#!i want this hyoerfixation to go away!!!!
ch-go-crazy-yall · 2 months
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Im physically sick. Look at them.
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aquanova99 · 3 years
Sleeping In (Yoongi x Reader)
A/N: I don’t know what to tell you. I write for whatever I’m hyoerfixating at the time. If anyone wants more kpop idols please let me know. I don’t know a lot of the newer groups tho tbh
A/N: thank you to anyone who reads this, I appreciate you so much! As always requests are open and please reblog if you enjoyed 💛💛
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“Aren’t you supposed to meet up with the guys later today?”
“I’d rather sleep honestly.” Yoongi rolled over on top of you, “are you trying to get rid of me?”
“Of course not, but don’t you think everyone’s going to be a little suspicious that you aren’t showing up?” You said as you wrapped your arms around
He hesitated “Well, namjoon knows.”
You froze. You knew how close those two were. You didn’t want him to think you were taking him away from his family. “Well now you have to go. I don’t want him to hate me for keeping you all to myself.”
“He doesn’t mind, he’s happy I found someone. I’m sure everyone else has figured it out anyway.”
“You really shouldnt keep canceling on them.” He shrugged “they never mention it.”
“You really should go see them.”
His lips turned into a pout, as much as he hated playing cute for the cameras he wasn’t one to shy away from it to get what he wanted out of you. You loved being the only one who saw that side of him.
“Orrrrr we can stay here, order food, watch a movie?”
“I know you miss seeing them outside of practice.” You nudge him, your resilience wavering
He sighed, “yeah but I barely get to see you otherwise.”
You thought it over for a second, “okay well…. Do you think you could make us some coffee really quick. You win.”
He smiled, “sure babe one sec.”
The second he got out of the room you grabbed his phone before he came back to get it. When he came back in your furious typing did not escape him.
“Okay what are you up to?”
“Oh I’m just ordering us food for today, it’s my turn anyways.” You smiled up at him
“Isn’t it my turn?”
“Can I just get the food this time?” You stood up to kiss him. Luckily it was enough for him to stop questioning it as he wrapped you in his arms and kissed your forehead. You were such a sucker for those.
“Why don’t we watch a movie before the food gets here? I’m the living room maybe?”
“Whatever you want.”
“Okay but first I’m going to change.”
“Why? Can’t we stay like this?”
“In a tshirt and underwear? No we should at least pretend like we have things to do.” You joked, you had to keep up the pretense as much as possible.
Halfway through the movie your phone began buzzing with notifications. You did your best to not look suspicious and hide your responses at the same time.
“Well someone’s popular.” Yoongi teased
“Jealous??” You nudged him, “it’s just work, we have a big project coming up.”
The doorbell rang just as the movie was about to end, “must be the food!”
You stood up to get the seemingly endless amount of food coming into your house.
“Jesus babe, why did you get so much?” Realization dawned on his face, he sighed “what did you do?”
“They’ll be here in 10 minutes.” You went up to kiss his cheek, “I think you should stop hiding from you friends so I figured you could have half the day with each of us. I’m going to get some errands done okay?”
“Oh no, this was your idea so you’re staying with me. I want you to meet them anyway.”
“Are you sure?”
“Well if you aren’t going to give me a choice, then it’s only fair I do the same.” He began peppering your face with kisses as you tried to get away.
“Okay, okay I get it!” You shoved him playfully. It didn’t take much longer for his member to begin showing up. Namjoon being the first.
“So this is where you’ve been hiding?” He said as he brought in yoongi for a hug
“Yeah yeah.” He grabbed your hand and brought you closer to them both, “this is my y/n.”
“Hi! It’s nice to finally meet you!” You said as you stretched your hand out, namjoon just grabbed it and pulled you into a hug.
“Good to meet you too, nice to know he wasn’t tired of us.” You both laughed, “thanks for inviting us over.”
“Of course! The food just got here, you guys can eat once the other members show up!”
It didn’t take much longer for everyone else to come in. They were all excited to all hang out together again and seemed to be very receptive of you. You definitely earned brownie points when they found out all of the food you got them. Soon you were all eating and drinking, the members bombarding you with questions. And simultaneously also trying to embarrass yoongi. Afterwards you all shifted to the other room and went back and forth between video and board games. It made you happy to see yoongi so relaxed with all of his family there, and to see all of them laughing together made you sad that he had chosen to stay with you when he could have had more time with his friends.
The night ended too quickly it seemed. You weren’t able to disguise the guilt you felt once everyone left. Yoongi was quick to try and lift the mood.
“Well that’s great.”
“What’s wrong?” You asked panicked for a second
“Now I’m going to have to share you. Did you have to make all of the members like you so much?”
You breathed out a sigh of relief and laughed, “don’t do that! You had me worried for a second!” You said as you playfully smacked his arm
“You already seemed worried anyway, might as well have a little fun.”
“Not worried, I just feel bad. You seem so happy with all of them here. I don’t want to keep you away.”
“Oh babe.” He said as he hugged you from behind, “I am happy with them, but I’m also happy with you. We’ve known eachother most of our lives. So now that I have you I want to spend as much time as I can with you.”
He kissed your neck, and you turned to face him, “cute. But you still need to stop avoiding them. I’m not going anywhere.”
“You could just come with me sometimes. I mean it they do like you. Jin scolded me for not inviting you to more things.”
“He did not!”
“He did,, just don’t go falling for anyone else.”
“I don’t know, Taehyung is pretty cute.”
“You’re going to regret that.” He slung you over his shoulders and headed to the room.
Taglist: @minghao3o
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kitty8roses · 4 years
Ranpo didn’t grow up with a very “good” childhood. His father neglected him, and his mom was always drinking or smoking. They meant well, but execution was off. He found joy in television shows about crime liek law and order, criminal minds, etc. this eventually got h8m into podcasts... TRUE CRIME podcasts. Switching from hyoerfixation to hyperfixation, like the unmedicated neurodivergent child he was. He lfigured out young that he couldn’t really rely on others so he learned to read people and mask his nd tendencies. LearnedTo lie and tell who’s lying. All of this helped him in navigating the world of his parents, when he wasn’t hiding in his room listening to podcasts, that is. He didn’t have many friends, but he didn’t mind. A lot of the kids didn’t like h8m since he was naturally smart and didn’t need to study. He knew they just used him for homework answers, but he was ok with that. What was he really to do. It was just like life was BORING. No variation, just the same invalidation he got every day. All he wanted was change. Change from the abusive parents, judgemental classmates, dropping grades for lack of studying and failure at memorization, any failure at all making him feel worthless. So he decided to change things himself.
He ran away at age 13. Just a small bag with a phone, some headphones, some money, food, and a few changes of clothes. He didn’t know where he was going but he knew he had to get away.
He was sitting on a bench in a park, listening to music when he saw some police members and a man with grey hair gathered aro7nd somewhere. Around someTHING. he went over to see a woman dead on the ground. You wouldn’t say he was scared, just observant. He looked at the people around, at the clock... it was... uhh... byways that isn’t important. She was killed by a man who had walked into the coffee shop two blocks away five minutes ago.
“Excuse me, sir?”
“Your investigating this murder, correct?”
“That I am. Aren’t you a little young to be here?”
“Well I know who killed her. He walked into the coffee shop down the street five minutes ago. I can show him to you if you follow me there.”
Ranpo was never asked “how did yo7 know she was murdered” but he didn’t noticed. Solving this crime was only natural to him. He took the president down to the coffee shop, pointed to the man, and snuck the weapon out of the guy’s bag. He showed the gun to the president, “this is the weapon. He killed her.” The police who had come with restra8ned the man and rampo started to walk away until...
“Would you like to join me for some tea? Maybe with your parents.”
“Oh... I-”
He didn’t exactly want to say he didn’t HAVE parents despite his comfort in lying because this man seemed different, just by a little, maybe he was trustworthy?
“I’d rather accompany without m6 parents”
“Alright boy, what is your name?”
“My name is ranpo edogawa”
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ch-go-crazy-yall · 3 months
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Happy Fourth of July! (I cannot live, laugh, love in these conditions)
Reference & progress shots under cut:
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ch-go-crazy-yall · 4 months
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Girl help I’m drawing the organizations
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Girl help they’re so silly.
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ch-go-crazy-yall · 5 months
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Do you know how much art I have saved that I’ve never posted? I’m literally going insane rn
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ch-go-crazy-yall · 3 months
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He needs to be died. I hate him. Thanks. <3333
Liberty Sandwich… Ough… so goofy…
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ch-go-crazy-yall · 2 months
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Can I drop this with no context and pretend that’s normal?
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ch-go-crazy-yall · 7 months
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Testing out WHO designs and fiddling with old art I had saved and aough,,,,, the silliest guys™️
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ch-go-crazy-yall · 10 months
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HIHIHIHI I’m back w/ a design for WHO‼️‼️ very sketchy & I made it when I was super lazy but this has been in my drafts for like days and I need to get it out of there™️
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ch-go-crazy-yall · 5 months
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Girl help I’ve been afflicted with the character™️ curse
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ch-go-crazy-yall · 9 months
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The duality of man: I just wanted to experiment with some styles, to see how much I could stylize it and all that neat stuff ig
Also I’m literally dying because, I just made a WHO design a couple of months ago and then I go off and I have to change it oohhh look at me what a clown ☹️😔💔
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ch-go-crazy-yall · 5 months
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They should like, burn and shrivel up and die. I’d pay to see it
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ch-go-crazy-yall · 11 months
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Guess who’s hyper fixed on ch rn,,,, not me I swear—
Jacket inspo plus meme I will most likely never finish under the cut
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Along with my personal fave
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Anyways idk if these designs are permanent but idk I’m just here for a time,,,,
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ch-go-crazy-yall · 1 year
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The Space Race
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