t3rrortoff33 · 12 days
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t3rrortoff33 · 8 months
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t3rrortoff33 · 10 months
Since this post is getting a ton of traction (compared to every other post ive made) I really wanted to add my PayPal to it, since I need some financial help at the moment.
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This is Tiger, my 13 year old rescue on the 17th July this year, the day I took him off the streets. He was emaciated, parasite ridden, and had an infected injury right under his eye, this photo was after his first of many vet visits when he was being quarantined in my supply closet (he moved into the bathroom the next day)
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In the past months he has gained a ton of weight, but also cost me a lot of money with his recovery. For context, I live with my mom, we live off of social security (or Bürgergeld) and I cannot hold a job due to mental health issues, I can afford to care for my cat but its *tight*.
Tiger was diagnosed with Hyperthyroid about a month into me having him, the running cost of his medication makes it hard for me to put anything aside for my vet fund, so far I've been barely able to scrape together enough money to cover his appointments.
I hate asking for money, but I could really use some support, I only managed to save up 100€ in 2 months, and groceries are getting slim so its possible I won't be able to put aside any money at all this month. Every single cent will go to my savings for his vet visits, I'll be doing my best to post updates and I'll be putting together a pinned post with all the vet bills I've had so far as proof. Tiger is already overdue for his follow up blood panels because he needed an urgent teeth cleaning to get an infection dealt with, I can't be delaying it more than I already have.
Thanks for reading, here's tigers 13th birthday photo
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outdoor cats should be illegal. I don't care that it's gonna make it impossible for some people to have cats, I don't care that it would make more cats have to be put down because they can't be kept indoors. No, barn cats aren't a valid excuse. Barn cats are useless, get a damn ratting dog it won't give your livestock diseases or shit in their feed like barn cats do. I don't give a shit that your cat tears the house up if you keep it inside, maybe you should actually care for your cat and not expect all it's enrichment to come from being tossed outdoors. Stop making up excuses for neglecting cats.
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t3rrortoff33 · 11 months
bro you sound like youre 12, first of all stop acting edgy going all "ohh ohhh i love starting drama", because youre not starting drama youre making a hasty post about a singular (well, 2 technically) cat that you thought would disprove the whole point... you fail to consider that dagger and saber are 2 cats. This is a super specific case where the cats are to some degree trained as livestock guardians and at least theres only 2 and they are actually taken care of, but yes, i would even say that this type of "barn cat" should be illegal. it doesnt matter if an outdoor cat has a job, they're still doing the same damage to the eco system and still at the same risk of getting injured, sick, or generally suffering simply because their owner lets them roam around with no monitoring where they even are.
I wouldnt agree with someone letting their terrier run around un checked most of the day, no matter how much the terrier is killing rats and keeping the farm free of rodents, that dog is still running around doing god knows what else. Minion isn't allowed to free roam either is he? the double standard about cats is insane.
outdoor cats should be illegal. I don't care that it's gonna make it impossible for some people to have cats, I don't care that it would make more cats have to be put down because they can't be kept indoors. No, barn cats aren't a valid excuse. Barn cats are useless, get a damn ratting dog it won't give your livestock diseases or shit in their feed like barn cats do. I don't give a shit that your cat tears the house up if you keep it inside, maybe you should actually care for your cat and not expect all it's enrichment to come from being tossed outdoors. Stop making up excuses for neglecting cats.
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t3rrortoff33 · 11 months
lmao seething at natural behavior of pets and their role as a small predator
thats why I let my dogs outside with no supervision! they gotta fulfill their role xoxo, here's fido with a rabbit he brought me, isnt he cute?
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t3rrortoff33 · 11 months
Putting down feral cats is the best for them in the long term. Their lives will be filled with constant fear and /or sickness depending on their environment, not every feral cat can go to a little sanctuary to live out their days.
The same way I'm 100% pro the movement to immediately cull American minks if they're spotted here in Europe because they're an invasive species, TNR programs are unnecessary stress to the animals, in my opinion a waste of resources too. Just trap and check for a chip, if it's not chipped it's getting shot. THATS how you deal with invasive animals. Quick, painless death which prevents it suffering through starvation, illness, injury or the trauma of getting forced inti a home it wasnt meant to be in.
I have had cats my whole life, I love cats. I also love nature, so my emotions go to the sidelines when I'm dealing with an invasive species that's threatening all species in an environment.
outdoor cats should be illegal. I don't care that it's gonna make it impossible for some people to have cats, I don't care that it would make more cats have to be put down because they can't be kept indoors. No, barn cats aren't a valid excuse. Barn cats are useless, get a damn ratting dog it won't give your livestock diseases or shit in their feed like barn cats do. I don't give a shit that your cat tears the house up if you keep it inside, maybe you should actually care for your cat and not expect all it's enrichment to come from being tossed outdoors. Stop making up excuses for neglecting cats.
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t3rrortoff33 · 11 months
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One of the main arguments I get is that feral cats wouldn't be able to be kept as pets. Well. Screw feral cats! Theres no point in keeping a cat that will always be terrified of humans, it's a miserable existence for them and feral colonies aren't a good option either since they don't get any vet care aside from being neutered, there's genuinely no point in MAINTAINING populations of a invasive species
outdoor cats should be illegal. I don't care that it's gonna make it impossible for some people to have cats, I don't care that it would make more cats have to be put down because they can't be kept indoors. No, barn cats aren't a valid excuse. Barn cats are useless, get a damn ratting dog it won't give your livestock diseases or shit in their feed like barn cats do. I don't give a shit that your cat tears the house up if you keep it inside, maybe you should actually care for your cat and not expect all it's enrichment to come from being tossed outdoors. Stop making up excuses for neglecting cats.
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t3rrortoff33 · 11 months
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I live in Germany, small town, literally countryside. My cats were outdoors for ages, my mom is old fashioned. The only reason my living cat is now indoors is because he has a chronic illness that needs lifelong medication and my mom is reasonable enough to at least see the necessity there. My cats were the lucky ones. My girl kitty was just about to turn 13 when she was put down due to cancer, my boy Tiger became an indoor cat shortly after and had his 13th birthday in my house.
Plenty of cats have been hit in my town, mostly young cats. But plenty of older ones, there was a black cat stray that seemingly had a healed broken hip, limping slowly over the street every time my mom saw her. But she got hit and killed a very long time ago.
My neighbor raised 2 kittens to never go out the front door, and keep off the road... of course they went on the road when she wasnt there. The black and white 2 year old kitten got hit really badly right after I had an argument with someone claiming that small countryside towns are perfectly safe for cats. There's still a big blood stain on the road weeks later. Not to mention my neighbors complaining about one of their cats getting "stolen" right now, even though he's literally just stealing a different neighbors cat food. People here are insane despite the constant proof that Europe isn't some magical wonderland for cats
outdoor cats should be illegal. I don't care that it's gonna make it impossible for some people to have cats, I don't care that it would make more cats have to be put down because they can't be kept indoors. No, barn cats aren't a valid excuse. Barn cats are useless, get a damn ratting dog it won't give your livestock diseases or shit in their feed like barn cats do. I don't give a shit that your cat tears the house up if you keep it inside, maybe you should actually care for your cat and not expect all it's enrichment to come from being tossed outdoors. Stop making up excuses for neglecting cats.
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t3rrortoff33 · 11 months
outdoor cats should be illegal. I don't care that it's gonna make it impossible for some people to have cats, I don't care that it would make more cats have to be put down because they can't be kept indoors. No, barn cats aren't a valid excuse. Barn cats are useless, get a damn ratting dog it won't give your livestock diseases or shit in their feed like barn cats do. I don't give a shit that your cat tears the house up if you keep it inside, maybe you should actually care for your cat and not expect all it's enrichment to come from being tossed outdoors. Stop making up excuses for neglecting cats.
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t3rrortoff33 · 11 months
why bother helping your animals if you're just going to stick them in a goddamn freezer to "preserve" them? people like you shouldn't even have animals.
well, this one in the freezer
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Is dead! Meaning, no longer in need of medical attention!
While this one
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Is alive and breathing, with a chronic illness I'll be treating for the rest of his life! He still needs medical care!
Hope that helps, since you were seemingly confused about the fact that kitty is no longer alive :)
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t3rrortoff33 · 1 year
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t3rrortoff33 · 1 year
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perfect opportunity for my pro wasp propaganda. I put out small cups of jam and big water dishes out last year after I discovered a common wasp nest in my attic! The wasps were never agressive toward me, it started with me refilling the water dishes around my garden while the occasional wasp was having a drink, and before long there were at least a few at the dishes at any time, so I started setting out tiny dishes of jams that didn't turn out well (we experimented with lots of fruit combos last year) and they became a huge hit. I had bright turquoise hair at the time so when they saw it they would come and buzz around my face looking for the yummy stuff, only incident I had with these wasp was when one tried taking a piece of one my pimples, but she left when I gently nudged her with my finger.
There's 2 species that came to the feeding spots, common and German wasps, as mentioned the commons had their nest in my attic! I had to move some stuff up there once and it was like the wasps were surprised to see their food delivery person at their house. A couple were coming to me and buzzing around before continuing outside to forage, and I was able to get incredibly close to the nest too. It was slightly above eye level next to the retractable ladder, and I got an amazing look at the workers coming in and out, I took a photo where I held my hand a few cm away from the nest to show the size but it turned out blurry so I don't have it anymore. Point is, if you manage to befriend a hive they'll be your biggest flex lol.
I removed the old nest in February to encourage a new queen to move in but we didn't get a new house colony this year, there's a couple of paper wasps regularly visiting my water dishes this year though, and I've seen a couple commons and Germans out on the field too.
how do you make friends with yellowjackets? i tried to google this question and the results were 1. how to kill yellowjackets 2. the show Yellowjackets understands toxic best friends and, bizarrely, 3. Friends with benefits, how to make it work!
just treat them nicely (don't approach too closely, use smooth and calm movements, keep a calm and level tone of voice) and give them space, maybe leave them some sweet fruit juice or meat scraps once in a while in an outside area you don't spend much time in if you want. once they've learned that you won't freak out and try to kill them, they'll offer you the same politenesses back!
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t3rrortoff33 · 1 year
Tiger has hyperthyroidism. That means like 50 euros of medication a little under every 2 months, he got his first pill yesterday and its going to take a bit before his body readjusts, but he is doing much better than when he first came to me and weighs about 4 kilos now (he was around 3.2 when i first put him on the scale, looking like a skeleton with skin). I will be mostly eating ramen noodles for the next week, but Tiger is on his path to recovery. Hes staying indoors for the rest of his life, but he doesnt seem to mind too much. Heres to another few birthdays for that old man
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t3rrortoff33 · 1 year
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I'm making a Clydesdale using a vintage sewing pattern, I've chosen mohair and wool furs and it's stuffed with wool, too. The tail and mane are made with sheep hide offcuts from a tannery on Skye (Skye Skyns). I'm waiting for some glass eyes to arrive.
There's a little polyester for the hoofs and the sewing thread I used is a polycotton blend. Other than that, it's natural fibres (but not vegan).
He's called Carnera after the locally famous Irn Bru horse.
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t3rrortoff33 · 1 year
Help a cat out with vet bills?
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After unexpectedly getting a cat and medicating him for an infected wound, I found a mass growing right on his throat. Its freely movable so I think it can be removed, but I have NO savings left. He needs to be seen by a vet ASAP.
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t3rrortoff33 · 1 year
the energy of going "I'm not getting another cat for a while now that kitty (my 13 year old cat that's been with me since I was 7) passed away" and getting called a month later about kitty's brother being sick, taking him into your home to make sure he gets his medication and recovers, and deciding 2 days in that he's staying with you.
The cat dispersal system isn't leaving me cat-less, and this time I get to transition him to house cat status!
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This little bastard has fully stolen my heart back, I keep getting emotional thinking about the fact that he's literally my kitty's littermate and not just a random stray.
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t3rrortoff33 · 1 year
im taking care of my cat, Tiger, whos been basically the neighborhood stray for about 6 years.
He has an infected wound on his eyelid (healing wonderfully with the help of anti biotics) and this whole process made me realize how little my neighbor, who accused us (mostly my mom, whos the one who insists on keeping cats outdoors in the first place) of being horrible owners, actually cared for this guy when she was claiming she did.
He’s covered in fleas, not even outdoor cat levels of covered, just straight up feral cat levels of covered in fleas and flea poop. somehow his sister, Kitty, who was put down last month, didnt have any fleas for YEARS despite also being an outdoor cat. Youd think the lady letting this cat sleep in her bed would notice such a flea infestation??? I bathed him mostly because his fur was sticky and absolutely reeking from him spreading the mucus from his cough and pus from his eye all over himself with every grooming but the absolute ammount of flea poop that came off of him was insane.
He’s currently on daily flea baths and anti biotics so he’s a indoor only cat for the time being. He’s timid in the house due the dogs being fairly vocal but hes getting more energetic for sure, though only staying in the bathroom where im treating him with occasional wanderings into the office because i give him treats here. He’s pretty emaciated as well which is most likely from being as sick as he was and i think hes gaining weight again, he doesnt look as sunken in as he did on his first flea bath 3 days ago at least. Though theres still a ton of work to be done with getting him back his muscle condition he had just 2 months ago. 
I didnt plan on getting another cat after Kitty died, but if Tiger keeps doing this well indoors and starts coming out of his shell more, I think im going to keep him fully as my own. Hes 13 years old in August, and with kitty having gotten cancer i dont think hes gonna be living to 20, but i think i can give him a longer and healthier life than he would get if i just let him outside again to be fed and “cared for” by my neighbors. 
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