sylvestershouse · 1 year
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Sometimes we meet people who we think will be lifelong friends, but for various reasons, we lose touch.
It’s a common occurrence in life.
It's not until years later that we may run into them again and realize how much we've both changed due to the events that have occurred in our lives.
Perhaps one person has gotten married, had children, or changed careers.
Maybe the other person has travelled the world, started their own business, or experienced a significant loss.
These events shape who we are as individuals and can drastically change our outlook on life.
When we reconnect with someone after years apart, it can be a surreal experience.
We may not recognize the person at first due to their physical appearance or demeanour.
However, as we catch up and share stories, we begin to understand how much we've both grown and changed.
Although it can be bittersweet to realize that we may never have the same relationship we once had with that person, it's still heartwarming to know that we can still connect and share our experiences.
Life is unpredictable, and we never know who we'll meet or how they'll impact our lives. The important thing is to cherish the moments we have with them, both in the present and in the past.
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sylvestershouse · 1 year
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We are now in 2023.
100 years from now the date will be 2123.We will all be with our family and friends beneath the earth, our eternal destiny will be crystal clear before our eyes.
Our homes will be inhabited by strangers, our jobs will be done, and our property shall be owned by others.
Nothing will be remembered of us. Who amongst us now remembers his grandfather's father?
We will only be a line in some people's memory, our names and shapes will be forgotten.
So why do we prolong our thoughts or views on how people see us?
What is truly important?
Is it a job title?
starting a family?
leaving a legacy?
what is it?
The issue with all of these goals, although great, they all fade, and they are not promised. If you spent your whole life chasing them but it was not decreed for you, are you going to live a sad life in a constant pursuit?
Then we must ask, what does last? What is something that we can gain access to right now? No matter where we are, who we are and when we are, all that will always be is the truth.What is the truth?
That we were created by God and to Him we will return. Our bodies are not ours; they are something God entrusted upon our soul to live with purpose.
He gave us the tools, He sent down messengers to give us the knowledge, and all WE have to do is apply it.
Is it really that hard?
To live by timeless principles which will not only protect our hearts from the diseases of this life but also ensure that when we are resurrected and have our deeds and sins weighed. That God willing, we enter the place that is so mesmerising, our minds cannot even fathom it.
The Place where bliss and joy are eternal, no jealousy, greed, envy, hatred or turmoil will ever occur again.
When you live in a twisted sick world like this one, it is almost propaganda against your mind to find it hard to imagine such a place where tranquillity exists.
This worldly life is just a test and May God soften our hearts and allow us to be among those who are allowed to enter Paradise.
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