#$1m Vesuvius Challenge
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Scholars of antiquity believe they are on the brink of a new era of understanding after researchers armed with artificial intelligence read the hidden text of a charred scroll that was buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted nearly 2,000 years ago.
Hundreds of papyrus scrolls held in the library of a luxury Roman villa in Herculaneum were burned to a crisp when the town was devastated by the intense blast of heat, ash and pumice that destroyed nearby Pompeii in AD79.
Excavations in the 18th century recovered more than 1,000 whole or partial scrolls from the mansion, thought to be owned by Julius Caesar’s father-in-law.
However, the black ink was unreadable on the carbonised papyri and the scrolls crumbled to pieces when researchers tried to open them.
The breakthrough in reading the ancient material came from the $1m Vesuvius Challenge, a contest launched in 2023 by Brent Seales, a computer scientist at the University of Kentucky, and Silicon Valley backers.
The competition offered prizes for extracting text from high-resolution CT scans of a scroll taken at Diamond, the UK’s national synchrotron facility in Oxfordshire.
On Monday, Nat Friedman, a US tech executive and founding sponsor of the challenge, announced that a team of three computer-savvy students, Youssef Nader in Germany, Luke Farritor in the US, and Julian Schilliger in Switzerland, had won the $700,000 (£554,000) grand prize after reading more than 2,000 Greek letters from the scroll.
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Papyrologists who have studied the text recovered from the blackened scroll were stunned at the feat.
“This is a complete gamechanger,” said Robert Fowler, emeritus professor of Greek at Bristol University and chair of the Herculaneum Society.
“There are hundreds of these scrolls waiting to be read.”
Dr Federica Nicolardi, a papyrologist at the University of Naples Federico II, added:
“This is the start of a revolution in Herculaneum papyrology and in Greek philosophy in general. It is the only library to come to us from ancient Roman times.”
“We are moving into a new era,” said Seales, who led efforts to read the scrolls by virtually unwrapping the CT images and training AI algorithms to detect the presence of ink.
He now wants to build a portable CT scanner to image scrolls without moving them from their collections.
In October, Farritor won the challenge’s $40,000 “first letters” prize when he identified the ancient Greek word for “purple” in the scroll.
He teamed up with Nader in November, with Schilliger, who developed an algorithm to automatically unwrap CT images, joining them days before the contest deadline on 31 December.
Together, they read more than 2,000 letters of the scroll, giving scholars their first real insight into its contents.
“It’s been an incredibly rewarding journey,” said Youssef.
“The adrenaline rush is what kept us going. It was insane. It meant working 20-something hours a day. I didn’t know when one day ended and the next day started.”
“It probably is Philodemus,” Fowler said of the author.
“The style is very gnarly, typical of him, and the subject is up his alley.”
The scroll discusses sources of pleasure, touching on music and food – capers in particular – and whether the pleasure experienced from a combination of elements owes to the major or minor constituents, the abundant or the scare.
“In the case of food, we do not right away believe things that are scarce to be absolutely more pleasant than those which are abundant,” the author writes.
“I think he’s asking the question: what is the source of pleasure in a mix of things? Is it the dominant element, is it the scarce element, or is it the mix itself?” said Fowler.
The author ends with a parting shot against his philosophical adversaries for having “nothing to say about pleasure, either in general or particular."
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Seales and his research team spent years developing algorithms to digitally unwrap the scrolls and detect the presence of ink from the changes it produced in the papyrus fibres.
He released the algorithms for contestants to build on in the challenge.
Friedman’s involvement proved valuable not only for attracting financial donors.
When Seales was meant to fly to the UK to have a scroll scanned, a storm blew in cancelling all commercial flights.
Worried they might lose their slot at the Diamond light source, Friedman hastily organised a private jet for the trip.
Beyond the hundreds of Herculaneum scrolls waiting to be read, many more may be buried at the villa, adding weight to arguments for fresh excavations.
"The same technology could be applied to papyrus wrapped around Egyptian mummies," Fowler said.
These could include everything from letters and property deeds to laundry lists and tax receipts, shining light on the lives of ordinary ancient Egyptians.
“There are crates of this stuff in the back rooms of museums,” Fowler said.
The challenge continues this year with the goal to read 85% of the scroll and lay the foundations for reading all of those already excavated.
Scientists need to fully automate the process of tracing the surface of the papyrus inside each scroll and improve ink detection on the most damaged parts.
“When we launched this less than a year ago, I honestly wasn’t sure it’d work,” said Friedman.
“You know, people say money can’t buy happiness, but they have no imagination. This has been pure joy. It’s magical what happened, it couldn’t have been scripted better."
Source: The Guardian
How the Herculaneum Papyri were carbonised in the Mount Vesuvius eruption – Video
5 February 2024
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moonshinemagpie · 8 months
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I forgive you for everything AI I take it all back give me the library of alexandria plsssss
Folks are saying there's a pay wall on the article so basically: There's this villa that's thought to have belonged to Julius Caesar's father-in-law, and it has multiple floors of a well-stocked library filled with scrolls that were scorched by the same Mount Vesuvius eruption that buried Pompeii.
There's no way to safely unroll these scrolls, but since 1999 we've been examining them with infrared, x-rays, CT scans, and other methods that have helped us see the scrolls' ink without unrolling them. And now AI is showing the potential to decipher these scrolls even more.
Also, scholars apparently nickname these scrolls things like 'Banana Boy' and 'Fat Bastard,' even though they're sometimes revealed to be, like, The Odyssey or the Book of Leviticus.
I additionally learned that "papyrologist" is a possible job title to have.
Another thing that touches me is that we first found these scrolls in the 1700s and mostly had the foresight to keep them intact and preserved until we developed the tech to examine them safely.
The first word to be found, announced on October 12th, was “porphyras”, which means “purple” in ancient Greek.
Many fragments turned out to belong to texts written by a Greek philosopher called Philodemus of Gadara. Until then, they had been known only from mentions in other works. (Cicero, though, was a fan of his poetry.)
Mr Friedman and Daniel Gross, another entrepreneur, launched the Vesuvius Challenge in March, with a prize fund of $250,000. Other tech-industry donors soon increased that to over $1m. To get the ball rolling, an initial challenge was posted on Kaggle, a website that hosts data-science contests, to improve the ink-detection model developed by Dr Parsons.
More than 1,200 teams entered. Many competed in subsequent challenges to improve the tools for ink detection and “segmentation”, as the process of transforming the 3d scans into 2d images of the scroll’s surface is known. Scrutinising segmented images from Banana Boy, Dr Handmer realised that the crackle pattern signified the presence of ink. Mr Farritor used this finding to fine-tune a machine-learning model to find more crackles, then used those crackles to further optimise his model, until eventually it revealed legible words.
Mr Nader used a different approach, starting with “unsupervised pretraining” on the segmented images, asking a machine-learning system to find whatever patterns it could, with no external hints. He tweaked the resulting model using the winning entries from the Kaggle ink-detection challenge. After seeing Mr Farritor’s early results, he applied this model to the same segment of Banana Boy, and found what appeared to be some letters. He then iterated, repeatedly refining his model using the found letters. Slowly but surely its ability to find more letters increased. All the results were assessed by papyrologists before the prizes were awarded.
No less important than the technology is the way the effort has been organised. It is, in effect, the application of the open-source software-development method, Mr Friedman’s area of expertise, to an archaeological puzzle. “It’s a unique collaboration between tech founders and academics to bring the past into the present using the tools of the future,” he says. Dr Seales reckons the spur of competition means the equivalent of ten years’ worth of research has been done in the past three months.
An active community of volunteers is now applying the new tools to the two scanned scrolls. Mr Friedman thinks there is a 75% chance that someone will claim the grand prize of $700,000, for identifying four separate passages of at least 140 characters, by the end of the year. “It’s a race now,” he says. “We will be reading entire books next year.”
Being able to read Banana Boy would indeed just be the beginning. Only a small fraction of Greek and Roman literature has survived into modern times. But if the hundreds of other scrolls recovered from the villa could be scanned and read using the same tools, it would dramatically expand the number of texts from antiquity. Dr Seales says he hopes the Herculaneum scrolls will contain “a completely new, previously unknown text”. Mr Friedman is hoping for one of the lost Homeric epic poems in particular.
Even more important, all this might in turn revive interest in excavating the villa more fully, says Mr Friedman. The existing scrolls were recovered from a single corner of what scholars believe is a much larger library spread across several floors. If so, it might contain thousands of scrolls in Greek and Latin.'
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deargodsno · 4 months
Two thousand years ago, a volcanic eruption buried an ancient library of papyrus scrolls now known as the Herculaneum Papyri. In the 18th century the scrolls were discovered. More than 800 of them are now stored in a library in Naples, Italy; these lumps of carbonized ash cannot be opened without severely damaging them. But how can we read them if they remain rolled up? On March 15th, 2023, Nat Friedman, Daniel Gross, and Brent Seales launched the Vesuvius Challenge to answer this question. Scrolls from the Institut de France were imaged at the Diamond Light Source particle accelerator near Oxford. We released these high-resolution CT scans of the scrolls, and we offered more than $1M in prizes, put forward by many generous donors. A global community of competitors and collaborators assembled to crack the problem with computer vision, machine learning, and hard work. Less than a year later, in December 2023, they succeeded. Finally, after 275 years, we can begin to read the scrolls. Grand Prize​ There was one submission that stood out clearly from the rest. Working independently, each member of our team of papyrologists recovered more text from this submission than any other. Remarkably, the entry achieved the criteria we set when announcing the Vesuvius Challenge in March: 4 passages of 140 characters each, with at least 85% of characters recoverable. This was not a given: most of us on the organizing team assigned a less than 30% probability of success when we announced these criteria! And in addition, the submission includes another 11 (!) columns of text — more than 2000 characters total. The results of this review were clear and unanimous: the Vesuvius Challenge Grand Prize of $700,000 is awarded to a team of three for their excellent submission. Congratulations to Youssef Nader, Luke Farritor, and Julian Schilliger! Runners up​ Of the remaining submissions, the scores from our team of papyrologists identify a three-way tie for runner up. These entries show remarkably similar readability to each other, but still stand out from the rest by being significantly more readable. Congratulations to the following teams, each taking home $50,000! Shao-Qian Mah. GitHub Elian Rafael Dal Prá, Sean Johnson, Leonardo Scabini, Raí Fernando Dal Prá, João Vitor Brentigani Torezan, Daniel Baldin Franceschini, Bruno Pereira Kellm, Marcelo Soccol Gris, and Odemir Martinez Bruno. GitHub Louis Schlessinger and Arefeh Sherafati. GitHub
What does the scroll say?​ To date, our efforts have managed to unroll and read about 5% of the first scroll. Our eminent team of papyrologists has been hard at work and has achieved a preliminary transcription of all the revealed columns. We now know that this scroll is not a duplicate of an existing work; it contains never-before-seen text from antiquity. The papyrology team are preparing to deliver a comprehensive study as soon as they can. You all gave them a lot of work to do! Initial readings already provide glimpses into this philosophical text. From our scholars: The general subject of the text is pleasure, which, properly understood, is the highest good in Epicurean philosophy. In these two snippets from two consecutive columns of the scroll, the author is concerned with whether and how the availability of goods, such as food, can affect the pleasure which they provide. Do things that are available in lesser quantities afford more pleasure than those available in abundance? Our author thinks not: “as too in the case of food, we do not right away believe things that are scarce to be absolutely more pleasant than those which are abundant.” However, is it easier for us naturally to do without things that are plentiful? “Such questions will be considered frequently.” Since this is the end of a scroll, this phrasing may suggest that more is coming in subsequent books of the same work. At the beginning of the first text, a certain Xenophantos is mentioned, perhaps the same man — presumably a musician — also mentioned by Philodemus in his work On Music. Richard Janko writes: “Is the author Epicurus' follower, the philosopher and poet Philodemus, the teacher of Vergil? It seems very likely. Is he writing about the effect of music on the hearer, and comparing it to other pleasures like those of food and drink? Quite probably. Does this text come from his four-part treatise on music, of which we know Book 4? Quite possibly: the title should soon become available to read. Is the Xenophantus who is mentioned the celebrated flute-player, or the man famous in antiquity for being unable to control his laughter, or someone else entirely? So many questions! But improvements to the identification of the ink, which can be expected, will soon answer most of them. I can hardly wait.” Scholars might call it a philosophical treatise. But it seems familiar to us, and we can’t escape the feeling that the first text we’ve uncovered is a 2000-year-old blog post about how to enjoy life. Is Philodemus throwing shade at the stoics in his closing paragraph, asserting that stoicism is an incomplete philosophy because it has “nothing to say about pleasure?” The questions he seems to discuss — life’s pleasures and what makes life worth living — are still on our minds today. We can expect many more works from Philodemus in the current collection, once we’re able to scale up this technique. But there could be other text as well — an Aristotle dialog, a lost history of Livy, a lost Homeric epic work, a poem from Sappho — who knows what treasures are hidden in these lumps of ash.
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nullarysources · 4 months
Vesuvius Challenge 2023 Grand Prize awarded: we can read the first scroll
News post from the Vesuvius Challenge:
Two thousand years ago, a volcanic eruption buried an ancient library of papyrus scrolls now known as the Herculaneum Papyri.
In the 18th century the scrolls were discovered. More than 800 of them are now stored in a library in Naples, Italy; these lumps of carbonized ash cannot be opened without severely damaging them. But how can we read them if they remain rolled up?
On March 15th, 2023, Nat Friedman, Daniel Gross, and Brent Seales launched the Vesuvius Challenge to answer this question. Scrolls from the Institut de France were imaged at the Diamond Light Source particle accelerator near Oxford. We released these high-resolution CT scans of the scrolls, and we offered more than $1M in prizes, put forward by many generous donors.
There was one submission that stood out clearly from the rest. Working independently, each member of our team of papyrologists recovered more text from this submission than any other. Remarkably, the entry achieved the criteria we set when announcing the Vesuvius Challenge in March: 4 passages of 140 characters each, with at least 85% of characters recoverable. This was not a given: most of us on the organizing team assigned a less than 30% probability of success when we announced these criteria! And in addition, the submission includes another 11 (!) columns of text — more than 2000 characters total.
I still feel that computers were ultimately a mistake and we should get rid of them, but this is pretty cool
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pratikshabm-blog · 4 years
Quartz Crucible Market to Witness Exponential Growth by 2025
Quartz crucible is a bowl shaped vessel or receptacle made from high purity quartz glass through the arc fusion method. Quartz crucible can withstand high temperature; therefore, it is used in high heat processes for melting or calcining metals, glass, and pigments. Quartz crucible offers excellent thermal insulation; thus, it is widely employed in the semiconductor and solar industries. The standard size of quartz crucible varies between 10 inches and 36 inches.
Being the prime source of silica, quartz is used in various applications such as manufacture of glass, ceramics, and refractory materials. The semiconductor industry has enacted stringent regulations regarding the purity of quartz. Therefore, there is need of high purity quartz ware such as quartz crucible in single crystal silicon growth via the Czochralski process for the handling and processing of wafers. VLSI (very large scale integrated) and semiconductor device circuits require high-purity single crystal semiconductors due to the difficulty faced in controlling amorphous or poly-crystal properties. Silicon wafers obtained from highly pure single crystal silicon ingots are free from crystalline defects. Thus, rise in demand for high purity quartz in advanced high-tech semiconductor applications is likely to boost the demand for quartz crucibles in the next few years.
Modern communication technologies such as microprocessors and mobile phones are based on monocrystalline semiconductors made from silicon. Thus, rise in demand for smartphones, tablets, and flash memory cards coupled with the increase in application in consumer electronics has propelled the demand for single crystal silicon ingots. This, in turn, has accelerated the development of new technologies in silicon wafers. Furthermore, increase in demand for new silicon material to replace polycrystalline silicon due to the presence of impurity is augmenting the demand for quartz crucible for providing dislocation-free and low impurity single crystal silicon ingot.
Quartz crucibles cannot be reused due to the risk of impurities. Furthermore, quartz crucibles get attacked by molten silicon during the solidification process of silicon ingot. Therefore, using it again for single crystal growth may affect the ingot yield. Quartz and silicon possess different thermal expansion coefficient. Therefore, reusing it may result in significant mechanical stress. This would further cause crystalline defects and lead to crucible cracking. Hence, reusability of quartz crucible is one of the major challenges for manufacturers. This is estimated to restrain the growth of quartz crucibles in the semiconductor market.
The quartz crucible market can be segmented based on product type, application, and process. In terms of product type, the market can be divided into 18 inch, 20 inch, 22 inch, 24 inch, and others. Based on application, the quartz crucible market can be segregated into photovoltaic cell, electronic semiconductor, solar industry, and others. Quartz crucible is the preferred choice in semiconductor and solar industries due to its heat resistance property. Quartz crucibles are used in the production of single crystal silicon ingots through the CZ method. Single crystal silicon ingots are further processed into silicon wafers for the semiconductor market. Single crystal silicon ingots are widely used in integrated circuits for the manufacture of microchips and low power devices. The outside diameter of single crystal ingot produced through the CZ method varies between 150mm and 450mm, while the length ranges from 1m to 2m.
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Based on geography, the global quartz crucible market can be segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. Asia Pacific is one of the key regions of the global quartz crucible market. China and India hold major market share in Asia Pacific. China has been dominating the demand for quartz crucibles since the last few years.
East China is expected to be one of the major producers of quartz crucibles, followed by North China, during the forecast period. The semiconductor market in the country has been expanding; it accounted for 29% of the global market share in 2015. Rise in demand for consumer electronics, increase in disposable income, and growth in consumption of semiconductor materials in data processing and communication application sectors are anticipated to propel the semiconductor market. This, in turn, is estimated to boost the quartz crucible market for single crystal silicon in the near future.
China is a rapidly expanding market for 200mm silicon wafers. However, rising demand for 300-400mm silicon wafer, process improvement, productivity, and yield is expected to boost the demand for large diameter quartz crucibles during the forecast period. 300mm silicon wafer has high surface area compared to the 200m wafer. Therefore, the manufacturing cost of large silicon substrates is approximately 30% less than that of 200mm wafer.
Key players operating in the global quartz crucible market include Lianyungang Sunlight, Solar Cera Co., Ltd., Saint-Gobain, Ferrotec Solutions, Jinglong, Huaer, Lianyungang Sunlight, Ningbo Boost, Quartz Scientific, Inc., The Quartz Corp, Advalue Tech, Vesuvius, Huaer, and Zhonghuan
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trendingnewz-blog · 5 years
Meltblown Polyester Nonwoven Market : Comprehensive Analysis and Future Estimations 2025
Quartz crucible is a bowl shaped vessel or receptacle made from high purity quartz glass through the arc fusion method. Quartz crucible can withstand high temperature; therefore, it is used in high heat processes for melting or calcining metals, glass, and pigments. Quartz crucible offers excellent thermal insulation; thus, it is widely employed in the semiconductor and solar industries. The standard size of quartz crucible varies between 10 inches and 36 inches.
Being the prime source of silica, quartz is used in various applications such as manufacture of glass, ceramics, and refractory materials. The semiconductor industry has enacted stringent regulations regarding the purity of quartz. Therefore, there is need of high purity quartz ware such as quartz crucible in single crystal silicon growth via the Czochralski process for the handling and processing of wafers. VLSI (very large scale integrated) and semiconductor device circuits require high-purity single crystal semiconductors due to the difficulty faced in controlling amorphous or poly-crystal properties. Silicon wafers obtained from highly pure single crystal silicon ingots are free from crystalline defects. Thus, rise in demand for high purity quartz in advanced high-tech semiconductor applications is likely to boost the demand for quartz crucibles in the next few years.
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Modern communication technologies such as microprocessors and mobile phones are based on monocrystalline semiconductors made from silicon. Thus, rise in demand for smartphones, tablets, and flash memory cards coupled with the increase in application in consumer electronics has propelled the demand for single crystal silicon ingots. This, in turn, has accelerated the development of new technologies in silicon wafers. Furthermore, increase in demand for new silicon material to replace polycrystalline silicon due to the presence of impurity is augmenting the demand for quartz crucible for providing dislocation-free and low impurity single crystal silicon ingot.
Quartz crucibles cannot be reused due to the risk of impurities. Furthermore, quartz crucibles get attacked by molten silicon during the solidification process of silicon ingot. Therefore, using it again for single crystal growth may affect the ingot yield. Quartz and silicon possess different thermal expansion coefficient. Therefore, reusing it may result in significant mechanical stress. This would further cause crystalline defects and lead to crucible cracking. Hence, reusability of quartz crucible is one of the major challenges for manufacturers. This is estimated to restrain the growth of quartz crucibles in the semiconductor market.
The quartz crucible market can be segmented based on product type, application, and process. In terms of product type, the market can be divided into 18 inch, 20 inch, 22 inch, 24 inch, and others. Based on application, the quartz crucible market can be segregated into photovoltaic cell, electronic semiconductor, solar industry, and others. Quartz crucible is the preferred choice in semiconductor and solar industries due to its heat resistance property. Quartz crucibles are used in the production of single crystal silicon ingots through the CZ method. Single crystal silicon ingots are further processed into silicon wafers for the semiconductor market. Single crystal silicon ingots are widely used in integrated circuits for the manufacture of microchips and low power devices. The outside diameter of single crystal ingot produced through the CZ method varies between 150mm and 450mm, while the length ranges from 1m to 2m.
In terms of process, the quartz crucible market can be bifurcated into gel-casting process and Czochralski process. These methods are deployed to generate quartzes of high purity. The Czochralski process can be used to manufacture silicon crystals fused with quartz.
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Based on geography, the global quartz crucible market can be segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. Asia Pacific is one of the key regions of the global quartz crucible market. China and India hold major market share in Asia Pacific. China has been dominating the demand for quartz crucibles since the last few years. East China is expected to be one of the major producers of quartz crucibles, followed by North China, during the forecast period. The semiconductor market in the country has been expanding; it accounted for 29% of the global market share in 2015. Rise in demand for consumer electronics, increase in disposable income, and growth in consumption of semiconductor materials in data processing and communication application sectors are anticipated to propel the semiconductor market. This, in turn, is estimated to boost the quartz crucible market for single crystal silicon in the near future. Key players operating in the global quartz crucible market include Lianyungang Sunlight, Solar Cera Co., Ltd., Saint-Gobain, Ferrotec Solutions, Jinglong, Huaer, Lianyungang Sunlight, Ningbo Boost, Quartz Scientific, Inc., The Quartz Corp, Advalue Tech, Vesuvius, Huaer, and Zhonghuan
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globlenews-blog · 5 years
Quartz Crucible Market Size To Develop Lucratively By 2025
Quartz crucible is a bowl shaped vessel or receptacle made from high purity quartz glass through the arc fusion method. Quartz crucible can withstand high temperature; therefore, it is used in high heat processes for melting or calcining metals, glass, and pigments. Quartz crucible offers excellent thermal insulation; thus, it is widely employed in the semiconductor and solar industries. The standard size of quartz crucible varies between 10 inches and 36 inches.
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Being the prime source of silica, quartz is used in various applications such as manufacture of glass, ceramics, and refractory materials. The semiconductor industry has enacted stringent regulations regarding the purity of quartz. Therefore, there is need of high purity quartz ware such as quartz crucible in single crystal silicon growth via the Czochralski process for the handling and processing of wafers. VLSI (very large scale integrated) and semiconductor device circuits require high-purity single crystal semiconductors due to the difficulty faced in controlling amorphous or poly-crystal properties. Silicon wafers obtained from highly pure single crystal silicon ingots are free from crystalline defects. Thus, rise in demand for high purity quartz in advanced high-tech semiconductor applications is likely to boost the demand for quartz crucibles in the next few years.
Modern communication technologies such as microprocessors and mobile phones are based on monocrystalline semiconductors made from silicon. Thus, rise in demand for smartphones, tablets, and flash memory cards coupled with the increase in application in consumer electronics has propelled the demand for single crystal silicon ingots. This, in turn, has accelerated the development of new technologies in silicon wafers. Furthermore, increase in demand for new silicon material to replace polycrystalline silicon due to the presence of impurity is augmenting the demand for quartz crucible for providing dislocation-free and low impurity single crystal silicon ingot.
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Quartz crucibles cannot be reused due to the risk of impurities. Furthermore, quartz crucibles get attacked by molten silicon during the solidification process of silicon ingot. Therefore, using it again for single crystal growth may affect the ingot yield. Quartz and silicon possess different thermal expansion coefficient. Therefore, reusing it may result in significant mechanical stress. This would further cause crystalline defects and lead to crucible cracking. Hence, reusability of quartz crucible is one of the major challenges for manufacturers. This is estimated to restrain the growth of quartz crucibles in the semiconductor market.
The quartz crucible market can be segmented based on product type, application, and process. In terms of product type, the market can be divided into 18 inch, 20 inch, 22 inch, 24 inch, and others. Based on application, the quartz crucible market can be segregated into photovoltaic cell, electronic semiconductor, solar industry, and others. Quartz crucible is the preferred choice in semiconductor and solar industries due to its heat resistance property. Quartz crucibles are used in the production of single crystal silicon ingots through the CZ method. Single crystal silicon ingots are further processed into silicon wafers for the semiconductor market. Single crystal silicon ingots are widely used in integrated circuits for the manufacture of microchips and low power devices. The outside diameter of single crystal ingot produced through the CZ method varies between 150mm and 450mm, while the length ranges from 1m to 2m.
Key players operating in the global quartz crucible market include Lianyungang Sunlight, Solar Cera Co., Ltd., Saint-Gobain, Ferrotec Solutions, Jinglong, Huaer, Lianyungang Sunlight, Ningbo Boost, Quartz Scientific, Inc., The Quartz Corp, Advalue Tech, Vesuvius, Huaer, and Zhonghuan
0 notes
tejasamale · 6 years
Quartz Crucible Market Volume Forecast and Value Chain Analysis -2025
Quartz crucible is a bowl shaped vessel or receptacle made from high purity quartz glass through the arc fusion method. Quartz crucible can withstand high temperature; therefore, it is used in high heat processes for melting or calcining metals, glass, and pigments. Quartz crucible offers excellent thermal insulation; thus, it is widely employed in the semiconductor and solar industries. The standard size of quartz crucible varies between 10 inches and 36 inches.
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Being the prime source of silica, quartz is used in various applications such as manufacture of glass, ceramics, and refractory materials. The semiconductor industry has enacted stringent regulations regarding the purity of quartz. Therefore, there is need of high purity quartz ware such as quartz crucible in single crystal silicon growth via the Czochralski process for the handling and processing of wafers. VLSI (very large scale integrated) and semiconductor device circuits require high-purity single crystal semiconductors due to the difficulty faced in controlling amorphous or poly-crystal properties. Silicon wafers obtained from highly pure single crystal silicon ingots are free from crystalline defects. Thus, rise in demand for high purity quartz in advanced high-tech semiconductor applications is likely to boost the demand for quartz crucibles in the next few years.
Modern communication technologies such as microprocessors and mobile phones are based on monocrystalline semiconductors made from silicon. Thus, rise in demand for smartphones, tablets, and flash memory cards coupled with the increase in application in consumer electronics has propelled the demand for single crystal silicon ingots. This, in turn, has accelerated the development of new technologies in silicon wafers. Furthermore, increase in demand for new silicon material to replace polycrystalline silicon due to the presence of impurity is augmenting the demand for quartz crucible for providing dislocation-free and low impurity single crystal silicon ingot.
Quartz crucibles cannot be reused due to the risk of impurities. Furthermore, quartz crucibles get attacked by molten silicon during the solidification process of silicon ingot. Therefore, using it again for single crystal growth may affect the ingot yield. Quartz and silicon possess different thermal expansion coefficient. Therefore, reusing it may result in significant mechanical stress. This would further cause crystalline defects and lead to crucible cracking. Hence, reusability of quartz crucible is one of the major challenges for manufacturers. This is estimated to restrain the growth of quartz crucibles in the semiconductor market.
The quartz crucible market can be segmented based on product type, application, and process. In terms of product type, the market can be divided into 18 inch, 20 inch, 22 inch, 24 inch, and others. Based on application, the quartz crucible market can be segregated into photovoltaic cell, electronic semiconductor, solar industry, and others. Quartz crucible is the preferred choice in semiconductor and solar industries due to its heat resistance property. Quartz crucibles are used in the production of single crystal silicon ingots through the CZ method. Single crystal silicon ingots are further processed into silicon wafers for the semiconductor market. Single crystal silicon ingots are widely used in integrated circuits for the manufacture of microchips and low power devices. The outside diameter of single crystal ingot produced through the CZ method varies between 150mm and 450mm, while the length ranges from 1m to 2m.
In terms of process, the quartz crucible market can be bifurcated into gel-casting process and Czochralski process. These methods are deployed to generate quartzes of high purity. The Czochralski process can be used to manufacture silicon crystals fused with quartz
Based on geography, the global quartz crucible market can be segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. Asia Pacific is one of the key regions of the global quartz crucible market. China and India hold major market share in Asia Pacific. China has been dominating the demand for quartz crucibles since the last few years. East China is expected to be one of the major producers of quartz crucibles, followed by North China, during the forecast period. The semiconductor market in the country has been expanding; it accounted for 29% of the global market share in 2015. Rise in demand for consumer electronics, increase in disposable income, and growth in consumption of semiconductor materials in data processing and communication application sectors are anticipated to propel the semiconductor market. This, in turn, is estimated to boost the quartz crucible market for single crystal silicon in the near future.
China is a rapidly expanding market for 200mm silicon wafers. However, rising demand for 300-400mm silicon wafer, process improvement, productivity, and yield is expected to boost the demand for large diameter quartz crucibles during the forecast period. 300mm silicon wafer has high surface area compared to the 200m wafer. Therefore, the manufacturing cost of large silicon substrates is approximately 30% less than that of 200mm wafer. Low labor cost coupled with comparatively low land & utilities cost in China and need for large diameter wafers such as 300-400mm have led to wide diversity in the production of technologies for single crystal silicon ingot and wafer fabrication. Thus, need for high capacity of large diameter wafers and cost saving operations is anticipated to propel the quartz crucible market.
Key players operating in the global quartz crucible market include Lianyungang Sunlight, Solar Cera Co., Ltd., Saint-Gobain, Ferrotec Solutions, Jinglong, Huaer, Lianyungang Sunlight, Ningbo Boost, Quartz Scientific, Inc., The Quartz Corp, Advalue Tech, Vesuvius, Huaer, and Zhonghuan
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The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.
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tejastmr-blog · 6 years
Quartz Crucible Market Plan, Supply and Revenue to 2025
A new research report by Transparency Market Research offers a comprehensive evaluation of the global Quartz Crucible Market. The study, titled “Quartz Crucible Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2017 - 2025”, is available for sale on the firm’s website.
Quartz crucible is a bowl shaped vessel or receptacle made from high purity quartz glass through the arc fusion method. Quartz crucible can withstand high temperature; therefore, it is used in high heat processes for melting or calcining metals, glass, and pigments. Quartz crucible offers excellent thermal insulation; thus, it is widely employed in the semiconductor and solar industries. The standard size of quartz crucible varies between 10 inches and 36 inches.
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Being the prime source of silica, quartz is used in various applications such as manufacture of glass, ceramics, and refractory materials. The semiconductor industry has enacted stringent regulations regarding the purity of quartz. Therefore, there is need of high purity quartz ware such as quartz crucible in single crystal silicon growth via the Czochralski process for the handling and processing of wafers. VLSI (very large scale integrated) and semiconductor device circuits require high-purity single crystal semiconductors due to the difficulty faced in controlling amorphous or poly-crystal properties. Silicon wafers obtained from highly pure single crystal silicon ingots are free from crystalline defects. Thus, rise in demand for high purity quartz in advanced high-tech semiconductor applications is likely to boost the demand for quartz crucibles in the next few years.
Modern communication technologies such as microprocessors and mobile phones are based on monocrystalline semiconductors made from silicon. Thus, rise in demand for smartphones, tablets, and flash memory cards coupled with the increase in application in consumer electronics has propelled the demand for single crystal silicon ingots. This, in turn, has accelerated the development of new technologies in silicon wafers. Furthermore, increase in demand for new silicon material to replace polycrystalline silicon due to the presence of impurity is augmenting the demand for quartz crucible for providing dislocation-free and low impurity single crystal silicon ingot.
Quartz crucibles cannot be reused due to the risk of impurities. Furthermore, quartz crucibles get attacked by molten silicon during the solidification process of silicon ingot. Therefore, using it again for single crystal growth may affect the ingot yield. Quartz and silicon possess different thermal expansion coefficient. Therefore, reusing it may result in significant mechanical stress. This would further cause crystalline defects and lead to crucible cracking. Hence, reusability of quartz crucible is one of the major challenges for manufacturers. This is estimated to restrain the growth of quartz crucibles in the semiconductor market.
The quartz crucible market can be segmented based on product type, application, and process. In terms of product type, the market can be divided into 18 inch, 20 inch, 22 inch, 24 inch, and others. Based on application, the quartz crucible market can be segregated into photovoltaic cell, electronic semiconductor, solar industry, and others. Quartz crucible is the preferred choice in semiconductor and solar industries due to its heat resistance property. Quartz crucibles are used in the production of single crystal silicon ingots through the CZ method. Single crystal silicon ingots are further processed into silicon wafers for the semiconductor market. Single crystal silicon ingots are widely used in integrated circuits for the manufacture of microchips and low power devices. The outside diameter of single crystal ingot produced through the CZ method varies between 150mm and 450mm, while the length ranges from 1m to 2m.
In terms of process, the quartz crucible market can be bifurcated into gel-casting process and Czochralski process. These methods are deployed to generate quartzes of high purity. The Czochralski process can be used to manufacture silicon crystals fused with quartz.
Based on geography, the global quartz crucible market can be segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. Asia Pacific is one of the key regions of the global quartz crucible market. China and India hold major market share in Asia Pacific. China has been dominating the demand for quartz crucibles since the last few years. East China is expected to be one of the major producers of quartz crucibles, followed by North China, during the forecast period. The semiconductor market in the country has been expanding; it accounted for 29% of the global market share in 2015. Rise in demand for consumer electronics, increase in disposable income, and growth in consumption of semiconductor materials in data processing and communication application sectors are anticipated to propel the semiconductor market. This, in turn, is estimated to boost the quartz crucible market for single crystal silicon in the near future.
China is a rapidly expanding market for 200mm silicon wafers. However, rising demand for 300-400mm silicon wafer, process improvement, productivity, and yield is expected to boost the demand for large diameter quartz crucibles during the forecast period. 300mm silicon wafer has high surface area compared to the 200m wafer. Therefore, the manufacturing cost of large silicon substrates is approximately 30% less than that of 200mm wafer. Low labor cost coupled with comparatively low land & utilities cost in China and need for large diameter wafers such as 300-400mm have led to wide diversity in the production of technologies for single crystal silicon ingot and wafer fabrication. Thus, need for high capacity of large diameter wafers and cost saving operations is anticipated to propel the quartz crucible market.
Key players operating in the global quartz crucible market include Lianyungang Sunlight, Solar Cera Co., Ltd., Saint-Gobain, Ferrotec Solutions, Jinglong, Huaer, Lianyungang Sunlight, Ningbo Boost, Quartz Scientific, Inc., The Quartz Corp, Advalue Tech, Vesuvius, Huaer, and Zhonghuan
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The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.
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trendingnewz-blog · 5 years
Quartz Crucible Market Rise in Demand for Smartphones, Tablets and Flash Memory Cards | 2025
Quartz crucible is a bowl shaped vessel or receptacle made from high purity quartz glass through the arc fusion method. Quartz crucible can withstand high temperature; therefore, it is used in high heat processes for melting or calcining metals, glass, and pigments. Quartz crucible offers excellent thermal insulation; thus, it is widely employed in the semiconductor and solar industries. The standard size of quartz crucible varies between 10 inches and 36 inches.
Being the prime source of silica, quartz is used in various applications such as manufacture of glass, ceramics, and refractory materials. The semiconductor industry has enacted stringent regulations regarding the purity of quartz. Therefore, there is need of high purity quartz ware such as quartz crucible in single crystal silicon growth via the Czochralski process for the handling and processing of wafers. VLSI (very large scale integrated) and semiconductor device circuits require high-purity single crystal semiconductors due to the difficulty faced in controlling amorphous or poly-crystal properties. Silicon wafers obtained from highly pure single crystal silicon ingots are free from crystalline defects. Thus, rise in demand for high purity quartz in advanced high-tech semiconductor applications is likely to boost the demand for quartz crucibles in the next few years.
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Modern communication technologies such as microprocessors and mobile phones are based on monocrystalline semiconductors made from silicon. Thus, rise in demand for smartphones, tablets, and flash memory cards coupled with the increase in application in consumer electronics has propelled the demand for single crystal silicon ingots. This, in turn, has accelerated the development of new technologies in silicon wafers. Furthermore, increase in demand for new silicon material to replace polycrystalline silicon due to the presence of impurity is augmenting the demand for quartz crucible for providing dislocation-free and low impurity single crystal silicon ingot.
Quartz crucibles cannot be reused due to the risk of impurities. Furthermore, quartz crucibles get attacked by molten silicon during the solidification process of silicon ingot. Therefore, using it again for single crystal growth may affect the ingot yield. Quartz and silicon possess different thermal expansion coefficient. Therefore, reusing it may result in significant mechanical stress. This would further cause crystalline defects and lead to crucible cracking. Hence, reusability of quartz crucible is one of the major challenges for manufacturers. This is estimated to restrain the growth of quartz crucibles in the semiconductor market.
The quartz crucible market can be segmented based on product type, application, and process. In terms of product type, the market can be divided into 18 inch, 20 inch, 22 inch, 24 inch, and others. Based on application, the quartz crucible market can be segregated into photovoltaic cell, electronic semiconductor, solar industry, and others. Quartz crucible is the preferred choice in semiconductor and solar industries due to its heat resistance property. Quartz crucibles are used in the production of single crystal silicon ingots through the CZ method. Single crystal silicon ingots are further processed into silicon wafers for the semiconductor market. Single crystal silicon ingots are widely used in integrated circuits for the manufacture of microchips and low power devices. The outside diameter of single crystal ingot produced through the CZ method varies between 150mm and 450mm, while the length ranges from 1m to 2m.
In terms of process, the quartz crucible market can be bifurcated into gel-casting process and Czochralski process. These methods are deployed to generate quartzes of high purity. The Czochralski process can be used to manufacture silicon crystals fused with quartz.
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Based on geography, the global quartz crucible market can be segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. Asia Pacific is one of the key regions of the global quartz crucible market. China and India hold major market share in Asia Pacific. China has been dominating the demand for quartz crucibles since the last few years. East China is expected to be one of the major producers of quartz crucibles, followed by North China, during the forecast period. The semiconductor market in the country has been expanding; it accounted for 29% of the global market share in 2015. Rise in demand for consumer electronics, increase in disposable income, and growth in consumption of semiconductor materials in data processing and communication application sectors are anticipated to propel the semiconductor market. This, in turn, is estimated to boost the quartz crucible market for single crystal silicon in the near future. Key players operating in the global quartz crucible market include Lianyungang Sunlight, Solar Cera Co., Ltd., Saint-Gobain, Ferrotec Solutions, Jinglong, Huaer, Lianyungang Sunlight, Ningbo Boost, Quartz Scientific, Inc., The Quartz Corp, Advalue Tech, Vesuvius, Huaer, and Zhonghuan
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tejasamale · 6 years
Quartz Crucible Market Volume Forecast and Value Chain Analysis -2025
Quartz crucible is a bowl shaped vessel or receptacle made from high purity quartz glass through the arc fusion method. Quartz crucible can withstand high temperature; therefore, it is used in high heat processes for melting or calcining metals, glass, and pigments. Quartz crucible offers excellent thermal insulation; thus, it is widely employed in the semiconductor and solar industries. The standard size of quartz crucible varies between 10 inches and 36 inches.
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Being the prime source of silica, quartz is used in various applications such as manufacture of glass, ceramics, and refractory materials. The semiconductor industry has enacted stringent regulations regarding the purity of quartz. Therefore, there is need of high purity quartz ware such as quartz crucible in single crystal silicon growth via the Czochralski process for the handling and processing of wafers. VLSI (very large scale integrated) and semiconductor device circuits require high-purity single crystal semiconductors due to the difficulty faced in controlling amorphous or poly-crystal properties. Silicon wafers obtained from highly pure single crystal silicon ingots are free from crystalline defects. Thus, rise in demand for high purity quartz in advanced high-tech semiconductor applications is likely to boost the demand for quartz crucibles in the next few years.
Modern communication technologies such as microprocessors and mobile phones are based on monocrystalline semiconductors made from silicon. Thus, rise in demand for smartphones, tablets, and flash memory cards coupled with the increase in application in consumer electronics has propelled the demand for single crystal silicon ingots. This, in turn, has accelerated the development of new technologies in silicon wafers. Furthermore, increase in demand for new silicon material to replace polycrystalline silicon due to the presence of impurity is augmenting the demand for quartz crucible for providing dislocation-free and low impurity single crystal silicon ingot.
Quartz crucibles cannot be reused due to the risk of impurities. Furthermore, quartz crucibles get attacked by molten silicon during the solidification process of silicon ingot. Therefore, using it again for single crystal growth may affect the ingot yield. Quartz and silicon possess different thermal expansion coefficient. Therefore, reusing it may result in significant mechanical stress. This would further cause crystalline defects and lead to crucible cracking. Hence, reusability of quartz crucible is one of the major challenges for manufacturers. This is estimated to restrain the growth of quartz crucibles in the semiconductor market.
The quartz crucible market can be segmented based on product type, application, and process. In terms of product type, the market can be divided into 18 inch, 20 inch, 22 inch, 24 inch, and others. Based on application, the quartz crucible market can be segregated into photovoltaic cell, electronic semiconductor, solar industry, and others. Quartz crucible is the preferred choice in semiconductor and solar industries due to its heat resistance property. Quartz crucibles are used in the production of single crystal silicon ingots through the CZ method. Single crystal silicon ingots are further processed into silicon wafers for the semiconductor market. Single crystal silicon ingots are widely used in integrated circuits for the manufacture of microchips and low power devices. The outside diameter of single crystal ingot produced through the CZ method varies between 150mm and 450mm, while the length ranges from 1m to 2m.
In terms of process, the quartz crucible market can be bifurcated into gel-casting process and Czochralski process. These methods are deployed to generate quartzes of high purity. The Czochralski process can be used to manufacture silicon crystals fused with quartz.
Based on geography, the global quartz crucible market can be segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. Asia Pacific is one of the key regions of the global quartz crucible market. China and India hold major market share in Asia Pacific. China has been dominating the demand for quartz crucibles since the last few years. East China is expected to be one of the major producers of quartz crucibles, followed by North China, during the forecast period. The semiconductor market in the country has been expanding; it accounted for 29% of the global market share in 2015. Rise in demand for consumer electronics, increase in disposable income, and growth in consumption of semiconductor materials in data processing and communication application sectors are anticipated to propel the semiconductor market. This, in turn, is estimated to boost the quartz crucible market for single crystal silicon in the near future.
China is a rapidly expanding market for 200mm silicon wafers. However, rising demand for 300-400mm silicon wafer, process improvement, productivity, and yield is expected to boost the demand for large diameter quartz crucibles during the forecast period. 300mm silicon wafer has high surface area compared to the 200m wafer. Therefore, the manufacturing cost of large silicon substrates is approximately 30% less than that of 200mm wafer. Low labor cost coupled with comparatively low land & utilities cost in China and need for large diameter wafers such as 300-400mm have led to wide diversity in the production of technologies for single crystal silicon ingot and wafer fabrication. Thus, need for high capacity of large diameter wafers and cost saving operations is anticipated to propel the quartz crucible market.
Key players operating in the global quartz crucible market include Lianyungang Sunlight, Solar Cera Co., Ltd., Saint-Gobain, Ferrotec Solutions, Jinglong, Huaer, Lianyungang Sunlight, Ningbo Boost, Quartz Scientific, Inc., The Quartz Corp, Advalue Tech, Vesuvius, Huaer, and Zhonghuan
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The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.
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