#goat noises
goatalicious · 1 year
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Hiii Studio Orange hi how are you! How are you doing?? Are you busy? did you know that Claymore could use a reboot 🥺 haha just thought you might wanna know... yeah they also had one season that didn't tell the whole story lol. Isn't that crazyyt 🤪
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mothgoats · 2 years
trying to find more blogs to follow! pls like or rb if you post a lot of the following
dark souls
elden ring
dead by daylight
silent hill
horror games/indie games
horror and indie films
dark aesthetic
animals/wildlife photos
vulture culture/taxidermy/oddities
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apaigeturner · 2 months
tag game! make a poll with your top 5 favorite antagonists and ask your followers to vote for their favorite! thank you for tagging me @redaynia !
Tagging @tevinterspirit @distant-snow @ghostsergeant @thevampirelestit @jekkiefan but only if you wanna :P
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superbeans89 · 1 year
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Goat flavour deodorant huh?
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goatnoised · 2 years
Franky, the millisecond there's the smallest reason to celebrate:
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t3rrortoff33 · 1 year
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old man was on the bus for the first time today for a trip to the pet store to get a grooming muzzle. 10/10 very good boy, was very nervous at first but ended up settling down and watching people get on and off the bus.
Now onto getting him comfortable with the muzzle so I can trim his damn claws
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elymaiis · 2 years
goat noises range from the well cherished "maaa-ah-ah" to the lesser known "old man coughing" and the "there is a child screeching for help"
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33-goat-bones · 1 year
Shoutout to my local wasps for giving me my will to live through summer again this year, I will be posting updates if I get a nest in my attic again this year
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frudoo · 8 days
One thing is for certain: your apartment was empty when you left for the grocery store, apart from the cats. Everything was in its place, untouched, unbothered.
So why, when you come back from the store with two armfuls of groceries, is every single throw pillow on the floor instead of the couch? Why, then, is your laundry basket tipped over with random articles of clothing thrown all over the house—and why are your cats pawing at your bedroom door, meowing to get in? Truthfully, you’re terrified. Nobody, aside from your landlord, has access to your apartment; and anyway, she’s on vacation.
Really, you shouldn’t be surprised to find your ex-boyfriend, Johnny, in your room. Of course the crazy fucker would still have his spare key. What you are surprised to find, though, is said ex-boyfriend completely naked and going to town on himself—feet flat on the floor as he bounces on what you soon realize is your favorite dildo, jerking his leaking cock with a pair of your panties wrapped around it. Your eye twitches—so that’s why your hamper was in disarray.
From the looks of it, he’s been going at it for a while, stupid fucking mohawk all tussled and partially stuck to his sweaty forehead. To your dismay, his eyes land right on your figure in the doorframe—but instead of being ashamed or even the slightest bit remorseful for his literal criminal actions, he just smirks, holding out his free hand towards you.
“Gonna join me, hen, or jus’ watch like a fookin’ perv?”
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asthecrowtries · 9 months
Here’s to another year of Arthur trying to survive the horrors.
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goatalicious · 3 months
I've given up on dating because no ones ever gonna give me the relationship dynamic Megamind and Roxanne Ritchi have. And I could never settle for less
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mothgoats · 2 years
this year has been the longest and worst fucking year in ages. and it just keeps piling up. I finally moved to a safe, quiet apartment and my dogs behavioral issues from being attacked/harassed by the old neighbors dogs are causing issues faster than I can get him trained.
as in, he barked at the neighbor downstairs once and they decided he “lunged” at them (we were walking up the stairs and they, below us, opened their door and the noise scared him. How exactly can the dog lunge there?). Landlord called me Tuesday about it and I emailed them later with receipts of the dog trainer I’ve hired and all the precautions I’m taking to avoid any interactions with other tenants because I don’t want any accidental bites etc but I don’t know if they’re counting the false complaint against me or not. They still haven’t responded so .. don’t know how much I should be stressing but I broke a blood vessel in my eye because I’m so fucking afraid my dog will get taken away. he cannot live without me. he has epilepsy and needs to finish his rehab program and then he should be fine and a nonissue - but I don’t know that the neighbors won’t continue to complain any time they feel they don’t like that a German shepherd lives in the building (I brought up that it seems like they just don’t like GSDS because I’ve never interacted with them). Yes, he’s registered as an ESA. But that doesn’t override that the landlord can order removal of an animal if it’s a danger to other tenants. Ie, people complain.
Put that on top of how this whole year went, and I just. I’m so fucking tired. I feel like everything I’m fighting is on my own.. because it is. I don’t have anyone to help me know if I’m doing the right thing or just give me a damn hug sometimes. Or a well done.
It feels like ages ago now but just earlier this year I was panicking on where I would live because my bf at the time wanted me to move in with him but ignored the behavioral issues of my dog (basically wanted him living in a closet instead of targeting the issues). then my friend was murdered the day after my birthday. I was sexually assaulted around the same time. I spent the entire summer without air conditioning relying on a window unit in a house full of water and mold. I had to do my entire move on my own minus one day I had my old roommate to help move furniture.
my old roommate who was my ex from a year ago and would constantly bicker with his boyfriend in the house who he cheated on me with so, that was great. loved that too.
Not sleeping anymore because any time I start falling asleep my body goes into fight or flight thinking I’m going to be assaulted again. Propanolol and Xanax only do so much. I’m on 6 hours of sleep over 2 days because I’ve been having panic attacks about the possibility of fenrir getting taken away.
I don’t know what I would do. I just am spending every moment with him like the world outside the apartment is a nuclear apocalypse and avoiding people until I can trust he is less reactive. I wish it weren’t that way. We were doing so well. Now we play down the street so the neighbors won’t complain about us existing in the hallway. I don’t know, I’m just scared.
There’s not many laws protecting dog owners from false accusations. It’s pretty much, if someone complains, you are liable. Whether the claim is substantiated or not. People keep telling me to look into a lawyer to be safe, like? I can’t even afford to feed myself rn. My fridge is empty because I needed to prioritize the dog training.
I can’t sell my art online because I don’t have a computer to write Etsy listings etc. my phone is dying too and I can’t afford to replace that. I didn’t really even break even my last 3 events I vended at. fuck. I just want someone to tell me it’ll be fine and mean it.
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apaigeturner · 10 months
Tagged by @tevinterspirit :D thank you!!
What's three small things you really want in your future that you want to keep living for?
1. Christmas with my family 🎁
2. Finally beating dark souls with my friend's help 🔥
3. Final fantasy vii rebirth hehe ⚔️
Gonna tag @thevampirelestit , @jekkiefan , @akay4 , @heywizards , @redaynia , @manakhemia , @voidfavors , @allegorism
only if you wanna :>
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
y'know, the fact one smile from a totally strange injured dumpster lady was enough to make charlie do the whole glance-away, flustered hair tuck thing really has me wondering...
the first time vaggie looked her in the eye and called her "sweetie". like. how charlie even survive that
or the first instance of "babe" for that matter
clearly she did survive- vaggie uses those all the time for her now- but this after 3 odd years of exposure. and based off of the effect that first smile had.... charlie. do your early reactions to those pets count among the embarrassing things about you that only vaggie knows. how long did it take. for you to feel secure enough to let her use them. around other people. >:D
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rhynehoward · 8 days
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t3rrortoff33 · 1 year
Tiger has hyperthyroidism. That means like 50 euros of medication a little under every 2 months, he got his first pill yesterday and its going to take a bit before his body readjusts, but he is doing much better than when he first came to me and weighs about 4 kilos now (he was around 3.2 when i first put him on the scale, looking like a skeleton with skin). I will be mostly eating ramen noodles for the next week, but Tiger is on his path to recovery. Hes staying indoors for the rest of his life, but he doesnt seem to mind too much. Heres to another few birthdays for that old man
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