syncmindaudio · 5 months
How to MENTALLY CONTROL the Energy Field (Most Hidden Masonic Knowledge)
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syncmindaudio · 5 months
Making a lot of money without effort is easy, why not?
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syncmindaudio · 5 months
Ever wondered why you think the way you do? Unveil the secret power of mental models in our latest video! Dive into the mind's hidden forces that shape your life choices. Are you ready to unlock your true potential?
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syncmindaudio · 5 months
Making $1 Million Is Easy, Why Not?
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syncmindaudio · 10 months
NIKOLA TESLA: "Humans Can Communicate Through Their Thoughts"
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syncmindaudio · 10 months
THE QUANTUM LAW: How to Quantum Shift to a New Reality!
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syncmindaudio · 11 months
The Hermetic Code of Correspondence: "33rd DEGREE KNOWLEDGE"
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syncmindaudio · 11 months
Is War A Sign Of The End Of The Age?
Wars throughout history have been a complex phenomenon that transcends geographical and political boundaries, delving deeply into the spiritual realm of humanity. In various religious traditions, we find reflections on the impact of wars in the physical world and the realm of the soul and spirit.
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syncmindaudio · 11 months
The Magnetic Power of Your Thoughts: "33rd DEGREE KNOWLEDGE"
According to the Law of Mentalism, we perceive the universe as a reflection of a divine thought, where the mind of a Higher Being "thinks," and thereby, everything manifests.
Mentalism proposes that everything is a product of the mind, emphasizing that The All, the true essence behind all visible manifestations, functions as a deep, boundless universal consciousness. From this viewpoint, by acknowledging the mental nature of the cosmos, we illuminate various psychic and cognitive phenomena that would otherwise remain puzzling and beyond scientific explanation.
"The All is Mind; the Universe is mental."
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syncmindaudio · 11 months
As we move into a hyperconnected era, we're left feeling more alone than ever. We constantly rely on technology to connect with people we love, but at what cost?
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syncmindaudio · 1 year
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syncmindaudio · 1 year
Do you ever get the feeling that you are somehow the architect of the world around you? That our dreams, the aspirations and thoughts we have, most of the time, have the ability to shape reality as we know it? It might sound like something out of a science fiction story, but what if I told you that this idea is not only real, but is deeply rooted in quantum physics?And don't worry, you don't have to be a physicist to keep up. By the end of this video, you'll understand not only how your attention has the power to influence reality, but how you can use that power to create the life you want.Get ready to embark on a journey that will take you from the most fascinating theories of quantum physics, through the complexity of human attention, to the way we all interact with the world.
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syncmindaudio · 1 year
The mind of attachment arises from a stopping mind, which also brings forth the cycle of transmigration. This stopping evolves into the bonds of life and death. Stopping signifies that the mind is being detained by some matter, which could be any matter at all.If there is some thought within the mind, although you listen to the words spoken by another, you truly won't be able to hear. This is because your mind has stopped with your own thoughts.
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When facing a single tree, if you focus on a single one of its red leaves, you will not see all the others. When the eye is not fixated on any one leaf, and you face the tree with an empty mind, an unlimited number of leaves are visible to the eye.
Allow me to reveal a significant secret. Whatever you experience while simply resting your attention on whatever passes through your mind at any given moment, that is meditation. Simply resting in this manner embodies the experience of the natural mind.
The only difference between meditation and the ordinary, everyday process of thoughts, feelings, and sensations is the application of pure awareness that occurs when you permit the mind to be as it is—without chasing after thoughts or being distracted by feelings or sensations.It took me a long time to acknowledge how easy meditation actually is, mostly because it seemed so ordinary, so close to my everyday habits of perception that I rarely stopped to recognize it. 
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Like many people I met in my teaching travels, I felt that the natural mind needed to be something else, something different or better than what I was already experiencing. Like most people, I injected too much judgment into my experience. I believed that thoughts of anger, anxiety, fear, and so forth that came and went throughout the day were counterproductive—or at least inconsistent with natural peace! 
The teaching of Buddha—and the lesson inherent in this non-meditative exercise—is that if we permit ourselves to relax and take a mental step back, experiencing natural peace is simpler than drinking water. All you need to do is rest your mind in its natural state. No special focus or effort is required. And if for some reason you can't settle your mind, simply notice any thoughts, feelings or sensations that arise, stay for a few seconds, and disappear, and recognize, 
“Oh, so this is what's going on in my mind right now.” Regardless of where you are, what you are doing, it's essential to acknowledge your experience as something ordinary, the natural expression of your true mind. If you don't try to stop what's happening in your mind, but just observe its activity, sooner or later you will start to feel a profound sense of relaxation, a broad sense of openness in your mind - which is, in fact, your natural mind, the naturally undisturbed backdrop against which various thoughts come and go. At the same time, you are awakening new neuronal pathways that, as they strengthen and connect more deeply, enhance your ability to tolerate the domino effect of thoughts running through your mind at any given moment.
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But now it's time to move beyond a general introduction to the mind and start examining its characteristics in greater detail. You may wonder why it's necessary to know anything more about the natural mind. Isn't general knowledge sufficient? Can't we proceed to practice now? Think about it this way: if you're driving in the dark, wouldn't you feel more comfortable if you had a map of the area instead of just a rough idea of where you're going? Without a map and without any signposts to guide you, you could lose your way. You could take the wrong streets and traverse back roads, making the journey longer and more complicated than necessary. You might end up going in circles. And, undoubtedly, you might end up where you didn't intend to go—but the journey would be so much easier if you knew where you were headed.
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syncmindaudio · 1 year
The Principles of Life of Hawaiian Kahuna
The word “Kahuna” means “secret”, and the entire philosophy is based on the idea that we all collaborate with the universe to create our own reality; through our unique structure of beliefs, our thoughts, our emotions, and the way we interpret events around us. Huna shows a way to spiritual harmony, self-realization, and a holistic attitude to life. It helps to positively change our self-perception, develop our potential, and promote our satisfaction, our productivity, and our creativity. Mastering the skills associated with Huna allows you to create your own reality consciously.
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The Principles of Life of Kahuna
The world is what you think it is - Whatever you believe in, you will manifest. Our patterns of thinking and perception determine how we create our own reality. — IKE
There are no limits, everything is possible - There are no limits to a prosperous life filled with success and happiness except the boundaries we create in our minds. — KALA 
Energy flows where attention goes — If you try to understand how to focus better on the essentials, you can achieve unexpected things. — MAKIA
Now is the moment of power — MANAWA
To love is to be happy with — Love refers to a powerful way to resolve any problem, accomplish any goal, and achieve any higher state of mind or body you desire. When we radiate love outwards, we receive acceptance and love from others. — ALOHA
All power comes from within — MANA
Effectiveness is the measure of truth — PONO
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syncmindaudio · 1 year
Albert Einstein Timeless Quotes You Need to Discover Now! (Life-Changin...
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syncmindaudio · 1 year
I have used binaural beats since 2016, and this kind of audio usually synchronizes the two hemispheres of the brain after a few weeks of continuous use. In my personal experience, I started to have numerous insights that definitely changed my life.I recently discovered this CIA file that talks about a Monroe Institute study. This one went viral last year, trivializing the real value of this experiment.In 1983, a document known as "Analysis and Assessment of The Gateway Process" was authored by Wayne M McDonnell, a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army. McDonnell defined the Gateway Experience as a structured regimen aimed at amplifying the power, concentration, and synchronization of brainwave emissions between the left and right brain hemispheres. This process is meant to shift consciousness beyond the confines of physical reality, eventually transcending even the boundaries of time and space.Put more simply, the Gateway Experience employs auditory stimulation to regulate brainwave activity, striving to produce an altered state of consciousness. In this state, individuals can interface with non-tangible dimensions of reality.As per the CIA document, the technique's practical applications are wide-ranging. They encompass the realization of objectives, the transformation of energy for self-healing, and even the capability to traverse time and space in order to gather new information.
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syncmindaudio · 1 year
Hidden Watchers: The Occult Beings That Shape Human Destiny
Have you ever felt like your thoughts and actions are not entirely your own? What if I told you that there are collective thought entities known as "egregores" that can influence human behavior and even shape the course of history?
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