t4ttrpg · 2 hours
you dont have to be a parent to understand the horror of walking into a room to discover that the baby crawled out of his crib and onto that pottery wheel you forgot to turn off, and while the baby is spinning around and around, the dog is sitting there all calm, like a person, gently using his paws to fashion the babys soft cartilage head into something a little more modern.  it might be the classic tale of bad parenting, but lets see where the dog is going with this
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t4ttrpg · 5 hours
thinking about edvard munch's "The Sun" (1911)
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like yeah thats how it feels. thats what it feels like to exist sometimes. he gets it
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t4ttrpg · 5 hours
it's really bleak to think about bisan winning a peabody and now an emmy tonight for her reporting like yeah with one hand the american elite are giving her awards for her fearlessness and bravery in the face of unspeakable horror and with the other hand the american elite are the ones sending the bombs and the rest of american journalism and media as a field are constantly actively manufacturing consent for the genocide that forces her to keep getting in front of a camera to say it's bisan from gaza and i'm still alive. something something liberals don't believe in politics anymore just in bearing witness to suffering, except the suffering is something they are actively creating. just horrific dystopian shit
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t4ttrpg · 5 hours
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went up in the lighthouse today
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t4ttrpg · 19 hours
i don’t think mordecai and rigby were ever gay for each other but i do think many times rigby would be like dude if i was a girl would you want to fuck me and mordecai is like dude that’s weird. no. and rigby is all bent out of shape about it and in the middle of the night when they’re both trying to sleep he’s like why wouldn’t you fuck me if i was a girl. i’m cute right? or am i ugly and that’s why i’m single… and mordecai is like fine whatever i’d fuck girl you. stop bringing it up now. & the next day rigby is like fuck off muscle man i’m not ugly mordecai said he’d fuck girl me & then a portal opens to an alternate dimension where they’re genderbent like that adventure time episode and the voice of god is like mordecai you must make good on your word. fuck girl rigby.
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t4ttrpg · 22 hours
New more detailed article about MisMag 2
For all the people who are concerned about the „certain magic school“ parody aspect this article has some great news.
I‘m very inclined to believe what Aabria states here so maybe just let her cook and give it a shot.
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t4ttrpg · 23 hours
and tbh this extends to dimension 20‘s misfits and magic bc u can proclaim that u dislike the author and criticise the work but ur still fanning the flames of its popularity by creating a satirical work just stop talking about it and let it die ffs
remember when jkr went full mask off and started acting evil and hp fans were like "ok we need to think carefully about the stuff we consume, how can we justify enjoying this series, how can we love it without supporting the author? should we try to separate art from artist or should we leave it be? isn't showing solidarity to trans folks more important? if we remain openly fans of this series will it show trans people we aren't safe or trustworthy?"
and then they decided that none of those questions really mattered and they continued to uncritically consume their stupid badly written children's books, and jkr has only gotten more nasty and hateful, and people only hate trans folks more, and now the answer to the last question is invariably YES. I don't trust any goddamn person who still loves Harry Potter in 2024 bc you've decided your nostalgia about a mediocre story written by a bigot is more valuable than the safety and wellbeing of trans people 🫶🖕
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t4ttrpg · 1 day
Bunker | Vincenzo Pagliuca
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In the years leading up to the Second World War the whole Alpine area was involved in the building of a complex system of fortifications wanted by the fascist regime to protect the Italian border against the neighboring countries.
A section of this defensive system, named Alpine Wall, was located in the valleys along the border with Austria where, with an incalculable waste of resources, the construction of about 350 bunkers was completed. A huge architectural heritage that remained unused and presided by the army until 1993, year in which the structures were finally decommissioned. At that time some of the bunkers were bought by private citizens and converted into agricultural deposits, others were demolished or abandoned for good.
Despite the present state of oblivion these visionary structures, expression of the fear of loss and desire of control, continue to generate interest for their architectural characteristics, for the ingenious systems of camouflage and for the relationship they have established with the natural and social context in which they are situated. A difficult heritage worth preserving to keep the collective memory alive of a dramatic historical period marked by nationalistic ideology and by the inability to resolve conflicts through peaceful means.
The project is being exhibited at Foto Forum in Bolzano, Italy, from the 14th of February until the 18th of March.
All images & text © Vincenzo Pagliuca
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t4ttrpg · 1 day
remember when jkr went full mask off and started acting evil and hp fans were like "ok we need to think carefully about the stuff we consume, how can we justify enjoying this series, how can we love it without supporting the author? should we try to separate art from artist or should we leave it be? isn't showing solidarity to trans folks more important? if we remain openly fans of this series will it show trans people we aren't safe or trustworthy?"
and then they decided that none of those questions really mattered and they continued to uncritically consume their stupid badly written children's books, and jkr has only gotten more nasty and hateful, and people only hate trans folks more, and now the answer to the last question is invariably YES. I don't trust any goddamn person who still loves Harry Potter in 2024 bc you've decided your nostalgia about a mediocre story written by a bigot is more valuable than the safety and wellbeing of trans people 🫶🖕
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t4ttrpg · 3 days
you can think someone's an idiot and not hate them. anyone who doesn't understand this has never had a coworker
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t4ttrpg · 3 days
I can't keep having the same conversations about love languages, mbti, iq, bmi, "brain fully formed at 25" and shit over and over again...
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t4ttrpg · 3 days
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Plains Bison | Bryan Maynes
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t4ttrpg · 4 days
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The earliest depiction of Christ was a shitpost
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t4ttrpg · 5 days
“Gfm doesn’t operate in Palestine therefore….”
It doesn’t operate in other places too if people would take time to read it instead of constantly citing this when seeing an ask from a gfm account. People will ignore the other countries to point to one of them and call it a day.
Don’t listen to people/anons who comment like this on your posts. They’re being ignorant on purpose.
Family/friends can do what they need to. That’s a fact that gets waved away and dismissed in order to continuously spread the false information that every gfm ask you get is a bot.
Gfm doesn’t operate in multiple places so consistently stating just one is ignoring what else is there.
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t4ttrpg · 5 days
One thing I really like about how we use the affordances of tumblr is how reblogging yourself is used to break textposts up. It's not just a novel form of punctuation, it's effectively borrowing a structural trick from comics.
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t4ttrpg · 5 days
had a fascinating dream last night where there was a new, virally popular trading card game - it was called MOUNTAIN (stylised in all caps) and the whole gimmick was that you couldn’t buy boosters or anything - you had to find them?
nowhere sold MOUNTAIN - I mean, I expect players did, once cards were in their hands.
but acquiring cards meant noticing a box lying around, and just….nabbing it? they’d be in weird places - in a skip, wedged high up in a fence, nestled in the branches of a tree? nobody ever saw who left them there, and there was a lot of debate about how MOUNTAIN boxes were sometimes hard to acquire without risking one’s physical safety - but then, that was also bragging rights. especially as harder-to-reach boxes seemed to contain more elusive and sought after cards…
no, I don’t remember anything about the actual gameplay, we never played any MOUNTAIN. alas. I know there were “frame cards” that were literally transparent but for a fancy metallic or holographic border, which I guess upgraded the card they were applied to? frames were super rare, my coworker literally ran up to me in the pub purely to show off the frame he’d just found
dream brain gimme the deets on MOUNTAIN’s actual mechanics, I’m invested in this controversial unpurchasable scavenger hunt game
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t4ttrpg · 5 days
Hello everyone
I am Nour from Gaza
.I need your help if you can
Please donate to save my life and the lives of my children
I'm asking for a small donation of $25 from each person. $35 will save my children from death and help me cover expenses and rebuild.
Through the link (please see my CV) https://www.gofundme.com/f/donate-to-help-nour-and-his-family-escape-the-war-in-gaza
My account has been verified by @90-ghost
just gave $10 – any of my followers wanna match my donation?
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