#!!!!! that is her that is the missing character for this roisa fanfic NOW I GUESS I GOTTA SEE THE WHOLE SHOW)
aparticularbandit · 8 months
In which I spent forty minutes stuck in the snow in the driveway and am now safely not halfway in the road anymore and, uh. Hey, look, I have suddenly some free time, LET'S DO THE 2-4 CASE TRIAL.
#musings#bandit#i can get back to writing later right now LET'S THE CLASS TRIAL I WANT TO GET TO NAGITO'S THING#I KNOW IT'S COMING#look i'm so excited for past that too because i have so many spoiler tidbit stuff that i just#I WANT THE FULL STORY BUT I DON'T WANT THE FULL SPOILERS SO I GOTTA PLAY THE STORY#and then i think drif is in this as a bonus? i think?#and i look forward to that too!#and like i want to know all the things but i also wanna take my time and enjoy them#and not speed through them you know#(classic case of bandit wants to get into a thing prompted by headcanon#and wanting to meta or write a thing#this happened with: wfrr; hannibal; and ALL of flanagan's stuff i've seen by proxy of this is how i got into hill house#it's a tradition at this point#(of note: wfrr was jess through someone else's headcanon of her#hannibal was bedelia through other people writing her and me just !!!! she seems like my writing type let's do some research#and flanagan was through hill house which was dad basically binging it over and over and me#sitting down through theo's episode and#!!!!! that is her that is the missing character for this roisa fanfic NOW I GUESS I GOTTA SEE THE WHOLE SHOW)#this also explains why my writing dr fanfic without all the canon is...not normal#(roisa not included)#(well with roisa i gave myself spoilers and i'm avoiding most of them with dr that's different i guess)#because i really like being canon-compliant#knowing enough to know how my one little change shifts everything#and what that has to shift in the character who changes#and i don't know enough dr lore to necessarily know what all changes in this fic /yet/#or even to choose what to keep or not from canon#i know what shifted in the singular character i intentionally changed#and he's dead now!#...probably! so!!)
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deincs-moved · 5 years
debating a couple of changes:
1) roster change from current muses to the following:
luisa alver (ha, ha, she’s still here, she’s very loud, and we love her a lot)
emma whitmore (from timeless.  she’s an ass.  but, like jack sparrow, she’s on her own side.  only not as jester jokey)
miss lint (yara’s character from the tick - whose name is janet but since we aren’t given a last name i lovingly call her janet sparks.  because why the fuck not.  i love angry lightning lady)
dottie underwood (bridget’s character from agent carter who also i love and who also i started a nuzlocke run with and who also keeps asking why she can’t kill the people in the game)
if i can’t convince parker to write her, i may also add whitney frost (also from agent carter.  also i love her?  why did no one tell me about whitney before i started ac?  like yo i love her)
most of those characters are in shipping pairs - obvs i ship roisa (rose/luisa, but parker’s got rose and i don’t feel like adding her here); dottie and miss lint; emma and whitney - but they also go in fun pairs otherwise - dottie and whitney obviously are fun to play off of each other (me, looking at parker), whitney and lint are fun to play off of each other, lint and luisa (and rose, for that matter) are fun to play off of each other.
i basically have ready-made brainstormed relationships between each of these characters (and rose, because fanfic writer, and rhea because ben and started brainstorming a massive crossover don’t judge me)
right now i really kind of want to stick to characters i’m writing or have written or plan on writing in my current fics (which is why no jess, etc.) because then i’m not as worried about where is muse? because yo.  muse is right there.  then it’s just a switch of writing format. don’t expect them to have extensive long drawn out or superbly written bios.  i don’t care that much.  i love them dearly, but.  i also understand that people who don’t know the canon material likely won’t interact with characters they don’t know (and, unfortunately, this is probably mostly going to affect emma and miss lint).
2) moving this sideblog over to be a sideblog to my personal.
mostly it’s just that that is my primary blog now.  that’s where i hangout, that’s where i interact with people, that’s the dash i keep up with.  since i’m not on the dash here, i miss memes and starter calls and stuff like that - and honestly, the connection is appealing to me.
the main problem with this is that spending so much time away from the rpc has made me realize more and more just how toxic it is.  i don’t really want to spend much time in the rpc or dealing with those issues because, like, it’s tiring.  i don’t want to deal with it if i don’t have to.  and i don’t know that i want to have that sort of stuff on the same dash as my personal if i follow people there. most of y’all aren’t toxic.  but if i get a wider interaction following or whatever, idk.  i just.  i will probably be super more selective - and being a sideblog to a personal will probably help with that because a lot of people might be like yo i got followed by a personal wtf and either not follow or get confused because it looks like i didn’t follow them back - i guess it fixes that issue. so.  we’ll see.  i haven’t really decided on that second one yet, but that’s a huge possibility.  if i test it out and don’t like it, i’ll probably move them back here or just, you know, i don’t know.  i love writing.  i love rp.  i’m just tired of the rpc, and even more so having not been in it too much for so long.  y’all are great.  i think it’s just the community as a whole.
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