#[ psa from bandit ]
aparticularbandit · 25 days
Last December, I tried to post fic daily - whether that was a one-shot or a chapter of something longer - because I understand that December can be a really rough time of year for people (including me), and I wanted to try and help ease that a little.
...given that most of those were written either the day/night before or day of, I'd like to get an earlier start this year.
I'm taking prompts! Now throughout December! For any of the fandoms I'm blatantly in and writing (Marvel (both MCU and comics (one I'm better at but. I can research)), Danganronpa (new this year!), Kathryn Hahn etc. (Mrs. Fletcher and Glass Onion (yes, I will take fam requests)), Jane the Virgin (Roisa primarily but I can be persuaded to write other ships), Who Framed Roger Rabbit (with the addendum that my Jess is...complicated)) AND OTHER FANDOMS - last year I wrote Everlark! and got into Marvel comics to write Viv Vision! among! other things!
So like - prompt away! Feel free to send in random stuff, because the worst I can do is say no, and that's basically the same as not asking me in the first place.
That said!
Please do not ask me to write Game of Thrones. I know nothing other than the first book, the first two episodes, and what I've seen on my dash. It would be wildly out of character.
Please also no Hazbin Hotel because that is a minefield of triggers waiting to happen.
Also I do not write smut or graphic sexual content. Those are the big nos.
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am very close to finishing finding family. may not rest of replies/asks until it's done. am sorry. i know i've got two replies owed and a handful of asks. i'm sorry. i'm just so tired right now.
and given what's going on in ff, america is also. very tired. not really up for playing atm. we am both sorry.
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littlemissaddict · 7 months
Just a little psa I know nothing about dnd other that what I've seen in the show and what Google can tell me, if I'm wrong about something either politely correct me or just ignore the mistake please 🙏
Anyway, I'm just thinking about reader who despite being with Eddie and listening to him talk about dnd for years doesn’t have a clue about any of it so when she asks him if she can make a character and for him to teach her how to play he would be over the moon but also in despair about how little she knows (even Steve knows more about the game from just listening to the kids harp on about it)
"Oh can I be a Bandit?" She cries excitedly as Eddie sits down next to her with a blank character sheet.
"Bandit?" He asks, confused, running through the different classes in his head before realisation sets in, "Rogue? Do you mean rogue?" He asks with a hint of amusement in his tone that she misses as she nods quickly with a wide smile on her face.
"I don't know princess, rogues are known for being stealthy and have an uncanny ability to avoid danger whereas you, on the other hand, are possibly the clumsiest person I have ever met," he teases as her brow furrows and her bottom lip juts out in a pout as if she thinks the answer is going to be a no, as if Eddie would ever deny her. "Though you are good at finding out people's weaknesses and exploiting them so I guess you may make a good rogue after all" he jokes, knowing that she know that his only weakness is her and that he'll cave to her every time.
"Oh and can I have an eye patch too?" She asks hopefully.
"I mean if you want too but why would you need" he starts to ask before she cuts him off.
"So that I'm always ready to see in the dark if I need to" she states as if it obvious as to why she'd want one. "Did you know that's why pirates used to wear them so that when they'd come out of the bright sun they could just switch the patch over and the eye would already be accustomed to the dark meaning they wouldn't be fumbling about in the dark" she tells him proudly.
"I mean it makes sense, but how do you even know that?" He asks surprised but also not surprised at her knowledge of random information.
She shrugs, "I like to read, in fact my brain is full of useless information"
"Yeah, okay hit me with some" Eddie smiles, dropping his pen and turning so that she has his full attention.
"Did you know a cat ear contains 32 muscles? Or that alligators can stick their tongue out but crocodiles can't" she tells him and he shakes his head in response, truth be told its not something he's ever cared to look up. "And, a little controversially, if you added up all the time people spent kissing then it would roughly work out at about two weeks of their lifetime" she adds knowing that that maybe more to Eddie's interest.
"Oh is that so?" He smirks, elbow coming to rest on the table and his chin resting on his hand as he leans towards her, "I think we can beat that don't you?" He teases, eyes not leaving her almost as if he's challenging her, though they both know it's a challenge they'd both take willingly.
"Hmm I bet we could" she agrees, "and we can make a start on it after we complete my character sheet" she smiles innocently pushing him back slightly from where he'd seemingly leaned in even closer.
"Okay, okay but it is going to put us behind" he jokes reaching for the pen again as they prepare to begin brainstorming.
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vani-candy · 9 months
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After a number of personal tragedies, a young woman named Mitty leaves her home in Highwind to properly kickstart her career as a Builder in Sandrock. While she's still unsure of herself and hampered by her low self-esteem, she begins to find true happiness again as she meets the people around her. Someone who catches her eye in particular is the town's only doctor, Fang, a young man who seems just as lost as she is, if not more so. Feeling he needs companionship more than anything, Mitty vows to bring happiness to his life, little by little. However, she won't be able to suppress her growing feelings for him forever...
Swan's Treasure is my ridiculously ambitious blatantly self-indulgent personal fancomic series for My Time at Sandrock starring Fang and my OC, Mitty. I very much simply make this for fun, but this series grew much bigger than I was expecting, so I decided to make this index page to make it easier to navigate to each comic, especially since they're becoming less and less self-contained as I continue!
It is highly, highly recommended that you have played My Time at Sandrock before reading, as it is necessary to better understand the characters and story more. (I will die if i try to adapt every last piece of lore in the game, lol). That, and it is genuinely a fun game and I highly recommend it if you enjoy crafting sims + RPGs + both! As such, these comics will contain major spoilers for the game, so proceed with caution!
I may hop around to tackle story beats I may have missed or skipped over, so these are listed in chronological order.
Pushing Forward [part 1] [part 2] - Mitty leaves Highwind and moves to Sandrock to begin her career. She meets and makes several new friends, including the town's only doctor...
Earrings and Diagrams - Mitty continues to work for the people in Sandrock, which leads to her crossing paths with Fang again when X steals her earrings to try to impress CoCo.
Cheery Picnic - With some ideas from X, Mitty and Arvio invite Fang to a picnic to get to know him better. (The one that started it all!)
Mapo Tofu Weekend - After she and Fang get into a bit of an argument during a sandstorm, Mitty’s convinced he won’t want to see her again, so she’s surprised when he visits her and asks her to try the Mapo Tofu he made for her.
A PSA in Overwork (And Also Interfacing With Your Bestie's Boss) - Mi-an faints due to overwork and is ordered to take a week off by Fang. Yan uses the opportunity to shove all the commission work onto Mitty.
Doctor's Orders, Don't Interfere - A short follow up comic to A PSA in Overwork, Mitty and Fang go for a walk on a particularly hot day.
Shiny Hunting - In an effort to get them together, X and CoCo go out looking for jewels for Fang and Mitty. Things go downhill from there.
Season 2 Episode 36a Graveyard Shift - At Mort’s request, Mitty helps Fang tidy up the cemetery.
I Still Love You, Even Though I Miss You - Fang and Mitty spend the Day of Memories festival together and talk about their passed loved ones.
I’d Love More Dress Options - Fang wants to gift Mitty something, but doesn’t know what.
Painful Memory - A certain bandit attack in Sandrock triggers a harsh memory for Mitty.
She Clearly Feels Better, Doctor - A short follow up comic to Painful Memory, Mitty finishes sewing her new work outfit and shows it to Fang.
The Validity Test - Mitty gets a surprise visit from Nia. However, she seems pretty suspicious of Fang...
Regrets That Don't Disappear - Elsie asks Mitty to ask Fang about the incident that led to Logan becoming a bandit, but he won't say a word, even to her...
Bird Cage - Mitty tries to check up on Fang after their last meeting, but he seems to be doing even worse than before...
Things Changed While You Were Gone - Trudy comes back to Sandrock, noticing something has changed while she was away.
Don't Lose Your Patience - Fang listens in on a fireside meeting that quickly goes south.
Mahjong Break - Fang goes to check up on Mitty and gets roped into a Mahjong match at the Game Center.
That Legendary Mission - Mitty helps Fang with a couple errands...which also involves talking to a certain talkative rancher.
The Turning Point - Everyone gathers for a photoshoot to commemorate Little Woods, but things go south quickly...
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petra-creat0r · 4 months
Deltarune: Fool's Fate Ch. 3 Secret Boss
It's everybody's favorite kitty cowboy, Bandit Casper! This secret boss was actually made by a friend of mine, @mrchaosman and gifted to me as he saw that originally for my Chapter 3 prediction, I had wanted to do something based of off the Woody Theory but abandoned cartoon won the poll I put out which is how we eventually got Bitsy.
While I love Bitsy, as soon as I saw Casper I fell in love with him immediately! He's just a silly lil cowboy cat! Look at him! The silly! My feelings for him are pretty much exactly the meme of "I've only had Bandit Casper for a few days but if anything happened to him I'd kill everyone in this room and then myself." The backstory Mr. Chaosman made for him was also rather funny in my opinion, and though I changed it ever so slightly to match Fool's Fate chapter 3 rather than Deltarune chapter 3, you can still check it out here.
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Since Casper wasn't named by me, I don't know his specific name origin, but Chaos did mention Casper's based on Starlo/North Star from Undertale Yellow. I searched up the meaning of the name Casper, and apart from being the name of Casper the Friendly Ghost (oh boy, that brings me back), it also means Treasurer or Treasure-Bearer, which I find fun since I definitely treasure Casper.
Edit: I asked Mr. Chaosman about the name, and he didn't have any particular reason for choosing it, it just sounded cool.
Though his text quirk was something Chaosman came up with, I decided the soul mode Casper uses is the green soul mode. Partially because I have my own order the Fool's Fate sb soul modes will go in that I'm not telling anyone, but also because it was the soul mode I wanted to win along with the Wood Theory to fit Undyne stuff. Instead I got the purple soul mode which is how I decided to make Bitsy a spider.
Anyways, like I said, I love Casper. I want to make a plush of him like I made Dorothy into an actual doll. Originally Chaosman made Casper's Light World equivalent a tape from his show, but I decided to make him into plushie with a maraca sewn in to better represent Casper's "friend", Rattler. I had a maraca egg pipis. I can make this real.
Backstory under the cut
Casper the Kid was the beloved mascot and face of an old anti-bullying campaign, complete with PSA cartoons where he'd bring any bullying varmints to justice, posters with slogans like "See someone being a bully? Report it to your local sheriff! (Or a trusted adult)" or "Don't be a bullying bandit, be a friend instead!", and even a plushie which may or may not been unofficial and made by some students.
In the Dark World, Casper was just as beloved as in the Light World, being seen as a sort of protector and defender of sorta where ever he went. From the grassy purple fields and blocky town of Playmat Plains where he was a town sheriff, to the Field of Hopes and Dreams or the Scarlett Forest where he was more of a vigilante, evading capture from the 4 kings.
Eventually though, kids grew up, posters got taken down, worlds changed around and grew divided, and Casper started to become less popular. Eventually the series of cartoons the friendly cat cowboy stared in stopped being made all together. Even still, Casper still tried to do his best to spread kindness and stop bullying. Though his cartoons were still being shown and he was still trying to bring bullying bandits to justice... It seemed more and more that people just stopped caring. Even if Casper tried to stop people from being mean, they didn't seem to respect his authority at all and whatever Casper did didn't even seem to make a difference.
That's when Casper came across a man. A strange someone who offered Casper a helping hand in his darkest hour. The man revealed to Casper the truth about this world and his existence, giving him a shadowy crystal that let him see his world changing before his very eyes. The man also gave Casper a mysterious egg. Saying that if the kitty cowboy ate it, he would gain a forever friend who could help him with his goal of helping others. The egg made a strange rattling noise, similar to a rattle snake. Even still, Casper still ate the egg and accepted the man's help.
Soon after that, Playmat Plains was in danger of being bought out by some powerful tycoon sent by the new ruler of this world, the Hierophant. Even if most of the inhabitants of the town no longer considered Casper their sheriff, he still felt a duty to protect the little town from some greedy tycoon who just wanted to hurt it. Casper challenged the tycoon to a duel. Who ever won could have the city. The tycoon, intrigued by the moxie of this little kitty, agreed.
What happened next, Casper didn't quite remember. All he remembers was his body shaking and hearing rattling before everything went black and he found himself on the outskirts of town when he woke up. Eventually after stumbling back into town, he found a wanted poster. But not one of a bullying bandit like usual. This time, it was a was a wanted poster of him. With the name "Bandit Casper" and a rather mighty reward.
Casper was confused. He was supposed to be the hero. Why was he all of a sudden one of the bullies he'd sworn to stop? Why was he the "bad guy"?
... What happened during that duel?
As it turned out, the egg Casper ate was actually a parasitic snake creature. Otherwise known as Casper's new "friend", Rattler, who had taken over during the duel and wrecked havoc on the town. Making everyone no longer see Casper as a friendly kitty hero, but something even worse than a bully. A dangerous menace who had to be stopped.
The Hierophant made sure to discard the rest of Casper's cartoons and the cowboy was declared an outlaw. Since then, Casper's been on the run and living out in the Checkered Desert. Still trying hist best to help anyone who crossed his path.
That was until he crossed paths with a group of Lightner children...
Okay it took me a bit to rewrite Casper's backstory to fit Fool's Fate's classroom based Dark World, but I think I got it down! I imagine Casper jumping from world to world was mostly a result of the toy Casper is in the Light World and his cartoons being swapped back and forth between Toriel and Gerson before Gerson passed and his classroom was abandoned and the Casper the Kid stuff was relegated to Tori's classroom before eventually Noelle moved into that room after growing up and becoming a teacher.
Confusing, I know, but I understand it and that's all that matters, shush.
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kawuli · 2 years
a small PSA before winter is over:
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this face mask is the single best thing about my winter biking getup.
the top bit is neoprene and fits just along the bottom of my goggles, or near the bottom of my glasses. the beak is open at the bottom for breathing.
the bottom part is lightweight fabric and attaches to the top with magnets. it can go up or down depending how cold it is.
it fastens around back with velcro (under my hat)
point being, I can cover my whole face except mouth and nose, so I don't freeze my face off AND I don't get a bunch of Wet all around my mouth.
I have used this thing at temperatures from about 0-32 F (-20-0 C, ish) for my 45 minute each way commute. it is the only face covering thing I don't actively and thoroughly hate.
anyway, here's the link:
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amyrafiercebladeartz · 6 months
3 5 7 and 8 for the httyd ask game 👀
3: Did you play School of Dragon? If so, what dragon(s) did you have?
Sadly, I did not get to play SoD. I wanted to but every time I tried making an account, I could never load the game. Probably a mixture of bad internet connection and a PoS mobile device, but still.
5: What type of dragon do you think best matches your personality?
Terrible Terror or Night Terror, maybe a Smothering Smokebreath. I'm a goblin menace that will snatch food and trinkets but if you feed me and treat me nice I'll curl up beside you and purr. I've also a tendency to get a little more than confused and I will naturally find myself in trouble with the bigger ones around me.
I also work best with a pack of my own kind >:]
8: Who are your favourite characters? Why?
Viggo Grimborn is top httyd favorite. He's savvy, malicious, and charming to the point where I want to simultaneously give him all of my possessions and devotion and punch him repeatedly in the face.
Second favorite, Snotlout, actually. He's got self esteem issues and the man can sew. He's a dumbass but his heart's usually in the right place. He also wrote a book, sang songs to a baby Deathsong, and has a crack sense of humor, even if it's not fitting for the moment. He also has a very poor relationship with his father (myself to my mother) that, if taken in a serious direction instead of the lighthearted one in the shows, would've been a serious issue psa about mental issues and the problems of a bad parent.
Third, Tuffnut. He's just goober and I live for that.
7: Do you have any OCs? If so, talk about their appearance, backstories, and personalities.
You made a serious mistake. I have quite a few OCs for HTTYD alone.
First and Foremost, I'll introduce my namesake, Amyra Fierceblade.
Amyra Fierceblade has been my httyd sona for a long time, my second oldest httyd oc in fact. She and Shadowstrike (who I'll talk about in a minute) were my first two httyd ocs. She is 6'1" (myself standing at a lofty 5'3") and has dark raven hair with deep green eyes. She's snarky, quick witted and rather obsessive with anyone she considers her friend... in a not so good way. She has always had connections with Viggo Grimborn (ofc, my favorite character), and in fact was written as a (very poorly thought out) chief daughter who had a mutual crush on Viggo. Over time, I changed her and her story around so that she went from concerned housewife to rebellious heir and eventually I settled on making her an orphan rascal who stays in the woods, her relation with Viggo going from wife to close friend. They met as teens, Amyra a year older than Viggo, when she threw Ryker into a snowbank because she didn't like his attitude. There's a lot more to this that I'm writing out in my Fanfic Lifeline, but for now I'll just go into further detail lol. Over time Viggo and her grew close, close enough that Viggo ran away to try living in the woods with her, though that didn't last long as Amyra got yoinked by a Razorwhip. She survived, but lived for many years away from most other people, only interacting with them as a sort of "highway" bandit. She does have a dragon, a Deadly Nadder named Shadowstrike, who saved her life from the razorwhip and stayed with her since.
Amyra is ab 37 years old during the events of RttE.
Amyra started as a kind of self insert, though she's changed a lot and now she's just a fun character with a lot of bad traits. Such as possessiveness. In a bad way. That might get explained later though, far far far in LifeLine.
Shadowstrike is a Deadly Nadder and my first httyd OC. She is black and red, a few scars on her but not many. Originally, she could talk, but I've kinda devolved that to be more annoying parroting than conversationalist. She likes hair, dragon root arrows, and stealing various objects from anyone and anything. The softer or the shinier, the better.
Kindorobo is a Speed Stinger oc of mine, orange and green with black stripes. I don't have much about him but he likes to terrorize a local village for gold trinkets and stuff, adorning himself with them. He's a weird fella lol.
Arcane is a Titanwing Bewilderbeast oc, black with red and orange markings. He's chill for the most part, and really doesn't mind other Bewilderbeasts in his presence as long as they don't harass him or his group of dragons. However if he is harassed and there's no stopping this dragon, he will kick some ass. He's had no human encounters so far, since he lives further north than the archipelago, almost to the arctic circle.
Dead Chance is a Light Fury Deathsong hybrid that absolutely hates anything and will kill on sight. There's a lot more to it than just murder happy, she actually has a lot of anxiety and paranoia and found the best way of keeping herself "safe" (it's really not-) is by attacking first, asking questions never. I also wanna work on her a bit but I don't really get the time to.
Clairvoyance is another Bewilderbeast OC, she's much smaller though and has a human companion. She's actually been with several human ocs but I finally decided to add her with Lyra, who I'll talk ab in a minute. Clair doesn't quite have the alpha ability, though she is protective of her human and the night terrors (I'll explain in a minute) she lives with.
Lyra is a teen kid who got adopted by a flock of Night Terrors when she was about five. She also found and helped take care of Clairvoyance. I do not have much more information than that, sadly, but maybe I'll fix that.
Biter is a White Night Terror that's missing a hind leg and is also partially blind. He was mistreated by Dragon Hunters and so he a horrible attitude to anything around him. In a couple of my post-rtte Viggo AUs, he's a companion animal of sorts, sticking with Viggo after he saved him. Of course, that doesn't save Viggo from getting bit by him, hence the name.
Truth is a White (and I say white instead of albino because he's not albino but he is white colored) Night Fury with black markings that stays to himself for the most part. He's also anxious, and tends to flee rather than face conflict. I also need to work on him as well-
Marcus Seinneadair is a prince from a smaller kingdom, mostly agricultural in trade. He's the middle child of three, his father being a decent ruler in most aspects. He's got blue eyes, dark brown hair and he also wears a couple earrings in his left ear. He likes to help people, often going out of his way to help the villages after storms and such, finding survivors, repairing houses and ships and more. He isn't really interested in being an heir to a throne so much as he wants to bring a betterness to the world around him. He also has a severe crush on Viggo Grimborn, who is actually a close friend of his and ally to his father's kingdom. Marcus is also one of the few people that Viggo will let his guard down around. He's also the only Christian oc I have or ever will have and I can tell you that he's (THANKFULLY) not oppressive about it. He learned of the religion from a trader and decided that it wasn't actually that bad of an idea, promoting kindness and treating others with how he'd want to be treated. He isn't sure about the whole "do good and you'll go to heaven!" idea, but he doesn't mind doing good for others just because. There's SOOO much more to this guy but yeah, that's some of it.
Mikael is an OC who I don't like. He's a dragon hunter, but not affiliated with the Grimborns or the Northern Alliance. He has an unrequited crush on Marcus (turned bitter after he rejected him) and spends most his time pouting while hunting. I don't have much more for him.
Alsor, Whose Grim Wrath was Born by Flames is the very very very very distant ancestor of the Grimborns, and also the first human to start the Dragon Hunters. He was given the title by his fighting skills against the dragons (explained in a hot minute below).
And finally, a couple of ocs that I like throwing into the HTTYD world but are perfectly capable of being in their own story. These guys do have magic (lore related, would LOVE to explain) and there are mentions of injuries for Phantom's part.
Teeth Whom Gnash Sharply Upon Her Foes, or Gnash, is a Windripper oc of mine, and the first one. Windrippers are my fanspecies of dragon, which I'd GLADLY go into detail (I have a whole Google document including everything from society and religion[orginal!] to dragon growth and such on-). Gnash is a medium to dark grey dragon with a slightly off-white mane, golden horns and dark green eyes. She is stoic but kind, a warrior of honor. She prefers to be logical, though she is very capable of brute strength if she decides. She was Phantom's partner and her general against fighting humans, that is, until Gnash realised the reason for the fighting was wrong and unethical, and wanted to try to stop it (That is a whole ass explanation). She eventually helped the people fighting Phantom to entrap her, keeping her and the world safe from her actions. Gnash mourns her partner, but she does not want to free a conqueror.
And Finally.
Phantom of the Moonlit Mists, or Phantom, is another WindRipper, with dark, semi transparent scales, green horns and claws, and multicolored eyes (Pink and blue irises, black scleras and white pupils). She is cunning and quick witted, in tune with both her emotions and her logic. She hatched prematurely after her egg was damaged by a human trying to kill her and her siblings, born with a permanent jaw deformation/scarring. She was raised alone by her mother, before being sent with others in her Hive (a pack of WindRippers is called a Hive). She was small, and had a temper to rival a Changewing, which lead to her getting in a lot of fights with other members, except for one. A young Gnash, who was her first and only friend. After several years, Phantom was exiled from her Hive, and eventually she was chased down off a cliff, left to die from her injuries. She was saved by a deity the Windrippers have, the All-Mother respectively, and given the ability to create and weave threads (their form of magic). Phantom and Gnash met up again, and talked about the experience. Eventually, Phantom returned to her old Hive and defeated the previous Queen, taking her place. She still had a fierce grudge against humanity, enough to where she decided to wage an all out war on them for many years, until she was lured into a trap and imprisoned in a statue by Alsor(up above) and Gnash until she can either be redeemed for her actions, or until the blood of the last descendant of Alsor's line is spilled on the stone of her prison itself.
And yes, Phantom has a serious grudge on the Grimborns, to the point where, if she was freed, she would be sadistic towards Viggo in any and all ways possible.
Phantom also has a voice claim! That being GLaDOS, especially from Portal 2 lines (not PotatOS, but just the regular)
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theminionjcfucked · 1 year
BB25 Houseguests as: Characters from Bluey
PSA: L*ke will not be included in any of these!
America: Chloe. She may be quiet, but she is very smart.
Blue: Judo. She’s fun but she’s not as keen on things as she likes to believe she is.
Bowie: BLUEY! Listen I know what y’all are thinking, but as the only Aussie in the house, this makes sense. She has a fun personality and I think we’re gonna see a lot more game out of her soon.
Cameron: Rusty. Thinks he’s cooler than he actually is. Also fucking annoying.
Cirie: Calypso! The wisest among them all and someone who is a natural leader and teacher. The best, truly!
Cory: Snickers. He has little legs and it’s hard for him to keep up.
Felicia: RITA! She slipped on her beans!
Hisam: Makenzie. Argumentative, but knows exactly what he wants.
Izzy: BANDIT. Pure chaos. Unhinged. Driven by nothing other than clownery.
Jag: Winton. He just does what others tell him to do.
Jared: Lucky. When he plays well, it’s good. When he doesn’t, we’ll… thank god his mom is Calypso.
Kirsten: Chili Heeler. Just genuinely a kind and compassionate person who looks out for others. Also a badass.
Matt: BINGO! He’s reserved and sweet, but doesn’t have any trouble expressing to those he’s close with how he feels. Pure soul.
Mecole: Indy. She’s a good friend and has her head straight. She’s calm, cool, and collected.
Red: The Terriors. I always forget about them and then BOOM! Here they come, loud as hell.
Reilly: MUFFIN! Whiny and gets on my last fucking nerve. She is unintentionally funny sometimes.
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shiigures-a · 2 years
PSA. In lieu of the recent SBS information. Spoilers abound.
Having Zoro's family tree having him be distantly related to Kuina changes nothing on the ship of Zoro and Tashigi on this blog.
Reasons being below.
Kuina and Tashigi are different people, having different birthdays, appearance when they were younger, and ages. And no, Tashigi is not a clone. She's older than Kuina by a year.
Oda did not draw Tashigi in any of the recent family tree for the Shimotsukis and the Roronoas.
Tashigi's backstory remains a mystery for the most part, even in the SBS there are slots that only say '???'. There are several theories and stories out there that connects her with either Denjiro / Kyoshiro being related to her since he does look like Kuina's father and yet he doesn't have a last name either like Tashigi does. Or some believe that her father is Mihawk or someone else that is / was affiliated with the marines.
Just because she looked like Kuina to Zoro during the pre-time skip does not factor in anymore because her appearance is totally different. Zoro doesn't even call her Copycat anymore and doesn't run away. Things have changed between them.
We don't even have a last name for Tashigi. Her past probably won't even get brought up in the manga or SBS because she's mostly a side character and unfortunately probably will not get fleshed out as we might hope, as sad as this makes me while typing this.
8 other people founded the village so there could be someone else from Wano that had Tashigi. Or her parents could had been the 15 that died while trying to defeat bandits to save the village. But this is also pure speculation.
Now in case Oda decides in a SBS or the manga to say that Tashigi and Zoro are related, I will drop the ship and bow out gracefully because it would be gross as I don't ship those types at all. But for the time being, this pairing will be still prominent on this blog until further notice.
I understand that some Zoro muns may be now uncomfortable with the ship and that's okay. I totally get where you are coming from. If you don't want to ship this pairing, like in my other posts I am not going to force it on anyone. And I do have tags so you can blacklist it.
I just wanted to say my piece and get it out of my system. I will probably add this to my pinned post as this is important information. Thank you to all that reads this.
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aparticularbandit · 3 months
i'm putting this in a separate post because it's important.
when writing something that involves a mystery, it is important that the detective not pull on information that the reader has not seen in the project you are writing.
what this means is that in a multi-project series, you can build on what the reader knows from previous entries provided that the detective (or other characters) have been seen thinking about that clue in the current installment.
dr2's climax fumbles this in that yes, multiple characters have questioned hajime's existence throughout the installment - from the ??? about his ultimate talent to nagito's insistence that he's from the reserve course - the mystery of hajime is a big deal!
but the reveal that he is human experiment izuru kamukura in the climax does not hit because, even though izuru kamukura and the mystery of who/what he is was brought up in a previous danganronpa installment (dr0), it is not mentioned anywhere in dr2 prior to the final chapter where suddenly it is a big deal. (and even as someone who read dr0 and knew about the reveal prior to playing dr2, it still didn't hit, but that's a different thing.)
unfortunate as it may be, the mystery of your current installment must also be accessible to people who haven't engaged with all of the earlier installments.
...usually this means, in a longer series, that you have a previously on segment to catch a new reader up on what's happened if they pick up book twenty-three without having read the other books.
and this is why in my current second write chapter, despite the fact that based on a singular line in a previous chapter it can be inferred that my amnesiac character has remembered a thing, i can't use that to bear major weight in the fic proper. the reader did not see that. they know the thing that was mentioned in the comment (and some of them might understand the implication of what she remembers), but unless i have shown you the exact etc. of what is being remembered, i can't suddenly say later oh, actually, she remembers all the implications of this now.
i can use some of it.
but not all of it.
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Reminder that I have family in town for the next week and probably will not be hitting up replies and stuff while they're here! Sorry about that!
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longwindedbore · 1 month
PSA for die-hard Trump-can’t-lose-believers who have inserted themselves in 2024 local Election ballot counting.
The mills may grind slowly…
As of this week, Peters is a felon. She gave a California man access to some of the most sensitive data on her county’s election machines and deceived state public officials about his identity. A Grand Junction jury found that the 68-year-old Republican election denier’s actions constituted serious crimes and pronounced her guilty on seven counts.
Peters is Colorado’s most notorious “big lie” believer, and her place in the firmament of MAGA bandits was cemented by national press attention and her association with prominent election conspiracists like MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell.
And there is reason to believe more criminal charges could come Peters’ way.
What happened in Mesa County has been the subject of a yearslong federal investigation on top of the local district attorney’s investigation that brought Peters to trial in recent weeks. Federal authorities have communicated very little about the case, but we know the federal probe persisted to this year from other sources.
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ouahibaaitelhaj · 2 years
Assignment 3- part 2
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Sergent Stephane, a commander in the Regiment of Intervention forces in Madagascar, 2013 (Cairo Photo Week, 2023)
This photo was taken in Betroka, southern Madagascar, of sergeant Stephane taking a fighting position, defending Betroka from bandits that spread violence in the region. This is a great example of ideology in photography as the photo conveys a political ideology of the soldier protecting his country and being ready to defend it. “Visual culture is not just a representation of ideologies and power relations. It is integral to their production.” (Sturken & Cartwright, 2003) Ideologies are an integral part of making photography. Photos were always a medium that transmitted values, whether national or individual. Ideology in photographs started through portraits, especially those called “carte de visite,” belonging to a person which he can give to other people, providing a representable image of themselves as middle or upper class and the social status that came with that (Sturken & Cartwright, 2003). When a photographer holds his camera, the subject itself creates a personal ideology. When that ideology is a shared worldview, whether social, economic, religious, or political, it can change perspectives and suggest what is right and wrong (Aylesbury, 2015). Take, for example, portraits of political figures like the king of Morocco and how each photo has a sense of individuality to that person but is wrapped in layers of ideologies. Setting on the fancy royal chair (status), giving a speech as the country's leader, and behind him, not only one but two Moroccan flags emphasizing nationalism. The wall in the background is decorated with Moroccan patterns to symbolize cultural ideology. He wears a head cover  (Emama), usually worn by Muslims, symbolizing a religious ideology.
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Photo of the Moroccan King Mohamed VI giving a speech for a national occasionhttps://atalayar.com/sites/default/files/styles/foto_/public/noticias/Atalayar_Mohamed%20VI%20Rey%20Marruecos.jpg?itok=9u8hoJ1H
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 Casablanca, 2007 by Salva Campillo
This photo features a Moroccan couple walking by the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. This image is iconic because it has been reproduced so many times, and tourists or visitors usually take such photos multiple times visiting the place (My family does the same every summer in Casablanca). It symbolizes Casablanca, its iconic mosque, and the Moroccan lady wearing a Jellaba and a scarf. An iconic photo conveys meanings beyond its details and components. It symbolizes a certain idea to the extent that it might reduce it (Sturken & Cartwright, 2003). The photo of the polar bear became now an icon of climate change, Marry holding baby Jesus is an icon of universal motherhood, and the famous feminist poster of Rosie the Riveter is a symbol of women's empowerment. Later on, in history, the “migrant mother” recreated the same iconography of the mother and child relationship. Even the famous model Kendal Jenner used the Rosie the Riveter iconography to reproduce a photo of herself for a voting PSA (Fisher, 2021). Such symbols can be reproduced in other photographs with other time-space contexts and characteristics but in a frame showcasing the same connotative meaning of that icon thanks to its universality. Therefore, the photo above does reduce Casablanca and Morocco in the figure of Hassan II mosque. Even though it might not be as universal as in the child-mother icons, it is still iconic in its context in Morocco. Below are other photographs sharing the same iconography:
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Aylesbury. (2015, September 3). Ideology in photography. GCSE Photography. Retrieved 
March 13, 2023, from https://bap2blog.wordpress.com/2015/09/03/ideology-in-photography/
Fisher, L. A. (2021, November 2). Kendall Jenner channels Rosie the Riveter in rock the 
vote campaign. Harper's BAZAAR. Retrieved March 13, 2023, from         https://www.harpersbazaar.com/fashion/models/news/a14119/kendall-jenner-rosie-the-riveter-rock-the-vote/
Masih, A. (n.d.). The eyes of Jay Ullal. Rediff on the net: Jay Ullal is one of the world's 
great news photographers. Retrieved March 12, 2023, from https://m.rediff.com/news/1999/nov/09ullal.htm
Mistry, A. (2014). The myth of photographic truth. prezi.com. Retrieved March
12, 2023, from https://prezi.com/qzfqhksnsg4n/the-myth-of-photographic-truth/
Sturken, M., & Cartwright, L. (2003). Practices of looking. Oxford University Press.
Ullal, J. (n.d.). Beirut during the Lebanese Civil War. Jay Ullal. Retrieved MarcH 12, 2023, from 
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deincs-moved · 5 years
moved here. url's the same. i've basically only started set up from mobile so there's a few test posts but not much beyond that. no theme yet. etc.
also probably not going to do a bunch of normal rp things there in terms of...well. maybe i'll explain there.
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deincs-main · 5 years
y’all, idk if i’ll finish adding muses, and i may just strip this down to luisa - even though i know no one voted on that - just because i don’t think adding more muses or expanding is going to make me write here more and it might just spread me more thin and that’s not particularly fair to y’all at all and i know when i’m here i tend to primarily just write luisa’s threads - which isn’t bad - but like.  a lot of my online time anymore i spend on my personal interacting with the jtv fandom, particularly the roisa part of it because i spend a lot of my free time writing roisa fanfic, which is why when i’m here i can jump into luisa’s stuff because i spend a lot of time writing her anyway. which isn’t to say i don’t want to write those other muses - i do!  some of them i don’t think i’ll be good at (which is why on the new list i had them as test muses) and some of them i really do want to write (me, looking at atlanna, already shipping her with at least one of y’all’s muses). but, like.  i know i’m not here.  i know i’m not.  i’ve been making starter calls for the past idk how many months and i know i still owe two of you the same starters from all those months and i still haven’t done them and i don’t think expanding and adding more muses is going to fix that (or taking unused or unwanted muses off).  it’s not really that that’s the problem. so idk what to do here.  i feel like i’m spread thin.  between my fanfic writing and the other blog(s) i run, i’m just not here very often and it’s fairly bottom of the barrel and that’s not fair to y’all and i don’t really know how to address that problem or how to fix it in a way that’s satisfactory for everyone so like.
basically i’m sorry and idk what to do with this blog.
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my-chemical-rot · 3 years
Like okay I didn’t cut worms when I was a kid because I found worms icky but I did pull the wings off love bugs when I was little whenever I could catch them because I didn’t want them to leave me. but what do I say for the empathy test thing I’m taking.
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