sylvbte · 5 years
sylvbte said: “i can’t help you if you don’t let me!” 
“i’m fine.” protests ginny, wincing as she slides down the wall and assumes a sitting position. she outstretches her leg (the one attached to her throbbing ankle) and tilts her head back, eyes closing in reprieve. “i just twisted it, that’s all.”
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she was no healer anymore, not able to do the simplest of spells and she wasn’t going to pretend. she doesn’t even carry a wand with her anymore, it felt volatile in her hands when she tried to pick it up when she first changed. sylvanas dares not give ginny any blood, she’s not sure if it’ll heal her or change her and she doesn’t want to risk the wrath of molly weasley should anything happen to her only daughter. “come on, let me carry you at least so we can get you home to your mum.”
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sylvbte · 5 years
@sylvbte​  sent    ↳     ❛    i  was  recently  dead  ,  so  i  think  i’ll  mend.    ❜
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                                    there’s  worry  in  hestia’s  eyes  ,  plain  as  day.  she  often  blames  herself  for  sylvanna’s
  affliction.  a  truly  horrific  event  that  consistently  haunts  the  witch  in  her  dreams.  ❛    just  because   you  can  heal  faster  than  most  doesn’t  make  you  invincible.  you  still  need  to  take  care  of  yourself.    ❜  she’s  lost  too  much  in  her  life  already  ,  a  fact  hestia  doesn’t  voice.  there’s  no  need  to.  ❛    if  not  for  your  own  sake  ,  then  at  the  very  least  do  it  for  mine.    ❜   
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she’ll admit that maybe she’s becoming a little more reckless over the years, knowing that it’ll take more than a magic spell to kill her now. she doesn’t fear as much but she still fears losing those around her so she prefers to be the reckless one, the one used as a sacrifice if that means keeping her family safe. sighing, she nods her head slowly in agreement with her friend. “fine, i will. i’ll be more careful.” 
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sylvbte · 5 years
♀ + sirius
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING letter.
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sirius – 
i should do this in person but i can’t anymore. they won’t let me come see you, it’s too dangerous now. the dementors will try and kill me we think. they say it’s a risk and that i can’t go anymore. they’re sending me away and i don’t know if or when i’ll be back. i’m not allowed to watch over harry anymore either but i’ll try and get updates on his progress for you and send owls as i can. 
as always with love, sylvanas
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sylvbte · 5 years
❛ i said i’d take care of you , and i meant it . ❜ / @bttrrsweet​
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they’ve been saying that to each other for years and now sylvanas was starting to regret letting the witch remain in her life. few knew the secret, her circle of friends had always been small but now it was smaller still and she had been determined to make it invisible but hestia had proven hard to shake after everything. “i don’t need looking after,” she said softly, blue eyes looking at the other carefully. she worries constantly about the safety of hestia, she’s a mother and has so much ahead of her that sylvanas didn’t want that being taken away from her too. “hestia, please. go home, be with that little girl of yours and stay far away from this.” the plea, she knew, would fall to deaf ears but she had to give it a try anyway.
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sylvbte · 5 years
anonymous  requested  a  “  mildly  shippy  ,  taking  care  of  a  muse  while  sick  "  meme  ! feel  free  to  customize  as  you  wish  !
❛  you  ,  uh  
  you  really  don’t  look  so  good  .  ❜ ❛  nothing  more  romantic  than  a  trip  to  the  emergency  room  ,  right  ?  ❜ ❛  c’mon  ,  i’ll  help  you  into  the  shower  .  ❜ ❛  there’s  nowhere  i’d  rather  be  than  here  with  you  ,  snot  and  all  .  ❜ ❛  i  said  i’d  take  care  of  you  ,  and  i  meant  it  .  ❜ ❛  you’re  almost  cute  when  you’re  all  sick  and  pathetic  .  ❜ ❛  i  really  don’t  deserve  you  ,  do  i  ?  ❜ ❛  i  know  it  hurts  .  i’m  sorry  .  ❜ ❛  i  said  i  was  fine  and  i  meant  it  !  stop  
  smothering  me  .  ❜ ❛  wanna  know  the  cure - all  to  everything  ?  napping  .  ❜ ❛  i’m  here  now  :  it’s  gonna  be  okay  .  ❜ ❛  i  swear  to  god  if  you  don’t  get  in  bed  and  stay  in  bed  i’ll  pull  out  the  handcuffs  and  make  you  stay  there  .  ❜ ❛  i  have  never  been  so  simultaneously  full  of  pity  ,  disgust  ,  and  endearment  as  i  have  in  this  moment  for  you  .  ❜ ❛  i’m  sick  ,  not  dying  ,  thanks  .  ❜ ❛  oh  my  god  ,  please  blow  your  nose  —  you  sound  like  a  dying  cat  .  ❜ ❛  you  sick  ,  cute  motherfucker  .  how  dare  you  .  ❜ ❛  just  because  you’re  sick  does  not  mean  you  get  to  guilt - trip  me  into  playing  lame  board - games  with  you  —  especially  not  monopoly  .  ❜ ❛  i  agreed  to  take  care  of  you  in  exchange  for  twenty  pizza  rolls  —  you  falling  asleep  on  me  ?  just  doubled  the  price  .  ❜ ❛  i  
  really  don’t  feel  so  hot  .  no  ,  not  like  that   —  shut  up  .  ❜ ❛  i  don’t  know  about  you  ,  but  i’m  really  starting  to  regret  the  “  in  sickness  and  in  health  ”  part  of  this  whole  arrangement  .  ❜ ❛  puke - green’s  all  the  rage  in  fashion  these  days  ,  so  i  guess  i’m  really  rocking  your  vomit  ,  huh  ?  ❜ ❛  coo  at  me  one  more  time  and  see  where  that  gets  you  .  ❜ ❛  was  
  was  that  a  sneeze  ?  ❜ ❛  the  best  part  of  you  getting  sick  ?  knowing  next  it’s  my  turn  and  you’ll  be  waiting  on  me  hand  and  foot  .  ❜ ❛  jokes  on  you  ,  i’ve  got  a  fever  of  104  .  dying  or  not  ,  i  get  to  stay  home  today  .  ❜ ❛  trust  me  ,  holding  back  your  hair  as  you  blow  chunks  in  the  toilet  never  fails  to  turn  me  on  .  ❜
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sylvbte · 5 years
          “ imagine —– ” a alamort  breath softly seeps past plush tiers, a steady form of rage scouring the rim of her unfocused russet hues,    “ being that incredulously daft to think that  —- ” another breath, this time shorter,  “ sirius had anything to do with the impending release of lestrange is beyond any pardonable act of cognize. ” slender digits crease the paper in her grip, slamming it down against the bar with full animosity of force. the ministry at this point was far and few between of a ship wreck and outbreak. every last turn felt like an endless maze of misconstruction and inadequate  safety measures. and if anyone were to ask her opinion, surely nothing good would come of it.  a single digit raised, offering a fearless stare towards the bar attendant.  “ and they won’t listen to harry, even ostracizing him completely after what he went through —–  after cedric.  ”
          even saying his name hurt. the surrounding muscles of her throat seized, growing taught with the difficulty of breath. even though they weren’t close, there was something stiflingly strong with camaraderie within the whole of hogwarts. whether they want to or not, cedric’s death bears more of a loss than anyone could ever really realize. and the ministry was making an absolute mockery of it by defiling his death in headlines of an accident. heavy lids shutter, taking a sip of the gin before, swallowing thick to help loosen herself.  “ the sooner everyone is back at hogwarts, the better.  ”
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Tasked with keeping the students safe, Sylvanas was to accompany anyone outside the Order house once the sun was safely below horizon. She was too adapt as being nocturnal that everyone felt it best she be the escort should Harry or the others wander about at night. While she could do no magic, she was faster than any muttered spell and could raise defenses of her own if need be. Not that this particular little witch would need help in that regard, Sylvanas knew that. Brightest witch of her day. It almost pained her to hear the phrase again, thinking back to a dear friend taken from them far too soon. 
“Hush,” she muttered, sliding into the seat next to Hermione with a warning glare. Book smart, it seemed. Not clever when it came to keeping her mouth shut in the company of strangers. Hogwarts was no safer in her opinion, not that anyone was asking so of course she kept that to herself. She says nothing else but eyes the young girl in front of her as if waiting to see what the clever one might have to say next.
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sylvbte · 5 years
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     there is a hollow sound that’s pretending to be a chuckle — and it took sirius a moment to realize that it comes from his throat. devil yes, probably was one, at last a little bit, but on his worst sirius can finally acknowledge that he isn’t handsome. there isn’t anything handsome about the way his skin pull on his bones, his hairs a mess at best, his eyes haunted ; there is a tale of abuse and cold and hurt all over his body, told in form of scars and tattoos and he cannot look at it without flinching even knowing it is there.
     there is and anger in his chest — he lost, they lost, so many years, because of peter, because nobody believed — and shame — he should have to tell remus, remus would know, he shouldn’t keep everything so bottle up back then, he should have be honest and never ever let peter close to any of them.
     there is the voice in his head, james’, sometimes pitying him, sometimes blaming or screaming or mock and he should know that it’s not really but sometimes, he wants it to be. real. he wants many things he will not get but that’s not something he can do anything about, now. it’s okay, he tells himself, it’s okay to move, he needs to focus on harry now. it tastes bitter in his mouth, but merlin, he needs to do good for at last one person he loves, at last one, please, let him do good one fucking time.
     he blinks, and suddenly he is back here and now and she is closer ; he could grab her hand and pull into a hug if only his own hands would listen to him, instead of staying by his side, fingers flinching. sirius frowns a little at her words, cannot put it in with the sylvie in his head ; she didn’t want that, she loved her stupid potions.   “   wow, stealing my carer plan now?   “   it means to be a joke and he tries to smile. once upon a time, he did wanted to be an Auror, to chase Dark Wizards and all that stuff but then, they got serious and with thinking about wedding and children, he thought how much times he would be out, over and over, and switched his plans around to

     he couldn’t remember.
     sirius watch her glancing at the window and it hits hard — she wants an out. not like he had any right or something to give it to her, she didn’t need his permission, but somehow that feels even worse. he is a gryffindor, the brave one, and yet he is too afraid of what’s that out is — out of them? there is any them anyway, after all this time, something more than broken plans and lost years? or just this house, his parent’s house, mother’s portrait screaming and regulus’ room untouched still? 
   he shifts on his feet just a little bit, head tilting — just like a dog, watching and trying to understand if he is in trouble.   “   how the auror’s life treat you, then?   “
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Impulse control has never been a strong suit of Sylvanas’ - entirely the reason she is the way she is now, because of her inability to control actions and emotions before they happen. It’s how she finds herself reaching for him, her hand coming to touch his face. She’s so close now, stepped in his personal space in a blink of an eye, far too fast for any person but then again, she’s not normal anymore. 
Her thumb traces the harsh lines of his face, the roughness of his cheek felt under her soft touch. Hair tickles at her finger tips and she frowns, brushing it away from his features so she can look at him, see him. She can remember ever angle of his face before the years passed and before he was taken away. She almost flinches at the idea of stealing his career plan, the life he’d wanted and how it was taken from him. 
She’s going to tell him, every bit of the truth- he deserves that much. He has the right to know who she is now, who is in his house. Her hand falls but she’s still standing so close to him. Icy blue eyes wander his face in silence for just a bit longer before she speaks again, hushed tones. The house is empty but she fears the words and speaking them aloud to him only feels as if it will make it all real. She’s been dealing with this for over a decade and yet there still is a part of her that wants to believe it’s all a dream. 
She wonders if showing him the truth, her true face, would make him run in fear or make him believe her. Show him the monster she’s become, show him just what she’s turned into. “I hate it,” came the confession after another moment. “I didn’t used to. I could see why you wanted to do this. Hunting the bad guys, riding the world of one less gruesome witch or wizard. I even started hunting monsters.” That’s how this happened. “Until I became one.” And now they use her instead of killing her. She should be dead, burned and ashes scattered. 
Eyes flicker toward the window again, ever watchful for those tiny shafts of sunlight that burn and threaten her. Sliding out of the way of one, it brings her nearer still, almost brushing against him. 
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sylvbte · 5 years
truth - what's all this i hear about you and sirius?
eyes flash a bright blue, an inhuman color, before returning to their normal ice color. “you hear rumors,” she states slowly, attempting to keep an even tone but its edging on dangerous. “i can’t tell you what you’ve heard, so you’ve wasted your truth on a stupid question.” 
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sylvbte · 5 years
Let's play truth or dare! Send 'truth' and ask my character any question they'll have to answer truthfully. Or send 'dare' along with something you dare them to do.
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sylvbte · 5 years
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candice accola-king :  cis female : she/her : auror : river by bishop briggs  ϟ  did you see sylvanas redwynn ? you know ,  28/42 year old pureblood who was formally in slytherin . some say she can be quite ambitious but are known to be disingenuous. they have publicly declared they are aligned with the order.  maybe that’s why they remind me of pearly whites are widen behind red stained lips, a locket dangles from their neck with the photo of their favorite person sat always closest to their heart,  oversized sweaters to conceal a tiny frame.   ϟ  penned by cherry : 25 : est : they/them
Keep reading
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sylvbte · 5 years
Send “✆” for a MORNING letter. Send “” for a letter that WASN’T SENT. Send “☎” for a RUSHED letter. Send “⁇” for a DRUNK letter. Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE letter. Send “þ” for a LATE NIGHT letter. Send “✘” for a HATEFUL letter. Send “#” for a RANDOM letter. Send “@” for a SCARED letter. Send “&” for a LOVING letter. Send “%” for a CURIOUS letter. Send “ツ” for an EXCITED letter. Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL letter. Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING letter.
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sylvbte · 5 years
âŁïžÂ    ïżœïżœ                        SOFT   INTERACTIONS  !
send  one  of  these  in  to  see  my  muse’s  reaction  (  add “ +reverse”  for  my  muse  to  do  the  action  to  yours ) .
[ crawl ]  for  your  muse  to  crawl  into  bed  with  mine .
[ flower ]  for  your  muse  to  offer  my  muse  their  favourite  flower .
[ slow dance ]  for  your  muse  to  ask  my  muse  to  slow  dance .
[ gift ]  for  your  muse  to  surprise  my muse  with  a  gift  ( & bonus if you add what the fit is ) .
[ homemade gift ]  for  your  muse  to  make  my  muse  a  gift    ( & bonus if you add what the fit is ) .
[ serenade ]  for  your  muse  to  sing  to  my  muse .
[ embrace ]  for  your  muse  to  pull  my  muse  into  a  tight  embrace .
[ caress ]  for  your  muse  to  gently  run  their  hand  down  my  muse’s  face .
[ caught ]  for  your  muse  to  catch  my  muse  wearing  their  shirt .
[ love letter ]  for  your  muse  to  give  my  muse  a  love  letter  they  wrote  for  them
[ boop ]  for  your  muse  to  boop  my  muse  on  the  nose .
[ date? ]  for  your  muse  to  ask  my  muse  to  go  on  a  date .
[ confess ]  for  your  muse  to  confess  their  feelings  to  my  muse .
[ sleepy ]  for  your  muse  to  slowly  fall  alseep  on  my  muse’s  lap .
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sylvbte · 5 years
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   “   get too near a dementor and every good feeling, every happy memory will be sucked out of you.   “
( @sylvbte )
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sylvbte · 5 years
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sylvbte · 5 years
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     he doesn’t dare to move —- because if he do, she will disappear ; sirius knows it, saw this again and again and again in his cell and then in the caves and ruins he was hiding, and in shadows of this very house when he couldn’t sleep, nightmares and his own mind an enemy. he knows he is not fine, that he may be a little insane - oh merlin, molly was right to try to keep her children away from him, he was a mad man, he was too broken and—-
     but she doesn’t scream at him.
     every time he saw her before, she yells. how much she hates him, how much he ruined everything, how much she wishes he would just die already, sirius, it’s pathetic, it’s not like anybody could love you like this, i don’t even remember you anymore. but now, her voice sounds so soft, like after fights when they said bad things and apologies and i’m sorrys’ and i love yous’ —- it makes breathing even harder. and he closes his fist, slowly, digging a little too long nails into his skin to feel, to wake up.
     but he doesn’t.
     “   you could tell me i’m still a handsome devil.   “   his joke sounds hollow and his mouth is so dry right now. he let his eyes travel over her body, just a little and merlin, godric and all the gods, she looks so perfect.   “   i —-   “   he starts, but he doesn’t even know what he wants to say.   ‘   i missed you   ‘ ?   ‘   your face kept me sane   ‘ ?   he doesn’t want to brings that up, too close to things he doesn’t want to know ( why you didn’t visit me in azkaban, why you didn’t wrote, did you believed me, why why why ) so he let the words die on his lips, taking a ragged, quiet breath. it wasn’t like he had right to ask, maybe before, but not now.
     sirius swallow, trying to keep emotion inside, but he was never good at it — so all he could do was lifting his hand quickly and wipe the tear that rolled down his left cheek, murmuring a little about so dry air, it’s hurts my eyes.   “   you look beautiful,   “   he said, voice soft and he looks in her face again, letting himself believing that she is here for real.   “   i —   “   he starts again and chuckle, a low and pathetic sound even to his own ears.   “   i don’t know what to say too, sylvie,   “   he admits, shaking his head a little.
     “   —- did you become a Potion Master? rocked potions’ world?   “   that was safe. the bits of information he remember, what dementors couldn’t take from him —– her smell, the little talks in bed on lazy mornings, how her skin felt on his lips when he kissed her neck before rolling out, the talks about future, somewhere, together, white dresses, and i dos’ , and  ‘ nice to meet you, i’m sirius redwynn‘ and maybe, one day soon, a sound of tiny feet and children’s laugh echoing through their home—- 
     he stopped that train of thoughts ; that one will not happen, not to him, not anymore, so he just make sure to look at sylvanas and not ending a mess on the floor from the feeling in his chest.
How many times has she imagined this? Meeting him again after all these years. She thought of nearly every possibility of what might happen yet none of it prepared her for how she felt right in this moment. Her hand, as if a reflex, reaches up and holds tightly to the ring strung around her neck as she watches his movements. She no longer dreams, slipping into a veil of darkness not unlike that of what she imagined Azkaban to be like so her dreams moved into her waking moments and stopped her sometimes with how deeply she felt something when she thought of him. Small reminders or things she thought he might enjoy. Things cluttered her dorm for months and then her trunk and her childhood room became littered with future presents for Sirius because she believed he would be free. Months turned to years and years to decades and eventually the trinkets and memories were packed away in a trunk and left to collect dust. 
“You’re still a handsome devil, Sirius,” she echoes, falling into easy habits with the wizard. She remembers many a day in the Great Hall and court yards and Quidditch pitches where they would spend as much time as allowed together outside classes. It’s easy to say the words, she still believes them to be true. He might be thin and worn and aged but to her, he looks as beautiful as the first day she met him at Hogwarts. She remembers his laugh, James had said something that sent the Gryffindor table into laughter and she’d not paid the band of boys much attention until then- until her eyes met his and she swears she knew what love at first sight felt like. They were kids, they knew nothing of the world and yet they’d somehow found each other and despite the whispers and stares had fallen in love. She’d never found anyone else, she was too wrapped up in him to notice the advances of others or care for their attention. 
His eyes say things his lips can’t and she nearly disappears from the room, it’s all too much. She worries this may have been a mistake, a blunder on her part. Full of those lately, this is just something to add to the list of reasons she’s become reckless and careless- but she had to see him, she had to look at him at least one last time. 
Her hand drops from the necklace and she finds herself closing the distance between them carefully, slowly, as not to startle either one of them. She listens for anyone to come home, so she might break up their reunion and escape while she still can. Hearing him confirm he was also lost on what to say almost made her feel better, until the question came out of his mouth. Her face betrays her emotions, she can’t hide how she feels. Anger swirls in her chest, constricting and hot like fire tendrils from some unholy depths. “No,” came her reply. “I became an Auror instead.” And ruined my life doing it. Mouth opens to tell him what happened next but closes it instead, looking away from him finally to glance out the window. Daylight still. Trapped.
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sylvbte · 5 years
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Alberta Ferretti fall 2017 rtw
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sylvbte · 5 years
cheeks tint their classic shade of RIGHTFULLY EMBARRASSED pink as he offered the blonde a bashful smile. honestly, he was grateful none of his gryffindor boys were here to witness the encounter, properly making a fool out of himself in front of a pretty blonde. he wondered if she was part veela, she seemed like she could be. at her question, he wanted to bitterly laugh out loud. no he was not alright. sometimes it felt as though he’d never be alright. was he ever going to stop losing people that he loved? sometimes it like no. but that was a lot to burden on anyone let alone a stranger, “er yeah, i’m alright, thanks.” attempting to offer her a reassuring smile that probably looked a little goofy, “good catch!” harry said awkwardly, referring to her stopping him before he could fall, “maybe you should take my position as gryffindor seeker.” brows knit into a confused furrow, “does
pumpkin juice make you less drunk? perhaps water would be a safe bet. sorry um, i’m not really used to drinking.”
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The flush of pink isn’t hard to pick up on and she smiles a little at him, glad to see he’s got some normal reactions. She’d worried since he was growing up in the muggle world how that might change him, with all the vile things she’s heard about his mother’s family. She feared him to become some emotionless creature but here he sits drinking over a lost friend and weighed down with the stress of being The Boy Who Lived. She wishes she could take him with her, hide him away in some deserted village some where with him and Sirius and a few others and just forget the world existed. Alas, she can’t for they both had duties they have to attend to and he’s got a war to fight. 
In his assurance he’s alright, Sylvanas sits down again and adjusts so she’s carefully out of sunlight’s reach once more. “That would mean changing houses and as beautiful as the Gryffindor common room was, I did prefer my time down in the dungeons with the rest of the Slytherins.” Laughter from the Auror before signalling over someone. “Water and pumpkin juice please, largest you can.” She wants something else, something far darker but she can’t have that currently. She’ll have to wait until the Alley is dark again, slip down into Knockturn Alley and have herself a meal. 
“I don’t know,” came the honest answer to his inquiry. “I’m even less used to drinking than you are, Harry. But it can’t help to get something else in you. Are you hungry?” 
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