sydneys-guidance · 10 years
Trainers? Oh, those ugly things. That won't be a problem. I've never seen a fashionable pair. 
  I’ll give you a tip - don’t wear trainers.
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sydneys-guidance · 10 years
I'll make sure to keep that in mind. And as long as you don't water down my cocktail, I'll even give you a decent tip. 
  I’m not allowed to spike drinks during m working hours - so as long as you catch me during one of my shifts you’re good.
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sydneys-guidance · 10 years
That's the perfect name for it, thank you.
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That being said, would you like any services?
  So a freelance counsellor? 
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sydneys-guidance · 10 years
Sounds nice. I suppose I will have to check it out. Do you bartend? I'm not sure I'd like you around my drinks.
It’s a bar - I work there. Real fancy - owned by the Oswin guy.
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sydneys-guidance · 10 years
The Zone? I'm afraid I've never heard of it.
  Right back at you - you should stop by the Zone sometime.
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sydneys-guidance · 10 years
Of sorts. I don't usually explain what I do, since clients come in with an idea in mind.
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And yes, if my services are desired, the payment is steep. But I have a 100% satisfaction rate, so I can assure that it's worth the cost. 
  Ah.. so it’s like one those health spa kinda deals. First one’s free, then the next few cost a bomb?
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You do realize that’s still pretty vague right? Are you a shrink or something?
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sydneys-guidance · 10 years
I'm no dealer, trust me. The professional name is Miss Guidance.
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I've never done traditional advertising, as most word about me goes from one client to another. My job is simply to offer assistance. 
  Happiness? Right.
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If you’re a dealer, just say so.
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sydneys-guidance · 10 years
Sydney had scolded herself for not picking a more specific time to meet with the girl. As she walked through the gates, she contemplated what this Embla character looked like. Since she had sounded so under confident, Sydney was expecting a mess of a human being, someone who she could make into a vixen by the end of the day. For a long time, she had considered raising a protege, but then she remembered that she didn’t care for children. Or nurturing things. Or doing anything that required an inconvenience to herself. That was why Embla made sense—already an adult, she would know how to do the obvious things. Sydney just had to guide her through the rest.
That was why she was so surprised to see the attractive young woman walking up to her and introducing herself as Embla. “Wandering sounds lovely.” She mused, putting her hands into her pockets. Well, maybe this wouldn’t have to be a rags to riches story after all.
“I think the weather is treating me as well as it can. I love the summertime.”
A small grin came across her face as she picked up on Embla’s obvious nervousness. It was always amusing to her when a pretty girl didn’t realize that she was pretty (meaning that she could get away with a lot). Sydney decided that there were two ways to get into this, and they were the same ways one can get into a pool: a gradual pace, or a cannonball. She decided that for the girl who seemed to second guess asking about the weather, the former was probably going to be the smarter option. She’d start with a compliment, see how she reacted, and take it from there. 
“You have such pretty skin. Your hair is gorgeous as well.”
Waiting for a response, Sydney took a deep breath of the summer air. Summer had been her favorite season since she was a little girl—there was something so freeing about it. Kids were out of school, flowers were vibrant, and anything seemed obtainable. Of course, summer was also the time when her business slowed down the most. In the winter, criminals got antsy and more desperate for juries to go their way, so her door was practically banged down with potential clients. In the summer, things would dip into a lull before picking up again again when the air got chilly. 
Embla really was a pretty girl, she thought. A part of her felt a twinge of guilt over trying to change some of her meekness. Of course, that was shaken off.
Weakness was the way to get manipulated. If one didn’t know how to act stronger than they were, they’d get taken advantage of. Not that she was in any way advocating for charity, Sydney felt compelled to help the girl by her side create an armor. 
She would thank her for it eventually. And if not, what did Sydney really care? People were born every day, making easily replaceable. 
Strangeness & Charm || Sydney & Embla
When Embla had asked if Sydney was available that afternoon, she realized that she hadn’t explicitly decided on a time to meet. So Embla (after nervously pulling her hair up in a half-ponytail, slipping on flats and black jeans and a tight green t-shirt and making sure that she had her bag with her) went to the park (arriving at 12:54pm) and nervously sat on a bench, pulling out a worn copy of Peter Pan that she’d gotten at a local used bookstore a week or so again. She’d forgotten her copy back at home, and figured that buying a five-dollar used copy would be less expensive than having to have her mom mail her home-copy to her.
Plus, perhaps there was a low-level desire to prove to Sydney that she did, in fact read. She was no liar and even though Peter Pan was a children’s story, it was still literature and — Embla stuffed it back in her bag. She wasn’t about to let Sydney get amusement out of her choice in books. Plus, there were plenty of other books that she liked, even if she couldn’t remember all of their plots.
And she could talk about her mother’s studies for hours at a time — enough to bore anyone half to death.
So she was all set to meet Sydney. Embla adjusted her shirt, making sure that there weren’t any (too many) wrinkles and watched the passers-by in the park. Mothers with strollers, toddlers covered in ice-cream dragging their fathers along — whining about not wanting a nap, teens sitting together and chatting. It was peaceful, in a completely chaotic sort of way. Embla bit her lip and tapped her fingers nervously on her thigh. She’d chosen an explicitly open area of the park — not wanting to have any incidents like the one in the alleyway a few days ago. 
That was not how she preferred to meet people.
She blew a few stray strands of hair from her face and continued to look around the park. Something about their conversation online made Embla think that whenever Sydney did arrive, she’d know it. It didn’t stop her from growing just a tad impatient, despite the fact that “afternoon” still included a number more hours, and Embla really couldn’t logically be mad when she was the one who had said something silly like “afternoon” instead of a more specific time like “two-thirty”. Embla stared at her toes as she made little circles on the pavement with her shoes.
She looked up after a few more moments, and noticed a blonde figure making her way through the park gates. Embla jumped up and made her way over to the figure, tucking her hair into place on her way there.
"Sydney?" She offered a soft smile. "It’s Embla. Glad you found the place. So, should we wander? Unless there’s something else you’d prefer." There was perhaps something odd about Sydney, but Embla found herself relaxing in the other woman’s presence. "So, how’s the weather treating you?" She asked, somewhat awkwardly.
That’s no way to start a conversation, Embla. You’ll make a fool of yourself in no time with behavior like that.
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sydneys-guidance · 10 years
Sydney had closed her eyes for a moment, gingerly running her fingers across the edge of the glass in her hand. It was champagne, despite there being no real reason to celebrate. Of course, Sydney justified it by thinking that her newfound acquaintance would be a gracious present to herself. There were not many people who she could stand for very long in person, much less on the internet, and this Kate girl had managed to surpass expectation by providing interesting conversation as well as a demeanor that was a refreshing contrast to her own. To be honest, she had found herself growing bored with the people she usually surrounded herself with, and was attempting to remedy it with tonight’s catch. 
Of course, that didn’t mean she was going to walk over to the pretty, mousy girl who looked in over her head when she walked in. No, Sydney preferred to watch how people interacted with their surroundings. Having the ability to change how people think at will, she had grown to appreciate watching how different strangers minds reacted to different situations. In an instant, she could make the quiet woman at the bar get up and scream or dance—or make the man flirting in the corner admit that he had a wife and children at home (whether it was true or not).
When Kate extended her hand to her, Sydney looked pleased at the gesture and shook it firmly. Despite being petite, she had learned long ago the importance of a strong handshake—well, when making deals with dangerous men who were in trouble for violent crimes, a good handshake indicated trust. A weak one implied weak personhood and struck a vein of fear in the partner who he had just paid to keep himself out of a life in prison. “Thank you. I’m glad you like it. Order whatever you want, I have a tab open.”
In the corner of her eye, Sydney noticed one of her “followers”—someone who’s boss she had helped once and now worked for her as a bodyguard for payment. He was about to approach, most likely to ask a question that would irritate her, so she quickly forced the thought of, “She looks busy; better not interrupt.” into his mind. With that, he was back to his side of the bar, watching the pair from afar. The entire process took seconds. It was always easier to control someone who worked for her, since they had developed a certain degree of trust and were less likely to fight it.
With that, she flashed a grin to Kate. “If you don’t know what to start with, I’d love to treat you to a glass of this champagne. It tastes like drinking a good dream.” She said, taking another sip of it. It was an earnest gesture, which was somewhat rare for her. Of course, she was still using Kate—but for entertainment and good company rather than as means to benefit herself or obtain power. If anything, this was one of her most honest attempts at ever making a friend.
Strangers In The Night || Kate Bishop & Sydney Clark
Music drifted through the purple Volkswagen bug as Kate speed her way through the streets of L.A. Normally she would take her bike when going around town, but not in the purple dress she’d slid in today. Alexander McQueen’s purple flared dress did not ride well on a bike, and the heels she paired with it would definitely have trouble gripping the pedals. No, she was content to drive to the fancy bar downtown. Kate normally wasn’t one for appearances, she’d rather wear her shorts instead of a designed dress. However, the lady she was meeting with today seemed to take pride in appearances, and well, Kate was dressed to impress. There was also that tiny bit of her that refused to be outdone by a stranger she met online. Still, the fashion victor would be revealed soon enough, if there was one. Maybe it would be a tie. That would be a pleasant outcome.
Kate pulled into the designated parking area, handing her car off to the valet. She watched her bug pull off into the covered parking area with a hint of worry. Her bow was in there, what if something happened and she wasn’t able to find her car? All because she let someone else park it. She shrugged it off. No use worrying about it now, besides who knows what the parking was like there. For all she knew she’d have to walk down three flights of stairs, and that was not about to happen in these heels. They may be the latest from Jimmy Choo, but they were not made for enduring stairs.
The building Kate walked into was beautiful. Decorated to the extremes, and expertly staffed with people who smiled and greeted. It reminded her of the life she left in New York. Since she’d been in L.A. she hadn’t been in a five star location. It wasn’t that she was avoiding them, she just wasn’t making an effort to socialize and connect with the who’s who of L.A. Reflecting back on that, she probably should. L.A. was supposed to be full of actors right? Maybe she’d meet Garrett Hedlund.
Moments later Kate was walking into the bar area. Dimly lit and stylish, exactly how all bars should be. She glanced over the crowd, making sure there was no one she recognized, or would recognize her. Nope, looked good. Her gaze turned back towards the bar. Her new friend, Sydney, had said she’d be the prettiest blonde in white, sitting at the end of the bar. Sure enough there she was. Kate had to admit, she wasn’t lying about being a pretty blonde. She took a deep breath, slapping a smile on her face. Time to go be sociable.
Kate marched over to the bar, sliding into the seat next to Sydney. Well, who she hoped was Sydney. It would really suck if a different blonde in white decided to sit at the end of the bar today. “Sydney?” She asked, extending a hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Kate.” She tucked her ankles underneath the bar stool. “You have excellent taste.” She commented, absently gesturing at the room. Of course she expected nothing less from the woman who lived life for comfort.
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sydneys-guidance · 10 years
starkmanofiron replied to your post:In case anyone is interested, I am available for...
Consultations for what?
I cater to a very niche market of people who require some kind of guidance. Guidance on what is up to the client. 
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sydneys-guidance · 10 years
Pleasure is yours. You're not as dumb as the people I usually dislike. This makes it interesting. 
  You would know - ignorance is bliss. I’m Freddie.
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sydneys-guidance · 10 years
My business if happiness. If you need more, we can work something out.
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  What business would that be, exactly?
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sydneys-guidance · 10 years
No catch. Of course, my services, if asked, would require a price.
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I consult people about making their lives more comfortable. It's a pain to live a life that's not. 
  Yeah? What do you consult in?
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And what’s the catch? There aren’t any free lunches in the world.
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sydneys-guidance · 10 years
Sure, that sounds lovely. It's been ages since I've last been to a park. I'll see you then.
  Alright — I guess. Are you good with walks around local parks?
Does this afternoon work for you?
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sydneys-guidance · 10 years
In case anyone is interested, I am available for consultations. I'll even make it free of charge, since I'm just looking to expand clientele. 
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Business has gotten rather dry lately.
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sydneys-guidance · 10 years
Must have gone over my head. It's Sydney, by the way. I doubt you were dying to know, but you might as well be informed. 
  See, I meant that remark in a more physical way - but thanks for clarifying that. 
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sydneys-guidance · 10 years
Well, why don't I help you? I can give you lessons in assertiveness and you can continue to amuse me.
  Not exactly what I was saying but Right, yes. I suppose.
I guess that makes sense. Thanks.
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