Tag dump pt 2
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“I highly doubt it,”Chiara chuckles, giving the girl a knowing smile. So she was one of the banshees-that made sense. The goddess would have expected to be recognized by someone who often went to the Underworld but then, it’s not like she’s hung out there a lot since getting of the Isle.
“You see, my family is kind of immortal, so you won’t find us in a ferry anytime soon, though my father loves guests. He loves them so much that he doesn’t let them go after receiving them,”, she says sweetly, but her eyes are cold. With that she’s done, waiting for the girl to put two and two together. 
"Huh. You look...familiar. You don't happen to be a ghost, right?"-@sxulstealer/@sxul-stealer (ooc:i forgot my own url don't judge me)
"Not exactly," Aoife answered slowly. The girl did look familiar, yes, but she couldn't place her. "Did I ferry someone you know to the Underworld?"
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#the squad™  #where’s my spinoff?
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“Every goddess carries a monster between her bones and iron in her heart.”
— thoughts #40 | r.m (via rmeisel)
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"Yeah, well, my brother is also best friends with the my best friend's ex. Families stick together no matter what," she shrugs. As far as she knows, this girl has done nothing wrong to her or her loved ones...and she seems cool.
"Agreed," Chiara nods. "I honestly didn't expect to see other people besides my best friend and my family with hellhound puppies but it's kinda cool. Aren't they the best pets ever?"
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Is your hellhound related to Cerberus, Hades' dog?
….I have no idea, one day Dom came home with a hellhound puppy, and then I had my baby Fluffy.
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"Hellhound puppy, huh? I could totally introduce you to his relatives. I'm Chiara, daughter of Hades," she says as her hellhound puppy, Spot, starts wagging his tail behind her.
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Is your hellhound related to Cerberus, Hades' dog?
….I have no idea, one day Dom came home with a hellhound puppy, and then I had my baby Fluffy.
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Chiara: How did you get out of the looking glass?
Cora: I borrowed a rabbit.
Chiara: What does that even mean?
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"One sided is an understatement. I don't like Hades enough to defend him but I will say that he's right about one thing, and that is how incompetent and obnoxious his brother Zeus is. Seriously, who lets their son get kidnapped by the worst minions in ancient history?"
"But what do I know, I'm only Hades and Persephone's daughter. Who are you?"
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thoughts on Hades and his banishment?
I don’t know the whole story, I just know that he fought with Herc and tried to take over Mt. Olympus. Which kind of one sided, if you think about it. So I should probably reserve that for once I know more.
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Hades: I’m not like a regular dad. I’m a cool dad. Right, kids?
Mal: Please stop talking.
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How would you feel if you found out you had another sibling?
“Confused. I mean, I definitely have a countless number of relatives but siblings are different-Dad had always been very loyal to my mother. Harley is the only exception.So if someone showed up and called themselved my sibling, I’d need solid proof to believe it.”
“Other than that, it shouldn’t matter much, even if it happened-which I doubt-they weren’t there for me. I don’t have to be either, blood relations or not. Sort of like the Auradonian side of my family.”
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"I'd say it's more of a nuisance", Chiara grumbles. Still, she lays on the ground as well out of boredom. She's seen snow before so she's not super impressed-but it's definitely amusing to see how impressed the other VK's are. Kind of saddening too, to be honest.
Her firey hair causes the snow around her to melt away, so she sits a bit farther from him, not to ruin his fun. Chiara doesn't care about a lot of people but he's essentially her sister's potential brother-in-law.
"So...this is your first time seeing snow, right?"
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Open Starter: Freeze Your Brain
Getting back to routine was weird. Being on the run, and then the Isle, Hades, it was all so much. Going back to algebra homework and gym class seemed so asinine and out of place. He was still healing from his injuries, wouldn't let Par take him to the infirmary once it was all said and done.
Then it snowed, and it was like the world got quiet. He wasn't sure what it was at first, but it was enchanting. He layed down in it, and just stopped for a moment. The cold felt good, took the edge off the pain, and his brain finally felt like it could relax, go numb. "Is this stuff magic or something?" He asked the person who'd come to stand next to him
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Do you think that you and your family could ever reconcile with your extended family in Auradon?
"After meeting the little sunpot? Doubt it. But I can't speak for Harley and Cassius."
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Chiara squints her eyes at the souls , trying to answer Cora’s unspoken question. It’s a bit diffcult with so many of them, seeing how she’s had little experience. After a few minutes though, she’s managed to access an ability previously hidden. It's like looking at them through a second, more advanced lense-suddenly she's seeing their names , origins and their deaths as if reading an open book.
Her hair has caught fire by the time she's done, when she's too overwhelmed to continue. Besides, the answer is rather clear-the ghosts shared the same cause of death, directly or indirectly.
The Wonderlandian Civil War.
She bites her lip, unsure how to break it to Cora. It wouln't be the first time she has to do it, but it's the first time when her best friend can see them as well. How would she take it ?
The question is left unanswered because soon enough her attention is caught by the appearance of a throne near her. Ok, she supposes that was neccesary for the princess to hold her audience now that she's accepted. Which means they're not leaving this place any time soon...which is simply divine.
Chiara tries giving the girl a supporting smile, but it looks more like a "hey, at least your best friend can get you the best room here!" kind of smile. Slowly it morphs into a warning look as the goddess remembers who the ghosts are.
But though her  pep talk skills could be improved,  she's got something to compensate with-unwavering loyalty.
At the queen's remark, the girl nods, almost smiling. It's not a title she associates with herself often but the ghost is right. Besides, Chiara isn't about to leave Cora here.
She moves next to the throne, where she creates a smaller black velvet stool engulfed in blue flames. After sitting on it, she whispers to her friend:
"I'm right here, C. In life and afterlife", the goddess says, patting her back. "And also, watch out for the ghosts, you might not like what's coming next."
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Home, gloomy home. She’d like to say she missed this place, but she hardly did, besides her mother and Cerberus…which reminds her how much she misses the hellhound puppies stuck in Auradon without their mistresses.But she gets through with it, if they were lucky enough it wouldn’t last long enough anyway.
Then,  soon enough, chaos is unleashed. At her best friend’s question, she shakes her head, taken aback.This is her territory so it’s not a warmly welcomed feeling.
“Uh, not really”, the goddess answers, summoning a fireball. Normally, they stayed in their own fields, but this is a first time for her: instead of clinging to her for mercy, they seem to…stay there. 
But wait…those clothes look similar, they’re bringing back pretty recent memories of a faraway place… Oh no. Chiara finds herself muttering ancient curses under her breath. Of course this happens now. Of course that whenever she’s with Cora, a Wonderlandian ghost has to show up. And she loves her best friend but right now? When they need to get out of the Isle again and defeat a princess gone rogue? Now is just not the time. But the Fates won’t listen to her of all deities. And it dawns on her that while she could use her powers to send them all back where they belong, they’d probably return at some point, like all souls with unfinished business do. So it’s better to get it done now. “Sorry, I think they’re trying to tell you something. But do let me know if you want me to play princess ‘round here,” she chuckles, muttering the words so only the princess can hear. Maybe that’ll sound reassuring enough. The girl looks up at the queen, looking for similarities between her and her living heiress. Poise and composure, check. Strong, defying look, check. But instead of bowing as well, she simply raises an eyebrow, impressed by the sight. This is going to be interesting.
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Disney Aesthetic: Hades
It’s a small underworld, after all, huh? 
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