#& guy from a rich catholic family who is very kind despite the fact that his passion lies ultimately in lying (high int low wis)
vileidol · 6 months
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@withsappho unfortunately, the angel and the devil on your shoulders are both recommending murder
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magiefish · 4 years
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hhhhhhhhhh guess who drew all the batim characters in prep for the comic they’re making!
yeah so it took like 4 days to draw all these guys, and it was actually pretty fun figuring out colours and designs and stuff!
(also, update on the Reveries Twisted comic, I have a plan for the first chapter but i have like, 7 tests next week and I haven’t started drawing it yet so it’s definitely not going to be coming out anytime soon sdfgsdfsj but i am still working on it!)
anyway, i felt like writing little descriptions for every character, so feel free to read these below the ‘keep reading’ line if you feel like it! My ask box is also always open, so if u have any questions feel free to ask
Bertrum Piedmont-he/him, gay/ace
-Started working as a mechanic at about 15 and worked his way up from there -Everyone in the studio @ him: why are u british -His big ego often gets in the way of things, but at his core he's a good person (doing bad shit but ultimately having good intentions is common among these guys shdgfs) -Wlw & mlm solidarity w/ Lacie, who is his most trusted confidant and friend -Actually treats his employees well, even when they do basically nothing all day, so he does a lot of work himself most of the time Linda Stein-she/her, straight as a ruler -Parents immigrated from Spain -She's very catholic and very into 'traditional family values' and that sort of stuff -She is sweet, but her strict morals and black and white ethics often make her do unintentional harm -She is also pretty oblivious to most things Jack Fain-he/him & they/them, pan/ace, OCD -Mother immigrated from China to France, and then he moved to America, it's confusing -Can play the violin really well, but is terrible at composing his own pieces -Peak friend material -Short and round and soft with a love of a good espresso -Kind and quiet but ultimately ineffective and happy to watch from the sidelines Daniel 'Buddy' Lewek-he/him, aro/ace, autistic, jewish -He is curious and observant, but very very naive -He finds it hard to pick up on social cues, and tends to daydream a lot -Never really had a father figure, and unfortunately kind of half sees Joey as one (baaaad choice), but his mother is great -Loves drawing and tends to chew on pens (and most objects really) -Too young Susie Campbell-she/her, demi -Her parents were Russian and she picked up their accent, but taught herself how to cover it up. She is now excellent at voice acting. -Has a birthmark most theatres turned her away for. But luckily voice acting gave her another chance at performance, and the music department really does not care about it. -Her dad was a butcher, so she now knows a concerning amount about how to cut up and dissect meat. -She gets easily attached to things emotionally, and has a whole pile of random bits and bops she keeps on her person because she can't throw them away. -Naive, but smart enough to know how to read and deceive people if needed. Ms Abigail Lambert-she/her, lesbian -A very gifted artist, who is quite frustrated with the business aspect of animation. -Picked up quite a few things about engineering from Lacie. -Stern, but kind. Motherly, if she likes you and you squint hard enough. -Used to fighting for things. -Giving her food is a pretty good way to get her to like you. Being an artist, she forgets to eat at the correct times a lot, so a meals always appreciated. Norman Polk-he/him, gay, albino -Knows how to fix things, knows how to fight, knows how to hide -General cool uncle vibes -He watches people a lot, and gives off some creepy vibes, but he does genuinely care about people -Knows something is up and is determined to find out what (even if he dies trying) -Fought in WW1, then worked at a cinema for a bit. Emma Lamont-she/her, heteroflexible -Keep dancing even when everything goes wrong -Bit of a 'i'm better than these fools' mentality going on -But she's pretty chill, and willing to act when needed -Basically every woman in the studio knows her on the basis that she chills in the girls bathroom. -Hates Joey, but knows those who stir up a bit too much trouble usually 'resign' Sammy Lawrence-he/him, (vocal-romantic) bi/ace, ADD -His dad sucked, so he ran away. He's also the reason he's largely abandoned his faith, but he still holds hope that there is some kind of god out there. -He and Jack are basically brothers, they've known each other for a long time. -He can compose music in his head, but can play basically every instrument. -Tall and thin and sharp with a love of black coffee. -He's actually pretty chill and nice, but the conditions of the studio (workload, noises, dreams) have left him quick to snap and a stressed out mess. -He's pretty oblivious to his own feelings and spends basically all his time thinking about music, so he usually only realises that he has a crush on someone if he hears them singing (hence the vocal-romantic joke) Johnny Hart-he/him (she/her), gay (trans), heart condition -A nervous wreck who avoids everything and everyone -Trans but doesn't realise it, he thinks this level of discomfort has something to do with his heart condition or something like that. -Speaking of which, if he gets genuinely terrified or panicked he could have a heart attack. -Hence why he's a recluse who remains in the organ room and interacts w/ literally no one. -Except Dot and Buddy (who forgets he exists and who he also has a crush on). Wally Franks-he/him, pan -Friends with literally everyone who isn't one of the older folks (and thomas) -Honorary member of the music department because he can play a harmonica and vibes with everyone there. -Tries to put a positive spin on everything, often beyond the point of reason -A mischevous, mildly selfish prankster with a heart of gold -Gossip pals with Susie and Norman The Violinist-she/her, nobody knows -Has literally never expressed an emotion ever -Seems to know things are going to happen before they happen -Just generally pretty weird -She isn't friends with Dot, they're both just vaguely interested in what the others doing -She looks a lot like Allison, but the two have never spoken and nobody knows if they're sisters Thomas Connor-they/them, gynephilia -He is just. So tired. -An actual mechanical genius who gets his work used for the wrong purposes. -Is very of the 'when you're on a path stick to it' mentality -Cold and hard exterior that vertually no one except Allison has ever managed to get through. -He can and will beat you up. Henry Stein-he/him, gay, vitiligo -Nice and hardworking. -Doesn't have many emotions other than to draw. -He's in fucking narnia he's so deep in the closest. -Feels emotions, but buries them deep down and doesn't express them too clearly. -Has difficulty setting healthy boundaries with people and represses himself far too much. Joey Drew-he/him, homoromantic/pansexual, bipolar disorder, alcohol and cigarette addictions -Chaotic, feral, short little man who lies to everyone -Charismatic as hell, but also a terrible friend and person in general -He doesn't blink enough, does not know the meaning of personal space, and hasn't aged for about 4 years, which are all very bad signs. -Doesn't understand how to run a business but does so anyway. Doesn't understand how to interact with people but does so anyway. Doesn't understand how to create life but does so anyway- -He isn't pure evil, he just gets into very bad mindsets and makes poor decisions that lead him down the wrongest way to go. -Does some self evaluation and goes 'maybe this wasn't the right way chief :/' just a bit too late Audrey Dempsey-she/her, lesbian, Borderline Personality Disorder -Feral conspiracy theorist -May or may not be related to multiple studio members -Everyone's called her crazy for years and made her feel like a burden, and she is hellbent on proving everyone wrong -Quite socially awkward, and rather sarcastic with a dark sense of humour -Works for Archgate Allison Pendle-she/her & they/them, androphilic/ace -Is forever lost in a vintage clothing store -Most people say she seems nice, but everyone just kind of subconciously registers that there is something up with her -Knows a lot about the supernatural -The person closest to Joey, which doesn't necessarily mean they're friends -Nobody has ever seen the right side of her face Dot Acciaci-she/her, pan -Her parents are Italian, and she speaks a little herself, usually using it to encrypt her private notes -Mischevious & curious, but ultimately kind -She will find out your secrets, and is very good at reading people -Great storyteller -Struggles with loneliness a lot Dr Eleanor Hackenbush-she/her, aro/ace -Science knows no bounds -Doesn't care what your motivation is, as long as you give her some cash and some experiments -Filled with nothing but utter spite Ms Reina Rodriguez-they/them, demi -Tired of everything -Although she puts up a calm exterior, Rodriguez is very attached to the studio and views it as her 'new family', having a terrible relationship with her old one -Her family drama connects to the fact they're very catholic, but she nobody knows what this drama is other than Joey Tessa Arch-she/her, straight -An absolute bitch -Trusts her husband far too much -Not very smart, but compensates for this for being good looking and rich Shawn Flynn-he/him (intersex), pan -Jovial, but gets angry quickly -Willing to do 'wrong' things if it helps someone else out, kind of like Robin Hood or something -His mother taught him how to sew and he helped her make clothes when he was younger -Found it hard to get a job because he's Irish, so despite being tired of all the bullshit of JDS, he is reluctant to look elsewhere -Friends with Lacie and Grant because they appreciate his humour Lacie Benton-She/her, lesbian, trans -Tougher than the toughies -wlw & mlm solidarity w/ Bertrum, who she views as one of the only genuinely smart people in JDS and who she has worked for for basically all of her life -Feels like something is up, but doesn't notice much if it doesn't connect to her work -Has automatophobia -Friend with Shawn and Grant because she respects their dedication to their work Grant Cohen-He/him, bi, depression, jewish -Absolute madlad at maths -Acts like he doesn't care what you think, cares far too much about what you think -Everyone wants him to just get therapy already -Doesn't have many friends, but has a weird 'we're both horribly overworked' kinship with Sammy, so they usually just chill and smoke together -Friends with Shawn and Lacie because they're actually mentally stable and he needs some rocks Nathan Arch-He/him, straight -You should hate him -You should hate him a lot -Super rich and doesn't pay his workers enough -Silver tongued -Basically a spider. Creates webs of manipulation and lies, sees a lot, and knows plenty about waiting for his prey to come to him.
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acuppellarp · 6 years
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Welcome (again) to A Cup-pella, Lili! We’re excited to have you and Grace Fitzgerald in the game! Please go through the checklist to make sure you’re ready to go and send in your account within the next 24 hours. 
Name + pronouns: Lili + She/Her. Age: 26. Timezone: GMT. Ships: Grace/Chemistry. Anti-Ships: Grace/Forced.
Full Name: Grace Anaya Fitzgerald. Face Claim: Naomi Scott. Age/Birthday: 25/August 9th. Occupation: Third grade teacher. Personality: Accepting, Brainy, Compassionate, Guarded, Passive, Sarcastic, Savvy. Hometown: Greensboro, Georgia. Bio:
To the outside world, Richard and Anika Fitzgerald have it all. Wealth, a happy marriage and three beautiful children, all now making exciting lives for themselves. To be a fly on the wall in the Fitzgerald household would be interesting, though; especially when the children were growing up. The eldest two, both boys, lived up to that loud, messy teenage boy trope, while their little sister, Grace, couldn’t get away with the same. It caused many an argument in their home, but Grace had a habit of just shutting up and giving in in the end, it was easier that way. She found that the key to a happy life was to appease her parents. If they were happy, she was happy, though being the only girl in the family did come along with its unfair standards.
Although not a particularly religious one, Anika was raised in a very traditional Indian household, where she was taught to cook family dinners and care for the men in the family alongside her mother and sisters, so of course it made sense for her to teach her only daughter those things, too. When Grace really wanted to be kicking a soccer ball around with her brothers, she was instead forced to stay indoors and learn to cook the perfect Masala. Grace often wonders if that’s why she grew up to be such a tomboy, because there were so many feminine traditions thrust upon her throughout her childhood. When she joined an out of school soccer team, it bothered her parents, but they didn’t stop her. That was the thing with Richard and Anika; they were okay with letting their children live their lives, they just didn’t hide their disapproval if they felt that way.
Grace never felt she really fit in with most of the other girls in her catholic elementary and high school, although she did have plenty of friends. She was actually pretty popular, in fact. She just felt that she didn’t have very much in common with the others. Except for her best friend, of course. With their parents being friends, Grace and Quinn were always going to be close. Fortunately, they weren’t forced to like each other, it just happened. Just like the fact that their friendship progressed during their teens to something more like a relationship. It started with an innocent, late night kiss during a sleepover, then seemed to escalate from there, until they were calling each other girlfriends. Secretly, of course. Grace didn’t know how the Fabray’s would feel about their relationship, but she was positive her parents would hate it, so keeping it just between the two of them worked out in her favor.
Something Grace hadn’t expected was to fall for Quinn the way she had. Maybe it was puppy love, or the excitement of something brand new to her, but she’d definitely begun to feel something much deeper for her girlfriend than she’d expected to, and frankly, that scared her. Regardless, she found that she had a constant smile on her face, and her parents begun to notice it, too. Her brothers would tease her about how she must have a secret boyfriend, and her parents became interested in the details, too. Their good, catholic daughter was absolutely not allowed to date at such a young age, so of course they were on her case. If she had been dating a boy, if he was from a family as respectable as the Fabray’s, she likes to think her parents would’ve been open to the idea, but considering Quinn was female, the idea of them finding out was too much for her to handle, and she eventually broke things off a few months in.
Going back to a friendship with Quinn was easy, only because they’d been in each other’s lives since they were infants, so it was better to be something to each other than nothing at all, and Grace was soon back to talking about boys with her best friend, and pretending it didn’t hurt when Quinn would talk about boys to her, too. Something that was a huge slap in the face to her, though, was when the other girl came to her with the news that she was pregnant. Grace has always liked to consider herself a very open and accepting person, so she definitely wasn’t judging her, but the idea of the girl she loved in an intimate relationship with a guy was hard for her to swallow. So much so that when Quinn came to her parents to ask for refuge in their home and they denied it, Grace stayed silent, choosing not to even try to change their minds. Naturally, their friendship fell apart from there.
Grace’s life changed from then on. It wasn’t like she suddenly slipped into depression and isolated herself or anything, but she did begin to focus on other areas than friendships and relationships, learning that she had a pretty big interest in computers. Whether that was computer games, programming or even hacking, Grace kind of loved the thrill of it all, though she wasn’t about to become an IT consultant or anything. Her parents had high expectations of her, and while she had always resented them for denying her best friend a home and effectively ending their friendship, she still didn’t want to disappoint them. While she continued to teach herself new tricks with her computer, she still studied hard in school, eventually enrolling in the University of Georgia, where she majored in Education. Definitely not the career path her parents had in mind for her, but they weren’t exactly disappointed, either. In fact, they looked at it as a blessing, because it was there that Grace met the man who she would go on to marry.
From old money, Bentley Miller was the exact type of man they’d always envisioned for their daughter. He was handsome, smart, rich, from a respectable family, and would treat Grace like a queen at all times. Well, most times. See, Bentley was also a little bit controlling, kind of manipulative even. He never abused her, nor did he ever really raise his voice at her, he just had a way of making sure Grace did what he wanted, rather than what she wanted. He would always called her “Gracie,” a nickname she had always despised, but Bentley would tell her how cute it was, and how much it suited her, and it just sort of stuck. Bentley was charming, though, and her parents adored him. His parents, from New York themselves, seemed to adore Grace, too. From the moment they’d both graduated from college, having married during their junior year, and moved out to their new home in New York to be close to Bentley’s parents where he could join the family business, they were constantly on their case about children. As were Grace’s parents.
Ultimately, the idea of babies was what ended their marriage. There was a lot of pressure on Grace to bear children, and it wasn’t like she hated them or anything—she was looking for a job as a teacher, after all—but the idea of having her own child, and of being responsible for a whole life, that scared her. And, truth be told, ever since news of Quinn’s pregnancy broke back in high school, the idea of motherhood just hadn’t sat well with her. Babies were not for every woman, but Bentley couldn’t understand that, and used his persuasive, manipulative charm to try to get her to see his side. In an effort to shut him up, Grace would sleep with him regularly—he was her husband and she loved him, so of course—and she’d take regular pregnancy tests, feigning disappointment when the result was negative. She should’ve probably done a better job at hiding her contraceptive pill, since after a while, Bentley found it.
Fighting ensued, the struggle between Bentley wanting children and Grace absolutely hating the idea causing major problems, and an untimely divorce was filed. Grace was upset, of course she was. She loved her husband, she probably always would love her husband, but she wasn’t in love with him, and it was clear that they wanted very different things. Her parents were disappointed in her, believing that once a person was married, that marriage was to last a lifetime no matter what, and Grace found herself effectively on her own. No, she hadn’t been disowned, and could’ve very well gone back home to Georgia, but she didn’t want to. She’d always been strong and independent, and that wasn’t about to stop now.
Though it was a small one, Grace found herself an apartment in the city. Her teachers salary was never going to afford her a luxury home, but with the side business she had set up where she would essentially change people’s technology to hold more storage, or to see text messages exchanged between numbers that weren’t theirs, she was able to live comfortably enough. There was also the fact that Grace had used her technological ability to track down Quinn on social media numerous times throughout the years, and had found that the other girl was also settled in the city. The idea made it almost impossible for Grace to leave. Despite the fact that she never dared to reach out—plenty of messages were written and then erased before she dared to hit send—she was trying to build up the courage to reconnect.
Grace’s answer to that reconnecting came by chance. The school where she was working was a bit of a commute from her apartment, so when an opening for a third grade teacher in a much closer area came up, Grace tried her luck with an application. She was incredibly smart; a former mathlete and total nerd as far as grades went, and came with a wonderful recommendation from her previous school, so Grace was hired pretty quickly. It wasn’t until she actually begun working there that she learned that Quinn’s daughter was a student, and Grace didn’t know whether to consider that a blessing or a curse. Sooner or later, she would obviously run into Quinn, and although she’d learned that the other woman was working at a cafe Grace had recently begun to frequent, she has always made a point of not going in when she sees that Quinn is working, that is going to be much more difficult to do now that she is literally working with Quinn’s daughter.
Pets: None. Relationships: Grace is Quinn Fabray’s childhood best friend and secret ex girlfriend. Their friendship ended following Quinn’s pregnancy, when Grace’s parents refused Quinn a place to stay and Grace didn’t fight their decision. She has been avoiding Quinn since moving to the city.
As for potential roommates, I’m happy for her to fill any open roommate connections too if that’s a thing? Grace isn’t the tidiest person, but she’s good to keep things clean, which is what she considers the most important. She’s also a great cook, with a speciality for traditional Indian dishes, so any roommates will be treated to those on the regular.
[ This is for the masterlist, but also a fun little way to get to know your character! ]
Grace Fitzgerald/fitzgrace/description: Georgia born, New York living. Tech nerd. Third grade teacher. I guess you could say I have a lot of kids.
Five latest tweets:
@fitzgrace: I didn’t even want to see The Greatest Showman, but here I am, listening to the soundtrack on repeat. @fitzgrace: You know what’s terrifying? A conversation with a third grader. Like, where is this going? Where did you learn that word? @fitzgrace: I refuse to be one of those people who calls @AppleSupport… But am I above tweeting them? #GuessNot @fitzgrace: Do I suck it up and pay the full Spotify membership, or do I keep letting the loud ads burst my eardrums? @fitzgrace: I put on a pair of heels today. It didn’t end well. Bandaids were involved.
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