sxotch · 10 years
Helloooooo friends! Who would like to start something?~ I'm not really all that good at plotting though, oops. dfklsgdds
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sxotch · 10 years
I should apologize for disappearing! Just.... a few things kinda stopped me from getting on here. But I'm hoping to get back to it tomorrow, and maybe get some RPs going!
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sxotch · 10 years
saita-aka replied to your post:Okay it’s been awhile. Does anybody want to RP or...
OOC:// I’m sorry I’m a lazy butt but I have you in my drafts OTL
No no no no you are fine! shhh. -pets- There isn't a rush! Don't worry.
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sxotch · 10 years
myguardianangelisoutthere replied to your post:Okay it’s been awhile. Does anybody want to RP or...
OOC: I volunteer! :)
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sxotch · 10 years
Okay it's been awhile. Does anybody want to RP or plot with me? I really want to get a bit more active here, but... alas, the lack of response...
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sxotch · 10 years
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Butters is wearing his faggy costume again
(i’m love with butters evil smile ;w;!)
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sxotch · 10 years
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All that I managed to produce today :|
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sxotch · 10 years
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Big pimpin’
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sxotch · 10 years
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sxotch · 10 years
I kinda feel up to longer RPs right now
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sxotch · 10 years
Butters, #1 : D
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sxotch · 10 years
"Ok. H-hold on!" Butter's quickly scrambled into the fort tha he had made out of sheets and furniture cushions. "Okay!" His head pops out of one of the makeshift towers. "D-do your worst fiend!" A giggle.
  Ruby nodded, that kind of thing was common sense and of course she wouldn’t want to get Butters in trouble. The blonde gathered up the pillows she was going to use and waited for further instruction. 
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sxotch · 10 years
"That sounded like a bad word..."
  When he heard what the boy said, Val got more pissed off then ever.
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sxotch · 10 years
"Weird guy...? O-oh! That sounds like Tweek! He's actually really nice, and loves coffee! His family owns a coffee shop!" He chirped. "Umm.. sometimes Al Gore shows up. And when he shows up, Manbearpig is sure to be close!"
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  'Aliens…?…What the fuck is wrong with this town,exactly?First some weird guy who twitches and sputters and now aliens?Is there any other surprises I should be worried about?'
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sxotch · 10 years
"That doesn't sound like fun. Haven't you ever gotten lost before?"
  "Wandering. It’s really all I know I can do sometimes."
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sxotch · 10 years
"A-ah well I guess it's alright then." He hesitated a moment though. A paladin shouldn't take such rewards. But if she was so insistent, he supposed it couldn't be helped. Besides! She had chocolate! How could one say no to that? 
"Y-yeah they did. But I can tell you're a nice person." He would have been fine till she mentioned about her being a pretty good. "A-aw gee, how could I refuse?" He remarked, a faint tinge of pink being brought to his cheeks now. Holstering his hammer into his waistband, he shifted from one foot to the next.
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  ✧❤✧~ Being a demon meant nothing to Jay when it came to children. Her own kind had a history of “eating” children, due to the fact that it was something that the mother of all succubi had done. So Jay was truly proof that that little myth wasn’t true. Well…in most cases.
No, the demon though that children were adorable. Their innocence was something she envied. And this boy sure had quite a bit of it to show.
"No sweety, really! I insist. A big, strong hero like you? Clearly  you deserve something!"
The succubus had begun reaching into one of the pockets of her white gown, digging for something that a child would love. And Jay honestly had something just like that on her person. A decently sized, milky chocolate.
"Now, I know your parents must tell you to never accept candies from strangers, but perhaps they have never told you that it’s quite alright to accept the candy if it’s from a pretty girl?"
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sxotch · 10 years
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╞╪╡ ╞╪╡ ╞╪╡
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