#ubba imagine
mushies-stories · 7 months
!Ubbe Master list!
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I'll wait fluff -(F!Reader) your first meeting with Ubbe went well, even if you Arnt sure if you're ready for marriage yet.
Needy 18+ -(F!Reader) Ubbe knows exactly what you need, and he's ready to give you exactly that.
More 18+ 18+ SMUT - (F!Reader) you are the youngest of 2 sisters and 2 brothers and are betrothed to Ubbe, but he seems to have little doubts about what's best for you. you show him just how much those worries don't matter and how much you need him.
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Chapter One
/!\ mutilation, torture, nudity /!\
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It was so cold, so damp and so dark. You were lying in the fetal position in the corner of the room. The smell of mold was unbearable. How long have you been locked in this room? There was no window. You have been a prisoner of King Rhodri for several days. He had been torturing you for several days. He wanted you to tell him everything you knew about Ivarr and Ubba's fighting tactics. You held on. You refused to tell him anything. For Ivarr, for Ubba, for all your Viking brothers and sisters. If you had to die and rot in Helheim to protect your loved ones, you were prepared to suffer this dishonour. You jumped when you heard the door to the room open. The king had arrived for your daily torture. You watched him walk around the room, hanging his torch on the wall before approaching the table where several tools were waiting for him.
"So pagan, you still haven't decided to reveal what you know about your people? No one will come to save you. You know it. So why do you keep protecting them?" Rhodri asked, taking a knife before turning to the cage.
"Never… better die…," you say between two breaths.
"That's what will happen to you, heathen. But not before you suffer as God wills to atone for your peach trees."
"He might not see the end of it," you say, chuckling. "Your stupid God… how can he find the time to judge all these people?"
"Little bitch!" he cried, shoving the knife into the table.
Rhodri opened the cage door wide, grabbing a handful of your hair to drag you out of the cage. You grabbed his wrist, trying to scratch him and get him to let go, to no avail. You were weak. Rhodri could do whatever he wanted with you. The king took off your clothes before forcing you to sit on a chair with many iron spikes that dug into your skin. You bit your lip as hard as you could, stifling a cry of pain as it bound your wrists and thighs, forcing you to sink deeper into that seat. It was like that every day, he had the imagination to make you suffer the worst pain.
"So? Do you like this new seat? I got some new toys. And God forgive me for that, but I can't wait to use them against you," he said, gesturing to one of his men. to return so that he brings the toys in question. "It's going to be painful, but our Lord is merciful."
"Fuck you asshole! Ivarr will get your head! Like all the other kings he killed!" you exclaimed before spitting a mollard at Rhodri's feet.
"Ivarr? Hm! Who do you think gave him that scar?" he asked, chuckling. "If I understood correctly, you are close to him? In that case, I will bind you forever."
Rhodri returned to the table, picking up his knife before moving closer to you. You swallowed hard, realizing what he was planning to do. You began to resist a prayer to Frigg's glory, begging her to give you strength to get through this ordeal. Rhodri grabbed a handful of your hair, forcing you to tilt your head back. You glared at the Breton as he placed the blade of his knife on the top of your forehead. He pressed just enough, he wanted to make sure his marks would stay on his face for life. You couldn't suppress a cry of pain escaping your lips as you felt the blade rip through your flesh and your right eye. He lowered the blade down your chin. He took a step back, admiring his masterpiece before shaking his head.
"It's not okay, we need more," he said, moving closer to you. "Ivarr will be able to contemplate another failure."
Rhodri went back to work, inflicting three more wounds on you. He had amused himself by mutilating your body for an entire week and now he was attacking your face. You were praying to Thor to give Ivarr the strength to slaughter that guy. After completing his artwork, Rhodri was laughing and clapping. Proud of what he had done. You struggled to stay conscious. The pain was unbearable.
Your first thought was to wonder if Ivarr was going to continue to find you attractive with all the scars you were going to carry for life. You were disfigured for life, this damn seat was going to mark your back, your arms and your legs for life. How would he react seeing you in this state? What was he going to think? You were looking at Rhodri with your one good eye. You could vaguely see him returning to the table, checking his other toys when the sound of the horn echoed through the castle. A soldier quickly entered the room, announcing to Rhodri that the Ragnarsson and their armer were at the gates of the castle. The king chuckled as he approached you. He leaned into your ear, his hot, repulsive breath caressing your skin, making you want to vomit.
"Looks like your bastard lover is on my doorstep. I'll give him a warm welcome, then I'll take care of you."
Rhodri let go of you and moved closer to the soldier, ordering him to make sure no one enters this room. The smell of blood made you nauseous. You felt weak and your wounds continued to bleed, knocking you unconscious.
The party was in full swing in Repton, people were celebrating the rise of their new king. But you were in the huge tent, looking at maps of England, thinking of new places to explore or plunder. You folded the map, putting it away with the others before taking your notebook to write down the places and places that could be looted and the resources Repton needed.
"What are you doing here, woman?"
You turned towards the entrance of the tent to see that it was none other than Ivarr. Your lover took care to close the opening of the tent, giving you some privacy. You showed him your notebook and the notes you were taking. Ivarr sighed dramatically as he moved closer to you.
"Don't you think it's a bit late for work?" he asked, sitting down on the table.
"So what? We have to think about what's next. There are other places to go pillars and places to explore," you say, going to get a new map. "I even found some kings you could kill and inflate your royal kill number."
"That's generous of you," he said, stepping down from the table to get closer to you. "Very generous indeed."
Ivarr put his hands on your hips, pressing his body against yours. He brushed your hair from your neck to lay his lips there, nibbling at your tender skin.
"Ivarr… I still have work to do," you say, unsticking yourself from your lover to bring the card to the table.
Ivarr followed you without saying anything. Which was rare. You settled back at the table, unfolding the map, placing miniatures on it. The drengr moved behind you, placing his hands on either side of your body, trapping you between him and the table. You tried to ignore him, continuing to place figures and take notes. He pulled your hair from your neck, once again placing his lips there. You were trying to resist the temptation, but this guy knew what to do to crack you up. He had you trapped. It was impossible for you to run away. You melted into the arms of the drengr. Ivarr turned you to him so he could ravish your lips. You wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. You felt him smile against your lips. You backed away, running your hand over his gash. You were the only person in his nine realms to have the privilege of touching his scar. You were surprised to feel your right eye become sore. You put your hand over your sore eye, moaning in pain. Ivarr was stepping back, looking at you puzzled. You pulled your hand away, noticing that it was covered in blood. What was happening?
You woke up with a start when you heard the door to the room slam against the wall. You vaguely heard someone say, "I found her." You tried to raise your head, without success. You were trying to make out the face of the person who came to save you. He removed your restraints, making you leave this chair. A moan of pain escaped your lips as your savior ran his hand through your blood-soaked, greasy hair. You tried to make out your savior's face, but your vision was too blurry for you to make out anything.
"(Y/N). (Y/N), can you hear me?" asked the person rocking you.
You couldn't help smiling when you recognized your savior's voice. It was none other than Ivarr the Boneless. He had come to get you.
"You came…," you said weakly. "I knew you would come… I always knew."
"Hush, woman," he said, tugging on a sheet, knocking the items off the table.
Ivarr draped the sheet over your bruised body before lifting you off the ground, carrying you away from this torture chamber.
Rhodri was kneeling before Ubba, Halfdan, Sigurd and Eivor. The king glared at the Boneless when he saw it return with your semi-conscious form. This one had to use all that willpower to resist the urge to massacre him on the spot. Seeing your condition, Ubba told his brother to look as soon as possible to Bishop Deorlaf, he will know how to heal your wounds. Ivarr gave Rhodri one last look, telling his brothers and allies to keep him alive, that he would take his case personally. Ivarr left the castle, hurrying on his horse to reach the Bishop's Church as quickly as possible. You had trouble staying conscious. You pressed your cheek, unhurt, against his chest.
"He was saying… you let me down. He was trying to convince me to…to tell him about your plans to arm," you said, clinging to him. "I didn't tell him…"
"I know, dýrr. You held on," he said, hugging you. "You are a warrior."
You nodded slightly, falling asleep against your mate's chest.
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jpdoingwords · 1 year
Assassin's Creed Valhalla Fanfiction
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All works are rated M, because there is canon-typical violence at times and there are multiple non-explicit sex scenes.
I ship Ubba and male Eivor, and everything I've written for this fandom has that in common.
All works are on AO3.
Thread Upon Thread Series
Snatched Moments A series of inserted scenes developing the relationship between Eivor (male) and Ubba Ragnarsson which is only hinted at in Valhalla. There will be unavoidable spoilers. Sorry! I am mostly canon compliant, but there are some things I have changed, and there will be an alternative ending to what was provided in the game (for Ubba.) * The Gods Only Know Ubba survived the battle on the Afon River, and lives now in Ravensthorpe at the side of Eivor Wolfkissed, the man he loves. Their happiness is only marred by one thing that seems impossible - their desire to have sons.
The Ravensthorpe Hotel. Summary: The pub in Ravensthorpe, Western Australia, is under new management after the passing of Ragnar. When it re-opens, the townspeople go en-masse to check out the new owners, among them, Eivor (male) and his best friends Randvi and Sigurd.
Collected Loose Threads This is a collection of odds and ends related to my Ubba/Eivor series, Thread Upon Thread, mostly following on from The Gods Only Know. I had imagined I would work them up into something more complete, but that seems unlikely now, so thought I would share them as is. Now includes The Hunting Trip, which was originally posted as the third part of the series, and a discarded continuation of the Ravensthorpe Hotel modern AU.
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krankittoeleven · 1 year
Snippet Sunday?!
Because Wednesday is sort of like a weird void in my week and I can't seem to remember that it's Wednesday when it actually is Wednesday, I present to you Snippet Sunday. It's just like WIP Wednesday, except it's on a day my brain acknowledges the existence of. =D
This is another snippet from CH 12 of Water of Life, just a quick little bit from a fluffy little scene with maybe just a little reminder that OH YEAH, these guys are Vikings that get in fights and stuff. LOL Hoping to have the chapter out next week but next week is also the most chaotic week of the year when all of my clients come yelling for tax advice despite the fact that I am not a certified accountant. So IDK, it depends on how needy everyone is *eyeroll* I love my job except the week before taxes are due.
Sighing, Vili casts his gaze over Ubba as he sleeps on his back. He is quiet and still except for the slow and steady rise and fall of his chest. It almost feels like an intrusive thing to see, like a private part of Ubba’s life he had not previously had access to, except in Jorvik when Ubba had been recovering from his injury. But even then, that had not been sleep so much as potion induced unconsciousness in which Ubba had often looked pained and uncomfortable, despite his many protests to the contrary upon waking. Any other time and Ubba would have been awake long before Vili had begun to stir, but here and now in the growing light of the early morning, Ubba looks comfortable and relaxed and it eases some of Vili’s anxiety that had been stirred up by his return.
Slowly, lazily, Ubba rolls onto his side, his hand sliding along the bedding as if he is searching for something. Searching for him, Vili realizes, as he uncrosses his legs and stretches them to their full length, giving Ubba’s hand something to find.
“You are awake early,” Ubba says, his voice husky with sleep as his hand settles on Vili’s ankle, his fingers caressing first, then squeezing.
It was still such a relief, an almost unbearable weight in and of itself, to feel Ubba’s touch again.
“Maybe you’re just up late?” Vili suggests, not wishing for Ubba to know just how much his being gone had affected him.
Ubba smiles, only half of it visible with the way his head is turned.
“Maybe,” Ubba agrees before he pushes himself up into a sitting position.
Vili scoots closer to meet him, and now he can better see that small patch of gray hair above Ubba’s lip that he’d noticed the night before, that he’d been staring at since the light first lit upon it that morning, and the new scar that leads up towards his cheekbone. Gently, Vili reaches up and turns Ubba’s head to the side and caresses the scar with the fingers of his other hand.
“What did they do to you in Dorstate?” Vili asks, curious not only about the scar, but also if it had come before or after the gray.
“Not Dorstate,” Ubba replies. “Even at home, I have the occasional enemy, perhaps in part because I left.”
“I hope they walked away worse off because of it,” Vili says, smiling, as he imagines Ubba very deftly defending himself.
Ubba turn his head back towards Vili, a surprisingly serious look on his face, considering the moment.
“They did not walk away.”
Ubba’s eye meet Vili’s and he holds them in his gaze, like he is frozen in a glacier.
“Good,” Vili says before leaning in to press his lips first against the scar and then Ubba’s lips. In all things he would have Ubba emerge victorious, no matter the cost.
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brasideios · 2 years
3, 8, & 14 for the writer ask game.
(there are two questions numbered 3 lol so which ever one you want to do, or both if you want).
Thank you my dear! I have two asks with 3 so I can do one answer for each :D
So, 3. One of my fics that I wish more people would read.
After some umming and ahhing, I think I have to pick the Alexios x Demosthenes 'getting together' fic, So it is With Us. It's a light-hearted, humorous, 'what did you do while you were wildly drunk, Alexios?' story. I mean, they are a rare-pair, so I expected low numbers. Still - it's a personal fave.
8. How do I feel about my most popular fic.
Well... that would be Snatched Moments (for those who don't know, that's the Ubba X Eivor fic written in the first flush of my Ubba/Valhalla obsession.) I fairly recently re-read it, and while it's not how I would write it now, I don't hate it.
I notice though that it's always my most purely fanfic works, the stories that come out of me in direct, pretty much unfiltered response to canon, that I'm the least contented with. This story fits into that category. Something about having to bend the story to someone else's boundaries goes against the grain with me - it doesn't make the work bad, just... less mine, I guess.
14. How much do I plan before I write.
Not much really, definitely not as much as internet advice tells me I should 😂. What little I do is generally based around the timeline (historicity has forced this upon me) and I do spend some time thinking about relationships and characters and character arcs - not in any structured way, and I don't really write much down, but it definitely takes up a lot of my downtime between projects.
This what my planning looks like in physical form... you may imagine this is what it looks like inside my head, too. 😆
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alt-king · 8 months
More Spotify playlists. Ceolbert's time to to shine now.
I definitely think this song reflects Ceolbert's intense desire to fit in and be respected. He's desperate to prove himself, even if he doesn't fully understand or even like what's being asked of him. He's being forced to grow up too quickly and too soon.
Ceolbert's relationship with God. He wants to be a good Christian but he's curious about the way of the Danes and their gods. You never see it in game, but I like to think that there were a couple of times where Ceolbert's beliefs were conflicted, especially with the amount of time he spent around Ubba, Ivarr, Eivor etc.
I can imagine this being played in the longhouse and Ceolbert dancing/singing to it. That's all 😂
Ivarr's betrayal from Ceolbert's perspective. (I both hate and love him so much 😭)
After Ceolbert survives he's left dealing with his injuries, and he finally realises that the world is not what he thought it was, that he'd been naive. He wants things to go back to the way they used to be when he only had to worry about being a simple boy.
(I live in blissful arrogance and refuse to believe he died 😡)
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lepau123 · 7 years
6. War
Slowly but surely I am posting all the chapters. Its quite a long story but I wanted to share it on tumblr, because there are a lot of vikings fan here.
Feedback is always appreciated. Also I want to start making friends here so if you see this you can message me up! 
The palace is chaos, everyone is running in different direction and shouting as I walked out of the harem with my fully armor I look to the assassins are lining and forming between the roofs and corners.
"Sister you should be on your way to the wall" says one of the assassins
"No I will guard the port, perhaps they split up" I say dismissive
"You are right sister" he says bowing "may Allah be with you to give you strength" he adds
"Thank you Mustafa" I say and he takes back his place guarding.
I continue my way outside the palace, Tøumd is waiting for me with the rouge army all lined up to follow my command, the all see me and bow down to one knee and head hung low, after me comes Hassam fully armor too.
"Stand up" I say in a commanded voice and they do and to a firm position "rest" and they relax a bit. "Good to see you here" I turn to Hassam and he nods.
"Everything is ready is ready for you" says Tøumd. He is armed to the teeth, he has four swords, two at the back and two at the side, one big axe almost reaching to the tomahawk style hanging in his front belt, what I suspect many knives in his boots and stick in the armor throwing knives.
"You too" I say arching my eyebrows at his armor and he laughs
"You don't stay behind me either" he says smiling knowing I had everything on me to hidden blades, to my sword and two short-swords, daggas, throwing knives and ironically an axe.
"Alright everybody" I say in a commanding voice again and the guards display fully attention "I hope Tøumd told you the plan?" I asked
"YES SIR!" the whole army answer.
"Good" I say with a smirk "let's go to the port!" I shout.
They start marching towards the port. As we walk through the street people were running everywhere trying to hide and save themselves. Everyone is frantic. As we reach the port I a line the warriors in front of the dock but 15 feet away in a rest position. Looking relax yet threating enough.
"Now what we do?" Hassam asks
"We wait for them to show up" I say "if Tøumd saw them. They are not far away."
I took a sit under a tent while we waited. Tøumd was in front of the guards standing in a mix of defending and relax, he didn't wanted me to be harmed. I could tell he was nervous to see his people again. He wanted to see Bjørn again. I took a look across the port, it was a foggy night, and it almost look scary, like if the old gods wanted to help us. Far into the fog you could see a light coming then they spread and there were more, coming towards us.
Tøumd turn to look at me with wide eyes and lock eye contact we both took a deep breath, he turn his head and look to the incoming lights, fire lamps, he draw his axe and a sword. Hassam stood a few feet behind him with Phaesphoros in his hand. They look threating but they were standing in a relax position.
"Attention!" I screamed as I stood up from my sitting position. All the guards stood in a firm position expecting a command "don't attack just watch" I instructed and they stood in the same position.
Now you could see the front of the boat, it had a big dragon in its front, they were getting closer and closer, I could feel my heart hammering in my ribcage, like we wanted to go out and run towards them.
There was this loud crash with the dock and slowly the white men started to come from the boats, there was this big Viking coming towards us with a defying face and behind him to his was a slightly shorter man with the same expression and to his left there was a really tall man.
"Bjørn Ironside" said Tøumd, Bjorn whipped his head to look at him surprised
"How do you know me?" he says as he walks closer he drops his axe and sword and grabs him pulling him for a tight hug. "Tøumd". They both hug for a while. "You are alive" he said in wonder "I thought you died here" he said.
"I was wounded, but someone recue me" he said.
"Him" Bjorn said looking at Hassam and he walk 5 feet away from him.
"No, not him" Tøumd said "that is exactly who I want to speak of" he said, Bjorn cross his arms over his chest.
"Who?" he asks
"She wants to make a deal with you" Tøumd says "she lets you ride her city and take gold, silver and slaves if you let her come with you to Kattegat not as a slave but a free woman" Tøumd explains.
"And who is this girl" Bjorn asks
"She is daughter of the sultan, the best assassin in Al-Andalus" answers Tøumd. "Tamina" he calls in a thick Arab "we need you here" he says
I was resting in a pile in the back watching every move if they attack. I laugh catching the attention of everyone, I walked between my army taking my time giving a full display of my cynical smirk I came to a stop by the side of Tøumd, both man towering me.
"So you are Bjorn Ironside" I ask arching one brow "Nice meeting you" I say nodding my head.
Before he could speak I heard a movement in the back. I whip myself around searching for the noise, looking closely I knew were been spied. I start walking to the back of the formation, when I see something shinny coming towards me, my reflex taking me to duck, now angry I stood up and as fast as I could I reached the person and yank it forward connecting my knee to his stomach. He double as move behind him I kick to the light.
"You again" I say as I watch Moussa "spying as I can see" I say dragging him
"That knife should have killed you" he snarls.
"hmmm" I say dropping him and kicking him in the knee "don't make me lose my patience, as you can see I am almost running out of it" I say
"You are a traitor" he says
"Hump, and know you knew it" I say laughing "oh my dear you shouldn't have come here" I say "know I will have to kill you".
"NEVER!" He roars and stands up in a spin, I easily dodging him I draw Phaesphoros.
"Come at me then." I say pointing the sword at him
He charges at me and I block him, he tries to push my sword out of balance but does not succeed, I whirl my sword the other way and hit him on the side and he lets out a cry of pain.
"Come on, that's all you have? Shouldn't you be the best assassin of Malaga?" I say taunting him.
He charges again with both swords but outsmart him and block both of them making him lose balance and throwing them at the side out of his reach. He puts his hands up and walking backwards hitting a wall.
"I did warn you not to make me run out of patience but you didn't listen" I say with one swift movement of my sword I stab him across the chest making it a quick death. Blood splashed on my face. Cleaning my sword with the clothes of Moussa I pulled away my sword and turn to walk to Tøumd, all the Viking were impressed by the looks I as getting.
"Excuse me for that. I had to take care of it" I say apologizing.
"What is your deal?" Bjorn asks and I smiled
"It's easy" I say "you help me to kill my father that is in the palace allow me to go with you to Kattegat not as a slave, but as a free woman, and I will give you gold, silver and slaves" I say "but you can't touch him" I say pointing at Hassam "he is the prince and successor of my father he can't be killed" I say "what do you say?" I ask
"Why you want to leave?" Bjorn ask
"My father is a monster, he has me whipped whenever he wants because I like learning, reading, exploring. He says that I should be a lady, to look like a doll, smile and nod and let me be raped by the man he wants me to marry." I say explaining "Tøumd told me that you were not like that, that you allow your woman to be free. And I want to be free" I explain.
"I see" he says "you speak perfect Old Norse, did Tøumd taught you?" he asks
"Yes, I taught her everything I knew of our culture" Tøumd answer for me
"You have to leave your religion if you want to come with us" Bjorn says
"I think I don't have a problem with that" I answer "do we have a deal?" I ask
"We do" says Bjorn extending his hand and we shake hands.
"Be careful when you reached the palace, there are assassins like me, they are very silent and quick, be alert." I advise him "see you over there" I say
"What should I do?" Tøumd asks
"You stay with them. There I no need now to hide your Viking way" I say to him
"Tamina!" he says as I walk away. "Be ruthless" he says with a big smig smile on his face as I turn to him and flash him a big smile in return
"hayya bina!" I say to the army and they turn around and follow me to the palace.
Hassam went first to the palace to not rise any suspicion. He went inside with the Vikings slaying every person and guard who came in front of us. Many of the assassins fought against me and all of them lost. I was like Odin. Like an angel of death.
We storm through the throne room and I let all the Vikings fight against all the guards. They were like ants and they crushed them like ashes, all my sisters were cornered by fear, all my brothers were dead and my father sat in the throne white like a ghost shaking and praying for his dear life. Bjorn was about to walk to him but was stopped by the hand on the shoulder of Tøumd
"Let her do that" he said to him in Old Norse looking at me.
"Tamina! Help us please" don't let them kill us "one of my sisters said.
And I look at them with a cynically smirk before turning my head to my father who had wide eyes. I draw both heosphoros and start walking towards him slowly, taunting him.
"You can't kill me, I am your father!" says the sultan in fear
"Now you want to play the role of father, after all this time!" I shout in rage at him "How could you murder her! HOW!" I screamed harder "LOOK AT ME! LOOK WHAT YOU MAKE BE BECOME! I AM A MONSTER!" I say the threat of tears coming
"I was her fault, that she gave a daughter, not a SON!" he screamed back
"I AM NOT ENOUGH THEN? ALL THAT I HAVE ACHIEVED, BECOME AN ASSASSIN, BE THE BEST OF THE BEST AND STILL IS NOT ENOUGH!" I was reaching him now I was so close to him I could see him shake like a weed in the wind. "YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE....YOU WILL PAY IT WITH BLOOD" I say snarling at him, in the background I could hear all my sisters screaming. I took both of my swords and rest them on his neck.
"Please Tamina, no, don't do this" he pleas for his life.
But I take no mercy on him, like he did all this years, how cold he was every time I was sent to be whipped. I leaned on him "you are no longer blood of my blood father, you are a monster and you will pay for every atrocity you've made. Including me" I hissed at him. And without any doubt I move both of my swords beheading my lovely father. Blood splashed in my face and his head bounded through the steps until he stopped. With a wide smile I turn to them, my sisters with a shock expression landed on the floor and fainted or started to cry.
Hassam came out of his hiding spot with all the gear gone and the sultans dress on he walked over to the head and kick it, he looked at me and give me a kiss in the forehead. He turned and walked over the throne were he kick the remaining part of the body and sat with a look of authority. "I am sultan Hassam" he said. "Now all you obey me"
There was a big loud bang in the door and many guards entered. The ones on the gate. They all looked to the Vikings, to me, to my father head and body, to Hassam.
"She is to be punished my lord!" said Brother Ahmed looking at me in disbelief.
"She is untouchable so the Vikings" he hissed at them "no harm to her or my Viking friends. One hair in her head is touched and you all be damned" he said.
They all nod and bow down to one knee in show of respect.
I turned to him and he smiled. A smile of happiness and glory. And all I could do was the same smile at him.
"You are free Tamina, you can do whatever you want" he said with a smile.
I feel so light. I am free. Truly free. And I smile and start laughing like never before.
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rockerandauthor · 6 years
Anyone want to be my buddy over the show Vikings???
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florenceivy · 7 years
Every time I google something about ivar the boneless. It’s says that halfdan was one of his brothers. Is this something the writers just looked over when doing Vikings, or what. Anybody know?
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pumpkinpot · 2 years
So I have an aggressive dog. His name is Ubba and he's a pitty who bites.
Unfortunately for me that means that when I have company he can't be around because he's a bit too aggressive. (Yes I'm working on it, he's just incredibly anxious but in training.) He's never been abused he just doesn't like company I've never had neighbors and I have guests a solid once a year so he just never needed to get used to people. (But he loves other dogs. Specifically his chihuahua sister)
I bring this up for a reason I swear.
So I've seen a myriad of "no on believes you when you tell them how soft Bakugou is but he's so soft for you-" and that is literally my dog. He pouts if I don't cuddle him and whines when I leave a room without inviting him and can you imagine-
Bakugou has only ever seen your dog in passing.. when he passes the room, careful to keep his fingers away from their crate and has the oddest urge to growl back at your snarling dog as he passes. Two can play this aggressive bullshit, but he knows it wouldn't help.
Bakugou tells you constantly he doesn't believe that the snapchats you send of your dog in feet pajamas and sporting puppy dog eyes at you from the dining table are real.
It isn't until you tell someone about a cute and fluffy date you had with Bakugou where he planned a picnic date on the peir (dinner made by him, candles, the whole nine) and they side eyed you, calling you crazy for thinking he could ever be so- soft, attentive or as they said it "non explosive", did it click for Bakugou.
He thought back to all the pictures you have of him wrapping himself around your midsection during movie nights and the soft kisses he leaves on your forehead when he hands you coffee in the morning. The more you tried to explain this the more people told you you obviously were lying. That he didn't have it in him.
The same way he told you, you were lying about your pup. So now he was on a mission.
For a week straight he made it a point to spend almost all his time at your place in the room with your crated dog. He starts across the room just scrolling on his phone while the dog thrashed around. The next day he did it again instead taking his meal in there, tossing owner approved scraps yo them.
Over time he was able to get closer. One one particularly sparky day you came home to the two barking at each other for opposite sides of the room. It helped- somehow?
He got to a point when he could sit next to the crate with no growls or grunts. Just apprehensive silence.
After a while you began joining. One night you and Katsuki slow danced in the room making the dog so crazy. Katsuki realized this dog was just as protective of you as he was. That was some common ground to work on.
On the day you let your dog free from their crate katsuki was so confident. You still leashed them just I'm case but when you let them out they ran to Katsuki. Not at- to.
You could have cried. You could count on one hand how many people your dog liked and having him be one of them was so comforting.
From there it was a matter of minutes before your aggressive babies were cuddling on the couch. No one ever believed you when you talked about the love they poured over you every day and maybe that was okay.
It meant no one would come around long enough to steal them away from you.
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I miss Ravensthorpe
I miss my Ravensthorpe, does anyone else miss theirs too? 
It's been so long, I miss how I was consumed by it, the sounds of it, the smell of it. How I would map it all out in my mind. Create corners of it that characters would sit, would talk, would exist.
It felt like it surrounded me, like a 360 degree dream. It was everywhere.
I miss my AU.
The bench outside the longhouse doors that was bathed in the evening sun, greeting old friends.
The red tree behind it, where you could see so much but go unnoticed.
The pool by Valka’s home, where the women would gather on the warm rocks to chat.
The dark shaded bench under the canopy around the back of the longhouse. Where you could sit in the  shadow with another, where no one can see you, interrupt you.
There’s some flour sacks outside Hytham’s office, against his wall. I imagine him and Jor sit there, looking out at the farm. Or They Gunnar and Tove, three in a row, would sit and drink at the end. They are good friends.
The benched tables at the back of the longhouse on the decking. It's quiet and a place to sit and drink. I left Ivarr and Eivor there drinking after hunting in the hills. They are still there, in my mind, waiting for what's next.
The english bluebells racing up the hills, a lilac blur circling the town.
The decking by the river, the pier where the children learned to swim. The water was warm to those who remember the cold of the north.
The path heading up to the west out of town, that loops away up and around past the Old Ragnarsson lookout. He watched Ubba leave at dawn, uncertain and annoyed.
The lookout, where Eivor went to be alone with the world. Wood scratched with old marks from the brothers, and later, the church.
The smell of sour fruits fermenting in Tekla’s garden brewery floating through the doors of home.
Holding new babies sitting in the meadows and by the fires. Soft and full of life.
Petra and Wallace teaching the kids to hunt with practice bows, shooting into the broken wagon up the path.
Tarben and Nelda and warm soft bread. Warm and soft, like the both of them. Flour on her hair and on his hands. They don’t notice.
The heavy movement of drengr training by the river. Grunts and thuds, but laughter too. Gunnar keeps watch, laughing the loudest, making bets with Merton and sometimes Arth.
Arth playing with the other children in the evenings.
Randvi and Eivor lying on their backs on the big bed in the candlelight, both staring at the ceiling, both wrought with uncertainty on what to do with Sigurd, the changed man. Each’s pain can only be understood by the other. Desperately glad for each other’s company.
Hytham’s office, full of paper that few can read, stood staring at the walls, not staring at anything.  Dawn, exhausted and spent. Full of grief. Basim is not coming back and he is still here. He listens to the sound of the town waking up, steps crunching of leaves and sticks, quiet greetings of the day in that strange language, it smells like rain again.
It was so alive, so powerful, and I feel guilty for abandoning it and this blog
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krankittoeleven · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
It's been kind of quiet on the fic front for me lately, unfortunately several life altering things have happened for me since the beginning of the year and lately its all just piled up on me and my brain hasn't been great. But things are in the works.
Water of Life CH 10 is coming along, and features Vili and Ivarr being allowed to play with exploding jars of oil, which is why these two should never be out of Ubba's line of sight for even a moment, but he is, unfortunately, busy.
I've been thinking REALLY hard about Between the Real and the Unknown lately. Like really really hard. The plot is complex and layered and I'm worried about mistakes messing it up so I haven't posted anything lately because I don't want there to be things I need to fix later. I am usually not worried about this, but because its spoopy/mysterious i feel like it could really foul things up. Maybe that's just a me concern, I don't know. LOL
The stupid Ubba/Vili post game "one-shot" I mentioned a couple weeks back is now at 15k words. I'd cry but its too fluffy even for that (well, too fluffy by my standards LOL it's probably, like, normal for everyone else's fluff meters.)
Small snippet below the cut. This is less a fluffy part and more a spicy part, though its nothing explicit.
Vili is wearing a thick, brown coat that had been made from the fur of a large bear that had strayed too close to Hemthorpe one too many times and the way it is flopped open to show his bare chest underneath it does nothing to undermine whatever look he is going for.  The only other clothing he is wearing is a pair of leather breeches, even his feet are bare.
For a moment Ubba allows himself a rare bit of indulgence as he stands there, imagining what it would be like to be on his knees between Vili's legs; one leg draped over his shoulder as he kisses and bites the inside of Vili’s thigh—
Ubba blinks away his imaginary scene, and hmms gently, having missed whatever Vili had been saying.
"Are you hungry?  Do you want to eat?"
"Yes,” Ubba says quietly, “food would be welcome."
He was, in fact, suddenly quite hungry, but he was not certain that food would satisfy what he was now aching for.
Without much thought about it, Ubba extends his hand out towards Vili, as if he might have trouble getting to his feet after his ordeal, but he is pleasantly surprised by how warm and strong Vili’s grip is. 
Neither of them break eye contact when Vili steps in close.  Their fingers entwine and their grips tighten on each other’s hands as they breathe each other’s air, and Ubba is so very close to pushing Vili back down to his throne to fulfill his earlier imaginings.
“Come,” Vili says, their lips nearly brushing.
They are so close, Ubba just wants to devour his mouth, his breath, all of him.
“Let’s get you some food,” Vili finishes as he steps away, his grip still strong, as he pulls Ubba towards the sitting room.
Ever the gracious host, Ubba thinks more than a little ruefully as he follows helplessly behind.
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popcorn1989 · 2 years
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6: I train you, Brother
Characters: Ivar and Brothers
Warning: Blood
Words: 2116
Look here for the related short stories or for other stories: Here
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He was staring at the red blossom on the bark of the great tree, that Ubba had fixed there, his right hand had drawn the bowstring and his arm was beginning to vibrate slowly, from being lost in thought. Ivar narrowed his eyes, because it seemed to him, that the flower was beginning to dance in front of his eyes. The clash of swords could be heard behind him, Sigurd and Hvitserk engaged in a duel. The loud clang of metal made his concentration dwindle more and more.
He only cared if Hvitserk would score and soon hear a scream from Sigurd. "Ivar, keep your elbow higher," said Ubba, who was standing next to him, probably having lost patience and unable to remain silent any longer. He had watched Ivar to make sure, he was holding the bow correctly and waited for Ivar to finally let go of the arrow. Ivar shook his head briefly to clear his thoughts. "You're not in it," said Ubba, raising his right elbow a little. He walked around Ivar and looked over his shoulder. "Not like that," he said, and when he was on the other side he moved the bow, slightly to the right. "You would have completely missed your target."
Ivar lowered the bow and looked at Ubba with his blue eyes, "If you wouldn't intervene all the time, I would have hit the target long ago" - "I was waiting for you to shoot the whole time, but when you aimed, not much happened after that, except you stare at your target, your arm gets tired and starts to tremble, it's just a flower, nothing can happen" - Ubba looked at the other two, who had stopped dueling and grinned easy. Ivar, not knowing what was going on behind his back, imagining the grimaces of his other brothers, only shook his head slightly: "Leave him alone, maybe today is not his day," said Hvitserk, appearing next to Ivar and took the bow and arrow from him, without asking and aimed at the flower, the arrow flew fast and pierced the red flower and bark so hard it got caught on the bark.
He grinned at Ivar and went to the tree to get the arrow. Ivar cocked his head, braggart - he thought to himself, when he heard Sigurd's voice, "We shouldn't have taken him with us. What should he learn, he's just a cripple," said Sigurd. Ivar watched Hvitserk before looking around for the first time. He was jealous of his brothers, they really had set up a nice practice site here, and he was only allowed to be here now. "He's our brother, he might not be like you, Sigurd. But he is strong and can still learn a lot” - “I don't think running is part of it, is it?” said Sigurd and walked away from them, laughing. Ivar saw Ubba grimace and pinch Ivar's shoulder as he walked behind his brother.
Hvitserk had just turned and was walking towards Ivar to hand the bow back to him, but he paused for a moment at Sigurd's statement. He gave Ivar that sympathetic look again. Before he went to Ivar and gave him back his bow and arrow. "Don't worry, Ivar. He's an idiot and always will be," said Hvitserk, who watches as Ivar turns around on the fallen log he was sitting on to face his other brothers. The two were now standing a little further away and arguing a bit, but they were too far away to hear it. But both turned to him and Hvitserk from time to time. Ivar's face hardened, but Hvitserk put a hand on his shoulder and sat spread-legged on the log to face Ivar.
"I know, you would hit the target, you just have to focus. Which one of us is the best at flipping coins? You always hit the bucket of water, but we didn't. And you even surpassed Floki, and he's the best in the whole village" Ivar looked from Sigurd to Hvitserk and grinned, "You mean, I'm the best in the village now" His brother started to grin widely and his eyes sparkled. "Yes, you are the best." Of all his brothers, Ivar liked Hvitserk the most, he always made him feel loved no matter how he was. But then, Ivar saw the hateful face of Sigurd, who was about to open the drinking pouch. Ivar grinned wickedly and before Hvitserk could react, he pulled on the bowstring and the arrow flew, the drinking pouch exploding in Sigurd's face and the arrow getting stuck in a tree nearby.
Sigurd and Ubba dodged at the same time, Hvitserk had tried so hard to stop him, but he wasn't fast enough, he was lying on Ivar's lap, had snatched the bow from his hand and looked at his brothers, in shock. "Are you crazy?" Sigurd screamed and drew his sword, that was hanging from his belt, but he was grabbed by the arm from Ubba. What amazed Ivar even more was, that Hvitserk had jumped up and grabbed the sword, he had been leaning against the tree log before and was now standing protectively in front of Ivar. He couldn't help a wicked grin as his brothers defended him. "Well done, Ivar," Hvitserk said, grinning at Sigurd's wet and angry face. Ubba couldn't help but laugh and gave Ivar a respectful nod. "When you said, you wanted to practice, were you lying or not, little brother?" Ivar nodded, briefly the exercises with Floki appeared in front of his eyes. "Oh, do what you want," said Sigurd angrily and threw the sword on the ground in front of him and wiped his face with his hand.
"Can't you take any more jokes?" Ivar asked, licking his lips before grinning. "I'm not going to teach him anything. Why should I, he will never stand and fight on a battlefield, he will suckle at mother's breast like a toddler.” Ivar's grin faded, and he was about to say something nasty, when Ubba raised his hand. "You don't have to do anything, Sigurd, you don't have to be here either. You can go home and make music like the washerwomen.” Now Sigurd looked at Ubba angrily, he took a few steps towards him and for a brief moment you could feel the anger on your skin, that filled the air. Ubba was older, stronger, and none of the brothers had dared to mess with him before. But Ivar was so excited, he couldn't even sit still. He even slapped Hvitserk on the hip to make him take a few steps to the side, so he could see better. But he was disappointed, when Sigurd just walked past Ubba and grazed him with his shoulder. It wasn't long before Sigurd galloped away, on his white stallion.
"So what do we do now?" Ubba asked the group. "I will train him," Hvitserk said, picking up Sigurd's sword. He gave it to Ivar, who took it proudly but inside, he was a bit scared, he had told Ubba, that he had practice with the sword but that was a lie. Floki had only taught him ax throwing and archery, yes defense with an ax or a dagger, but that was very different from a sword. He weighed the sword in his hand and was amazed, how heavy it was. He glanced at the blade's reflective surface as he saw Hvitserk's reflection in it, only because of that, he was able to react quickly. Ivar looked up and threw himself from the tree log as Hvitserk attacked him with a right sword swing. The point of the sword caught his upper arm before he hit the ground. Ivar looked up startled and Hvitserk, who also looked at him startled too. "I… I didn't want that. I thought...' He looked at Ubba, who was standing there just as startled, and slowly walked towards Ivar. "I thought...I thought you learned that."
Ivar sat up and studied Hvitserk's face before glancing at Ubba, who was anxiously examining his bleeding wound. At the sight of the two, he had to laugh. "It's not funny, it could have ended very badly! You shouldn't have lied,” Ubba said seriously, pulling him closer to emphasize his point, but Ivar just kept laughing. "Do you think, we wouldn't have taken you if you were telling the truth?" Ubba asked and released him again, his wide eyes looking at the laughing Ivar, who was sitting there, arm bleeding, laughing like a madman. His face changed to a worried one as he looked at Hvitserk. He, too, came closer and put a hand on Ivar's shoulder. "I'll train you, brother," he said, now grinning too at the sight of Ivar, who had stopped laughing and was now grinning at him. Ivar looked from Hvitserk to Ubba, who was still struggling with his wound. "Oh, stop it, it's nothing. And instead of worrying, you could praise me." Ubba looked up from his wound and narrowed his eyes. "Please what? Praise? For almost losing an arm?”
Ivar raised an eyebrow and grinned widely. "No, give me credit for dodging so well," he said, now grinning at Hvitserk, who turned and made an annoyed noise. "Let's train, brother! I'll be better than you soon.” Ivar said and waited for an answer from him. Ubba exhaled deeply as he stood up and put his hands on his hips: "It's a long day. But let me see your wound first....." - "No, that's nothing. A little scratch, Hvitserk has a really pathetic punch, like a woman,” Ivar said, watching Hvitserk closely with his blue eyes. He knew if he really wanted to train, he had to be prepared for anything with his brothers. "I won't spare you," Hvitserk said, turning to him with a grin. "I hope so," Ivar said quietly.
As the day drew to a close, Ivar was sweating and out of breath, but he watched Hvitserk slink back and forth in front of him. He glanced at Ubba, who was lying on the ground, eating an apple, his eyes turned to the sky, and he moved his head oddly, as if hearing a melody in his mind. "So Ivar, now it's getting serious, I think I've taught you enough," Hvitserk said, also out of breath, but he still had more strength than Ivar and that annoyed him. At his words, Ubba sat up and watched the two.
Hvitserk grimaced and swiped at Ivar like the last time he hit him. He could see it to his right and was able to parry, Hvitserk's sword slamming into his sword, which felt better in his hand now. Hvitserk took a step back and made a movement from above, his sword crashing into Ivar's sword he was holding in front of him. The point of the sword caught Ivar's cheek, leaving a small scratch. His brother looked at him briefly in surprise, but Ivar just grinned and knocked Hvitserk's sword aside, now holding his sword to his neck. Ubba narrowed his eyes. Hvitserk bit his bottom lip as he took a step back and grinned, then attacked again, left-right punches without mercy, but Ivar was able to parry those too and waited for the right moment. When Hvitserk got close enough, he grabbed his arm and Ivar had no trouble turning him around. As he did so, he dropped his sword, drew the small knife, he wore on his belt, and put it at his brother's throat.
"I win," he said in Hvitserk's ear and grinned. "Good, played Ivar. I have to hand it to you, that was quick and sneaky,” Hvitserk said and laughed. Ivar grinned evilly and let go of his brother, who moved away from him and massaged his arm. Ivar was about to put the knife away, when something hard and wet hit his head. He saw the bitten apple fall to the ground, and his eyes fell on Ubba, who had stood up. "Not really played fair, but smart, I have to admit," he said, smiling. "Enough for today, let's go" - "Next time, will you take me with you again? Or am I no longer allowed if Sigurd wants to come with you?” asked Ivar and put the knife away. "Sigurd calms down, you know him," said Ubba as he approached him. "You're a fast learner, and I see no reason, why you can't come along." Ivar was smiling too now, feeling like he belonged for the first time in his life. "Besides, how am I supposed to train you if you're not with me?" Hvitserk asked, already packing things up. He turned to Ivar and raised his eyebrows.
(I write, when i have time)
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Last Kingdom Character Names vs What I Actually Call Them In My Head
Uhtred of Bebbanburg: This Idiot (affectionate), This Idiot Again (derogatory), BootScootred, Horndog NoPants
King Alfred: Alfredo, Fettucine Alfredo, King Alf, Slutface (affectionate)
Aelswith: This Savage, Bipperty-Bopperty/Queen Bitch (Bowie References, affectionate), Take the L-Swith/Taylor Swith, The KillaSwilla
Aethelwold: Woldy, Woldsmobile, Wolderton (because he would ABSOLUTELY listen to Weezer), *cackling noises*, Slutguts (affectionate or derogatory)
Aldhelm: Cardigan/Cardi (the literal piece of clothing, not Taylor Swift, but now that I think of it I can actually imagine him writing that song so), Aldi Helmsworth (shirtless scenes), Sad Bastard (affectionate), 🥹
King Edward: Misty Mountain Hop (season 4 hair reasons), You Ass (affectionate and derogatory), Baby Boy, Edwardo
Finan: Finando (sung like Abba), Old Sad Eyes, TAKE YOUR SHIRT OFF (sung like TPain, directive), The Human Pompom
Eadith: Head Witch, Hedge Witch, Eadie Darlin
Sihtric: Trickles, Tricky, Sic-Em, Sick Boy (affectionate, Trainspotting reference, yelled when he is in danger)
Aethelflaed: Flaedy, Flaedrick, Fledge, Fledgling, Oh My GOd You're So Beautiful
Thyra: Too-ra-loo-ra-too-ra-loo-ra-ayyyyyyyyyyy (sung like Dexy's Midnight Runners)
Gisela: Queen G, OG, Gigi
Earl Guthred: Earl Gothred, this specific photo of Robert Smith with dogs
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Ubba: Ubba Bubba, Bubbles, Bubble'o'Bill
Osferth: Angelface, Cheekbones, Uz (the way he says "just us" when he finds out Edwardo won't give Uhtred men for Bebbanburg), Sweetpea
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sonnefuchs · 3 years
Repton II
Pairing:  Ivarr Ragnarsson x Reader
“What do you call this place?”  Eivor called out to Ivarr.
“I call it the shithole.  To the Mercians, it is Repton. Their most revered kings are buried below the church.  Imagine their weeping when we drove them out."  Ivarr said with pride.
“You plunged your knife deep into the heart of this kingdom.” replied Eivor.
A group of men pushed their way in front of you, blocking you from following. The men just grunted at you as you tried to move around them, their arms laden with wares and in no hurry to move for you.  Finally, you slipped between them, squinting, trying to see which way they went as Eivor and Ivarr’s voices got further away.
Jogging slightly, you caught sight of them about to enter a tent, Eivor asking after Sigurd.
“I take it that’s where we’ll find my brother.”
“Right, talkers they are, Ubba and Sigurd.  Might want to dig the wax from your ears."
You reached the tent and heard an argument going on inside.  Unsure if you should enter, you peered through, staying to the edge of the opening.
“If I wanted to hear you talk shit, I’d gouge out your tongue and shove it up your ass. Now, fuck off.”  Ivarr warned a gigantic woman.
The gigantic woman angrily pushed her way out of the tent, incensed by whatever had happened inside.  You flattened yourself to the tent and some boxes, away from her raging gait.  You did not want to mess with that warrior, especially in her blood filled fury.
“Worry not, Ubba, I have the warriors you need.”  You heard Sigurd call out.  Creeping back to the opening of the tent, you listened as you leaned against hay and crates.
“If this is one of them, then my worries have vanished.”  Ubba’s eyes wandered up and down Eivor, drinking in her muscled physic and confident stance.
Ivarr saw Ubba’s look and snorted, leaning against the table, shaking his head.
Ivarr’s eyes flicked over to you, seeing you eavesdropping on their plans.  You breathed in sharply as his piercing gaze met yours.  You thought to run away, but your feet were rooted to the spot as his icy eyes held you captive.
“Come here, little mouse, no need to hide among the straw, we don’t bite...unless asked verrry nicely.” Ivarr bared his teeth in a smile.
Everyone turned to see who Ivarr was talking to.  Eivor figuring it was you but the rest were confused as to who Ivarr’s new prey was.
“We welcome all warriors, join us.”  Ubba beckoned to you, smiling warmly.
Sigurd saw you and his face lit up, rubbing his neck guiltily that he hadn’t noticed you sooner.
“This is Y/N.  One of our swiftest warriors.  They can take down a man before they’ve even seen the swing of their axe.”  Sigurd said with pride.
Sigurd gave you a nod and smiled as you walked forward, standing next to Ivarr.  You could feel the danger emanating off of him.  A thrill of excitement ran up your back as you stood so close to Ivarr, his eyes still trained on you, burning into your skin.
They continued to discuss the plans for taking ledecestre from the old king when their new king, Ceolwulf, walked in.  A tired but resolute looking man of many years paid you no heed as he spoke to Ubba.
“If we take Tamworth, remove Burgred, and crown Ceolwulf...come morning, this shire is ours.  And Mercia soon after.”  Ubba said.
“Yes, remove.  I cannot stress that enough.  Burgred is not to be harmed.  My legitimacy as king hands on this one simple fact.”  Ceolwulf said resolutely, his face solemn as a monk’s.
“Ughh, you rob all the joy from war, Saxon.”  Ivarr groaned, shaking off a yawn of idle boredom.
“Not every victory needs to be marked by the slaughter of a king.”  Ceowulf frowned back at him.
“Ah, but it is much better.”   Ivarr replied.
“His request is fair, Ivarr.  And we will honor it.”  Sigurd said sternly.  Ivarr tilted his head giving him a dangerous look.  Even Sigurd saw he should not push the older man.  Ubba raised his hand to ease their tension when Eivor stepped forward slightly.
“Ceolwulf betrayed his present king.  Maybe tomorrow he betrays us too.  Why trust him?”  Eivor asked.
Your fingers trailed over the maps as the others argued, their words pouring over you.
They came to a conclusion, happy with their plan to attack Burgred and to take Ledecestre away from him.
“The bold Sons of Ragnar bellow to sound the spear din and the thunder of shields.  So let fall the arrow storm.  The battle begins.”  said Eivor.
“Ahh!  You never said that this one was a poet.” cried Ubba in admiration.
"I need to piss.”  Ivarr said before walking out of the tent, his hand brushing past your arm as he left.
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lepau123 · 7 years
5. The talk
feedback i always appreciated....Enjoy! also, wanna talk to me? leave me an ask I wanna make friends! 
The sun slowly starts to come out and the birds starts singing as Zeinab does my braid. Today as many days of the month, I the day when all of the Sultan's children go and breakfast with him to keep the family bond united. As I finish to put my cobalt blue dress Zeinab pull out two big chests.
"What is that for?" I asked with an odd expression.
"You need winter clothes" she says "if you want to make it to Kattegat" she says looking at the chests.
"Then start packing" I say "make sure that Jasmine does not catch you. Put my favorite jewels too. And money. Gold and silver." I say looking at her. She nods and turns to my closet.
As I walked outside of the Harem, there is a lot of gossip from the servants and nobleman, someone is been name as the successor of my father. Such news. I thought. As I walk all of them bow their heads to me for respect.
The garden is big and colorful, flowers of every shade you can imagine. There was this long table and there were a lot of prince and princess talking animatedly, when I arrived they all looked at me with disgusted expression and continued to talk. I could hear a lot of "oh, look the murderer is here" "I think she looks like a man" and followed some giggles "the little monster is here".
I took a sit next to Hassam, he was the gentlest brother I could ever had. When they whipped me, he used to bring me mint tea and cookies, he stayed with me until I fell asleep, he helped me, he taught me how to read and write. To hold a sword and how to use it. He gave me my first dagga. Which is still in my desk. It's bathed in Adams and dark gold. I called her the Cortana. We have matching swords and given names, is made of black gold and Adams. The cross-guard, grip, and pommel are gold with obsidian, and the blade is a silver so dark that it looks nearly black. On the other side of the blade, along the center ridge, is a pattern of silver stars. I have two of them.
"Have you heard the news?" he says leaning in his chair to kiss my cheek.
"Someone is named successor" I say kissing his cheeks four times. "And by the smug look on your face, my wild guess is you" I tell him with a small smirk playing on my lips. His smile widens and flashes his perfect teeth.
"Your wild guess is right" he says giving me a wink from his emerald eyes and I just laugh him off.
There was a deadly silence that went through the whole table, everyone stood up while our father came out of his wing of the palace. He looked at everyone like if he was mentally doing the check list.
"Assalam alaikum children" he says as he sits down
"Wa alaikum salaam father" we all said at the same time and sit down after him.
"This is a very special day today, First I can see you all again and second the succession line is decided. I have chosen my heir to the throne of Al-Andalus." He say looking at all of us. "Hassam, please stand up" he says looking at his son.
As he stood up a lot of glances were thrown at him, most of the males were jealous and the girls it was a glance of hunger for power, and they could marry him and be one of his many wives I suppose. But I doubt that he will marry on of his sisters, he hates them.
He is my heir. So tonight we are going to have a big feast" he says clapping his hands and smiling gleefully. "You can sit down Hassam." Motioning his hand to sit. "and for you" he says looking straight to me "In three days' time you will be wed to one of the sons of Sultan Samir of Malaga" he says and my blood runs cold, by my side Hassam stiffens and locks his jaw. Sultan Samir is known for his cruelty and there is no doubt that his sons would follow him. He was selling me to one of the worst people that could ever existed "you will be meeting him today at the feast, so be nice and shut your mouth up, paste a smile on your face and nod." He says seriously.
"So you are going to sell one of your best weapons from the brotherhood to one of your many enemies?" I ask looking at him and arching a brow "you know who I am and what orders I follow"
"The brotherhood is loyal to me and only me!" he exclaims
"But are you sure I am loyal to you?" I answer him back with a venomous voice.
He turns several shades of red. The look of anger on his face was the answer I wanted. He knew that if I had the order of murdering him I will do it without doubt and he was afraid of it.
"I will have you hang if you dare" he says
"But you would be dead by that time to give the order" I snarled
"ENOUGH!" he screams. He wants me to be send to be whipped, but he can't. I have the protection of the brotherhood. He can't touch me in that way. Not anymore.
"I want you out of my sight for now. NOW!" he says hiting the table.
Everyone had a grim expression, they looked at me like if I was something disgusting. But Hassam he was trying and succeeding to hide a smile on his face. He catch my hand and squeeze it as I stood up with a pleasing smile on my face because I knew the damage I had caused him.
"Father" I said bowing my head a little "Hassam". And left the garden.
As I arrive to the Harem I told the servants to bring food to my room. As I entered my room I found Zeinab packing my stuff just as I told her. When she saw me she stood up quickly.
"What happened?" she asked
"Had a fist fight with father again" I told her "just the usual"
"No there has to be something else" she says looking closer to me.
"Why" I asked her
"Your face" she points out "it's like shattered" she says shyly
"well, the news of the moment" I say with suspense " I am to be wed to one of the sons of cruel of Malaga" I answer and her face whitens and the blood runs out of her face.
"That can't be possible!" she says frighten
"Yes it can be possible" I answer her "he wants me to suffer, because I am the living image of her and he hates it, he hate that he killed the light of his eyes." I answer.
"Then I am so sorry for your fate" she says as she lowers he head to me
"Don't be. Soon enough he will burn." I say
I turn and walk to my closet to search for my training clothes and change. As I walk to my room my breakfast is there. I sat down and start eating thinking what I was going to do today.
"You want me to fletch your swords?" Zeinab asks as I finish my breakfast.
"Yes please" I say "and also my dagga, hidden blades and my throwing knives"
"Is someone going to die today?" she asks amused. She knew I was using my whole gear.
"No" I say with arch brows "but just in case" I finish and she laughs and turns to fletch my stuff.
Finishing my breakfast I turn to put my boots on and start to walk towards my desk to see what Zeinab brought. There she was, Cortana, heosphoros, Phaesphoros and my throwing knives. I put Cortana in the front of my belt and heosphoros at my left side and Phaesphoros in my back because is longer than my short swords.
"The task you gave me is fulfilled" Zeinab says hinting that the chests were fully packed.
"Thank you Zeinab" I say smiling at her.
As I was walking out of the Harem to the training room I felt someone pull me to one of the rooms, exactly Hassam's room. He pull me in quickly and shut the door quickly, he drag me towards the safety of the inside so no one can listen to was he is going to say.
"What is it with you!" I say releasing myself from his grip above my elbow.
"I need to talk to you" he hisses at me. A clear warning that he is in a bad mood. A warning not to cross him or we would literally could end in a real fist fight.
"Of what?" I say questioning as he goes to his room and checks that everything is closed and nobody could hear him. It must be something important.
"I will not allow my father to sell you to that monster" he says walking towards me and grabbing my hands "over my dead body he will do that" he adds looking at me straight in the eyes. And, oh, his eyes tells you every emotion, they were clouded by rage. A rage that I've never seen before in him.
"But is my duty as a daughter of the sultan. I am supposed to be sell like cattle "I answer
"Well not you, you are golden ad nobody touches you if you don't give them permission it's a no." he says
"Then what you suggest to do?" I ask with my brows raised and crossed arms.
"I want you to kill him" He says coldly. "Now that the succession line is signed if he dies I take the throne. Which means no deal." He adds explaining
"Are you out of your mind!" I hissed at him "If I kill him I go to prison for treason, murder and probably sentence to die" I say
"What happens if I protect you?" he says looking at me
"Well if you want me to kill him, then I should tell you this" I say releasing a deep breath "The white men are coming and I want to go with them and leave this city. But know if you take the throne I can't let the city burn to the ground" I say looking down.
"so you were manipulating everyone with the rank that you have at the brotherhood to allow them to rape the city like they did last time" he says laughing and I look at him questioning "I knew something was up with you" he explains
"Why?" I ask
"You were thinking too much" he answers "then I should back you in this plan" he says
"What? Why?" I look at him oddly
"Because you are my sister" he says laughing a little bit "and I will be right behind you in anything you want to do" he says "I love you and I want the best for you. If you want to be free and learn different thing. Then go. If you want to be adventurous and wild. Then do. Who I am to judge you? No one. For me you are free to do whatever you want." He simply says
And I just look at him in awe. No one in this palace loves me like he does, out of my 15 brothers and sisters he is the only one who love and cares for me. He once told me that our mothers were like sisters and he says she cried when my mother died, since then he took care of me like I was his blood. I just walk straight to him and hug him and he hugs me back stronger and kisses the top of my head and rest his forehead on top of my head.
"I love you" I simply said. And he chuckles a little bit.
"I know" he says pulling back and wiping the tears of my face. "Why don't we go and have a proper fight with me? I believe that I got a little stiff" he says pushing my shoulder.
"We'll see about that" I say flashing a big smile and turning towards the door to head out.
We reached the training room and I walked towards the center of it and draw out Phaesphoros and point it at him. "Your turn" I say smiling down at him. He draws the same sword as mine but larger and charges towards me and with a small hot of the sword I dodge him laughing. He charges again and I make him loose balance of his sword and it fall to the floor.
"Come on you can do better that that" I say nodding towards him.
"Shut up" he says smiling and catching his breath.
We continue to tackle each other for was like hour and a half, we were sweating a lot and it was hard to grip the sword but for one last time I manage to have him on his back with a knife at his throat.
"Okay hayati, fine, fine I do give up" he says putting his hands up. As I rolled off him.
As I stood up and helped Hassam to stand he shove me playfully as a guard running entered the door.
"Your grace I beg your pardon but, the white men are here they were spotted at the outside of the city" he says in rush
"Who saw them?" I ask
"Tøumd my lady" he says.
"Go ad gather the army and the brotherhood" he I say "they are coming"
The guard nodded and he went out running at full speed and shouting to the guards outside, but Hassam knew differently he knew they were coming but not by land.
"What was that" he asked
"It's a sign" I say "Tøumd saw the boats. They are not coming by land but by the port. And I will let them come in." I say turning to him. "Gear up, you are coming with me" I say as I walked out of the room.
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