symphonialauren · 26 days
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Crash (ignore his feetsies I'll practice drawing his shoes later)
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symphonialauren · 1 month
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Why does he make this face when he sits on Baby T
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symphonialauren · 4 years
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Cape Saleh
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symphonialauren · 4 years
Annie’s Diary Translation
Annie’s Diary (and also Tytree’s Diary)
Translated by SymphoniaLauren
Special thanks to Rune for helping with translations and proofreading
This is something I’ve been wanting to translate for a while, and considering that I’ve been stuck in my house for the past month, I finally had the time to get around to it. I’ve also translated some of the flavor text in the game, if you haven’t seen those yet here you go.
Annie’s Diary is called the Expensive Highly Confidential Information (高価な重要機密) and can be purchased from Yottsua for a high price towards the very end of the game (as in, the last screen before the final boss). After buying that and reading it, you’ll also get Tytree’s diary for free (it’s the second to last entry on Yottsua’s list). What a great deal!
The diary is from Annie’s point-of-view and has some information that wasn’t shown in the main game, so if you’ve played TOR it’d be good to give this a look.
Spoilers behind the read more.
Expensive Highly Confidential Information 高価な重要機密
Diary Entry 1
“Tomorrow will be Sunny”
Tomorrow will be Father’s first day off in a long time…
I’ll do some cooking, go shopping, and when I get home, I think I’ll give my father a shoulder rub…
Because he seems so exhausted these days…
Father, please take care of yourself…
Diary Entry 2
Father, Father, Father
Father, Father, Father
Diary Entry 3
“A Rainy Day”
My father was murdered…
By someone he considered a trusted friend…
Again and again I’m being told that name, that Gajuma’s name…
I won’t forget this, I won’t forgive this.
I won’t cry any more tears until I get revenge for what happened to my father…
Diary Entry 4
“A Contract with the Royal Shield”
Today I made a contract with the Royal Shield.
In exchange for enlisting into their ranks, they told me the whereabouts of my father’s killer…
Now I am headed toward the Minal Plains.
I am going to set a trap for him so that I can kill him.
…I’ve never considered killing someone before…what’s wrong with me.
But…the one in the wrong is him…
Diary Entry 5
After arriving in Minal, I met up with the assassins.
A certain someone hired these professional killers for me…
They asked me gleefully about our target and laughed as they thought up ways to kill him.
To think so lightly about taking someone’s life…
Surely that Gajuma thought the same…
Diary Entry 6
“A Dream of My Father”
Last night, I saw a dream.
Father was laughing.
Father was frowning.
Father was crying.
When I asked him why, I didn’t get an answer.
I cried too.
Diary Entry 7
“I Don’t Know”
A lot of things happened…I fought against him, I lost, and then they helped me out…
I hurt Mischa, got reprimanded by Dr. Curia…and…
Ended up travelling with him.
I don’t know…what he’s thinking, how I’m feeling, what my father meant when he said “There is no color in life” …
I can’t make sense of anything anymore…
Diary Entry 8
“The Forest Labyrinth”
My father and I have visited this forest in the past.
When Father told me about the Biruses that lurked in the forest, I got scared.
I suffered an injury during our trip, and Father found some medicinal herbs for me and applied them to my wound…
If only I could have saved my father with those herbs…
Diary Entry 9
So this Tytree…
He’s not really my cup of tea.
Sure, Veigue is kinda scary…but if you asked me who I preferred, I would have to say Veigue.
Ms. Selena was very pretty and seemed like a wonderful person.
I’d like to be like that when I grow up.
Diary Entry 10
“The Poison Mushroom Incident”
Because of Tytree’s huge blunder, we all ate poisonous mushrooms and couldn’t stop laughing…
Even that person knew about the poisonous mushrooms, that I didn’t is just unacceptable…
I need to study more…
That Tytree, I think he’s manlier than I thought he would be.
Diary Entry 11
“Down the River”
Going down the river was a little scary, but we reached Sannytown several times faster than if we were to go by foot.
Anything we can do to catch up to the Royal Shield is fine by me.
Veigue and Tytree haven’t said anything, but their expressions have suddenly become very grim.
If only I knew what the Royal Shield’s goal was…
Diary Entry 12
“Yet Another Race”
I met a Half for the first time.
That a Huma and a Gajuma can love one another…I can’t even imagine.
…that children can be born between them, that as living beings, Huma and Gajuma are the same…
Tytree says that such things have no relation to one’s race…
But I don’t agree.
Diary Entry 13
I met another Half.
It was Militsa of the Four Stars…
I won’t forget those dark eyes that look as though they’ve lost all emotion.
Also, Hilda started travelling with us.
I have no idea what would be good to talk about with someone who’s a Half…
But travelling with another girl is comforting.
I wonder if we’ll get along…
Diary Entry 14
We heard about some strange happenings at the castle from Suzy.
I don’t really understand what had happened, but one thing I felt for sure was that if the Queen was looking for friends, she wouldn’t do such a thing…something like that.
Hilda came to mind, but I didn’t say anything.
Besides, when it comes to having friends…
Who do I even have?
Diary Entry 15
“Death Garo Fever”
Today I was helped by a lot of different people…
Mr. Frantz, Tytree, and also by him…
Hilda told me all about it.
I wonder, if he wasn’t able to save me, would he have killed all of those villagers?
If he regrets it so much, then why did he kill my father…
No…I’m not happy with myself…
Diary Entry 16
“The Dark Trio”
In the Climber’s Cavern we met a group of people called the Dark Claws…They said that they were soldiers of the Royal shield, but I don’t believe them.
For some reason, I imagined Tytree and Mao joining them so that the five of them could form the Dark Corps.
It’s not like they wouldn’t fit in.
Diary Entry 17
“I’m Sorry”
We finally caught up to the King’s Shield.
We managed to save Ms. Selena, but Claire wasn’t there anymore by the time we arrived.
It’s all my fault…
If only I hadn’t gotten sick…
I’m so sorry, Veigue…
Diary Entry 18
I was thinking on the boat to Balka.
Somehow, Milhaust and Veigue are a lot alike…
I’m not sure why though…
And then, Tytree was crying on the deck of the ship…I thought for sure he would be in good spirits, but I was wrong…
I overheard him telling Mao that when he thinks of Veigue, he can’t be happy, he just feels miserable…
Men sure are strange…
Diary Entry 19
“Onward to Balka”
We’ve finally arrived in Balka.
Compared to before, the city’s atmosphere is incomparably tense.
Everyone has a harsh expression on their face…
We all have our various reasons for coming here, but I think I want to do everything in my power to help save Claire…
Diary Entry 20
“A Prison for Force Users”
We met with Queen Agarte at the castle and I thought things were going well but…
We wound up thrown into prison.
However…the Dark Trio came to our aid and we were able to break out.
They might be our enemies, but I don’t think they’re bad people…
Maybe I’m starting to like them a little.
Diary Entry 21
“The Ceremony…and also…”
The ceremony…so much of it was unbelievable…
That the Queen desired the body of a Huma…and then she vanished…
Milhaust and that person started crying…I felt upset as well for some reason…
The only good thing was that Veigue was finally able to rescue Claire…
I’m so happy for you, Veigue…
Diary Entry 22
“Going Our Separate Ways”
Veigue and the others started to travel back to Sulz.
That person was carrying Claire on his back.
Like how a father would carry his daughter…
On his large, sorrowful back.
Hilda and I walked together until the harbor so that I could see her off.
Saying that she was going to research the Sacred Beasts, Hilda parted ways with me.
Now that the six of us aren’t travelling together anymore, I have some mixed feelings…also…
My quest for revenge still isn’t over.
However, I didn’t go with them, and he and I have been apart, because there’s been a lot of things that I wanted to think about.
When he and Mao return, I guess I’ll have no choice but to talk to them…
I still haven’t gotten any closer to the truth.
Diary Entry 23
“All By Myself”
I walked around the streets of Balka all by my lonesome.
Everyone was talking about how the Ceremony had been called off.
Then I returned home…
Thinking that Father was going to say “Welcome back”, I said “I’m home”, but…
It looks like I’m the only one here.
Diary Entry 24
“To Mesechina Cavern”
Mao and You-Know-Who came to visit my house.
And now, I’m headed together with them to Mesechina Cavern.
They had heard from Hack that there were some historic ruins in the Cavern which were connected to Geyorkias.
Being in that person’s presence is stressful for me.
But Mao insisted that I come with, so…
Diary Entry 25
“The Incident”
When we started doing our research in the cavern, that person started feeling unwell.
Even when we had fought against each other, I had never felt such a strong thirst for blood directed toward me…I felt myself unable to move…
He then holed himself up in the depths of the cavern and started asking that we call Veigue and Tytree for him…
Since Mao looked as though he was about to cry when he asked me, I decided to head out to and retrieve them.
I’m only doing this for Mao’s sake…
For Mao…
Diary Entry 26
“To Sulz”
I was a bit hesitant, but I finally set off to go and get Veigue…
While I was on the boat, the Gajuma passengers kept watching me with a nasty look in their eyes, and then they started causing a scene…
Gajuma sure are awful…
Diary Entry 27
Just when I had arrived in Sulz, there was suddenly another incident…
Veigue, instead of being angry, had a very melancholy look on his face…
Nevertheless, Veigue is dependable.
I felt relieved right after I met up with him, and honestly, I felt as though I might cry a little.
I’m acting like such a child…
Diary Entry 28
“A Night at Keketto Hostel”
Travelling together with just Veigue is making me very nervous.
I used to think that he was kind of scary, but now I don’t understand why I’m so anxious.
Also, because I couldn’t stop thinking about what Veigue had said to me, I had trouble sleeping.
So I snuck a peak at Veigue’s face while he slept.
He looked very gentle.
Diary Entry 29
Claire showed up unexpectedly.
I feel much better travelling with another girl…
I wonder what Hilda’s up to.
But anyway, something about Claire seems a little off…
Diary Entry 30
“That Tytree…”
We finally made it to Petnadjanka.
Tytree’s as boisterous as ever…
But when he heard what we had to tell him, and he said without hesitation that he would come with us, his unfailing dependability made him look really cool.
I guess that inside of Tytree, he knows how to prioritize the things that are important to him.
I think he’s very grown up.
Diary Entry 31
“On the Ship Headed Toward Balka”
As I looked out at the ocean, I thought about Mao.
Why is Mao so desperate to help that person?
He said to me before that “He’s like a father to me”.
But to me…
That’s the man who robbed me of my father.
I’m going to stop thinking about it for today, the sound of the waves is lulling me to sleep.
…Good night…
Diary Entry 32
“About a Certain Someone”
That brutal, terrible Gajuma that murdered my father…
Had me call Veigue and Tytree for him in the hopes that they would kill him…I can’t believe it!
I don’t understand him at all…
Why are you doing this…?
Diary Entry 33
Razilda was a terrible town.
The Gajuma seem to really hate Huma in this town and I don’t like it…
And even though he’s a Huma, that Iga is awful too.
But his son Igor is a nice man.
I don’t understand why I disliked Iga so much…
Considering that I hate Gajuma too…
Diary Entry 34
“Fighting Against Him”
When we got back to the cavern, we had to fight against him…
This is the second time I’ve fought that person…
But this time, something was different…
It felt like he really wanted to kill us.
Is this all because of the Impression…?
Anyway, it looks like we’re going on another journey together…
Diary Entry 35
“The Power of Darkness and the Sacred Beasts”
The Power of Darkness…Sacred Beasts…Purifying the Impression…
I understood most of it but…
This just raises a whole lot of questions.
After we left the ruins, when I looked at Tytree’s face, he seemed more resolute…
Diary Entry 36
“Mao’s Memories”
After Tytree, the next one chosen by the Sacred Beasts was Mao.
It seemed like he got his memories back, but he wouldn’t tell us about them.
When I got a quick glance at his profile, he seemed a little lonely.
I think I’ll try cheering him up.
If his memories are painful, unless he wants to tell me about them, I won’t ask.
But I’m curious as to what his real name is…
Diary Entry 37
“Mr. Milhaust”
Mr. Milhaust came to Razilda.
The look in his eyes was…frightening.
With a coldness that kept everyone away, the agony of having lost someone important to him, and a strong resolve…It must be painful for him.
He looked worn out…
But when look in the mirror, tired eyes look back at me too.
Diary Entry 38
“The Dark Trio and Saleh”
From Kyogen we travelled all the way to the Tower of Nereg.
But at the top there was a trap set by Saleh.
That Saleh would be able to manipulate the Dark Trio like that…how awful.
Saleh sure is a deplorable person.
After we fought them, the Dark Trio came to their senses.
While physically they’re kind of wimpy, the three of them have their hearts in the right place.
They’re the type of people who never give up.
I think they’re pretty cool.
Diary Entry 39
“The color of life…”
Father, I’m sorry.
I didn’t understand at all.
Those words that you said…
Little by little, I’m coming to understand them.
So…I’m trying to believe in…
that person…Eugene…
Someone whose life is the same color as mine…
Someone who you believed in…
Diary Entry 40
“The Truth about my Father”
At my trial the Sacred Beast showed me…
The entirety of that night.
Eugene had kept quiet about it because he was trying to protect my father’s good name.
All this time, my father was the one in the wrong…
Eugene…I’m so sorry…
If you weren’t there for me…
I don’t know what would have become of me.
When you held out your hand for me, and when you hugged me close to your heart, I felt a pleasant warmth.
Just as if I was being held by my father…
Thank you, Eugene…
Diary Entry 41
“Claire and Queen Agarte”
That two people can exchange their souls…
That something like that exists...
I can’t believe it…
Diary Entry 42
“Shaorune’s Trial”
It was time for Veigue’s trial with Shaorune to begin.
I’ve never seen Veigue so upset before…
What in the world was Shaorune showing him…?
I’m a little worried because after the trial Veigue had a scowl on his face…
Diary Entry 43
If there is such a thing as fate…
I don’t think it would be as cruel as this.
Just as they had been reunited…
Hilda likes to put on a brave front, but I believe that she truly wanted to get to know her mother…
My mother passed away when I was very small, but…
I can still clearly remember the reassurance I felt when I called for my mother…
Whenever I see Hilda lower her head so she can hide her tears, I start crying as well…
Diary Entry 44
“The Island of Illusion…”
I was very surprised to learn that Sannytown was built on the back of one of the Sacred Beasts…
But…on a more serious note, until now Eugene had remained under the shadow of the impression.
Just thinking about it is making me cry…
I’ve been crying a lot these days.
Diary Entry 45
“The Purification, and also…”
Even though we had completed the Purification, since Shaorune said that there were more terrible events going on in the world, we are continuing on our journey.
While I’m happy to be together with my friends, I have no idea what’s in the world is going to happen…
Diary Entry 46
“Something That’s Worrying Me…”
As we’ve been travelling around the world trying to quell all of the conflicts, there’s something that’s been bothering me…
Veigue can barely even bring himself to look at Claire…
He rarely even talks to her anymore, and when he does it’s painfully awkward.
I think Tytree’s noticed as well.
He’s really worried…
Diary Entry 47
Finally, my fears came true.
Veigue’s Force went berserk…because of the situation with Claire.
I wish I could have done something to prevent this.
Veigue was stronger than anyone else I had ever fought against when he was in his berserk state.
Claire, Veigue, where are you right now…?
Diary Entry 48
“Veigue’s Tears”
Veigue and Tytree had a huge argument…
It got to the point where they got into a fistfight…
I saw Veigue’s tears for the first time.
But after that…he looked at ease.
When I asked Eugene, he said that he understood why Tytree would do such a thing…
He said that’s just how men are.
After the fight, when I was tending to his wounds, Tytree seemed really happy to be in pain.
I felt jealous for some reason, so I used more disinfectant than I normally do.
Diary Entry 49
“Peach Pie”
When we went to Sulz, I met Veigue and Claire’s parents for the first time.
They were lovely people.
And also, we all ate some of Ms. Popura’s peach pies.
A lot of things had been going through my head…
But now I feel relieved.
It seems like Veigue’s taken a turn for the better as well.
After our journey is over, I’d like to come back here with everyone and have another peach pie party.
Diary Entry 50
“My Decision”
Razilda collapsed into the ocean and is no more.
I guess the complete destruction of our world is at hand…
But we will stand tall in the face of crisis.
I’m not sure what I can do about it, but I want to try everything that I can.
When the world has returned to peace and tranquility, I’d like to once again write in this diary…
For that sake, I will try my hardest!
There are still so many things that I want to learn, so many things that I want to do…
Father, please watch over me.
Annie Barrs
 暇つぶし情報The Dawdling Dossier
(Your on screen character makes a little comment after reading this one, so I’ve included translations for their little quips as well.)
Diary Entry 1
“Here’s What I’m Gonna Do!”
I’m gonna start writing today!
But, today was a pretty average day for me, so I’ll start writing in earnest tomorrow!
Diary Entry 2
“My Awesome Plan!”
Well, lately, there’s nothing really spectacular going on so…I’ve made up my mind!
I’m going to start writing a cooking diary!
But today I didn’t really make anything worth mentioning, so I’ll start writing in earnest tomorrow!
If I do this for a whole year, I’ll have a nice collection of my trademark Tytree recipes…this is gonna be great!
Diary Entry 3
“I’m a Man!”
I’m a man!
So I’m not going to pull any punches!
Starting tomorrow, I’m going to write a manlier, no-nonsense diary!
Diary Entry 4
“This’ll Be the Last Time”
Memories are best kept in one’s heart!
To my days of writing in a diary…farewell…
[The End]
/Yottsua “Well, whaddaya think? I didn’t think anyone would want to waste their money on this, so why not waste their time with it?”
/Veigue: “…Geez…”
/Mao: “What the heck is this? This is dumb!”
/Eugene: “…how pathetic…”
/Tytree: “Why are you calling my diary the “Dawdling Dossier” and why are you showing it to people for free?!”
“Do you think I’m some sort of zero, huh?! A ZERO?!”
/Hilda: “…well, this diary certainly has personality.”
/Annie: “Even free is too high of a price! I think you owe me money for making me read such an awful thing!”
/Yottsua: “Well, I guess I have no choice…”
/Yottsua: “Because you’re special, I’ll let you read the contents of a page that got erased…”
Special Entry “About Annie…”
After her trial with the Sacred Beast, Annie’s expression has changed.
When she smiles, she’s pretty cute…
She’ll be a good woman when she grows up, no doubt about it.
…If someone were to read that, things might get a little dicey, so I’m gonna erase this page!
/Yottsua: “W-well?”
/Annie: “…”
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symphonialauren · 4 years
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Sketch of Best Tales Husbando Tytree
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symphonialauren · 5 years
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Art by @symphonialauren​ for the Big Bang!
Title: Beneath Your Perfect By: bibliophileemily     Rating: T     Word Count: 888   Pairing(s): Ginji/Natalia, Past Asch/Natalia Characters: Natalia, Tear, Noelle, Noir, Urushi, York, Guy, Asch (in flashback)    Summary: A grieving Natalia finds comfort in her friendship with an unlikely person. Ginji just wants to make his princess smile again. Is love after heartbreak really possible? Does either of them dare to find out?   Warnings: N/A
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symphonialauren · 5 years
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Art by @odasketch and @symphonialauren!  Created for the Tales Big Bang.
Title: child’s play By: Rowlets Rating: T Word Count: 25k Pairing(s): Tytree/Hilda Characters: Tytree, Hilda, Shaorune Summary: When Hilda and Tytree have their doubts about raising a child in the future, the great Sacred Beast Shaorune decides to meddle by dropping on their doorstep as a mysterious ten year old… Warnings: N/A
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symphonialauren · 5 years
‪Why does the Tales of Rebirth cast buy fruits and veggies. Tytree’s power is literally being the produce aisle in a grocery store. They could save a lot of money but they are not smart.
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symphonialauren · 5 years
Something I thought up while I was at work. I wrote it on a piece of receipt paper and typed it up when I got home.
This is a parody of ‘Revenge’ which is itself a parody of ‘DJ Got Us Falling in Love’. Parodyception.
Spoilers under Read More.
Intro Dist the Reaper Awww man
Verse 1 So we down in the mine Got our fonons swinging from side to side Side-side to side I'm the ambassador Hope to make Van happy tonight-night-night Happy tonight "Hey bud, do what I say to clear up the Miasma Now that the Daathic Seal's gone." A Hyper Resonance! Now the town is starting to slide-slide-slide Slide-slide-slide
Chorus 1 'Cause baby tonight! A Sephiroth Tree's getting cut down again! 'Cause baby tonight! We're falling down into the Qliphoth again! And we tried to save this guy's son but he was stuck under his dad's corpse. 'Cause baby tonight! Tear's magic singing saved us from dying then!
Verse 2 Now everybody's dead Didn't think my teacher would lie-lie-lie lie-lie-lie-lie And I'm a replica Learned that during Asch and mine's fight-fight-fight Fight-fight-fight-fight Haircut. Now I've gotta go and fix the things I screwed up. But my friends; they don't trust me It's not my fault you guys! Don't you know I'm not all that bright-bright-bright Bright-bright-bright
Chorus 2 'Cause baby tonight! Kimlasca and Malkuth go to war again! 'Cause baby tonight! I'll sacrifice myself in the Tower of Rem! And we fought Van and he fell off but then it turned out he wasn't dead 'Cause baby tonight! It's time for us to go do some sidequests!
Rap (Master Van, you're mine. Haha.) Field of Fonons, Capacity Cores I need some good equipment so I'll go to Din's store Celestial Elegy don't scare me, no I've got the Key of Lorelei so come at me bro Huh? Training with my friend under the moonlight Learning Sonic Thrust from Guy, it isn't what you think alright? Every single day and the whole night Grinding for experience, woo, alright Even though I'm just a replica Luke Thwarting the Score that's what I'm gonna do I've got grade shop bonuses; Second playthrough Even on Unknown I'd beat you, bring it
Bridge 'Cause baby tonight, God Generals are dropping like flies, so sad... Yeah baby tonight, Fight with Asch to see who will go And get through the door! Whoa-oh~ A boss fight! Another boss fight! Man you can tell this game's almost done
Verse 3 'Cause baby tonight! Eldrant is falling down in the ocean! 'Cause baby tonight! My friends are hoping that I'll come back again! And Asch fell into my arms and Lorelei said I did a good job. 'Cause baby tonight! I wonder who showed up at the very end?
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symphonialauren · 7 years
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So Kawaii
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symphonialauren · 8 years
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Help he is too cute
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symphonialauren · 8 years
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The Water Seraph Mikleo
...Tears are water, right?
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symphonialauren · 8 years
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I had this saved on to my computer and am at a loss as to why I drew this.
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symphonialauren · 8 years
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The crossover that everyone has been waiting for!! Crash Bandicoot and...Japanese Folklore? ... OH Well. Happy 20th Birthday, Crash!! 09/09/1996~09/09/2016! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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symphonialauren · 8 years
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A sketch of everyone’s favorite girlfriend from the first game! (*´∀`*)
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symphonialauren · 8 years
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Crash Bandicoot will yeehaw into our hearts
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symphonialauren · 8 years
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Sketch Practice
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