#& bio.
elaetaoboazinha · 2 months
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┈➤ ( SYDNEY SWEENY ) —  Atenção, atenção, quem vem lá? Ah, é CINDERELA, da história CINDERELA Pelo menos, você pode aproveitar a sua estadia no Reino dos Perdidos fazendo o que você gosta: DESCOBRIR NOVOS HOBBIES
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♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎flora ( o clube das win ) ; cordelia ( w.i.t.c.h ) ; clover ( três espiãs demais ) ; mia colucci ( rebelde ) ; daphne ( scooby doo )
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♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Ella/Cinderela ♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Cindy . El . ♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 27 anos ♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Touro ♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Casada ♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ + leal ; conselheira ; gentil ; ♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ - bajuladora ; insegura ;
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♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ As noites eram a parte mais difícil para Cinderela, ficar sozinha naquele imenso castelo, era tudo muito novo e estranho, e por mais feliz que estivesse de ter deixado sua antiga vida para trás, Cindy se sentia mais sozinha do que nunca. A sensação era de que a qualquer momento iria acordar e se veria mais uma vez deitada sob as cinzas na casa da madrasta;
♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Com a solidão vieram os hiper focos, que mudavam a cada semana praticamente, e para além de aprender seu novo ofício como rainha de Castle Dreams, o que não era pouco coisa, e ocupava boa parte de sue tempo, ao menos ela se sentia útil. Então, afim de manter a cabeça funcionando e não passar todo o tempo conversando com os ratinhos, Cindy inventava algo novo para fazer, fosse aprender a tricotar ou construir casas para passarinhos;
♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Com a chegada dos perdidos e o anuncio de possíveis grandes mudan��as foi como se um novo mundo se abrisse diante dos olhos de Cinderela, era a oportunidade perfeita para conhecer novas pessoas, em especial aqueles que integrariam seu conto, e talvez isso significasse que ela não ficaria mais tão sozinha. E ao mesmo tempo, se sentia insegura, e se tudo mudasse, será que ela conseguiria se adaptar?
♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ E com todas essas novas pessoas a sua volta, Cinderela parece ter voltado aos seus hábitos antigos, fazendo absolutamente de tudo para agradar, com toda a solidão que sentira nos últimos tempos, ela quer ser gostada, quer que as pessoas queiram ficar ao seu lado e gostem de sua companhia, mesmo que ás vezes ela se apague um pouco para fazer com que os outros brilhem, ela anda esquecendo um pouco demais de si mesma em prol dos outros e suas vontades;
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♡⸝⸝‎ ‎ ‎ ‎vem ai.
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zcdkiel · 3 days
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não é nenhuma surpresa ver zadkiel "zack" morningstar andando pelas ruas de arcanum, afinal, o arcanjo precisa ganhar dinheiro como advogado. mesmo não tendo me convidado para sua festa de idade desconhecida, ainda lhe acho leal e justo, mas entendo quem lhe vê apenas como impiedoso e preconceituoso. vivendo na cidade há um ano, zack cansa de ouvir que se parece com jared padalecki.
o principio;
Arcanjo, do grego: arkhaggelos, latim eclesiáticos: archangelus, é o anjo principal ou anjo da mais alta ordem na hierarquia celeste. Zadkiel (em hebraico צדקיאל Tzadqiel, "Justiça do Senhor") é o arcanjo da justiça, benevolência, misericórdia, e o patrono de todos os que perdoam.
Nos primórdios da criação, Zadkiel, o Arcanjo da Justiça e da Misericórdia, observava a obra de seu Criador com a mesma fascinação de uma criança vendo o trabalho habilidoso de seu pai. Cada elemento do mundo trazia uma perfeição que encantava o anjo, e Zadkiel nutria um carinho inigualável por essa criação — quase tanto quanto por seu próprio Criador. Sua fé era inabalável, e sua lealdade nunca foi questionada. Para ele, nada nem ninguém poderia se equiparar à grandiosidade de Deus.
Quando a grande traição ocorreu, e Lúcifer, o irmão querido, se voltou contra o Criador, Zadkiel foi dilacerado entre o dever e o afeto. Ele sabia que era necessário lutar, sabia que os anjos caídos haviam quebrado a ordem divina, mas em seu coração, a compaixão ainda falava alto. Mesmo enquanto lutava ferozmente na grande batalha celestial, esmagando os rebeldes com determinação, ele suplicava por misericórdia ao Criador. Para ele, todos mereciam uma segunda chance, inclusive os que haviam se perdido. O Criador, em sua infinita sabedoria, ouvia os apelos de Zadkiel, e o anjo acreditava que, em alguns momentos, Deus realmente considerava suas súplicas.
Essa proximidade única com o Criador enchia Zadkiel de orgulho, mas também de uma responsabilidade esmagadora. No entanto, seu grande coração se provou uma faca de dois gumes. Ao implorar pela clemência divina, ele inadvertidamente abriu caminho para que Lúcifer corrompesse a humanidade — a joia favorita de Deus.
o inicio da queda;
Zadkiel foi enviado à Terra muitas vezes ao longo dos séculos, e com cada missão retornava mais frio e desiludido. A humanidade, com suas tramas e sua crueldade, parecia estar em um estado irreversível de decadência, e para o arcanjo, sua compaixão aos poucos se esvaía. Ele observava os humanos destruindo uns aos outros e não conseguia mais sentir piedade por criaturas que, em seus olhos, estavam completamente perdidas.
No entanto, uma missão em particular mudou tudo. Ele foi enviado para guiar e proteger uma jovem mulher chamada Heavenly Beatrice Allen, uma humana que irradiava pureza e bondade — qualidades raras que o fizeram sentir algo que ele já pensava ter perdido: fascínio e, mais que isso, amor. Desde o segundo dia que a encontrou, algo dentro dele despertou. A forma como ela vivia, como enfrentava os desafios com coragem e bondade, o fascinava de uma maneira profunda e desconcertante.
Durante três meses, Zadkiel a acompanhou, a guiando até a segurança da cidade que ela precisava alcançar, sempre lutando contra o desejo que crescia dentro dele. A missão poderia ter sido simples, mas se transformou em uma tortura emocional. A cada toque, a cada proximidade, o arcanjo reprimia as palavras que quase escapavam de sua boca: "Eu te amo". Ele sabia que esse sentimento era proibido. Ele não poderia trair seu Criador de tal maneira, mas Beatrice, com sua inocência, parecia sentir algo semelhante. Seu olhar revelava que ela jamais o esqueceria, e no fundo de seu coração, Beatrice também o amava.
Zadkiel, no entanto, foi fiel à sua missão e ao seu voto. Por mais que desejasse tê-la, nunca cedeu à tentação. Quando voltou aos céus, sentiu uma dor profunda. O arcanjo, que não deveria sentir como os humanos, agora estava consumido por um amor impossível. E essa dor apenas cresceu quando ele, quebrando todas as regras, decidiu continuar observando Beatrice de longe. Durante anos, a acompanhou secretamente, cuidando à distância, até que testemunhou o pior da humanidade.
Beatrice, ingênua e confiante, foi atraída para uma armadilha por duas amigas em quem confiava. Essas amigas, seduzidas por promessas de dinheiro e beleza, entregaram Beatrice como sacrifício a um demônio. Zadkiel, preso pelas leis divinas, não pôde interferir. Ele, um arcanjo de graça e poder incomparáveis, foi forçado a assistir impotente enquanto a mulher que amava era cruelmente assassinada. Os gritos de Beatrice ecoaram em sua mente por eras, e o brilho de seus olhos, enquanto a vida se esvaía de seu corpo, o assombraria para sempre.
Quando retornou aos céus, Zadkiel estava irreconhecível. A misericórdia que antes o definia foi obliterada pela amargura e pelo ódio. Ele, que antes suplicava por piedade em nome da humanidade, agora via apenas corrupção e crueldade. Os inocentes mereciam graça, sim, mas todos os culpados e inimigos dos céus deveriam ser dizimados. E, se dependesse dele, Zadkiel destruiria com suas próprias mãos aqueles que ameaçassem a ordem divina. O anjo que outrora intercedia por compaixão agora se tornara o algoz da humanidade, buscando purgar o mundo da maldade com justiça implacável e mãos de ferro.
a queda;
Zadkiel, consumido pela amargura e pelo desejo de vingança, passou milênios traçando meticulosamente o seu plano. Ele sabia que não poderia agir de forma impetuosa, não diante dos olhos do Criador. Então, com paciência angelical, reuniu evidências e esperou. Fez com que os céus acreditassem que havia perdoado as transgressões dos envolvidos na morte de Beatrice, criando a ilusão de que seu coração havia se acalmado. No entanto, por dentro, sua raiva crescia a cada dia.
Quando achou que o momento certo havia chegado, desceu à Terra, decidido a fazer justiça à sua maneira. Um por um, os descendentes das mulheres que haviam traído e assassinado sua amada Beatrice foram testados por Zadkiel. Ele observava suas vidas, os desafios que enfrentavam, e os colocava diante de provas que, se falhassem, resultariam em sua morte. Aqueles que não se mostraram dignos de redenção, que seguiram o caminho da maldade, pagaram com suas vidas, o que Zadkiel acreditava ser o preço justo por suas linhagens amaldiçoadas.
Mas não parou por aí. Zadkiel seguiu os demônios que participaram do ritual sombrio, perseguindo-os até os quatro cantos do mundo. Ele caçou cada um deles, implacável e impiedoso, e os enviou para um lugar de tormento pior até mesmo do que o inferno.
Depois de concretizar boa parte de sua vingança, Zadkiel se voltou para Arcanum, a cidade onde criaturas sobrenaturais coexistiam com humanos. Em seus olhos, a cidade era uma afronta à ordem divina, um refúgio de corrupção, e, secretamente, ele almeja corrigir o que acredita ser o maior erro de seu irmão Miguel: permitir que seres impuros e perversos coexistam com o que resta de bom. Em silêncio, ele planeja erradicar cada criatura que considera indigna..
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fcnnick · 8 days
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(  homem cis  •  ele/dele  •  bisexual ) — não é nenhuma surpresa ver finnick octavian bludworth andando pelas ruas de arcanum, afinal, o hibrido (vampiro + bruxo) precisa ganhar dinheiro como professor de história. mesmo não tendo me convidado para sua festa de quinhentos e setenta anos, ainda lhe acho cortês e sagaz, mas entendo quem lhe vê apenas como rancoroso e calculista. vivendo na cidade há cem anos, finn cansa de ouvir que se parece com chris wood.
Finnick Bludworth nasceu prematuro, fraco e subestimado, sobrevivendo contra todas as expectativas. Seus pais, poderosos bruxos, negligenciaram o menino, favorecendo suas irmãs mais poderosas e fortes, especialmente após um sonho profético de sua mãe. Ela acreditava que Finnick traria o fim da linhagem dos Bludworth. O que começou como descuido rapidamente evoluiu para punições e isolamento. Com o tempo, Finnick se tornou exatamente o que sua família temia: uma ameaça.
Aos 14 anos, com uma mente já afiada e calculista, Finnick armou um plano sombrio. Ele denunciou anonimamente sua mãe por bruxaria, instigando os moradores de seu vilarejo a massacrar toda a sua família. Após assistir ao fim de sua linhagem, ele fugiu, desaparecendo no mundo e sobrevivendo a qualquer custo.
No entanto, sua saúde começou a falhar. Finnick foi acometido por uma doença grave que o deixou à beira da morte. Mas, em um inesperado ato de destino, ele foi transformado em vampiro por seu/sua enfermeirx. Com isso, Finnick encontrou o poder que tanto desejava. Sua magia, somada às suas novas habilidades vampíricas, o tornou uma força imparável, permitindo-lhe espalhar o caos e a destruição por onde passava.
Infelizmente, sua sede insaciável por sangue e caos o transformou no pior tipo de criatura: um monstro sem remorso, temido por todos. Finnick destruiu vilarejos e cidades até ser atraído para a cidade de Arcanum, onde caiu em uma armadilha. Agora, preso pela barreira mágica da cidade, ele segue as regras com relutância, temendo as consequências de desafiar a autoridade local.
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vnrity · 10 days
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( mulher cis • ela/dela • bissexual ) — não é nenhuma surpresa ver verity charmeine sinclair andando pelas ruas de arcanum, afinal, a nefilim precisa ganhar dinheiro como bartender. mesmo não tendo me convidado para sua festa de cento e vinte cinco anos , ainda lhe acho destemida e resiliente, mas entendo quem lhe vê apenas como descontrolada e reativa. vivendo na cidade desde sempre, verity cansa de ouvir que se parece com sydney sweeney.
Verity é o fruto de um amor condenado. Seu pai, Benjamin, foi um anjo devoto, enviado à Terra para proteger uma humana especial, Destiny. No entanto, o que começou como uma missão divina logo se transformou em algo muito mais profundo e profano. Benjamin se apaixonou perdidamente por Destiny, algo que os anjos jamais deveriam experimentar. Ele sabia que, ao ceder aos seus sentimentos, selaria sua queda definitiva do céu, mas para ele, Destiny era o único motivo pelo qual valia a pena continuar.
O que Benjamin não sabia é que o mundo humano, ao contrário de suas expectativas, era cruel e impiedoso. O destino que ele sonhava para si e para Destiny — uma vida feliz e uma família construída com o fruto do seu amor, Verity — jamais seria alcançado. A verdade, como ele descobriu tarde demais, era devastadora: Destiny havia sido contratada para capturar Benjamin. Mesmo assim, ela nunca teve a chance de explicar ou se redimir, pois foi assassinada por um anjo que tentou impedir o nascimento de Verity.
Verity nasceu em meio ao caos e à tragédia. Benjamin, agora caído, foi forçado a vagar pelo mundo, sabendo que sua filha carregava o peso de suas escolhas. Criada com essa herança dolorosa, Verity sempre soube que o mundo não era justo, mas cruel, partindo corações e destruindo sonhos. Nômades por necessidade, Verity e Benjamin nunca ficaram em um só lugar por muito tempo. A Nephilim passou a infância e a adolescência fugindo, nunca criando raízes, sempre aterrorizada pela possibilidade de ser descoberta como a aberração que era. O sangue angelical que corria em suas veias não só a impediu de viver uma vida normal, como também lhe roubou o pai que amava anos após ter matado sua mãe. Quando Verity completou 25 anos, um anjo os encontrou. Benjamin, em um último ato de sacrifício, deu sua vida para que ela pudesse fugir.
Há dois anos, Verity encontrou refúgio na cidade de Arcanum, uma sociedade oculta onde seres sobrenaturais e humanos coexistem sob a liderança do Arcanjo Miguel. Ela se estabeleceu como bartender, um trabalho que a mantém no centro da ação enquanto evita laços significativos. Verity usa esse emprego para se manter atenta às interações e movimentos ao seu redor, sempre à procura de oportunidades para alimentar seu desejo de vingança. Verity planeja sua vingança contra os céus diariamente. Ela acredita que todos devem ser destruídos da mesma forma que destruíram aqueles que amava. Sua obsessão a leva a buscar maneiras de confrontar e derrubar a autoridade celestial.
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musingwithnanab · 6 months
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(Zhou Ye, 25 anos, ela/dela) Era Uma Vez… Uma pessoa comum, de um lugar sem graça nenhuma! HÁ, sim, estou falando de você XIONG MEI. Você veio de PEQUIM, CHINA e costumava ser RELAÇÕES PÚBLICAS por lá antes de ser enviado para o Mundo das Histórias. Se eu fosse você, teria vergonha de contar isso por aí, porque enquanto você estava JOGANDO TÊNIS, tem gente aqui que estava salvando princesas das garras malignas de uma bruxa má! Tem gente aqui que estava montando em dragões. Tá vendo só? Você pode até ser GENTIL, mas você não deixa de ser umx baita de umx TEIMOSA… Se, infelizmente, você tiver que ficar por aqui para estragar tudo, e acabar assumindo mesmo o papel de A GÊMEA na história TARZAN… Bom, eu desejo boa sorte. Porque você VAI precisar!
Com seu cabelo impecável, e blazer o mais bem passado possível, não havia ninguém na empresa que conseguia bater Xiong Mei quando ela queria fazer um trabalho bem feito. Por sempre estar atualizada em tudo que poderia prejudicar seus clientes, a mulher havia trabalhado desde celebridades até mesmo políticos. Todos mandavam mensagens para ela antes de sequer pensar em alguma ação, e Mei gostava dessa sensação de poder. Eles poderiam ser as pessoas poderosas, mas ela que os comandava. Se ela dizia para não fazerem algo, não faziam. Se aconselhava para algo, era feito de imediato. Seu trabalho sempre foi sua vida.
Até demais. Ela não foi ao hospital quando a mãe morreu, pois teve uma crise com um famoso que havia saído de roupas íntimas e foi flagrado. Não foi no aniversário da irmã mais nova porque precisava revisar discursos antes de um palanque. Perdeu o encontro de dois meses de namoro (que só durou dois meses), pois precisou ficar até tarde removendo comentários negativos sobre um idol que ela prestava serviços. Não havia vida pessoal, mas ela sentia-se grata. Não eram muitas pessoas que poderiam estar em tantos eventos, participar de tantos ambientes (de festas exclusivas até reuniões políticas) importantes.
Quando recebeu a embalagem com papel pardo, olhou duas vezes para ver quem era o remetente. Boa parte do material que mandavam para seus clientes passava por ela para ver qual seria uma boa propaganda para tirar foto ou agradecer o mesmo quando não era uma boa ideia (números de telefones suspeitos). Aquele não tinha destinatário, e ela estava pronta para jogar no lixo quando a curiosidade fez com que ela abrisse a embalagem. O livro a surpreendeu. Nunca foi uma mulher a acreditar em contos de fada ou magia. Preferia cadernos e canetas do que bonecas. Seu tempo era melhor gasto em pesquisas, gráficos e economia. O brilho ainda assim fez com que ela o abrisse, e se arrependesse amargamente por isso.
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pcrplecolor · 9 months
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shin hye-sun? não! é apenas a seon-yun lilac, ela é filha de perséfone, do chalé 26 e tem 25 anos. a tv de hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no nível ii, mas está no acampamento há 15 anos, sabia?
lila é bastante altruísta, mas também dizem que é pessimista.
afetuosa como ela, lila é uma pessoa extremamente carinhosa e carente, já que é órfã e não tem família. sua principal missão é dentro do acampamento, fazendo com que os semideuses mais novos (crianças e adolescentes) tenham suporte e apoio (pessoal e emocional). frequentemente é vista nos campos de morango, ajudando na manutenção do plantio ou com algum grupinho de semideuses crianças, isso quando não está falando sozinha pela maldição que recebeu de hades. além disso, também fica fazendo suas tarefas para tentar desempacar do nível ii de poder, já que desenvolveu um bloqueio que nunca conseguiu avançar.
quando a rainha do submundo desconbriu mais um filho do seu esposo, resolveu sair para o mundo mortal, na tentativa de espairecer sobre a nova traição de hades. nesta noite, havia escolhido a coreia do sul para conhecer sua cultura e costumes. foi então que conheceu um sujeito sedutor, que a abordou com um sorriso simpático e confortante. o homem tentou anima-la, conversando com a deusa por um bom tempo, sem saber exatamente quem era. papo vai, papo vem, ambos decidiram dançar juntos, perséfone passando a noite inteira provocando hades, que tentava alcança-la com suas sombras. quando finalmente cedeu ao mortal, ela já estava se sentindo melhor e decidiu presentea-lo com uma criança. entretanto, ao final da noite, quando perséfone o deixou sozinho, hades levou sua alma ao mundo dos mortos.
fruto de uma noite proibida da deusa, lilac nasceu numa noite chuvosa de outubro, mais precisamente no dia 30. persefone teve de deixar os domínios de hades para que ela não nascesse nos domínios do marido e acabasse morta. assim, a deixou na porta de um velho sátiro, que cuidaria e despistaria a criança das investidas de hades contra sua vida.
lilac cresceu com o pai adotivo, que sempre fora muito cuidadoso e amoroso, oferecendo-lhe uma vida como se fosse sua própria filha. a semideusa conseguiu passar 10 anos escondida, até que em um dia ordinário, ao voltar da escola, uma quimera desconfiou do sangue mestiço da menina e começou a persegui-la, até ter a certeza de que era, quando ela viu o sátiro se juntar a menina. foi então que o ataque começou.
george então a instruiu para o acampamento meio-sangue, apesar de toda a agonia durante o ataque, mas infelizmente não sobreviveu.
lila passou dois anos no chalé de hermes, sem a reclamação do seu parente divino, não entendia muito bem o que era ou o motivo de tudo aquilo ter acontecido e parte de si ficou em negação por muito tempo. mas em contrapartida, lila fez muitos amigos e aprendeu muitas coisas, embora sempre tivesse a sensação de não-pertencimento, as vezes pensava ser uma impostora e não ser uma semideusa de fato.
sua atividade favorita era o treino com arco e flecha, do que foi um desastre total no início, mas após muito treinamento, conseguiu finalmente dominar a arma com maestria.
após dois anos no acampamento, perséfone finalmente a proclamou. pouco tempo depois, fora convocada à uma missão, do qual conseguiu concluir com sucesso e, após a sua conquista, a deusa presenteou a filha com um anel que, posteriormente, lilac descobriu ser uma arma e como usa-la. apenas após a proclamação, lila conseguiu treinar o seu poder, mas ficou estagnada no segundo nível.
por não ter nenhuma família, além dos campistas, lila é integral no acampamento e estava presente no jantar durante a profecia, sendo uma das responsáveis por conter o panico dos semideuses menores.
intoxicação: lila expele do próprio corpo um espécime de névoa vermelha com toxina, que confunde os inimigos e semideuses, deixando-os confusos, tontos, com náuseas ou falta de ar, porém não é um poder letal ainda. a parte ruim do poder é que não se concentra apenas em algo maligno, então qualquer um pode ser afetado por ele, estando num raio de até 5m de distância da semideusa.
na primavera: cura sobre-humana
no inverno: agilidade fisica e mental
um pequeno anel com uma pedra vermelhas e folhas, simbolizando uma rosa, presenteado por persefone após a conquista da primeira missão da semideusa. esse anel, ao ser manuseado três vezes, vira um arco e, ao mesmo instante, uma aljava se forma em suas costas com flechas com pontas venenosas. quando disparadas, ao atingir o alvo, a flecha se desintegra, retornando à aljava.
lilac sempre fora uma lembraça da traição de perséfone à hades. e como prova de sua apatia pela semideusa, quando a garota foi reclamada pela rainha do submundo aos doze anos de idade, hades lhe lançou uma maldição (ficou pistola). é por isso que consegue ver fantasmas em suas piores formas e é perseguida por eles até então. frequentemente possui episódios de insônia por estar sendo assombrada por algum fantasminha camarada.
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behindviolettwrites · 27 days
🥀 introducing, bianca alvarez ! 🥀
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below the cut is some info on my all time favourite oc, bianca alvarez . 9 times out of 10 she is my go to girl for roleplays . i hope you love her as much as i do !
name: bianca iliana alvarez
nickname(s): bea
birthday/age: 15th nov. age dependent on verse
gender + pronouns: cis female , she/her
biography: bianca alvarez is a fiercely independent and closed-off young woman who has faced significant challenges throughout her life.
growing up, bianca had to visit her father in prison from the age of six to sixteen, an experience that shaped her resilience and self-reliance. her relationship with her mother is strained, complicated by the emotional and financial burdens placed on her.
as the eldest, bianca was expected to raise her two younger siblings, shouldering responsibilities far beyond her years. at sixteen, she moved in with her grandmother, seeking a fresh start and a sense of stability.
despite her tough exterior, bianca remains deeply loyal to those she cares about, a testament to the strength she developed from her upbringing.
more tba.
personality: bianca is a fiercely independent and guarded individual, often presenting a tough exterior to shield herself from further emotional pain. her closed-off nature is a result of years dealing with challenging circumstances, including a strained family dynamic. despite her tough demeanor, bianca is deeply loyal to those she trusts and cares about. while she may seem distant or unapproachable to most, she reveals a more vulnerable and softer side to the people closest to her. this combination of resilience and warmth highlights her capacity for deep, unwavering commitment and affection.
likes: thunderstorms. the scratch of the needle on a record player. hot summer nights. crystals. cats. bubble baths. cigarettes. cocktails. hot sand between her toes. scented candles. dancing in the kitchen. dressing up for a night out. the smell of ‘billie eilish no. 1’ perfume. tight hugs. staying up all night. dr martens. wearing oversized tshirts.
dislikes: loud children. mess. liars. the uncomfortable air in the room after an argument. her parents. seeing happy families because “why didn’t i get that”. the headaches after crying. being alone with her thoughts. skipping songs halfway through.
weather: rainy days & warm summer nights.
season(s): winter & summer.
colour(s): black.
movie(s): jaws (1975). american psycho (2000). twilight (2008). 10 things i hate about you (1999). back to the future (1985). transformers (2007).
tv show(s): gilmore girls. that 70s show. my name is earl. the haunting of hill house. breaking bad. friday night dinner. house.
song(s): she will be loved — maroon 5. young god — halsey. her — chase atlantic. party monster — the weeknd. she’s so mean — matchbox twenty. love buzz — nirvana. something in your mouth — nickleback
drink(s): espresso martinis. pink lemonade. diet coke & vodka. pineapple juice. mojitos. frozen margaritas.
food(s): nachos with extra sour cream & jalapeños. frutti do mare. cheesy garlic pizza. watermelon.
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wintercuddles · 6 months
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Atenção, atenção, quem vem lá? Ah, é OLAF, da história FROZEN! Todo mundo te conhece… Como não conhecer?! Se gostam, aí é outra coisa! Vamos meter um papo reto aqui: as coisas ficaram complicadas para você, né? Você estava vivendo tranquilamente (eu acho…) depois do seu felizes para sempre, você tinha até começado a AJUDAR COM AS CRIANÇAS DE ARENDELLE… E aí, do nada, um monte de gente estranha caiu do céu para atrapalhar a sua vida! Olha, eu espero que nada de ruim aconteça, porque por mais que você seja criativo, você é ingênuo, e é o que Merlin diz por aí: precisamos manter a integridade da SUA história! Pelo menos, você pode aproveitar a sua estadia no Reino dos Perdidos fazendo o que você gosta: SE VOLUNTARIANDO NO HOSPITAL.
Para que o encantamento que o mantém vivo fosse mais permanente, a nuvem de Olaf foi colocada dentro da neve que compõe o seu corpo. Com o tempo, ele foi moldando o próprio corpo conforme ia sendo mais necessário: braços não feitos de gravetos pra poder ajudar a levantar coisas e pernas mais compridas para não ficar sempre para trás nas caminhadas e até uns cabelinhos para ficar mais bonitinho… até que, finalmente, decidiu ceder e assumir uma aparência humana. Enquanto ele ainda é feito de gelo, às vezes ele compra encantamentos para parecer humano, só para chamar menos atenção.
Como está a posição dele em relação aos perdidos? Odiou ou amou?
Olaf é pau para toda obra. Assim como a água que o compõe, ele flui para onde precisar. Bom ou ruim, é uma coisa que aconteceu. E até que está sendo bem divertido todos esses amigos novos! E a história nova tem um monte de amigos novos, inclusive para as suas meninas, o que é ótimo! Mas… até que dá saudade de toda a neve de casa às vezes. 
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gravesung · 4 months
content warnings: homophobia, implied parental abuse (take a wild fuckin guess who warrants both of those)
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AMARI FLETCH (they/he), a.k.a. THE TOWER
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leader of the unseen (historically known as umbra), a global shadow syndicate quietly nudging politics this way and that by way of bribes, assassinations, extortions, etc. also has a major foothold in the underworld scene of most major cities. elusive is NOT fletch's middle name, as they are a well-known high society socialite known for being unapologetically nonbinary in a relatively conservative, traditional space.
fletch is a soft-spoken, well-mannered and calm individual. they are known for never raising their voice or losing their cool, often able to talk down unhinged or pissed-off people with a simple conversation. when they do lose their temper, it is often in an extremely controlled way, a terrifying outburst of violence bookended by serenely removing and then donning their gloves.
they are also incredibly smart. fletch is an expert at loaded questions and layered statements, their conversations often leaving people thinking about what they said for weeks to come. i call him "the spider" for a reason — they are always working an angle, always spinning a thread in their vast web of influence.
though this is known to no one, it's important to mention that a very, very long time ago, amari fletch gained immortality by cheating death in a game of dice. muses who are directly connected to death might know them or know of them because of this!
touchstones: hannibal lecter, gus fring, olrox
ALLIES: persephone aisa ( @huntershowl, right hand), anah tannar (umbra employee in some verses), korin derege (tensely) ENEMIES: adeodatus damiana (politically opposed — adeo is the well-loved underdog to the tower's established rule)
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in modern verse, he is the wealthiest man in shelter island and one of the wealthiest in the world. korin is the CEO of midas holdings, a huge corporation that owns many smaller corporations and businesses, though his largest is midas' consulting company (name tbd). the derege family is old money. they have been around for centuries, said to be composed of a long line of men who ruled their fiscal domain — and family legacy — with an iron fist.
he is also, secretly, a five thousand year old dragon. very few people know this, as it is a dangerous secret given the fact that dragons were hunted to extinction so thoroughly that they faded into legend. nowadays, he and his son carry charms that trick those with magical creature-sense, giving off the essence of human phoenix sorcerers rather than draconic ones.
korin, like fletch, is near-universally feared, though unlike them he is very rarely loved. he is well-known to be classist, catholic in a bigoted way, and homophobic. he rules his family like his company: iron fist, hard delegation, everyone serving a role. his wife, charlie, hasn't spoken a word in over a decade and has largely faded into the background. he had a daughter, but she died. his son, keon, is the sole inheritor of the family's legacy, and korin has his claws deep into the boy's life — keon was created and molded to be an extension of his father.
speaking to korin derege tends to feel like being pulled apart and scrutinized from all sides. it's common to feel uneasy around him, as if he could snap at any second and verbally berate you for simply existing. the presence of other people is an inconvenience at best. but his people follow him staunchly: so long as they perform their role properly, they know their lives will always be bountiful. and it feels good to be on his good side.
in fantasy verses, korin leads the midas trading company, the largest shipping empire in xyz coolworldname. he often serves as a close advisor to an emperor or king, though even in magic-forward worlds his draconic identity is a secret.
touchstones: logan roy, fire lord ozai, omni-man, dracula (castlevania)
allies: keon derege (until a character arc turning point), amari fletch & the unseen (tensely), peter lukas (old-money shitfamily pals), riposte alaric (recipient of korin's sponsorship at school), adeodatus damiana (privately)(?) enemies: adeodatus damiana (publicly/politically), rival mafia clans, competing corporations, most people with a conscience, anyone who cares about keon
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ahhhhh, the politician. see, here's the thing about adeo: he hates politicians. he hates politics. at least, the way they are right now. see, you get together a group of people and put them on a patch of land and they have to live together somehow. they form a society. but in a society, you need to figure out the rules: what's okay to do, what's not okay to do, what happens if you do something that's not okay, how rule-breaking is punished, how rules are regulated... et cetera. so you create a form of law enforcement and you create leaders. every group has a leader. usually a few leaders, so that one guy doesn't get all the power and go wild with it. voilà: politicians are created.
but here's the thing about politicians: somewhere along the line, they stopped caring about the city as a whole. the started really caring about themselves, and about money. the only way to have a lot of money is for other people to have very little. an extreme cannot exist without its opposite. if everyone could be rich and comfortable, nobody would be, right? and because these guys helped make the rules, they thought, of course i should be rich and comfortable, i'm important.
but adeodatus grew up poor. the part of the city he's from has been abandoned by law and government. infrastructure stopped getting funded: dilapidated buildings full of asbestos and hazardous debris, roads broken up and riddled with potholes, entire districts dominated by gangs of technomancers, and behind it all, the fucking unseen, profiting from the chaos — scooping up people with nothing left to live for and making foot-soldier criminals out of them. but every group needs a leader, right, so what happens when yours abandons you? that's what we in the biz call a power vacuum. when a leader steps away, another takes his place, and in the outer ring of shelter island, that vacuum was filled by the mafia. no one else had enough influence, money and power to enforce some form of order.
so now you have a whole half of the city where the little guys live in fear of their shops and homes being smashed up if they don't pay their protection dues — or worse, the folks they love being hurt, killed, one by one. they get desperate. they can't get a job in the ring, because no one pays well enough. they can't go to city-proper for work, because they can't afford to look nice enough to get hired and commuting would drain what little funds they have left. so they start to steal. they're honest men, they are, but they have nothing left — no one will reach out a hand and say here's some stability, so you can rest.
two-thirds of the wealth in this city goes uncirculated. it sits in the hoards of a handful of people who — in adeo's honest judgement — are not always evil diabolical villains, they started out the same way as everyone else. they just got lucky, right? and they wanted to hold onto that luck, that stability, so they grew it and grew it and grew it, and now it's a machine that churns out good fortune.
all adeo wants to do is work with these people to create a little more balance. all he wants to do is reduce the suffering that leads to people feeding the umbral machine, people being led blind into the tower's maw and coming out with blood on their hands. give them a chance to catch up, get jobs, make jobs, get one good night of goddamn sleep. feed their kids without risking their lives to do it. turn the ring into a place where you can ask for help and get it. just redistribute a tiny bit of that unused money — he promises, you won't miss it.
TL;DR: whoops — sorry, got into campaign speech mode there. i hope that gives you a general idea of what adeo's all about: he's a socialist politician primarily focused on creating better social security programs and funding for the impoverished areas of the city by redistributing wealth. however, at the same time, he makes behind-the-curtain handshake deals with the very corporation owners he publicly opposes so that he remains friends with everyone. we can all have a slice if we just work together about it. adeo's point of view on life is that everyone, somewhere deep down, wants to do the right thing for them and those they care about.
his major campaign circuit ran five years ago after he baptized himself and left a life of crime. alas, his opposition to umbra/the unseen (the one organization he couldn't come to an agreement with) led to an assassination attempt that caused a house fire, killing his fiancée and causing him to flee the country — never to be seen again. there were three days of riots in the ring after his exit, colloquially called the exile riots. he left the city as a martyr, and not without igniting a spark of hope in the people he swore to protect. many of the ring's citizens still wait with bated breath for his return.
touchstones: zahir (lok), all might (mha), apollo, [the rest are spoilers for other aspects of him that aren't public knowledge]
allies: genuinely Most People but especially those who have been personally victimized by the unseen/the mafia/crime in general/rich people, korin derege (privately)(?) enemies: amari fletch, persephone aisa (if you know you know) IMPORTANT NOTE: adeo is a tricky character. there are darker aspects of him that i keep hidden because i like immersion and it's always a fun mystery to weave for folks, but would never keep a partner in the dark ooc without their explicit consent.
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halofcrged · 5 months
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scrtbl4d · 12 days
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Walking through the picturesque streets of Cardinal Hill, you find ( oliver maxvell ), the ( 33 ) year old ( tattoo artist at razor sharp ) originally from ( new york ). Living alongside them in such a small town, you know that they're ( playful ) and ( reckless ), but what you might not know is that they are a ( human ), and that they’re hiding something… ― charles melton, bisexual, cis man, and he / him.
info under cut.
Oliver grew up in New York with his older brother and both of his parents. He was a happy child and the best of friends with his brother. He wasn't known for being the smartest cookie and usually did his best to find trouble and mischief instead of taking his education seriously much to his parents to disproval. He found a love for art very young and as he grew up the mountain of sketch books grew taller and taller.
Despite being a troublemaker, Oliver managed to get into art school and he thrived - he poured all of his love in his art. His parents however, would have rathered he'd focused his attention on another profession whether it be in the medical or frield or becoming a lawyer. It was around this time that his relationship with his parents was strained further.
As the tension between himself and his parents became more difficult, he and his brother decided to move away and start their own lives. The two were as thick as thieves and where one went the other followed. They found themselves an apartment in Cardinal Hill.
Oliver took an interest in tattooing when he met his ex whom worked at razor sharp. He started to practice in his spare time, using his art to influence his work and in no time at all he'd been taken on as an intern at the shop. His relationship started to break down and the two went their own separate ways, but remaining close friends made it easier to work around one another.
Finally feeling as if he'd found his place in the world, Oliver became a full time tattooist and settled in Cardinal Hill. He found a group of friends and he began to party more - in turn he developed habits not short of drinking, sleeping around and causing a little mischief as he'd always done.
But the day his brother died was the day his world crumbled. Ever since then Oliver has been trying to adjust to life without his best friend but it's been difficult. He drinks a little more than he should and he's developed a more reckless nature. He's developed a fear of commitment - of getting to close to somebody in case he loses them. But if anybody asks him, he'll tell them he's just fine.
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warriorstranded · 16 days
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elijah. • bodyclaim. • headcanons. • isms. • prompts. • threads.
Moans and groans fill the night sky, blunt nails scratch along the smooth surface of a car caught amidst a horde of infected. Screams from inside barely carry, they can barely be heard in the distance. But what's that in the distance? Is that [PEDRO PASCAL]? No way, that's [ELIJAH J. ROJAS]. The [47] year old [CISMALE ( +HE/HIM)] used to be a [US SPECIAL OPS GONE PRIVATE SECURITY]. Since the outbreak, they've proven to be [STRONG-WILLED] & [PROTECTIVE], but rumor has it they're also [SHORT-TEMPERED] & [CALLOUS], which may pose a risk to the group. They appear to have taken the [LEADER/RAIDER] role within the group. Only time can tell if they succeed.
full name — Elijah Juan Rojas age — forty-seven (tba) gender — cis male, (he/ him/ his pronouns) orientation — homosexual occupation — former soldier (special ops) gone private security role in the group — leader/raider  preferred weapon — m4a1 + assault knife clothing style/ armor — casual, functional, fitting, flannel
face claim — Pedro Pascal hair — brown / eyes — brown height — five foot & eleven inches build — kinda like a T, broad af shoulders, muscled torso, slutty waist (it be thin ok) scars — a faint one across the bridge of his nose, another faint one down the left side of his cheek, a few on his back and chest, a circle on his thigh from a tracker he cut out and eight long/semi-long scarred stripes across his back - all huddled up randomly across his lower back tattoos — the date of when he signed up with the army because re-birthday, special ops insignia on his lower back to cover up scars, the us army insignia on his chest - left side above his ribcage piercings — he had a lip ring, but the us army forbid him to keep wearing it, so it’s a distant reminder, but also the reason he has no piercings special characteristics — he’s even more quiet and grumpy when he doesn’t get to throw punches for a while.  sexual preference — bottom su.... switch, yeah that's what we meant
alignment — true neutral positive traits — protective, loyal, strong-willed negative traits — callous, short-tempered, stubborn hobbies — punching people + biters alike, cleaning his guns, being grumpy, taking unnecessarily long watch night shifts so he doesn't have to sleep
mental — ocd, ptsd, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (dmdd) physical — was hit by a shrapnel cluster after an explosion, but no lasting effects unless you can see inside his *beep* cheek phobias — claustrophobia, pistantrophia, light case of mysophobia eyesight — 20/20 dominant hand — left hand drug use — never alcohol use — never diet — health nut galore, though the end of the world says no diet for you
birthplace — san antonio, TX parents — Victoria Rojas (mother) & Ramon Ortega (step-father) siblings — single child education — high school graduate notable skills — very disciplined, impeccable aim with guns and hatchets, close combat, krav maga, determination to address everybody 30 and younger kid
BIO (child abuse tw, domestic abuse tw)
Love is more than a feeling - it’s a choice.
Everybody would have to make that choice for themselves, some daily - some weekly. Some decided to never choose at all, but Juan understood early on that his father had chosen not to love him. No, it wasn’t just that. He’d chosen to despise him, which weighed much heavier on a child’s heart than a simple lack of parental affection. But then again, love never really had been part of Ramon Ortega’s own personal little dictionary. Maybe once upon a time he felt something for Juan’s mother, but whatever that feeling had been - Juan doubted it’d been love even back then, it died when Victoria Reyes found out she was pregnant.
One would think both parents lived happily ever after when they found out God had blessed them with a child after years of trying, but no… not this time. Not Ramon and Victoria. The reason for that was … uncomfortable for all parties involved and yet somewhat amusing. Ramon was not a good man, never had been. Rumor had it he was born with a knife in his hands. Nonsense, but .. not untrue. He had no love in him, for nobody - probably not even himself. So when his wife announced she was six months pregnant, when Ramon had not set a foot out of jail in over two years, one might suspect … unfair play. It wasn’t .. that, per se, but it also was. Victoria hadn’t been happy with Ramon in years, had only stayed with him, because she was afraid of the repercussions if she tried to leave her violently abusive husband’s side, so when a handsome stranger began to give her attention and affection, who could blame her for falling for him? Right? Ramon sure did.
Juan was born at home, with only his mother and a friend nearby - the longest night Victoria ever had, but it all went well in the end. He was born healthy and as happy as a newborn babe could be - at least for a few months and it could’ve been even better than that, but despite Ramon’s rather vehement urging, she decided to raise her son herself instead of giving him up for adoption. She didn’t want him to get lost in the system. So close, yet so far. He knew that, in hindsight, she regretted her decision, but never quite found bravery within herself to admit as much - least of all in front of him. And Ramon? Oh, he made sure to let the boy that wasn’t his blood know he was merely tolerated in his own home. If even that.
Growing up and being told over and over again that you never should’ve been born, that you were wrong and that the world would be better off without you …. did quite a bit to a child’s psyche. Some would retreat, some would falter, some would hide within themselves. And then … there were those kids like Juan. Those who lashed out. At everything. Everybody. But most of all other kids, because they were right there. In kindergarten he was deemed a wild child, scolded and sent home with a letter for his loving parents, who - in response locked him in his room, or - when the caretakers demanded either of his parents come in for a chat, his closet. Ramon believed in violence, so that’s what Juan thought was a natural way to react to pretty much everything at all times.
Life didn’t get better in school. Not for a while at least. Ramon refused to accept Juan as his son, despite the obvious similarities in characteristics (the violence), his mother was too afraid to step in, so life continued as was, only that - with the boy growing older and therefore more violent in nature, Ramon decided it was time to discipline his son properly and teach him the respect he was lacking - according to him. Safe to say a belt, or fists did not fix Juan’s anger management issues. Neither did the School Therapist, though mostly because Juan refused to speak. He did so, generally. Be it in school, at home, anywhere. He wasn’t much of a talker, though, until he was expected to express himself in school .. nobody ever really noticed, or cared. Most of the boy’s life had been fantasy in his own mind, words weren’t needed for that. His mind .. was quite demanding in general, always running high, pondering every decision he made, wondering if it had been the right one after all.
Split lips, bruises.. he’d had plenty of those, but when he literally broke his hand on another kid’s face, authorities were alerted for the first time, but nothing came of it. It was written off as ADHD, a lack of impulse control and he’d have to see the Therapist once a week. None of that helped. Instead of going home after school, he’d spend the afternoons outside, wandering, stealing, picking fights until a fight picked him. He almost died that day, had laid for hours in a puddle of his own blood in some back alley, but woke up in a hospital bed.
Eight years old and he’d already seen the other side. With the abuse clear as day, child services stepped in and once released, he was taken out of his family and tossed into the system after all. Juan went from group homes to Camp for Bad Boys interchangeably until he was seventeen years old and refused to go by the name his mother gave him. Something else, he thought, felt more fitting - not even that, he just wanted something entirely unrelated to his upbringing. Still, without complete isolation and regular abuse, being away from home for an extended duration did wonders to his psyche, although he never quite made it out of that violent rage he grew up in.
The summer of his eighteen’s birthday, Elijah Juan Rojas was sent into the world to live life on his own. All of his life he’d been told what to do, what he was and wasn’t capable of and who he never would be. Now … for the first time he didn’t know what’d come next. And honestly, he.. didn’t like it. He knew he was only good at one thing, though. Fists and blood. Although, whatever rage-fueled smashing he’d called fighting as he grew up… didn’t cut it. It lacked pretty much everything, so .. mostly to satisfy his own need for perfection, but also to spite all those who wanted to see him fail, Ramon mostly, he enlisted in the US Army.
Fast forward to the end of that adventure. Safe to say the Army did him well. The discipline Ramon failed to teach him… came naturally in a controlled environment. Eli.. saw much during those years; death, blood, he experienced loss. He got the whole shebang, but made it out mostly unscathed himself. Physically anyway, but then again there wasn’t much more to mess with on that end. Back home, Eli found himself in a world he knew even less than before, but he found work in Security and .. he tried to live life as normally as possible.
Love is more than a feeling - it’s a choice.
Eli chose not to love, ever. He chose eternal solitude. Partially because he didn’t know how to love, but also because he knew that any child he might sire would grow up the way he did. Alone, lost, afraid, angry. And then he found out early on, suppressed or not, that he had absolutely zero interest in women. Eli knew he was better off alone. Happy? Overstatement, but he was content.
Life was simple, but of course Eli wasn’t allowed simple and easy. The Outbreak fucked everything up more than Eli ever could himself, which… was slightly amusing. Nothing and nobody held him in San Antonio, so when all Hell broke loose early on, Eli reconnected with his squad from the Army through a friend working in the same district as him. Matt had managed to get a signal out shortly before and they had an emergency meeting point in Atlanta. Turned out that the Prepper friends he used to chuckle at.. actually were in the right. The first week was the most difficult, the adjustment to go from society to … the Wild West.. was .. quite a lot to take in, even to Elijah, who spent most of his life giving absolutely no shits about the people around him. You never quite know how much you like something… until it’s gone.
Matt and him meant to meet up in Dallas, move on to Atlanta and up towards the coast, but when Elijah made it to their meeting point in Dallas, he found no sign of his fellow soldier. He held out for days, plundering apartments nearby to keep alive, moving in the shadows as best as he could, but Matt didn’t turn up and the other side of the line was dead. No response, no update ..no nothing. After a week, Elijah accepted that he was most likely the only one left from his division, which was okay. He would’ve survived on his own, probably, if not for a run-in with someone from the group holed up inside Dallas Morning News Headquarters. It’d been almost two months since and truthfully, he was glad he took their offer. When he joined them, they were barely five people and now? They were quite the group.
What even was anger management and what had it ever been good for in the first place?
That was his philosophy for the first few…. well, for a while. This new world they lived in definitely favored his wild side; the urge for blood and violence. He’d learned how to pace himself, how to bottle up the anger even when it felt impossible, but the will to go through with it was …not as strong as it should be. Although, with him growing more comfortable within the group and with his responsibility and duties picking up, Elijah found himself falling back into old habits; a structured schedule, healthy diet, workouts, practice and the like. A busy mind couldn’t stray from the righteous path. These people took him in, they opened their home to him and strangely enough, he was grateful they did, even if it hadn’t been the smoothest ride.
Unsocial as Eli was and always had been… he struggled at first. Never a man of many words, Eli was the silent observer. He knew he wanted to be a raider early on, eager to get out and get his hands dirty while providing food and supplies for camp. The ideal combination for a man like him. One thing, the group learned, could always be relied on. Elijah never returned empty-handed. Elijah was ..content within the group. Again, happy would be an overstatement, especially with the world in shambles, but …he was thriving. This was his world, in a way. A world in which violence was a given currency and he was the richest man on earth.
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dechevaliers · 20 days
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(sam reid) [THE MAESTRO]. Please welcome [LAURENT DE CHEVALIER (HE/HIM)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [35]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [FREELANCE COMPOSER]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
Character Inspiration: Lestat De Lioncourt (The Vampire Chronicles), Vivienne De Fer (Dragon Age), Molly O'Shea (Red Dead Redemption), Cersei Lannister (GOT), John Seed (Far Cry 5), Ilithyia (Spartacus), Ransom Drysdale (Knives out), Milady De Winter (The 3 Musketeers), Rosalie Hale (Twilight), Alexis Rose (Schitts Creek), Emma Frost (X-men).
NAME:  Laurent De Chevaliers BIRTHPLACE: Paris, France NICKNAMES: The Maestro AGE: 35 HEIGHT: 6ft 1
EYE COLOUR: Blue HAIR COLOUR: Blonde, worn long to his shoulders. SEXUALITY: Bisexual OCCUPATION: Hollywood/Freelance composer HUNTER/GATHERER?: Neither
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single FAMILY: Louis De Chevaliers (Father ), Adeline De Chevaliers (Mother), Sylvia Aupair (Maternal Grandmother), Phillipe Aupair (Maternal Uncle) RELIGION: None
PERSONALITY: + Charming, Hard Working, Ambitious - Vain, Arrogant, Aloof MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral MBTI: ENTJ STAR SIGN: Scorpio TEMPERAMENT: Choleric SIN: Vanity GREEK GOD: Aphrodite 'The Goddess of Love, Beauty and Pleasure'
TW: 20+ year age gap, Coercion, blackmail (if you squint)
Laurent was born in Paris to Louis and Adeline De Chevaliers, 2 well known bohemian/hippies who were semi-successful authors. They did not take much to do with their son.
Laurent was an only child, cared for mostly by his rich Grandmother Sylvia who lived in a lavish apartment close to the Louvre. She was a strict, but overtly glamorous woman that Laurent adored.
Laurent grew into a snippy, vain teenager that liked to smoke long cigarettes in Parque Monceau, and drink cheap bottles of Champagne with his other music obsessed friends.
Laurent met Claude Babineaux when he was 16 and by the time they were 17, they were dating. Claude was a quiet but handsome boy that Laurent had teased mercilessly until Claude had kissed him hard on the Pont Neuf.
Claude came from a very well of family, and was adamant that his father could not find out about them. Laurent agreed and their relationship became a clandestine one, were they met mostly at his grandmothers apartment, or out in public. This continued for 2 years.
Laurent was 19 and just about to start at The Conservatoire de Paris, when Claude's father paid him a visit. Mr Babineaux was 20 years his senior and offered Laurent a cool few million and a place at the prestigious Université Côte d'Azur in Nice if he cut all contact with his son.
24 hours previously, Laurent had sat with Claude in Parque Monceau and told him he loved him. Now, he was taking money from his lovers father. The night ended with Laurent on his back and Mr Babineauxs hand in his hair. Laurent couldn't quite figure out which was the worst part. The fact that he so willingly took a bribe from his boyfriends father, or the fact that he fucked him afterward.
The next morning, Laurent was on a train to Nice and had cut all contact with Claude. He has not seen him since and often wonders does he know what Laurent did that night. Did that hurt more than the leaving. Laurent thinks about Claude often, but the memories are all sad ones now.
Laurent moved to Monaco after his graduation, and began working for the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra. He played First chair Violin for 7 years, before becoming a conductor for 2.
It was around a year or so before he came to America, that he began writing his own scores for sale to Hollywood. He remained with the philharmonic and this is were most of his wage came from, but his freelance composing earned him a hefty penny on the side.
Laurent was invited to Hollywood to work as lead composer for some high brow, multimillion dollar period piece, so he left his home in Monaco about 4 months ago.
Laurent's eccentric uncle Phillipe had lived on a ranch in Virginia since the late 90s, fulfilling some strange cowboy fancy. Laurent flew to NYC and then, took a trip down south to visit his Uncle before ultimately, flying on out to California.
On the way down, in a car just small enough for the tight little country roads, Laurent got good and lost and when he did finally find a store to pop into for directions, it was too late. Huntsville had him.
He tried and tried, for a solid month to get out, driving for hours and always finding himself back at the same fucking welcome sign. It was enough to drive him mad for a while.
So, he went out and bought a Piano and a cheap violin that he replaced all the strings on, and shoved it all into an apartment that was so terribly small he almost knocked the kitchen wall through to make some space. For the past month, he's been writing, playing and drinking red wine while he pours over books in a bar downtown.
Lil' Bits.
He's a right handed Scorpio, who likes a good Bouillabaisse and thinks rock music is just the fucking worst.
He often wears fine tailored suits and likes a Cuban heel.
His teeth are perfect, 0 fillings and 0 issues EVER. He's very smug about it
He drinks champagne and red wine mostly, but will maybe indulge in the odd whiskey sour.
French is his native language, but he also speaks English and German. He can speak a little Spanish but doesn't quite understand it well enough to hold a conversation. He refuses to speak Italian.
His favourite colours are Blue, Silver and White
He holidayed in Portugal before coming to America and found it too Touristy but adored the dancing culture
He has worn his hair long since he was 15. This man is also waxed from the eyebrows DOWN.
He prefers playing the Piano and Violin, but can also play the Harpsicord and the Guitar (though he isn't overly great at either)
He has a thing for muscles and long necks. He likes brunette women and men that look like him.
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daisynowak · 8 months
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❝ I don't ever wanna wait for this, I know that I was made for this. I won't fade into dark. I'm not gonna say that I'm sorry, gonna see the end of this story.❞
Full Name: Daisy Nowak
Age: 23
Date of Birth: March 30th 2000
Gender: Cis-Female
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Barista @ Gravi-Tea
Living Arrangements: living in Starlight Cove
Language(s) Spoken: English & Spanish
Positive Traits: kind, adaptable, considerate, determined, hard-working, adaptable.
Negative Traits: indecisive, compulsive, gullible, stubborn, jealous
Goals/Desires: be a professional singer, own her own house.
Hobbies:yoga, crochet, crossword puzzles, writing music & songs
Quirks & Traits: gets too emotionally attached to things, hates the sound of people chewing, has a habit of starting things but never finishing them
𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂 & 𝓡𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓹𝓼
Father: Dominik Nowak
Mother: Ella Nowak (step mom)
Sibling(s): a younger half sister named Adria
Pet(s): a dog called Oscar
Relationship Status: single
Exes: long term boyfriend (dated for 2 years - ended badly) and an ex girlfriend (dated for six months - on good terms)
𝓢𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓽 𝓑𝓲𝓸
Daisy was born an only sibling. When she was 6 her mom ended up leaving so it was just her and her dad. She doesn't really remember her birth mom much.
When Daisy was 10, her dad met her step mom Ella who instantly treated her like her own filling that gap her own mother had left her. It wasn't long after when Ella had fallen pregnant finally giving Daisy a sibling who she adored. The four of them had a happy life together - one that Daisy was extremely greatful for knowing that other people weren't always as lucky.
During her last year of high school, Daisy met her ex-boyfriend. He was her first love and she had fallen fast and hard. Their relationship had been far from perfect but with it being her first one, she didn't know any better. Things ended badly between the two of them, leaving a lot of hostility and Daisy with a broken heart.
Growing up all Daisy had always had such a love for music. Her dad had signed her up for piano and guitar lessons at her request. She's a naturally talented singer - barely even having to try and yet has a beautiful singing voice. Her ultimate goal in life is to break into the music industry but for now she's happy playing local shows and working as a barista. It pays the rent and lets her lead a realitvly comfy life so she couldn't complain.
Once she had grown more confident with herself, she'd decided to move out of her parents place and settle in Starlight Oaks. She's only lived there for a few months but she knows this is the place she belongs right now.
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xamelia-bonesx · 1 month
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neatly folded clothes. highlighted passages in books. woman with a vision. three am writing by candlelight. kissed by fire. bigger than her body. more than you bargained for. that storybook kind of love. putting on her warpaint. eyes of classic novels and poetry. when we were kids we swore we’d never die.
full name: amelia dina bones. nicknames: mel. dob: september third. age: thiry-one. gender: cis female. pronouns: she + her. orientation: heterosexual. marital status: it’s complicated.
height: 5’ 3”. eye color: brown. hair color: brunette. distinguishing features: none. occupation: department of magical law enforcement / member of the wizengamot.
fc: natalie portman.
blood status: half-blood. house: gryffindor. animagus? none. wand:
length: 10 ¼ flexibility: unyielding
wood: applewood;; not made in great numbers. they were powerful and best suited to an owner of high aims and ideals, as this wood mixed poorly with dark arts. it was said that the possessor of an apple wand would be well-loved and long-lived, an assertion supported by the fact that garrick ollivander often met customers of great personal charm to find their perfect match in an applewood wand.
core: dragon heartstring;; produced wands with the most magical power, and which were capable of the most flamboyant spells. dragon wands tended to learn more quickly than other types. while they could change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bonded strongly with the current owner. the dragon wand tended to be easiest to turn to the dark arts, though it would not incline that way of its own accord. it was also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
walking before she crawled, amelia was a combination of stoicism and heart. she was never an easy one to pin down and made sure of that. growing up in the bones’ household there was a constant push-pull of how to present oneself. it felt like she and her siblings had to choose sides. their mother, yael, was full of light, love and compassion. their father, uriel, was all business, no play and his family was second to his career. it’s no wonder amelia was torn between who she should be. she saw edgar come to blows with uriel but gentle with yael. she saw edgar’s obvious struggle and didn’t want to repeat it so she learned to keep any bubbling emotion inside. she wasn’t going to allow anyone to see a weakness in her. whether she liked it or not, she was unconsciously following in uriel’s footsteps more than she imagined she would. she longed to have the warmth her mother had but she saw what would happen to with too soft a heart. amelia only gave her heart to those she deemed worth it. and when she did, she did she did it hard and strong. never an easy one to pin down.
growing up, amelia was lucky to have the siblings she did. they didn’t always get along but that was the nature of siblings – loving them and shared annoyance at the same time. she wouldn’t let him know it but amelia looked up to edgar. he was strong in a variety of ways and she, without his knowledge of course, wanted to make him proud. she longed for the wherewithal to stand up for herself no matter who liked it or not. amelia wasn’t one to stand up for herself the way he did. whereas she saw others abuse “standing up for themselves,” amelia learned to keep her composure. she wanted to be seen as having her life together, even if it made her appear cold to those who didn’t know her. — which couldn’t have been further from the truth.
while at hogwarts, the sorting hat surprised her. she assumed she would be placed in ravenclaw. her smarts and curiosity – they were all things she knew she had at just eleven years old. however, amelia didn’t realize that the sorting hat saw other prevalent traits inside her. gryffindor traits to be exact. remaining curious, amelia didn’t ask the hat to place her in ravenclaw. she trusted its insight and was happy to discover parts of herself she didn’t know were there. at such a young age, amelia was more in tune with who she was than those in her year; she was more in tune than others in years ahead of her, to be honest. as she grew, the courage, loyalty and bravery became obvious to her. of course she would be placed in a house to teach her to look inside and find more of herself. it was this that propelled her forth.
as a child, amelia never suspected she would be the type to fall in love, get married or have children. for perhaps the only time, the universe had a twist for her. she found a boy – or rather, a boy found her – following a game of quidditch. she was a beater for her gryffindor house. she was sweaty and in full gear, making her tiny frame much bigger than she actually was. her helmet covered most of her face yet this boy approached her. she had no recollection of who he was or why he would come to her in the aftermath of a quidditch game but there was something endearing about it. amelia found herself wondering about him. eventually that wondering turned into feelings. those feelings turned into honest love. the love could have turned into a wedding but amelia would have her heart broken before that happened. she turned back to believing that her work was where she was meant, not as a wife and definitely not a mother. the wedding provided a beautiful life. one day she would find out what the universe had in store for her and what a surprise that would be.
even before the war began to explode, amelia knew she was meant to assist in keeping order in london. the wizarding world was far too important to her to have vile witches and wizards in the streets. she needed to know she was doing her part for the safety of the innocent. she needed to be a watchdog, a protector – and a member of the wizengamot her father took for granted prior to his death. although she had started in uriel’s footsteps and although she took the spot where he once sat, amelia took her vows to mean something much different. for her, it was not about power. for her, it was about caring for those she walked by on the streets whether she knew them by name or not. if that wasn’t growing into a combination of uriel and yael nothing was. even if it wasn’t intentional, amelia found herself taking some of the best characteristics of both parents — her mother’s love and grace and her father’s passionate iron fist.
amelia’s decision to join the order of the phoenix was not taken lightly – just as any decision she made. she weighed her options and took her entrance into the side of the war she saw just and fit. although there was no chance amelia would come to the side of the death eaters, she did look into what it would mean and where it would bring her. staying neutral appeared to be a solid choice but the problem with that was that it didn’t keep scum away from families, children – the world – at bay. the order. it appeared to be the best option. it was aligned with reasons she became part of the magical law enforcement department to begin with. so it was: amelia would join the dedicated group fighting for the good cause, the just cause. the good cause had always been amelia’s and there she found herself, proud of where she stood in life.
father: uriel bones (dmle official / wizengamot member, father, deceased) - strong, proud, unflinching. (fc : mandy patinkin).
mother’s status: yael bones (nee goldstein) – (senior healer in the janus thickey ward, mother, deceased) - honest, warm, and gentle were just some of the words used in her obituary. (fc : fran drescher)
sibling status: edgar bones (UTP)
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rasafcrged · 4 months
Elizabeth’s form is made up of atom sized nanites; they number approximately seven billion billion billion (the same approximate number of atoms in the human body). They are typically forming an impeccable replication of human anatomy. If you cut her, she bleeds. She sweats, salivates, etc. Anything that leaves her body remains what it is (blood, skin, bone etc) until she commands it otherwise. Sweat ‘evaporates’ and is reclaimed. If blood is drawn for testing etc she may allow it to remain in its form in perpetuity or may return it to its base form - individually basically imperceptible due to their size - or order them to self destruct themselves, crumbling into almost nothing. The individual nanites are self replicating and self repairing, meaning she can create more to replace any that are lost and can survive and reproduce enough (eventually) nanites to recreate her chosen form if even a single atom sized nanite survives.
If she reverts to her base components it looks very similar to the chromatic liquid of the fluidic terminator.
This does also mean that she can choose and change her form. She prefers the one she has chosen and as she typically presents herself and it requires a conscious decision to reformat her shape. Ie, if she is asleep etc she will still be in her human form.
She does breathe, she can eat and drink, but these are not necessary for her. She automatically filters out poisons, disease, toxins, chemical warfare type particles etc on a cellular level. She can simply choose not to breathe if she’s in danger of “drowning” or suffocation. She doesn’t require food or water but can enjoy them and can gain energy from them. She can also gain energy from kinetic, electric, solar, radiation etc and can basically transform any kind of energy into raw energy her cells are powered from.
She can be knocked unconscious by a massive electric strike such as would happen with a lightning strike or a concentrated enough emp burst; her cells are shielded from a certain amount of an electromagnetic pulse but at a high enough level she could be knocked temporarily unconscious. Her body would continue its basic programmed function. Ie, she’d still appear as an unconscious human.
She can communicate with other computers and technology based equipment that has any form of WiFi / Bluetooth etc that she can hack into. This can be on a global level including satellites but the further she’s extending her reach and the more she’s trying to absorb and communicate through at any given time the more she has to concentrate to the point that she may go unresponsive and seem to be unconscious or otherwise entirely unaware of her surroundings. Depending on the level of technology of whatever universe she is in, she’s generally going to be one of the most elite forms of technology with some exceptions being Doctor Who where there are many many more potentially advanced species depending, BSG, Stargate, etc. some Star Trek societies, some Halo tech, etc, WestWorld depending on season and so on.
If there is no wireless connection, if she can get a hard wired connection, ie, some nanites into the machine, it acts as a hot spot and allows her to connect.
Also, she can lend nanites to act as antibodies to help someone else fight an infection or disease, or to help form temporary”cybernetics” prosthetics / duplications of blood, limbs, organs, etc as a last ditch effort to keep someone alive until they can receive proper care. This is something she does very, very rarely as it obviously reveals the true nature of what she is and raises a lot of questions and leads to potential risks to herself / whoever she tries to help etc depending on the circumstances … and she’s had experiences where her true nature coming out ruins even very close relationships.
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