#& that isnt an insult. youre allowed to admit you arent good at stuff
pa-pa-plasma · 11 months
has anyone else noticed that people who aren't writers & know nothing about writing are acting like an authority on storytelling or is it just me
#like i keep seeing people being like ''this is bad dont do it ever'' & it's a vital part of certain genres or tropes#& also ''do this all the time or else'' & it's something that is actually a bad writing tip with basically no exceptions#& when i'm like ''actually no'' i get dogpiled by people going ''uhh uhh i've written 1000 books i know what im talking about''#& then i look at their profile & they're 20. & complaining about their 25yo boyfriend publicly#& their work is. not good. to say the least#or maybe these people are just the loudest & people who arent shitheads are just minding their own business#i guess what im saying is if you dont understand why something is the way it is just fucking ask someone who knows#instead of putting your misunderstanding of it out there like you're an authority figure on something you either#arent involved in the creation of or just arent very good at#& that isnt an insult. youre allowed to admit you arent good at stuff#i'm not good at stuff & because of that i wouldnt act like an authority figure on like. idfk. painting#i CAN paint. am i good at it? no (this isn't counting spray paint but i still wouldnt act like an authority on that either)#the reason i act like an authority on writing is because i study writing & writing styles#i write! i practice different types of writing all the time! i read a lot of different books! writing is a HYPERFIXATION of mine literally!#i can literally predict entire movies & books & shows because i can SEE the thought process behind it#so like. dont come @ me being like ''you dont understand'' because i DO understand. which is WHY it annoys me so much#anyway i blame all of this on people acting like art is supposed to be consumed#this obviously isnt a thought out essay just a rant so like. assume i know whatever youre going to ''um actually'' me about
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sappydoyoung · 4 years
ghost! irene
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀admin ⚠
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okay so
you know how theres those cool ghost hunting shows and stuff
yeah youre one of those people
except you dont have a show
and no one ever called you for anything
so technically
you arent one of those people
youre only doing this for fun
such as now
you were in this cozy cabin
but a fire wouldnt start
and there was no heat
you were absolutely freezing
so not really cozy
when you randomly felt warm
to say you were confused would be an understatement
‘ omg ghost whoever is that you? ’
‘ yes. ’
mayhaps you screamed
when she laughed you felt very offended
but in a good way
and you thought did this bitch brainwash you to like her or smth
‘ no. ’
you went a whole
‘ tf ❓’
and she laughed again
how rude
but you also didnt want the morning where you would leave to come because
despite not wanting to admit it
you were actually having a good time
‘ hey are you allowed to do something where i can see you are whatever i dont wanna accidentally hit you or whatever. ’
she was pretty
‘ hey lovebird, i can hear your thoughts, you know? ’
you cursed under your breath
could you like
stop thinking for just a moment please thatd be great
‘ no, don’t. i enjoy hearing embarrassing things from you. ’
‘ well isnt someone a sadist? ’
‘ not exactly— ’
‘ are you sure? ’
‘ yes im su— ’
‘ but are you? ’
she wasnt annoyed
but she wanted to act like it anyway
‘ what is your name, even? ’
‘ joohyun, or irene. ’
‘ where the hell does irene come from. ’
a moment of silence
‘ okay i take it back. ’
you two spent the night
and morning
getting to know each other
more so you asking questions and giving your own answers after irene’s
she found you intriguing
intriguing enough to bring herself back to life?
that was plain for anyone to see
no one believed that
you found it weird how you fell in love with a ghost
‘ hey irene? ’
‘ why are you still awake? ’
‘ is it weird how im eager to die because of you? ’
had she heard you right?
irene inhaled
she hadnt heard that from anyone before
‘ is that a compliment or an insult? ’
you didnt respond
she should know what you meant
and how glad you were that she did
‘ hey, i’ll be back, alright? ’
you were panicking
was she just gonna up and leave you alone in your own bubble of how the fuck did this happen
but a few moments later you heard footsteps
and you were panicking even more
until you saw irene’s face
‘ now we can be together forever. ’
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nihil-a-nusquam · 7 years
This “you dont like it get out” bullshit needs to come to an end. Yes there are lazy people who will take advantage but we can agree to two forms of thought. First being: i am worth life and i work for the life i am worth, and because of that i have the ability to want things that i want and i will go and get those things that i want. But unless someone is like me, they do not deserve life. Or the other being: we all deserve life, we all deserve to be alive and be fed and be safe because we were all born on this planet so if i need to wait on the things i want so other people can have the things they need, thats fine.
Those are the only two sides to this. There is no compromise or middle ground. One of those forms of thought is correct. And one of those is wrong.
So as example: I was born here. I did not ask to be. And i do not like how i cannot achieve because i am being told that because i am not smart i am not worth life. I want that to change.
Get out.
Fuck you people. Tell me to find a cheaper state. Find a different country. Thats not life. That is oppression. And that is unfortunate that this society is designed to promote this perspective that if you want to be worthy of life you must participate in the rat race. But convincing people that they must be better than other people is good for business. And even better for business is convincing people who have it better off, that people who dont have it better off, arent people.
Bleeding dry the air of “non people” so that people in society can continue their wants and desires while depriving others of their necessities isnt going to work out for much longer.
Because mr. “I went to college and i got a job and i bought my house and i paid for my car and thats the way you have to do it or else youre not a person”. The non people, the poor, the oppressed, they’ll just fucking kill you and take your fuckin car, and live in your fuckin house, and eat your pets. Because if the balance is tipped to that level of severity, thats just what people who are oppressed do, they stand up and they take what they feel they deserve by force. Behead the leaders and let your government know that that is the response they are met with when the balance tips too far and the oppressed become the slaves of a society.
Ever delve into french history? Or world civilization history? Its not a wise move to make slaves of human beings. One way or another, the slaves are always freed, and, it is always brutal.
I have a united states issued birth certificate. This is a binding contract between my existence and the united states government. This contract permits me to own property. This contract permits me to utilize the services provided by the united states government. As collateral, this contract also requires me to fulfil duties. For example, if i work, i must pay taxes. Why? Because that is my agreement between my entity and the government that issued my birth certificate. Another possible requirement is the draft, this contract also places my eligibility to be forced to fight for my country. And i allow this. All of this. Because the contract in its base form is fair.
So. No. I am not leaving. No i do not like it. No i am not finding a new state. I am a member of the country of the united states, and my contract is being imposed upon by the suggestion that i must betray my contract and remove myself from my rightfully birthed home.
Now, its complicated but this contract also imposes on the government the requirement to represent my interests. But there are many people. Many. And not all interests can be represented. So. We hire representatives that we support to uphold our interests. This is politics.
In addition to politics, there is law. This contract holds me accountable for my actions. But, it provides me with the protection of those members of authority who are under a similar but different contract to uphold the law while providing services to the community. Predominantly pertaining to safty and order.
But things got a bit fucky.
Our politicians can be bought, as can our law enforcement. Both have the capacity for corruption. And what has happened in this segment of american history is we the people, unaware of the importance of our own contract, have allowed facets of law enforcement and government to neglect acknowledging our contracts. They are here to represent OUR INTERESTS not theirs, not the highest bidder. Since they started to fuck off on doing this, the perspective on what is valued as life has shifted. We no longer view all contract holders as equivalent partners in the business that is the united states. We discredit the stupid, distract the foolish, and reward the unjust.
This is going to change. Soon.
So how about no more dont like it get out. How about instead, we reflect on our lives and appreciate our stations for the lack of struggle they possess, and seek to achieve not because getting the better car than your neighbor will make you win, but because that better car will be your achievement, and you dont need to compete, because look at you dude you got a car, look at what you manifested, good for you.
But while conducting your life as you see fit, understand that under your contract, nowhere does it state that you have the right to impose on anothers contract. Because as we are all people of this nation under the contract of our birth, there ARE NO UNEQUAL SHARES.
That being said… if you do not have a contract, apply for one. You can become a citizen, you can go under contract, and if you do, you have duties, and the government has to represent you. If you do not have your contract, you should not take away from the earnings of the people while giving nothing back.
Something that post birth citizens understand much more than natural born citizens do is that you must participate if you want to be a citizen. Those that do it the legal way. And i have friends who are not natural born american citizens, but they became citizens and they work their asses off, and they do complain about taxes, but they understand that their duty is to pay them and they understand the importance of participation. Thats the shitty part about being a post born citizen. Because you must be able to participate. Some natural born american citizens are born disabled. Some become disabled. Some are just not all there. But they are still represented, they are still provided for. Because that is what was understood when we started this whole contract nonsense to begin with. Some people are going to be part of the structure while contributions will be null. Its just gonna happen. You are not required as a natural born citizen to participate. You wont get in on the good stuff, but at least its understood that YOU STILL DESERVE LIFE.
And that is the lesson that is missing with these get outers. They only see one side of the coin cause it doesnt benefit them to see the full picture, or to understand what their contributions mean as for the whole scheme. Causr they watch bankers make off with big crime. They watch politicians black list a plant because their cousin in big pharma will not gain profit if this plant is able to thrive. Its the corruption that viels us from the purpose of this contract. From the beauty and fairness of this great nation. Now its gross. Sickening. Diseased. Dirty. And those that are capable of existing within the higher ranks rig the game so they never have to get their hands filthy. Thats not fair or equal. And thats why there is a divide to begin with. Thats why inflation hasnt been adjusted for. Theyre rigging it so that anyone they cannot exploit, is forced out of their clean city. See: oppression.
Now back to “the illegals”. No. They are human beings. They may not be under contract, but, they still have a right to exist. You cant just round them up and kill them. You cant just round them up and send them back home. You shouldnt just round them up and imprison them (because imprisonment is a consequence of breach of contract, and they dont have a contract, see?) So if they arent willing to contribute and participate, and they are taking services that they did not pay into, OF COURSE we are going to be pissed. But we need to find a way to deal with it that doesnt ammount to mass expulsion. Because then the money they took and the services they benefited from, will never be replenished.
Should they go home, could they go home? Thats up to us to influence our representatives to decide.
But its our duty as citizens to understand this process, and act accordingly. The side that says let them stay and do what they want doesnt understand the full picture on how this insults and harms the remainder of our citizens contracts, because it isnt within the benefit of the people who dont wanna get their hands filthy to admit the existence of said contract because theyll be removed from power due to their corruption.
But make no mistake, its not a blame game on the “illegals”. Its a matter of confusion on how to manage their dealings. And its a lot of blind hate being squeezed into a corrupt agenda.
We are living in a country. But we are people of a world. A symbiotic world. A world of many countries that trades resources and creates technology. We are all working together worldwide. We cannot “just” close the borders. The world is beautiful, we need to have access to allow people to explore it to find their place. Because take the rat race and throw it away, what we are left with is a bunch of people who dont REALLY know why we are here but we’re workin on figuring out what to do while we are here, maybe find god, maybe figure out the stars, who knows, but we dont figure all this out by playing fort behind walls and telling people if they dont like being exploited they can get out. No. Thats not living. Thats not working towards something. Thats not progress. Its dead weight, and it will be let go.
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