realizes that those idea are wrong. But he still feels like he was weak, but maybe in different ways than before. He tried to do everything by himself, only to find failure, whereas his sister found her strength from the help and support of others. His tendencies to isolate himself, to try and not rely on others, he now sees them as a weakness, but isn’t really sure if he can be successful in those arenas like his sister is. Still, little by little, he’s getting stronger, by finding the strength in others to supplement his own.
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swordsdanced · 5 years
Seems like answers to her questions would have to come LATER. The important thing was that the mission was complete on their end. If it wasn’t for his sudden appearance, would she have had the strength to throw an Beast Ball, or even battle any further in case the worst (the beast somehow still having energy) happened? 
likely not.
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The brunette did her best to hide her WINCING as she was helped to her feet, taking a moment to consider Gladion’s offer. Her usual go to ‘I’m fine!’ response was at the tip of her tongue, but
given how shaken and scratched up she was, maybe a ride on Silvally would be the better option. And as if on cue, his chimera rubbed against her face. “Hehe
”A soft giggle, before feeling the coolness of the Beast Ball within her palms. Right. That. “I hate to trouble you Silvally, but I really could use your help.”
As she slowly reached to deposit the ball within her bag, her own teammates made their way to her. “Garchomp, Pikaboo you two deserve a huge rest. When things settle, I’ll take you both out for something really special.” Garchomp proudly nodded and the Pikachu by her side chirped. With that, Selene reached into her bag for a Dusk Ball and returned her dragon, while Pikaboo had
already climbed Silvally.
The sensation of raindrops along her skin was soothing to Alola’s Champion, though the calmness was short lived–another crackle of thunder caused her to ever so slightly JUMP. Okay, they needed to go, NOW. Steadily, she mounted Silvally, and the turned to the blond beside them. “Let’s go!”
Gladion couldn’t help but notice her become startled from the thunder, though maybe it just took her off guard. After all, those beasts could call upon that same thunder and the resulting electricity, and he could still remember how loud the crack was from a beast-boosted electric attack. Choosing to walk on foot, the president walked at a brisk but steady pace alongside Silvally, occasionally looking up to the canopy above as if he was trying to determine when the rain would fall.
Unfortunately, the rain came sooner than expected, albeit a light drizzle. Still, Gladion worried too much that the rain would only increase in intensity, resulting in him and Silvally picking up the pace. The occasional rumble could be heard from the sky above, though Gladion was unfazed by it, just hoping to find his destination. All he had to do was call back to his memories of this place, ignoring the fact that he was working for Skull at the time or what he was doing inside the forest. It was towards the volcano, by a boulder of some kind for sure. Pressing through a final bit of foliage, Gladion let out a sigh of relief as he saw the cave up ahead, turning towards his trusted partner, then Selene, giving them both a small, silent smile, before he felt several heavy drops land on the top of his head.
Of course they were almost out of the clear when the rain started to pick up. “Silvally, run!” Rushing forth himself, Gladion sprinted forward in the hopes to get out of the rain, now loud booms of thunder and flashes of light not helping one bit. Thankfully Silvally was faster than him, quickly bursting past him with Selene and her pikachu on it’s back, making several leaps and gallops before finally reaching the cave entrance, saving itself and it’s riders from the brunt of the rain. Gladion wasn’t too far behind, although he looked a bit more pathetic, now soaked from the dounpour, panting heavily as the young man felt his heart pulse throughout his chest.
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“We...... we made it..... good job.... Silvally....”
UB-03: Lightning - Aftermath
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swordsdanced · 5 years
favorite pokemon type?
send me questions you have about my character! (Accepting!)
Although I’d say Gladion has an affinity for some types (Dark, Poison, Steel, and Dragon come to mind), he doesn’t have a favorite type really. The pokemon he feels most connected with is Silvally, a pokemon that is very mutable in typing, so he doesn’t really have an allegiance to any single type. They all have advantages and disadvantages to him, so he will generally focus a strategy based on the typing and the kind of role Silvally needs to play on the team. Still, certain memories get used over others as different types have different advantages. Steel, Dark, and Fairy are amazing defensively, whereas Fire, Electric, Ice, and Dragon are more suited for offense. Gladion also keeps a Normalium Z crystal on hand for Silvally as another offensive option, Given that Silvally learns more normal type moves than any other type.
Given that he doesn’t have a favorite type, he tends to focus more on battler archetypes rather than specific types.
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swordsdanced · 5 years
Thoughts on Hau?
send me questions you have about my character! (Accepting!)
Hau is an interesting character to Gladion to say the least. The guy can honestly be grating to him sometimes, since Gladion feels like Hau can be too laid back at times when he thinks something should be taken seriously. Sometimes just thinking about that cheery smile can get on his nerves.
What really was irritating him when he first met Hau, and for the first few interactions, was that for the grandson of a Kahuna he didn’t seem to be taking things seriously because he knew he wasn’t a match for Hala at full strength. He actually expected more out of someone like Hau, but instead he didn’t see any drive, just a facade. He likely challenged Hau because he was searching for strong trainers, maybe even a rival. Given that Gladion was solely focused on becoming stronger, seeing someone so antithetical to his attitude was a disappointment.
Still, Gladion knew that this wasn’t an easy task, and over time he did see Hau grow as a trainer. Enough to entrust Hau with important information about Cosmog. Enough to take him along with the Protag to Aether to get back his sister (who he knew they were both good friends with).
Still, Gladion did admire Hau’s ambition to match or even surpass his Grandfather, even if he was initially irked by the lack of drive (or what he though was drive) and strength in Hau. Meanwhile the skull enforcer knew deep down that he’d crumble under the pressure. After all, he buckled and ran away when couldn’t face his mother anymore, something that still haunted him to this day.
Still, I’d say after the Aether paradise raid, Gladion gained more respect for Hau. He was calm under the pressure, and managed to be instrumental in not only finding Lillie, but also stepped up to the plate to face Guzma while the Protag faced his mother and Gladion faced the UB. From there the now Acting President gained more respect for Hau, eventually considering him a rival along with the Protag.
I’d like to think that before the Protag faced Gladion at the entrance to Mount Lanakila, he faced Hau in the same manner. Yes he would do the same dramatic elevator entrance twice for both his rivals fite me. It was a pretty close match all things considered, and.... you know what? Gladion actually had fun with that battle.
He may be this guy who’s too laid back for his own good, and he may get on his nerves more than a few times, but at the end of the day Gladion still respects Hau as a rival and maybe as a friend.
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swordsdanced · 5 years
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Hah, he couldn’t refute that one. And just like she so often did in battle, Selene turned the tide in her favor once again. Lips twitched into a triumphant grin–though it warmed her heart to hear how much love he had for the chimera.  “Actually, it is cute~! Really cute and really sweet.” Oh, he wasn’t getting out of this–she was winning!

until he mentioned the blush on her cheeks, which seemed to intensify upon being pointed out. “Y-Yeah well
! Not as cute as the blush on your face. I think it looks better on you.”
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Great, she really got him cornered now. He was for sure in a pinch, and his latest retort didn’t help him in his position either. “Ok, then what about when you dance with your pokemon, especially the cute ones? I know one time I walked into you, Mimi, Pikaboo, and Fluff dancing to some kanto pop song about cute fluffy ears... Speaking of, literally all of your pokemon’s names are cute.”
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swordsdanced · 5 years
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Those rare instances that she caught a glimpse of the blond smiling were always nice
but why did right now have to be at her expense? Nice as the sight was
Selene was no quitter. He was cute and going to accept it! “Height doesn’t have anything to do with being cute and you know it, mister six feet. But you know what is cute? How your face lights up whenever we talk about Silvally! You grin like you’re Hau, hehe!”
She really did have to bring that up, did she? Especially comparing him to Hau’s wide, goofy-ass grin. “Just because Silvally is the most majestic pokemon I have ever met doesn’t mean that me talking about them is cute...” Quick! He had to do something to get his footing back! He wasn’t going to trip from this proverbial low-kick. “You know what is really cute? That blush of yours!”
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Crap! That blush on her face is actually cute!
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swordsdanced · 5 years
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And as if right on cue, that very pout he described found its way on her features. Puffed out cheeks, narrowed eyes and her arms folded across her chest. First, he was teasing calling hercute and then he had the nerve to call her SHORT. “Just because I’m not AS tall as you doesn’t mean I’m short.” Because being just barely over five feet certainly wasn’t short. “And second
I’m not cute! But you are–even when you’re trying to act all grumpy and “hmph” at everything. You try to seem mean, but you’re actually sweet and that’s really cute.”
Oh? Was that the same pout he just described? Look who’s got the upper hand now. An obviously cool and confident smile grows on his lips, just to make sure he doesn’t look cute or grumpy at the moment.
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“You’re five one, Selene. You don’t see a 7 foot tall person be called cute. I’d argue that your shortness just accentuates your cuteness. Especially right now, when you’re pouting like that.” 
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swordsdanced · 5 years
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Oh no, no no. This wasn’t about her right now. “Yes, you’re cute. A little bit edgy, but still cute. Like your super long introductions you do when we battle, ‘cause you want things to be cool? It’s cute! Just like how sweet you are with Pokemon!”
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“You really do have a twisted definition of cute.” Cute and Gladion are like oil and water. They don’t mix. “You, on the other hand, you are cute. If being sweet to pokemon counts as cute, then being sweet to pokemon and kids is double cute. Plus, you’re short yet somehow a bundle of energy, you literally wear at least one flower in your hair at all times, and you pout you literally puff out your cheeks. What’s more cute than that?”
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swordsdanced · 5 years
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“I’m cute? Please. You fit the word cute a lot more than me.” He’s just salty that he isn’t being called cool instead.
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“Hau, Lillie and Gladion are cute!” 
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swordsdanced · 5 years
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“I didn’t know Lillie was her rival...” She was calling Hau and Lillie cute, right?
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