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Jump! Acrylics on acetate sheets. Created this gif out of photos I took.
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Jump! A fun part of going on hikes. Made a gif from some photos.
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George Rue - Artist
I really like how in the first piece he has maps hung up and drawings next to them connected to where he drew them. I think its really cool to see the part of a map in the way he saw it when he was there instead of looking at a bunch of likes and colours
I really like the part from his notebook how he drew little sketches and notes around them. Its similar to what i do when i go on a hike too but my style is different. I also like how he is sharing his personal thoughts with the world.
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Dave Allen - Photographer
I really like these photos by Dave Allen. The weather isn't sunny and cloudless skies in either of these images, which i love because he really shows how hiking can be beautiful in any time of year.
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Nothing really interesting happened when we left the peak of the mountain, I also don’t remember much from that point on. But, when I was looking at the pictures I had from that day I came across these two lovely images. I remembered that on the way back to the parking lot where our car was, we first passed the young wild boar, it’s mouth was bleeding and had a small wound on this belly. Obviously my first thought was “take a picture “ but then i thought this is a child of a bigger wild boar that is probably somewhere around so we left immediately after. And about 150 meters was this snake, I have nothing to say to this, It was as wild as it looks. Even for me. I thought it would be interesting if I post this to show that’s the entire day was quite eventful.
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Instead of doing all 5 tours I decided to do one and think of how I could tell the story in a more interesting way also showing the parts I remember the most at the same time. I created a timeline of the events that occurred in one piece to indicate that it’s all just the one day,
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-Map- -We made it - -this view was so worth everything- -it felt like forever but we actually got up quite fast- -it was the swimming that tired us out- -a video from the top of "Sninsky Kamen " ("the rock of Snina" ) -
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Map -one of the lakes we stopped at- -that little scream was my friend just after a little snake swam by her- -we decided to leave after that- -video of the lake-
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Map -The way to the top- -when 1hour and 45min seems like an eternity- -note to self; never leave the house without food- -watercolour painting of the forest in my sketchbook-
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-Map- -half way through the hike- (The story) -found the other lake, it was beautiful, so quiet, i could hear the birds around us. I was wondering why more people don't go swimming here. (Apart from the fact that's it's a small bit illegal)- -After 15 minutes of being in the lake we realised why, snakes woohoo- (The art) -I liked this picture I took of one of my friends and I wanted to include it into the project but I wanted the focus to be more on him not the scenery so I decided to crop him out of the image and I painted him on a pice of paper and stuck it to the cropped image- -I like this piece because to me it's more interesting than just printing out a picture I took.
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-Map- -Update- about a third into the hike- -We thaught this mountain range would be a great place for a hike because we heard about the lakes there- -it was 29/33 degrees Celsius,we wanted to go swimming- -we traveled all this way to find a "no swimming" sign and a "national nature reserve" at the first lake. But the water looked too good to us not to go-
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-Map- -On your marks- -get set- -go- (Backstory) -on Sunday morning me and my friends made a last minute decision to go on ha hike, but we were in church so we had to go after. We left at 12 and still had a 2 hour car ride in front of us.- (Main) -we got there at 2 and sundown was at 7:30. When I realised we had 5.30 hours to do a 6-7 hour hike, that's when the adrenaline kicked in- -i was competing in a race against the sun- -On your marks- -get set- -go-
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-Map- -The trail we went by from start to finish- -Completed in 4.3 hours-
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-map- ⛰ -I drew up a map of Slovakia and marked in the five hikes I've been on that I want to map out for my project- -after I printed out some pictures I took while I was there, I stuck them near their locations- -next to the images I wrote the name of the peak, mountain range and height above sea level-
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-MAP- -For my project I am mapping my past 5 most memorable experiences with mountains- -Since these are from the past 6 months I remember them very well, also I have a lot of media recorded on my phone, such a pictures videos and notes (diary entries)- -I will take one event first and gather all my information about it and start putting it together-
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