DEA, operator of PlayMining, signs strategic partnership
DEA, operator of PlayMining, signs strategic partnership
As part of the partnership, DEA’s GameFi PlayMining platform’s entire catalog of games will be integrated into the yggsea.io gaming platform, as well as collaboration between the two companies on promotional and philanthropic initiatives in the Southeast Asia region. SINGAPORE, Dec. 7, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Digital Entertainment Asset (DEA), operator of the PlayMining GameFi entertainment…
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reportwire · 2 years
PlayMining to Begin Development of New Web3 User-Producer IP Co-Creation Project "SOUL Fusers"
PlayMining to Begin Development of New Web3 User-Producer IP Co-Creation Project “SOUL Fusers”
2022-09-02 05:57:00 Creating a new world where monsters called “SOULs” reside with decentralized user communities SINGAPORE, September 2, 2022 (Newswire.com) – Singapore-based global GameFi company Digital Entertainment Asset Pte. Ltd. (DEA), known for its leading GameFi platform PlayMining is pleased to announce the development of “SOUL Fusers”, a Web3 user-producer IP co-creation project with…
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sinrabansyo0123456789 · 2 months
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cripta-today · 1 year
Платформа PlayMining GameFi теперь принимает как законное платежное средство, так и DEAPcoin ($ DEP) в качестве оплаты за NFT
New Post has been published on https://cripta.today/nft/novosti-nft/platforma-playmining-gamefi-teper-prinimaet-kak-zakonnoe-platezhnoe-sredstvo-tak-i-deapcoin-dep-v-kachestve-oplaty-za-nft/
Платформа PlayMining GameFi теперь принимает как законное платежное средство, так и DEAPcoin ($ DEP) в качестве оплаты за NFT
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Базирующаяся в Сингапуре глобальная Web3-развлекательная компания Digital Entertainment Asset (DEA) и оператор платформы PlayMining GameFi объявили о введении законного платежного средства в качестве нового варианта оплаты на платформе PlayMining. Платежи через PayPal, кредитные карты и дебетовые карты будут приниматься вместе с токеном компании DEAPcoin ($ DEP).
Законное платежное средство будет приниматься для платежей на торговой площадке PlayMining NFT, включая покупки в таких играх, как флагман компании JobTribes и других играх на платформе. Однако этот способ оплаты применяется только к покупкам в «Официальном магазине». Игроки должны продолжать использовать DEP для «Пользовательских» покупок.
«Большинство торговых площадок NFT принимают для платежей только криптовалюты, что является серьезным препятствием для новых пользователей, незнакомых с криптопространством. Это в некоторых отношениях препятствовало внедрению игр с блокчейном», — сказал соучредитель и со-генеральный директор DEA Козо Ямада. 
«Благодаря внедрению PayPal, платежей по кредитным и дебетовым картам мы можем создать среду, в которой даже те, кто плохо знаком с играми с блокчейном, могут легко начать работу. Это поможет DEA донести опыт «Play and Earn» до большего числа людей и будет способствовать массовому внедрению GameFi».
Создание сообщества GameFi, «Like No Other»
PlayMining является домом для быстрорастущего каталога игр NFT «Play and Earn» (P&E), включая Job Tribes, Cookin’ Burger, Menya Dragon Ramen, Graffiti Racer и Lucky Farmer. Все игры позволяют игрокам зарабатывать DEP во время игры, которые затем можно обменять на популярных криптовалютных биржах, потратить на торговой площадке PlayMining NFT или выкупить в рамках программы обратного выкупа DEA. На рынке представлены официальные служебные NFT для использования в играх PlayMining, а также NFT с оригинальными иллюстрациями от создателей некоторых из самых известных японских видеоигр и аниме, включая Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest и Fairy Tail.
Компания также реализует инициативу метавселенной PlayMining Verse. Он является домом для Fujiwara Kamui Verse, проекта, возглавляемого известным художником манги Камуи Фудзивара, который использует платформу для совместного создания эпического комикса с сообществом PlayMining. Интерактивный характер PlayMining Verse до сих пор позволял Фудзиваре и его поклонникам совместно выпустить пять актов истории и две коллекции марок Line, а также проводить как физические, так и цифровые встречи.
PlayMining также усердно работает над расширением совместных творческих аспектов своей платформы путем создания PlayMining Lab, места, где ряд экспериментальных проектов и новых технологий могут быть задуманы, протестированы и реализованы с сообществом. Скоро стартует первый проект PlayMining Lab, PlayMining Olympians. В PlayMining Olympians члены сообщества будут выбирать лучших игроков для участия в различных соревнованиях на платформе PlayMining, чтобы выяснить, кто из них лучший.
Юбилейный фестиваль DEP в честь годовщины GameFi в Японии
Расширенные возможности оплаты появились почти ровно через год после того, как DEAPcoin впервые был зарегистрирован на японской бирже криптовалютных активов. Поскольку DEAPcoin стал первым токеном P&E, получившим официальное одобрение Агентства финансовых услуг Японии, этот листинг стал важной вехой для GameFi в стране.
В ознаменование этой годовщины DEA проведет в ближайшие недели «Юбилейный фестиваль DEP». Они проводят серию мероприятий для фестиваля, включая аирдропы, распродажи и новый план ставок, а также вышеупомянутый запуск PlayMining Olympians.
С 25 января по 8 февраля аирдропы DEP будут отправлены всем тем, кто приобретет NFT с законным платежным средством. Покупатели получат скидку в размере 30% от цены DEP NFT, а также примут участие в розыгрыше, в котором 50 счастливчиков получат призы на сумму 1000, 5000, 10 000, 50 000 и 100 000 DEP, общий призовой фонд 332 000 DEP. Еще 1 миллион призов DEP будет разыгран по 10 000 DEP каждому 100-му победителю, который поделится информацией о кампании в Твиттере с хэштегом #DEPAnnivFes.
В тот же период на торговой площадке PlayMining NFT проходит специальная распродажа NFT JobTribes. В продажу поступят как совершенно новые NFT, так и многие NFT, которые давно недоступны. В качестве дополнительного стимула к популярной опции ставок DEP на торговой площадке PlayMining NFT будет добавлен новый 12-месячный план ставок с годовой процентной ставкой 15,0%.
Дополнительную информацию о мероприятиях DEP Anniversary Festival можно найти в официальном блоге PlayMining Medium.
О компании Digital Entertainment Asset
Digital Entertainment Asset Pte. Ltd. (DEA) — сингапурская глобальная развлекательная компания Web3, основанная в августе 2018 года. DEA — разработчик игр «Play and Earn» (P&E). DEA также управляет игровой платформой PlayMining NFT, торговой площадкой PlayMining NFT, проектом метавселенной PlayMining Verse и DEAPcoin — первым токеном P&E, одобренным Агентством финансовых услуг Японии. Команду возглавляют два генеральных директора — Наохито Ёсида и Кодзо Ямада, которые вместе обладают многолетним опытом создания успешных стартапов (с 3 IPO), создания популярных видеоигр, создания программ для веб-телевидения и глубокого понимания игр NFT.
О PlayMining
PlayMining — это платформа GameFi и метавселенной, которая расширяет возможности создателей, которые в противном случае получили бы очень мало пользы от традиционной индустрии создания интеллектуальной собственности. Платформа PlayMining — это новая бизнес-модель для создания контента, включающая торговую площадку NFT на основе монеты PlayMining DEAPcoin ($DEP) в сочетании с игровой платформой NFT и платформой Metaverse. Предлагая как собственные игры, так и сторонние проекты с их собственными токенами, которые позволяют создателям получать почти всю ценность, которую они создают, платформа PlayMining имеет 2,6 миллиона пользователей и каталог игр P&E, включая Job Tribes, «Cookin’ Burger», «Menya Dragon Ramen», «Graffiti Racer» и «Lucky Farmer».
Официальные каналы:
Веб- сайт DEA: https://dea.sg
Веб-сайт PlayMining: https://playmining.com
PlayMining Discord: https://discord.com/invite/xWeHGdt
PlayMining Twitter: https://twitter.com/PlayMining_SG
PlayMining Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/PlayMining/
PlayMining Medium: https://medium.com/playmining-game
Информация о юбилейном фестивале DEP: https://playmining.medium.com/
PlayMining Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGWmK0RLV4SB_PSXpj2j6dw
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kriptozz · 1 year
DEAPcoin Nedir? DEP Nedir ?
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DEAPcoin Nedir? DEP Ne İşe Fayda? DEAPcoin, merkeziyetsiz finans (DeFi) ve değiştirilemez Token’ler (NFT) oluşturulan özel bir Blockchain olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu makalemizde Kriptokoin.com olarak “DEAPcoin nedir?” sorusuna cevap vereceğiz. Ek olarak proje hakkında merak edilen öteki mevzulara değineceğiz. DEAPcoin nedir? Ne işe fayda? DEAPcoin’in lokal Token’i DEP’dir. Birebir vakitte oyun ortamında çeşitli hizmetler ve etkinlikler için ödeme yapmak için kullanılır. DEP Token’leri kasa hizmetleri ve hibe fırsatları aracılığıyla ve DEA’nın oyun platformu PlayMining platformuna, oyuncuya karşı ortam (PvE) ve oyuncuya karşı oyuncu (PvP) modlarına katılarak da elde edilebilmektedir. Deapcoin, bilhassa dijital çağ için cümbüş ve varlıklara odaklanmaktadır. Ayrıyeten iktisat ve kültür geliştirmek için Blockchain teknolojisinden yararlanan yeni kuşak cümbüş platformu olmayı hedefliyor. Tıpkı vakitte DEP kripto para ünitesinin gerisindeki şirket olan DEA, güçlü bir kurucu takıma sahiptir. Şirketin kurucu ortağı Naohito Yoshida, Japonya’da 3 halka arza öncülük etti. Bununla bir arada cümbüş medyası şirketlerinde düzgün bilinen bir isimdir. Co-CEO Kozo Yamada, 15 yıldır TV Tokyo’da müzik ve varyete gösterilerinin yapımcısıdır. Ayrıca şirketin incelemesine nazaran: PlayMining, büsbütün yeni cümbüş içeriği yaratırken yurtdışından global içerik oluşturucuların haklarını ve yararlarını koruyan bir sistem inşa etmeyi hedeflemektedir. 2018’den bu yana, Japonya’nın ünlü sanatkarları 100’den fazla yaratıcının özgün sanat yapıtlarından NFT’ler oluşturmayı başarmıştır. Nasıl çalışır? DEA ağında üç kritik operasyonel katman vardır. Bunlar; - Madencilik oyunları: Blockchain’den NFT datalarına erişen bir API kullanan, NFT oyunları olarak çalışan zincir dışı HTML5 tabanlı uygulamalardır. DEA’nın incelemesine nazaran, oyun sanayisine üçüncü taraf girişini mevcut oyun üreticileri için daha erişilebilir hale getirir. Bununla birlikte oyun içeriğinin gelecekteki zenginleştirilmesinin yolunu açıyor. PlayMining platformunda Aralık 2021 itibariyle üç oynanabilir oyun bulunuyor. 2022’nin sonuna kadar yayınlanması planlanan ondan fazla oyun var. - NFT pazarı: DEA’nın NFT Pazarı, ERC721 standart NFT’lerine dönüştürülmüş oyun içi eserlere odaklanır. NFT’ler, Japon pop kültürünün en önde gelen sanatkarlarından çok çeşitli öğelerden oluşan tipinin tek örneğidir. DEA’nın teknik incelemesine nazaran, Nisan 2020’den bu yana NFT ticareti yoluyla paylaşılan toplam karlar bir milyar yen’i aştı. - PlayMining kasaları: Bu kasalar, PlayMining’in genel iktisadına olumlu katkıda bulunan kullanıcılara DEP tokenleri, NFT’ler ve (PlayMining Gold) PMG veren teşvik edici bir yapı misyonu görür. Ayrıyeten oyuncu olmayanlar da ödül kazanma fırsatı elde eder. DEAPcoin nedir? DEP nasıl satın alınır? DEAPcoin şu anda az sayıda kripto para borsasında süreç görmektedir. DEAPcoin’in süreç gördüğü borsalar şu formda sıralanmaktadır: OKX, MEXC, Bitrue, Gate.io. Projeye yatırım yapmak isteyen şahıslar, projenin süreç gördüğü borsalardan birinde hesap açmalıdır. Read the full article
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spitonews · 1 year
DEA to Launch DEAPCoin Buyback Program
DEA to Launch DEAPCoin Buyback Program
Return profits to DEAPcoin holders Digital Entertainment Asset Pte. Ltd. (DEA), a global developer of the GameFi platform business, will buy back DEAPcoin (DEP: Deepcoin) on the 5th in order to sustainably increase the value of its proprietary crypto asset DEAPcoin. The company announced that it will start implementing the “DEP Buyback Program” in January. License. Thank you for Share!     #DEA…
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foresthell5 · 1 year
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nerdforcrypto · 2 years
DEAPcoin DEP White Paper Explained Summary
DEAPcoin DEP White Paper Explained Summary
DEAPcoin DEP White Paper Summary: -The DEA Project will provide the PlayMining Platform” which is a blockchain based multimedia digital entertainment platform featuring digital arts, games, and various other forms of entertainment. -The PlayMining Platform” is composed of three elements, namely the DEA Bank,” the Digital Art Auction,” and the Game.” -All three of these elements are linked with…
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farmspark65 · 2 years
Not known Details About Metaverse ETP (ETP) Price, Charts, and News
+5.08% All Coin Metaverse The metaverse refers to a virtual room that is discussed by different worlds, created by the mix of enhanced truth, virtually-enhanced bodily reality, and the Web. This has actually the possibility for additional exploration of the Internet's attributes through making a even more assorted social network and area that incorporates technology and ingenuity. In the situation of Metaverse, this is mostly as a result of in huge component to the big pool of factors that have contributed to its work. +9.13% +124.40% +9.13% +124.40% Top Movers LUKSO LYXe $9.12 +23.79% Aircoins AIRX $0.00002784 +19.96% AcknoLedger ACK $0.0263 -19.08% Black Eye Galaxy BYG $0.00005327 -16.17% 7D CHART Decentraland MANA +4.40% +4.40% The Sandbox SAND +2.96% +2.96% Theta Network THETA +3.34% +3.34% Axie Infinity AXS +1.45% +1.45% WEMIX WEMIX +2.62% +2.62% Enjin Piece ENJ +4.12% +4.12% SushiSwap SUSHI +11.82% +11.82% Ontology ONT +3.32% +3.32% WAX WAXP +4.23% +4.23% PlayDapp PLA +0.50% +0.50% LUKSO LYXe +23.79% +23.79% Decentral Games [Outdated] DG +0.00% +0.00% CEEK VR CEEK +3.33% +3.33% Vulcan Built PYR PYR +4.37% +4.37% Ultra UOS +12.77% +12.77% Radio Caca RACA +1.74% +1.74% Chromia CHR +3.92% +3.92% inSure DeFi SURE +8.09% +8.09% MAGIC MAGIC +7.17% +7.17% Efinity Token EFI +0.65% +0.65% Adshares ADS +9.12% +9.12% Alien Worlds TLM +2.65% +2.65% Bloktopia BLOK +2.44% +2.44% UFO Gaming UFO +7.83% +7.83% Aavegotchi GHST -0.14% -0.14% MyNeighborAlice ALICE +4.51% +4.51% MOBOX MBOX +3.94% +3.94% Verasity VRA +4.07% +4.07% Mines of Dalarnia DAR +6.02% +6.02% Ethernity Chain ERN +3.45% +3.45% Illuvium ILV +9.54% +9.54% DEAPcoin DEP +1.61% +1.61% Starlink STARL +2.40% +2.40% Yield Guild Games YGG +3.54% +3.54% Boson Protocol BOSON +8.88% +8.88% Terra Virtua Kolect TVK +2.74% +2.74% Decentral Games DG +8.10% +8.10% Wilder World WILD +15.69% +15.69% Phantasma SOUL +8.84% +8.84% MILC Platform MLT +3.90% +3.90% RMRK RMRK +1.13% +1.13% Metahero HERO +3.22% +3.22% Highstreet Higher +5.47% +5.47% Somnium Space Cubes CUBE +7.78% +7.78% DeRace DERC +7.48% +7.48% BOSAGORA BOA +1.82% +1.82% Newscrypto NWC +2.27% +2.27% Dvision Network DVI -0.27% -0.27% OVR OVR +2.83% +2.83% SENSO SENSO -1.28% -1.28% The function of this website is only to display info pertaining to the products and companies available on the Crypto.com App. It is not intended to offer gain access to to any of such products and solutions. The rule enables for social accessibility to a variety of products by legislation enforcement, and is necessary to promote a solid social safety and security throughout an economic decline. There has been a downtrend in the variety of U.S. weapon owners since 2001; though that downtrend might be due to a decrease in firearm-related deaths. You might secure access to such products and services on the Crypto.com App. To avoid the purchase or usage of these products and companies, you may end your profile at any sort of opportunity through talking to Crypto.com at any sort of opportunity. If you believe that you have been mistakenly informed that your details is topic to legal stipulations and shall have stopped working to comply with any of these criteria, we may refuse to give you access to the Company's Services.
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Please keep in mind that the supply of the products and companies on the Crypto.com App is subject to supervisory limits. Trading Crypto.com. We are making use of the following Investors' Guidelines for the functions of our Exchanging Strategy: • Make use of of Traders' Relevant information (Trading) to launch the Trading of Crypto.com. It is essential for us to notify you regarding some of the products on this website in instance you prefer to involve in exchanging of Crypto.com. Crypto.com might not give particular products, function and/or solutions on the Crypto.com App in certain jurisdictions due to prospective or actual governing limitations. This Article Is More In-Depth might additionally not be the exclusive representative of protections and we may not be able to use any products or solutions that are safeties or the special distributor of protections or various other relevant information concerning Crypto.com. You need to acquire extra support on these phrases and conditions after being educated of these potential limitations and regulations worrying your profile at any sort of time. The brands and the company logos seeming on this website are enrolled hallmarks through their respective brand owners. The label or logo design of the company or other company logos and mottos or icons is an individual advertising campaign on this website and does not suggest endorsement from any of our companies or various other companies. No component of the components or info on the web is delivered through or embodied for the functions of any type of third event. Please seek advice from a specialist legal representative for exact information. While we venture to release and preserve correct info on exterior directories, we do not promise the reliability, efficiency, or effectiveness of any info on this site, nor do we embrace nor endorse, nor are we responsible for, the accuracy or dependability of any sort of relevant information sent by various other events. Such details is considered for reference simply and for educational functions merely. In the interest of transparency, we reserve the right, at our alternative, to cancel marketing deals and various other deals upon need.
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PlayMining, the Web3 entertainment platform, launches a new
PlayMining, the Web3 entertainment platform, launches a new
SINGAPORE, December 7, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Web3 Entertainment Company Digital entertainment asset (DEA) announced the launch of Lucky Farmer, a new NFT game on PlayMining gaming platform. happy farmer joins the rapidly growing catalog of PlayMining Play-and-Earn (P&E) games that allow players to earn DEAPcoin ($DEP) tokens that can be used to buy NFTs on the PlayMining NFT marketplace or sell…
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the-blockchain-news · 4 years
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Cryptocurrency Exchange OKEx Greenlights DEA Trade Token Deapcoin For Its Jobtribe and PlayMining Games On April 8th, 2020 cryptocurrency exchange OKEx will permit Singapore-based Digital Entertainment Asset's, (DEA) digital currency DEP (DEAPcoin) that is used on its entertainment buy-and-trade platform called PlayMining to be listed on its exchange, one of the world's largest.
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nervousbearcrypto · 2 years
🗣️ @routerprotocol Introduced
Router Protocol has now integrated DEAPcoin🤩
You can now transfer @PlayMining_JP among ETH, BSC, FTM, POLY, AVAX using Router💫
Here is a small tutorial explaining how you can transfer any other coin in any other network to DEAPcoin using Router
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familytoe19 · 2 years
8 Easy Facts About The Sandbox Game Shown
+5.08% All Coin Metaverse The metaverse recommends to a virtual area that is discussed by different worlds, developed by the mixture of augmented reality, virtually-enhanced bodily truth, and the Internet. This Article Is More In-Depth has actually the capacity for further exploration of the Web's nature through developing a even more varied social system and area that integrates innovation and ingenuity. In the scenario of Metaverse, this is mostly due in large component to the sizable pool of contributors that have contributed to its work. +9.13% +124.40% +9.13% +124.40% Top Movers LUKSO LYXe $9.12 +23.79% Aircoins AIRX $0.00002784 +19.96% AcknoLedger ACK $0.0263 -19.08% Black Eye Galaxy BYG $0.00005327 -16.17% 7D CHART Decentraland MANA +4.40% +4.40% The Sandbox SAND +2.96% +2.96% Theta Network THETA +3.34% +3.34% Axie Infinity AXS +1.45% +1.45% WEMIX WEMIX +2.62% +2.62% Enjin Piece ENJ +4.12% +4.12% SushiSwap SUSHI +11.82% +11.82% Ontology ONT +3.32% +3.32% WAX WAXP +4.23% +4.23% PlayDapp PLA +0.50% +0.50% LUKSO LYXe +23.79% +23.79% Decentral Games [Aged] DG +0.00% +0.00% CEEK VR CEEK +3.33% +3.33% Vulcan Forged PYR PYR +4.37% +4.37% Super UOS +12.77% +12.77% Radio Caca RACA +1.74% +1.74% Chromia CHR +3.92% +3.92% cover DeFi SURE +8.09% +8.09% MAGIC MAGIC +7.17% +7.17% Efinity Token EFI +0.65% +0.65% Adshares ADS +9.12% +9.12% Alien Worlds TLM +2.65% +2.65% Bloktopia BLOK +2.44% +2.44% UFO Gaming UFO +7.83% +7.83% Aavegotchi GHST -0.14% -0.14% MyNeighborAlice ALICE +4.51% +4.51% MOBOX MBOX +3.94% +3.94% Verasity VRA +4.07% +4.07% Mines of Dalarnia DAR +6.02% +6.02% Ethernity Chain ERN +3.45% +3.45% Illuvium ILV +9.54% +9.54% DEAPcoin DEP +1.61% +1.61% Starlink STARL +2.40% +2.40% Yield Guild Games YGG +3.54% +3.54% Boson Protocol BOSON +8.88% +8.88% Terra Virtua Kolect TVK +2.74% +2.74% Decentral Games DG +8.10% +8.10% Wilder World Untamed +15.69% +15.69% Phantasma SOUL +8.84% +8.84% MILC Platform MLT +3.90% +3.90% RMRK RMRK +1.13% +1.13% Metahero HERO +3.22% +3.22% Highstreet Higher +5.47% +5.47% Somnium Space Cubes CUBE +7.78% +7.78% DeRace DERC +7.48% +7.48% BOSAGORA BOA +1.82% +1.82% Newscrypto NWC +2.27% +2.27% Dvision Network DVI -0.27% -0.27% OVR OVR +2.83% +2.83% SENSO SENSO -1.28% -1.28% The purpose of this website is entirely to display relevant information pertaining to the products and solutions readily available on the Crypto.com App. It is not wanted to deliver gain access to to any of such products and services. The regulation makes it possible for for social gain access to to a variety of products by rule administration, and is necessary to advertise a solid public protection throughout an economic slump. There has been a downtrend in the amount of U.S. weapon managers since 2001; though that decrease may be as a result of to a reduction in firearm-related deaths.
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You might secure access to such products and services on the Crypto.com App. To stop the purchase or make use of of these products and services, you might end your account at any type of opportunity through getting in touch with Crypto.com at any time. If you think that you have been erroneously educated that your info is subject to lawful regulations and should have failed to comply with any of these requirements, we might reject to give you access to the Company's Services. Please note that the schedule of the products and services on the Crypto.com App is subject to administrative limits. Exchanging Crypto.com. We are using the observing Investors' Guidelines for the reasons of our Investing Strategy: • Use of Traders' Relevant information (Investing) to trigger the Trading of Crypto.com. It is necessary for us to inform you concerning some of the products on this web site in situation you desire to interact in trading of Crypto.com.
Crypto.com may not deliver specific products, function and/or solutions on the Crypto.com App in specific legal systems as a result of to prospective or real regulative limitations. We may additionally not be the exclusive representative of surveillances and we might not be capable to give any sort of products or companies that are protections or the unique distributor of securities or other information about Crypto.com. You must get additional guidance on these terms and conditions after being informed of these potential limitations and stipulations worrying your profile at any type of time. The brands and the logos showing up on this website are signed up trademarks by their corresponding brand name managers. The title or logo of the label or various other company logos and mantras or symbols is an independent promotion on this website and does not signify promotion coming from any of our companies or other entities. No component of the products or details on the web is offered by or represented for the functions of any sort of third event. Please consult with a specialist attorney for precise relevant information. While we venture to post and keep accurate details on outside lists, we do not assure the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any kind of details on this web site, nor do we embrace nor endorse, nor are we accountable for, the reliability or integrity of any sort of info sent by various other gatherings. Such information is considered for recommendation only and for informational objectives only. In the passion of clarity, we set aside the right, at our possibility, to cancel marketing agreements and various other agreements upon demand. You herewith acknowledge that we are not offering our own point of views, guidance, or referrals. For additional relevant information about the regulations and regulations regulating relevant information associating to our services and products, please refer to our personal privacy policy at http://www.law.org and/or talk to us at 813-444-5425. If you call for further definition of a regulation or guideline under a legal or governmental system, please email Legal Information Center.
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maxbit · 3 years
Major anime platform incorporates crypto and NFTs to ebook market
Major anime platform incorporates crypto and NFTs to ebook market
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MyAnimeList, an active online community for anime and manga with an estimated 10 million North American users, is incorporating cryptocurrency payments into its ecosyste.
In a Dec. 2 press release, blockchain platform Digital Entertainment Asset announced a partnership with MyAnimeList parent company Media Do, which will see the former’s DEAPcoins circulated on the MyAnimeList platform.
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reportwire · 2 years
The First Artist Collaboration for 'Project B-Idol' Music NFT to Be Produced by 'INIMI', the Music Artist Collective Directed by SUNNY BOY
The First Artist Collaboration for ‘Project B-Idol’ Music NFT to Be Produced by ‘INIMI’, the Music Artist Collective Directed by SUNNY BOY
Press Release – May 9, 2022 03:00 EDT SINGAPORE, May 9, 2022 (Newswire.com) – Today, Singapore-based global GameFi company Digital Entertainment Asset Pte. Ltd (DEA) has unveiled the launch of its first artist collaboration for its upcoming NFT digital idol project titled “Project B-idol.” The DEA team is collaborating with “INIMI,” the music artist collective directed by SUNNY BOY, to…
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the-blockchain-news · 4 years
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Cryptocurrency Exchange OKEx Greenlights DEA Trade Token Deapcoin For Its Jobtribe and PlayMining Games On April 8th, 2020 cryptocurrency exchange OKEx will permit Singapore-based Digital Entertainment Asset's, (DEA) digital currency DEP (DEAPcoin) that is used on its entertainment buy-and-trade platform called PlayMining to be listed on its exchange, one of the world's largest.
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