taeminxmgh · 9 years
respond to the call of duty ; jongin&taemin
Taemin lies on his stomach on his bed, his anthropology textbook open in front of him. His chin rests in his hand as he stares blankly at the page, his mouth hanging open slightly as his eyes see the words without processing them at all. Normally this subject is rather interesting to Taemin, and it's even easy to do the readings, but today it seems like his brain simply doesn't want to study. With a grunt, he pushes himself up and shifts into a sitting position with one leg crossed underneath him, before sighing heavily and rubbing at his face with both hands. He could really use a nap right about now, to be honest, but he knows if he sleeps then he'll just stay up all night later, and then he'll be tired in the morning and his sleep schedule will be messed up all week.
And maybe that's a little bit overdramatic, especially considering that most college students live their lives like that, but Taemin doesn't want to live like that anymore. He likes the feeling of having the schedule and routine of a completely normal human being, and he has definitely noticed that his health has been better than ever since he started with a normal, healthy sleep schedule.
But anyway, since napping isn't an option and progess on his homework obviously isn't going to happen, video games are naturally the only option that remains. He looks over to his roommate's bed, where Jongin seems to be having trouble staying awake, and Taemin thinks that he may as well have some company in his procrastination. "Jongin," he calls, just sharply enough to get attention.
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taeminxmgh · 9 years
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