#& ft ‚ lvndrhazed.
at-sabohteurs · 6 months
@lvndrhazed ,
pitch thoughts lead her to pace the expanse of her empty manor, the ever present darkness of her mind dragging her into a pit of warring emotion that leaves her restless. it cannot be stopped, this she discovered far too long ago. longer than any would believe - a lesson hard learned before the crown ever touched her head, when the only magic to sully the red of her heart belonged to her mother, wrapped tight around her body in a vice like grip, crushing her throughout her youth until her own rose in a display of desperation, fear, and rage : a dangerous cocktail in her hands, one that she yearns to reach for now like an addict faced with their drug of choice.
she paces her home, quiet and still now where once it was filled with the sounds of life - there are moments in the dead of night when she's still awake, unable to rest easily, where she thinks she can hear henry in his room trying to read his comics past his assigned curfew, the rustle of pages drifting down the hall to where she's sat in her bed, her legs crossed under the heavy blankets of her california king.
regina stilled in the shadows of her kitchen, the french doors leading to the backyard allowing light from the full moon to bleed in through the windows, illuminating half of her face as she grit her teeth. her hand rose to pinch the bridge of her nose, eyes closing as a migraine forms at her temples. it's been persistent for days now, and she's already on the verge of setting herself on fire just to escape it.
she's dangerous alone to no one more than herself.
eyes open blearily, drifting to her yard only to blink and frown. a growl starts in her throat as she strides across the room and throws open the doors, stepping out into the cool night air and approaching the wolf sat under her tree. " shouldn't you be chasing rabbits ? " she bites irritably, already foul mood worsening as her thoughts start to run rampant. " if you're here to babysit me red, you're wasting your AND your wolf's time. i've no homicidal intentions . . . yet. "
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at-sabohteurs · 6 months
mj watson : no sleep tonight for you, better chug that mountain dew- incredulous stare settles on mj beside him, cross-legged on the other side of the sofa. peter's features are as relaxed as they'll ever be, but there's still a tightness pulling taut at his lips as he grins at her. " oh wow mj, i didn't know you had bars ! " quip comes with ease to his tongue, grin unfaltering as he sits half present at her side ( the other belongs to the city, and he's not quite learned yet how to balance both ) - peter shook his head minutely, reaching out a hand and twisting his wrist, drawing said bottle towards him with his trusty webbing.
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anyone'd think maybe he'd gotten lazy over the years, if he weren't parker-ouring all over town. ( heh, parker-ouring. )
untwisting the cap of the bottle, he chugs. what was an almost full litre bottle of md is now empty. peter wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, tossing the bottle with pin-point accuracy at the waste bin ten feet away, in the corner of the room. " he shoots, he scores ! and the crowd goes W I L D ! ahhhhhh- peter, peter, peter . . . " he'd jumped up as it landed, hands up as he bounced in place. turning to look at @lvndrhazed, he stopped abruptly. " what ? you said to chug it ! "
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at-sabohteurs · 5 months
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*        you ain't gotta pray for me, if all you want is gray for me, then it's just white noise, and it's my choice . . . independent, selective + exclusive. multi-muse roleplay blog. by reign ( she/her ) twenty8. ft. various canon and original characters, predominantly female. plot-driven and mostly headcanon based, canons are inspired by their source but developed by my own interpretation. minors dni. triggering content present. expect slow activity. doc. prompts. main. secondary.
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& _ affiliated with : @cultfic, @lvndrhazed, @huntedvideo / @slashaer,
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