sxhwarzerosen · 3 months
“She was a storm. Not the kind you run from. The kind you chase.”
— r.h.sin
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sxhwarzerosen · 2 years
Mein Tag war gut, danke der Nachfrage…
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sxhwarzerosen · 3 years
“Marry a strong woman. Your daughter will have a role model and your son will know what to look for in a woman when he’s a man.”
— (via deeplifequotes)
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sxhwarzerosen · 3 years
“Ich meine, jeder Schmerz ist besser als der Gedanke es nie versucht zu haben, oder?”
— Grey’s Anatomy (via behindtheirhazeleyes)
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sxhwarzerosen · 3 years
“Be a good person, but don’t waste time proving it.”
— (via afghanproverb)
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sxhwarzerosen · 3 years
I saw and heard everything…
“I was quiet, but I was not blind.”
— Jane Austen, Mansfield Park (via wordsnquotes)
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sxhwarzerosen · 3 years
“Fall in love with someone that doesn’t make you think love is hard”
— (via missyourlaugh)
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sxhwarzerosen · 3 years
why do i wake up more tired than I was when i went to sleep
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sxhwarzerosen · 3 years
Um so länger man die Trauer für sich behält, um so schwerer wird es sich zu öffnen.
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sxhwarzerosen · 3 years
“If someone does not want me, it is not the end of the world. But if I do not want me, the world is nothing but endings.”
— Nayyirah Waheed
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sxhwarzerosen · 3 years
Ich bin so verzweifelt, weil ich meine Traurigkeit nicht in Worten fassen kann und niemandem erklären kann, wie traurig ich bin.
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sxhwarzerosen · 3 years
Hören diese Schmerzen auch irgendwann Mal auf?
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sxhwarzerosen · 3 years
Und schon wieder könnte ich nur noch weinen, weil ich mit diesen Gedanken nicht zurecht komme..
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sxhwarzerosen · 4 years
i wonder what its like to get upset without getting suicidal
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sxhwarzerosen · 4 years
Please, promise me that you‘ll move on. L
“If I die, it’s ok. Don’t be sad.”
— Sadness (via cheshirekaetzchen)
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sxhwarzerosen · 4 years
i must be exhausting for you, and i’m sorry
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sxhwarzerosen · 4 years
Tumblr media
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