lepau123 · 7 years
5. The talk
feedback i always appreciated....Enjoy! also, wanna talk to me? leave me an ask I wanna make friends! 
The sun slowly starts to come out and the birds starts singing as Zeinab does my braid. Today as many days of the month, I the day when all of the Sultan's children go and breakfast with him to keep the family bond united. As I finish to put my cobalt blue dress Zeinab pull out two big chests.
"What is that for?" I asked with an odd expression.
"You need winter clothes" she says "if you want to make it to Kattegat" she says looking at the chests.
"Then start packing" I say "make sure that Jasmine does not catch you. Put my favorite jewels too. And money. Gold and silver." I say looking at her. She nods and turns to my closet.
As I walked outside of the Harem, there is a lot of gossip from the servants and nobleman, someone is been name as the successor of my father. Such news. I thought. As I walk all of them bow their heads to me for respect.
The garden is big and colorful, flowers of every shade you can imagine. There was this long table and there were a lot of prince and princess talking animatedly, when I arrived they all looked at me with disgusted expression and continued to talk. I could hear a lot of "oh, look the murderer is here" "I think she looks like a man" and followed some giggles "the little monster is here".
I took a sit next to Hassam, he was the gentlest brother I could ever had. When they whipped me, he used to bring me mint tea and cookies, he stayed with me until I fell asleep, he helped me, he taught me how to read and write. To hold a sword and how to use it. He gave me my first dagga. Which is still in my desk. It's bathed in Adams and dark gold. I called her the Cortana. We have matching swords and given names, is made of black gold and Adams. The cross-guard, grip, and pommel are gold with obsidian, and the blade is a silver so dark that it looks nearly black. On the other side of the blade, along the center ridge, is a pattern of silver stars. I have two of them.
"Have you heard the news?" he says leaning in his chair to kiss my cheek.
"Someone is named successor" I say kissing his cheeks four times. "And by the smug look on your face, my wild guess is you" I tell him with a small smirk playing on my lips. His smile widens and flashes his perfect teeth.
"Your wild guess is right" he says giving me a wink from his emerald eyes and I just laugh him off.
There was a deadly silence that went through the whole table, everyone stood up while our father came out of his wing of the palace. He looked at everyone like if he was mentally doing the check list.
"Assalam alaikum children" he says as he sits down
"Wa alaikum salaam father" we all said at the same time and sit down after him.
"This is a very special day today, First I can see you all again and second the succession line is decided. I have chosen my heir to the throne of Al-Andalus." He say looking at all of us. "Hassam, please stand up" he says looking at his son.
As he stood up a lot of glances were thrown at him, most of the males were jealous and the girls it was a glance of hunger for power, and they could marry him and be one of his many wives I suppose. But I doubt that he will marry on of his sisters, he hates them.
He is my heir. So tonight we are going to have a big feast" he says clapping his hands and smiling gleefully. "You can sit down Hassam." Motioning his hand to sit. "and for you" he says looking straight to me "In three days' time you will be wed to one of the sons of Sultan Samir of Malaga" he says and my blood runs cold, by my side Hassam stiffens and locks his jaw. Sultan Samir is known for his cruelty and there is no doubt that his sons would follow him. He was selling me to one of the worst people that could ever existed "you will be meeting him today at the feast, so be nice and shut your mouth up, paste a smile on your face and nod." He says seriously.
"So you are going to sell one of your best weapons from the brotherhood to one of your many enemies?" I ask looking at him and arching a brow "you know who I am and what orders I follow"
"The brotherhood is loyal to me and only me!" he exclaims
"But are you sure I am loyal to you?" I answer him back with a venomous voice.
He turns several shades of red. The look of anger on his face was the answer I wanted. He knew that if I had the order of murdering him I will do it without doubt and he was afraid of it.
"I will have you hang if you dare" he says
"But you would be dead by that time to give the order" I snarled
"ENOUGH!" he screams. He wants me to be send to be whipped, but he can't. I have the protection of the brotherhood. He can't touch me in that way. Not anymore.
"I want you out of my sight for now. NOW!" he says hiting the table.
Everyone had a grim expression, they looked at me like if I was something disgusting. But Hassam he was trying and succeeding to hide a smile on his face. He catch my hand and squeeze it as I stood up with a pleasing smile on my face because I knew the damage I had caused him.
"Father" I said bowing my head a little "Hassam". And left the garden.
As I arrive to the Harem I told the servants to bring food to my room. As I entered my room I found Zeinab packing my stuff just as I told her. When she saw me she stood up quickly.
"What happened?" she asked
"Had a fist fight with father again" I told her "just the usual"
"No there has to be something else" she says looking closer to me.
"Why" I asked her
"Your face" she points out "it's like shattered" she says shyly
"well, the news of the moment" I say with suspense " I am to be wed to one of the sons of cruel of Malaga" I answer and her face whitens and the blood runs out of her face.
"That can't be possible!" she says frighten
"Yes it can be possible" I answer her "he wants me to suffer, because I am the living image of her and he hates it, he hate that he killed the light of his eyes." I answer.
"Then I am so sorry for your fate" she says as she lowers he head to me
"Don't be. Soon enough he will burn." I say
I turn and walk to my closet to search for my training clothes and change. As I walk to my room my breakfast is there. I sat down and start eating thinking what I was going to do today.
"You want me to fletch your swords?" Zeinab asks as I finish my breakfast.
"Yes please" I say "and also my dagga, hidden blades and my throwing knives"
"Is someone going to die today?" she asks amused. She knew I was using my whole gear.
"No" I say with arch brows "but just in case" I finish and she laughs and turns to fletch my stuff.
Finishing my breakfast I turn to put my boots on and start to walk towards my desk to see what Zeinab brought. There she was, Cortana, heosphoros, Phaesphoros and my throwing knives. I put Cortana in the front of my belt and heosphoros at my left side and Phaesphoros in my back because is longer than my short swords.
"The task you gave me is fulfilled" Zeinab says hinting that the chests were fully packed.
"Thank you Zeinab" I say smiling at her.
As I was walking out of the Harem to the training room I felt someone pull me to one of the rooms, exactly Hassam's room. He pull me in quickly and shut the door quickly, he drag me towards the safety of the inside so no one can listen to was he is going to say.
"What is it with you!" I say releasing myself from his grip above my elbow.
"I need to talk to you" he hisses at me. A clear warning that he is in a bad mood. A warning not to cross him or we would literally could end in a real fist fight.
"Of what?" I say questioning as he goes to his room and checks that everything is closed and nobody could hear him. It must be something important.
"I will not allow my father to sell you to that monster" he says walking towards me and grabbing my hands "over my dead body he will do that" he adds looking at me straight in the eyes. And, oh, his eyes tells you every emotion, they were clouded by rage. A rage that I've never seen before in him.
"But is my duty as a daughter of the sultan. I am supposed to be sell like cattle "I answer
"Well not you, you are golden ad nobody touches you if you don't give them permission it's a no." he says
"Then what you suggest to do?" I ask with my brows raised and crossed arms.
"I want you to kill him" He says coldly. "Now that the succession line is signed if he dies I take the throne. Which means no deal." He adds explaining
"Are you out of your mind!" I hissed at him "If I kill him I go to prison for treason, murder and probably sentence to die" I say
"What happens if I protect you?" he says looking at me
"Well if you want me to kill him, then I should tell you this" I say releasing a deep breath "The white men are coming and I want to go with them and leave this city. But know if you take the throne I can't let the city burn to the ground" I say looking down.
"so you were manipulating everyone with the rank that you have at the brotherhood to allow them to rape the city like they did last time" he says laughing and I look at him questioning "I knew something was up with you" he explains
"Why?" I ask
"You were thinking too much" he answers "then I should back you in this plan" he says
"What? Why?" I look at him oddly
"Because you are my sister" he says laughing a little bit "and I will be right behind you in anything you want to do" he says "I love you and I want the best for you. If you want to be free and learn different thing. Then go. If you want to be adventurous and wild. Then do. Who I am to judge you? No one. For me you are free to do whatever you want." He simply says
And I just look at him in awe. No one in this palace loves me like he does, out of my 15 brothers and sisters he is the only one who love and cares for me. He once told me that our mothers were like sisters and he says she cried when my mother died, since then he took care of me like I was his blood. I just walk straight to him and hug him and he hugs me back stronger and kisses the top of my head and rest his forehead on top of my head.
"I love you" I simply said. And he chuckles a little bit.
"I know" he says pulling back and wiping the tears of my face. "Why don't we go and have a proper fight with me? I believe that I got a little stiff" he says pushing my shoulder.
"We'll see about that" I say flashing a big smile and turning towards the door to head out.
We reached the training room and I walked towards the center of it and draw out Phaesphoros and point it at him. "Your turn" I say smiling down at him. He draws the same sword as mine but larger and charges towards me and with a small hot of the sword I dodge him laughing. He charges again and I make him loose balance of his sword and it fall to the floor.
"Come on you can do better that that" I say nodding towards him.
"Shut up" he says smiling and catching his breath.
We continue to tackle each other for was like hour and a half, we were sweating a lot and it was hard to grip the sword but for one last time I manage to have him on his back with a knife at his throat.
"Okay hayati, fine, fine I do give up" he says putting his hands up. As I rolled off him.
As I stood up and helped Hassam to stand he shove me playfully as a guard running entered the door.
"Your grace I beg your pardon but, the white men are here they were spotted at the outside of the city" he says in rush
"Who saw them?" I ask
"Tøumd my lady" he says.
"Go ad gather the army and the brotherhood" he I say "they are coming"
The guard nodded and he went out running at full speed and shouting to the guards outside, but Hassam knew differently he knew they were coming but not by land.
"What was that" he asked
"It's a sign" I say "Tøumd saw the boats. They are not coming by land but by the port. And I will let them come in." I say turning to him. "Gear up, you are coming with me" I say as I walked out of the room.
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lepau123 · 7 years
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The arabian viking (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/DmBwUiA8oC So as we know from the show and the history Bjørn goes to the mediterranian he does 3 rides there. The first one is the most sucessful one, but they leave an injured man behind. And there is when Tamina kicks in. She is a neglected daughter of the sultan of Andalus who low key is one of the best assassins in the becoming years. She finds the injured viking man and saves him. So as a token of gratitude be teaches her how to fight like a viking and their culture and language. For her knowledge is a freedom that her people and father do not understand. As a look of Tamina I put Gemma Arenton from the film of prince of persia but a bit more shorter and whiter.
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